Aang Goes Nuts~

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"How could you let them take Appa?!" Aang yelled at Toph. ‌"Why didn't you stop them‌?!"

"I couldn't!" Toph sounded stressed. 

Of course, she sounds stressed. She is stressed. 

"The Library was sinking, and you guys were still inside!"

"You could've come to get us!" Aang snapped.

"Aang, cut that out!" I snapped back. "Look, I know you're upset, but that's no reason to take it out on Toph."

"I would've saved him!" Aang yelled at me next.

"The sand is too loose, I couldn't see well, the sandbenders snuck up on-" Toph tried to explain.

"You just didn't care!" Aang screamed. "You never liked Appa. You wanted him gone!"

"That's enough!" I roared. "Toph is blind, Aang. What the hell was she supposed to do!?"

"Why didn't you do something!?" he turned on me next.

"I was helping Toph make sure the whole damn building didn't bury you under the goddamn sand!" I yelled back, towering over the young airbender. "Mogui and Jin gave chase-"

"But they got away," Jin said, coming through the oncoming sandstorm. "We weren't able to catch up-"

"And Jin even froze one of their asses," Mogui piped up, quickly quieting down under her withering glare.

"YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!?" Aang yelled.

"Dude, it's not like we wanted to-" Mogui started.

"None of you care!" Aang yelled.

"Aang, we do care, but we need to worry about how we're going to get out of this desert before the sandstorm hits," Katara tried to calm him. "We will save him, I promise!"

"But who's going to save our lives?" Sokka asked. "We'll never make it out alive."

"That's all you guys care about!" Aang ranted. "Yourselves! None of you cares if Appa is ok or not!"

"That's it," I snapped, stomping towards the midget. 

Toph caught my sleeve, though, and I hesitated long enough for Katara to try and be the voice of reason again.

"We're all worried," she started.

"But we can't save him if we're dead," Jin finished. "I know it's tough, and I know you don't want to hear this, but-"

"Man up," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "We get out of here alive, and then we try to find Appa. How hard is it to find a fu-"

Jin threw me a glare, and I did a verbal backpedal. "Freaking huge hairy bison?"

"I'm going after Appa," Aang snapped before flying away.

"Yeah, well fu-"


"SCREW YOU," I yelled. 

"Will you stop doing that? What are you? My mother?" I added as an aside to Jin.

"They're kids Muteki," Mogui pointed out. "You should be a little more careful what you say around them."

Toph hugged herself, and since I'd pretty much been her manservant-slash-only friend the whole time the rest of them were running around, I knew her better than the rest. She was on the verge of crying. I put one hand on top of her head.

"You did good, Toph," I said gently. "We'll get out of here, and you don't have to worry anymore."

"You two coming, or Nah?" Jin called, as the others had started walking already.

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