Did she wake up yet?

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I yawned, stretching out the muscles that had gone to sleep during my impromptu nap, and discovered I was on my own in the little run-down hut. Huh.
So I wandered outside and found Mangy was still there, so obviously, Iroh and Zuko hadn't left me behind. Or they did, but they were kind enough to leave me Mangy.

Zuko might do that, but Iroh's not likely to leave me behind. Also, Zuko would've taken Mangy again. Oh, there they are. I'll stand here with Mangy, AWAY from the cliff edge.

I'm assuming Iroh is teaching Zuko how to bend lightning. Oh, look! Lightning. You know, when it's not likely to hit you - or less likely anyway - it's beautiful.
Loud too. Wait, that's thunder. Magic lightning? I don't know, people.

"Woah there, Mangy," I calmed the startled Ostrich Horse, rubbing its beak and chuckling. "Loud, right?"
He squawked back.
"Hmm, yes, I think you're right."
Zuko stepped up to try, and it looked like he had the motions right, but the resulting explosion proved he didn't have the spiritual thing down pat.
Mangy squawked again, loudly.
"Shh, that's rude!"
He made a funny little neighing squawk sound.
"I know, but it was still rude."

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