Yes, I'm going to keep doing that

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A/N: So, I don't know if I'll get a chance to put up very many chapters, so I thought I'd post one long one :)  Well, longish.

Once I had fixed my clothes, I was about to head back to the main part of the party when a sharp pain shot through my head. It took all I had not to cry out or fall over. It throbbed briefly before settling into a dull headache, and with a grumble, I returned to the hall in time to see a platform, carried by eight guards, being brought in. It was curtained, but I could make out the Earth King. I was only slightly surprised to see that he was actually quite young.

Aang was made aware of the Earth King's presence, and he stopped his waterbending entertainment act and air scootered down the table towards the King.

"Greetings, your majesty," he cried enthusiastically.

Many guests had to pull their food and drinks off the table before Aang could run them over with his air scooter.

Not really paying attention beyond that, I was caught off guard when a stone hand covered my mouth, and someone pulled me back swiftly.

The next thing I knew, all of us were in a darkened library, and Aang appeared behind Long Feng. The library's enormous double doors swung closed behind them, and we all faced Long Feng as he sat down in front of a crackling hearth, burning with a... green fire? Sure, why not.

I looked over to Muteki and indicated my head. He nodded, indicating he had felt it too. Looking over at Mogui, I had no idea if he had the same experience or not.

"Why won't you let us see the Earth King?" Sokka demanded.

"The information we have could cinch this war with the Fire Nation for good!" Mogui added, crossing his arms with a huff.

"The Earth King has no time to get involved with political squabbles and the day to day minutia of military activities," Long Feng responded dismissively.

"War is not just a political squabble," I said, shaking my head. "It's endorsed murder, and the people of the Earth Kingdom are being slaughtered. The King has to do something, or Ba Sing Se will fall."

"My dear, no one has ever managed to invade Ba Sing Se," Long Feng said, sounding very derisive.

"But what about the people beyond the walls? You can't keep taking in refugees forever," I pushed. "Sooner or later, you're going to run out of space and food, and the people will rebel. Ba Sing Se will fall from the inside unless something is done about the war."

Aang nodded. "Please, the information we have might be the most important thing the Earth King has ever heard."

"What's most important to his royal majesty is maintaining the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se," Long Feng said as the green light flickered across his face. "All his duties relate to issuing decrees on such matters. It's my job to oversee the rest of the city's resources, including the military."

"So the King is just a figurehead," Katara realised.

"He's your puppet!" Toph yelled, furious.

"Oh, no, no!" Long Feng said, sounding suitably put out by the notion. "His majesty is an icon, a god to his people. He can't sully his hands with the hourly change of an endless war."

"Say it any way you like," Muteki said, crossing his arms and frowning. "He's the puppet, and you pull strings."

"Look, if you're really the one that's in charge, then we bring the information to you," Mogui said. "Sokka?"

"Look, we found out about a solar eclipse that will leave the Fire Nation defenceless," Sokka explained. "You could lead an invasion..."

Long Feng stood up suddenly, cutting Sokka off. "I don't want to hear your ridiculous plan!"

Sokka froze, hurt and shock on his face.

"It is the strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war not be mentioned within the walls," Long Feng said firmly. "Constant news of an escalating war will throw the citizens of Ba Sing Se into a state of panic."

"How do you explain the refugees?" Mogui demanded.

"Our economy would be ruined," Long Feng continued, ignoring Mogui completely.

"I'm sorry, but I've heard war is great for economies. If you hadn't noticed, the Fire Nation is flourishing!" Muteki snapped.

"In silencing talk of the war," Long Feng was a pro at only hearing what he wanted to. "Ba Sing Se remains a peaceful, orderly utopia. The last one on Earth."

"You can't keep the truth from everyone!" Katara protested.

"I'll tell them," Aang declared defiantly. "I'll make sure everyone knows!"

"Up until now, you have been treated as our honoured guest," Long Feng said, stepping towards the young Avatar to look him in the eye. 

Aang looked back with loathing. 

"But from now on, you will be watched every moment by Dai Li agents. If you mention the war to anyone, you will be expelled from the city."

He turned and walked over to the hearth, staring into its green fire. "I understand you've been looking for your bison. It would be quite a shame if you were not able to complete your quest."

Fear flashed across Aang's face, and all the others, before each of us fell into a silent, simmering rage.

"Now," he said dismissively. "Joo Dee will show you home."

As he sat back down, the doors swung open to reveal a strange woman.

"Come with me, please," she said.

She smiled in the same way, dressed similarly and there was no denying she looked like she was meant to be the same, but she wasn't.

"What happened to Joo Dee?" Katara demanded.

"I'm Joo Dee," she said, not even blinking. "I'll be your host as long as you're in our wonderful city."  

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