Hot Rocks

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Appa took off, roaring defiantly as we hurtled towards the city proper. As he began his descent, Toph screamed, so I held her a little tighter to let her know I had her.

"Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!" she yelled before burying her face into Appa's fur.

Just ahead, the palace complex sprawled out all over the place.

"Geez, that whole place is the palace?" Mogui yelled over the rush of air.

"Theoretically, the Earth King's private quarters should be in the centre!" Sokka yelled.

"Sure, let's break into the guy's bedroom," Jin yelled back. "Because we're already so popular!"

"You're just worried he's changing!" I joked. 

Jin threw me an annoyed look.

"You should be too!"

"Guys, we need to be careful," Katara called. "Long Feng's probably had a chance to get to the King and warn him."

"In which case, he won't be getting dressed," Mogui concluded, resulting in Jin smacking him upside the head. "Why do you do this!? You never hit Muteki!"

"If I could reach his head, I would!"

I stuck my tongue out at Mogui, who rolled his eyes at me.

"Why would you assume that Long Feng reached the King?" Sokka called. "If you ask me-"

Mogui and I shared a look before Jin said what we were both thinking.

"MUZZLE HIM!" she screamed as Mogui slapped a hand over Sokka's mouth.

At that moment, Appa dodged an enormous stone that shot past us.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Toph screamed.

"We're getting shot at because someone couldn't keep his mouth shut!" I replied.

Appa evaded several more flying rocks, and it was all we could do to hang on. A rock shot towards us, which Aang casually backhanded, and we continued forward.

"Toph, hang tight, alright?" I called to her, then waved to get the attention of the other two. "Mog, Jin, I'm gonna try and keep some of the rocks to a minimum. Think you can keep me from becoming a human pancake?"

"No promises!" Jin yelled back.

"Your pants better be made of miracle stuff, cause if it tears, you're going down, buddy!" Mogui yelled.

"Geez, thanks!"

I carefully let go of the small earthbender, who clung all the tighter to Appa and got closer to the other two. Once close enough, I carefully stood, the two of them holding a leg each.

A boulder came flying, and while normally I would use my legs for earthbending, I didn't have a whole lot of choice at this point.

I made jabbing motions, sending the smaller debris from Aang's boulder breaks hurtling back to the earthbenders on the ground.

Two went down, but another two took their place.

"Crap," I muttered.

Aang split another one and bracing myself; I tried to bend the rocks back down. I barely managed to when Aang shot forward and demolished the earthbending soldiers with a single move.

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