Oasis of Ice!

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A/N: Sorry, guys. The ending seems to enjoy disappearing. Please Refresh the page to get the full chapter. It should end with a piece from Sokka. I am so sorry for any and all confusion.

Apparently, it was Katara's turn to pick a vacation spot. She picked an ice oasis, but then again, she is the snow queen. However, the ice wasn't really that impressive.
"Must've changed ownership since I was here," Aang said, laughing sheepishly.
"Hey, Katara!" I called to her, peering through the gates. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Well, that was a wasted vacation spot. I think I'd like to go see Zhaofu, but I can't seem to find it on a map anywhere.
We walked through the entrance of the 'oasis', and the hanging sign fell. A bad omen if there ever was one. Everyone shuffled into the bar and passed some sand benders hanging around outside. One sand bender spat at my feet, so I punched him in the nose before Katara could grab me and get me into the bar, which was filled with weary travellers.

The bartender sliced a bowl from a large chunk of ice and made a mango smoothie. He threw a decorative umbrella and straw into the bowl and served it to a backpacker in a funny hat, who gave the bartender a coin.
"I don't see anything wrong with having one of those fruity beverages while we plan our strategy," Soka ran up to the bartender. "Excuse me."
Backpacker bumped into Aang and spilled his drink onto the airbender. I was gonna start swinging again, but Aang said something and blasted himself dry.
I really needed a drink. This dehydration thing was really starting to get to my head. So I rocked up to the bartender and ordered a special on the rocks.
He didn't look all that happy to see me.
You know what, I told him? "You look like you put your face on backwards this morning."
"You've got too much mouth, Mack," he said back.
"So tell my dentist!" I said back, taking my drink.

I drank till I was drunk. Or I would have if the drink was alcoholic. I guess I just drank a lot then. So Jin came over and stood next to me.
"You eaten?" I asked.
"Ever since I was a kid," she replied sarcastically.
"Then how come you're so skinny, wisey?"
"Because I watch my weight."
"Yeah, I do that when I'm broke too."
She chuckled and punched my arm.
"So," I tried again. "Are you hungry?"
"Not hungry?"
"I'm not hungry," she sighed. "I'm starving."
"How about I buy you dinner then?"

So we had a fabulous candlelit meal together. It was pretty good. We got chatting about the best way to find a Firebending teacher.
"Iroh is our best option," Jin said, between a mouthful of noodles and a sip of her strawberry mango smoothie.
"But he is with Zuko, who last time I checked, wanted the Avatar to restore his honour."
"So, if you aren't gonna accept Iroh, then who do you suggest?"
"I only know about Master Jeong Jeong."
"But he's too far out of the way," she sipped her smoothie. "Opposite direction from here, really. At least I know that Iroh is making his way to Ba Sing Se. We can meet him there and have him teach us."
"Aren't he and Zuko still hunting us?"
"No. They are just running from the Fire Nation like so many other refugees now. Iroh at least doesn't want any trouble."
"So he's the best bet," I sighed. "If we can find him."
"I know where to look."

Sokka suddenly spread a map over our table.
"What, no Fire Nation? Doesn't anybody have a good map of that place?"
Katara examined the map while I leaned back in my chair. "You've made a lot of trips into the desert."
"All in vain, I'm afraid," the human backpack said disparagingly. "I've found lost civilizations all over the Earth Kingdom, but I haven't managed to find the crown jewel."
He paused, raising his fist. "Wan Shi Tong's Library."
I like books, but this library sounded less like a light read and more like an ancient tomb type of library. Them, I'm not too keen on. So I decided to go out for a stroll. Maybe I could find someone selling water barrels for our inevitable trip into the desert. Appa's a big fellah. He needs a lot of water.

So, like I said, picking up water barrels and stuff, and Katara decided to show up.
"Mogui," she said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"
"Everything is hunky-dory," I sighed back.
"No, it's not," she came to stand in front of me. "You aren't acting yourself. What's up?"
"I CAN'T GET IT!!!" I yelled, shooting fire in the air.
"What can't you get?"
"Firebending!" I said, turning away and swinging a punch that blasted a pile of trash to ash.
"Well, you seem to be getting it right now."
"NO, that is uncontrolled rage right there—the scary stuff. No technique, no form, no control. I'm sloppy and a terrible bender."
"You aren't a terrible bender," she sighed and placed her hand back on my shoulder. "You just haven't had a proper master yet."
"Nothing I try seems to work. I just can't control my bending."
"Well, I'm kind of a master. Maybe I could try teaching you something?"
"Would that work? Waterbending techniques with fire?"
"Well, just because it hasn't been tried before doesn't mean it won't work."
"I usually try anything at least once. Why not try this? It's nuts, but it might work. How do we get started?"

Katara opened one of the barrels and bent a blob of water into her hands, taking a stance. I mimicked her, igniting a ball of fire between my open palms.
"You want to learn control, so try to keep your 'water' in a ball and don't let it escape."
It was harder than it looked. Most of my concentration went into keeping the flame alive. The rest went into not letting it grow any bigger.
"And now would be the time we start playing a game of catch with the water."
"But Jin isn't here for me to play catch with."
"I could at least show you how the stances work."

She walked me through a bunch of stances, pushing my legs into their proper places and walking me through the hand motions. But of course, I kept getting it wrong. Katara took my hands and brought me through the motions. Then she looked up at me. To say she looked beautiful would have been an understatement. Our eyes met for a moment before she began to blush and pull away.
"You seem to have gotten it," she mumbled to her feet.
"Should I try it with fire now?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, turning away. "You do that."
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing," she said.
"You sure?"
"It's just..." she seemed to be struggling with her words. "You're a really powerful bender."
"Not as powerful as you," I shrugged.
"Just cause I've had a bit more practice than you," she blushed even more and looked back at me.
Then she closed the distance and reached up onto her tiptoes. Her lips brushed against my cheek, and my head rocketed out of this world.
Then, of course, she ran off. Did I do something wrong? Men, we don't know what we did.

Sokka chose that time to come round the corner.
"Mogui! Let's pack Appa!" he called to me.
"You seen Katara?" He added as an afterthought.

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