Enter the new Amaya~

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It is done. I enter as a new me! Not really, my hair is just, uh, black? I think it's black. That or a very dark brown. I've never been good at colours. Whatever it is, it's dark and not blonde. Yay~

Anyway, Zuko was somewhere over there, and I could hear him talking, which must mean that Iroh was done with the secret meeting of secrets and flowers.

"Wait, why would we go to the Earth Kingdom capital?" he was yelling.

"It's full of refugees," I commented, appearing with the Flower-wife? Anyway, I appeared with a lady, the same one who helped with my hair. "Who's gonna notice three more?"

Haha, Zuko's mouth was hanging open. He looked silly.

"You've done something new with your hair," Iroh commented pleasantly. "It's beautiful."

"You think?" I asked, doing a little twirl, causing my long dark hair to swish pleasantly. "I was thinking of cutting it a little shorter-"

Zuko's mouth snapped shut, and he glared.

"Kidding," I stuck my tongue out at him. "You weirdo."

The door opened then, and a young fella came in looking cheerful. 

"I have the passports for our guests, but there are two men out there looking for them."

"Oh, our friends from the mango place!" I said lightly. "How are we gonna get past them? Or rather, how are you gonna get past them?"

We all look out a window to see the two people in question, questioning passers-by.

"Oh, you used a new name!" I said cheerfully. "And Jasmine?"

Iroh glanced at me with a big grin. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," I responded with a laugh.

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