Pretty Little Liars

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A/N: I actually wanted to post this a few days ago, but I could not access a computer for a while.  Ahh, the ongoing joys of home disasters.  No matter, your chapter is here for your enjoyment and entertainment.  I'll be posting many chapters to other stories on SashaL's behalf, so give those a read if you're so inclined.  Also, me, because I'm needy ;)
Anyway, comment, vote, share and enjoy!  Much love, Amaya out~

"I still think you guys need to calm down," Muteki said, for probably the fiftieth time since we'd established that Jet was back. 

Jin just nodded sagely from behind him.

"We can't trust anything Jet says," Katara said resolutely.

"Normally," I sighed. "I would agree, but..."

"We don't even know why he's here," Sokka finished.

"I don't care why he's here," Katara snapped. "Whatever the reason is, it can't be good."

"Geez, don't get on her bad side," I muttered to Muteki.

"I think it's a waterbender thing," he answered.

"Amaya didn't hold grudges like - actually, I can't even finish that sentence with a straight face," I grinned.

"I'm just here to help you guys find Appa," Jet said, opening his hand to let a leaflet unroll from his hand.

Aang turned away from the leaflet to look Katara directly in the eye. "Katara, we have to give him a chance."

"I swear, I've changed!" Jet said earnestly. 

I looked over at Muteki and Jin.

They were the only ones besides Toph, who hadn't met Jet back at the start of all this. They seemed sceptical but also willing to listen, so I guess that was something. But at this moment, I sort of wanted Amaya there. She just had this thing where she would know if she could trust someone or not.

Called it a gut feeling. Or... "a feeling in my belly," as she would joke. She'd probably slap him, then tell us to get on with finding Appa.

"Katara, let's hear him out," I eventually sighed, exhausted just from trying to think like Amaya.

"Katara, I was a troubled person," Jet said, looking at her with an earnest expression. "I let my anger get out of control, but I don't even have the gang now. I've put all that behind me."

"You're lying!" Katara yelled bitterly.

"Not all who say "I've changed" are lying, Katara," Jin said as Toph pushed past and pressed her hand on the wall close to Jet.

"He's not lying," she said.

"How can you tell?" Sokka questioned.

"People have a physical reaction when they lie," Muteki explained. "Unable to maintain eye contact, keep a natural facial expression, fidgety behaviour or unnaturally still posture, too much talking or too little talking, and a whole bunch of other things."

"And then there are the things you and I can't see," Jin added.

"I can feel his breathing and heartbeat," Toph nodded to the other two. "Usually, when someone lies, their breathing and heart rate become irregular or fast. He's telling the truth."

"Katara, we don't have any leads," Aang beseeched Katara. "If Jet says he can take us to Appa, we have to check it out."

Katara's shoulders sagged as she resigned herself to being the only one not being believed or listened to. "Alright," she suddenly stabbed her finger at Jet twice. "But we're not letting you out of our sight!"

'I have a terrible feeling about all this.'  

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