Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


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By isaballerina89

By the time the Swan-Jones family arrived back at Storybrooke, it was Thanksgiving. Emma and Killian were busy prepping and cooking for the Thanksgiving meal. Emma was making sure Killian did not lift anything heavy while Killian reassured her that he can still lift heavy. They were cooking the turkey, while Allison was bringing stuffing, Ava and her family were bringing the desserts. Regina was bringing cooked brussel sprouts. Prince Eric and Ariel were bringing desserts and stuffed mushrooms from their kingdom. After the family watched Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, Henry helped his Mom cook the sweet potato with marshmallows. Killian was playing with Hope in the backyard on the playset. Emma noticed something was on her son's mind while peeling sweet potatoes."Henry, are you excited for Ava, Nicholas, and Mike to come over?"
"Yes, I am."
"You do not sound excited. Henry, what is wrong?"
"I am excited to see my girlfriend. It is my first time seeing her Dad now that we are dating. It is Ava's first holiday with us and her family coming over here."
"You just be your normal self, her Dad won't be too hard on you once he knows you, kid."
"I know, he likes you, Mom. You reunited their family during the dark curse. He saw me a few times with Ava in town when I picked her up from her house and we talked but..."
"I am worried about how her family reacts when they see my other Mom!"
"Did you tell Ava that Regina is coming?"
"Yes, I did. You and Dad taught me to be honest, she was not too thrilled about her...I do not want her to break up with me because of my other Mom."
Emma hugs her son. "Ava is not going to break up with you just because your other Mom separated her family, which she also did to me." Emma sighs. "There is going to be tension but we will deal with it together as a family." Henry hugs his Mom. They continued cooking sweet potatoes.
Killian and Hope return back inside. "Henwy." Hope goes to her brother and hugs him.
"Hi, baby sis." He holds Hope on his hip.
"Lad,I can help your Mom in here."
"Hope, do you want to do art?"
"Yes, H&H time." Henry takes Hope upstairs.
Emma smiles. "Hope can cheer her brother up."
"What is wrong with our son?"
"He is nervous."
"Nervous about, swan?"
"Ava and her family do not like Regina since she is the cause of their family separating right before the dark curse."
"Aye, I can understand why."
"Also she does not know that Henry and Ava are dating..."
Killian chuckles. "Her majesty is going to find out today?"
"Yes. Henry is worried how she will react to that. He is also afraid if Regina is mean or how she will react to theme dating, Ava will dump him."
"Aye, we will be there for him."
"That's what I told him. I told him that Ava won't break up with him." They hear Hope and Henry coming down the stairs, and see that Hope is covered in paint. Hope pats her hands onto the walls of the hallway. Emma rushes to Hope. "Hope! No paint on the walls."
Hope began crying as her Mom lifted her up. "Art..."
"Swan, I will clean this up."
"Killian, Hope is going to help you after she gets cleaned up." Hope cried more. Emma takes Hope to the bathroom to clean her hands."Hope no paint on the walls. We only use paint on paper."
Henry gets a sponge and helps his dad clean the wall. "What were you doing with paint?"
"Hope wanted to paint Mom a picture. She got excited to show Mom her painting."
"Aye, I know your Mom will understand Hope was just excited."
"I am going to go tell her."
"That is a good idea,lad."
Henry goes upstairs hearing Hope's crying. "Mom."
"Mom. Hope please do not be mad at Hope too much. She was just really excited to show you her painting."
"Mommy, art."
"Hope, you cannot paint on the walls. Where do you put paint?"
"Yes,paper." She kisses Hope on the head. "Let's go help Daddy clean the paint." Emma carries her daughter downstairs. Killian gives Hope a sponge and teaches her how to clean the wall. "We have to make sure all of the paint is off the wall." Hope babbles. "We are done, little love. Now, where do you paint on?"
"Good, little love."
Hope hugs her Daddy. "Mommy mad."
"No, no. Hope she is not mad at you."
"Yes, mad."
Emma kneels down to Hope. "Hope, I am not mad at you baby girl."
"Yes, mad."
"Hopey, I am not mad at you." Hope looks at her Mommy. Emma scooped Hope into her arms and faced her daughter. "I just needed to tell you that you cannot paint on the wall."
"Art Mommy."
"Paint does not go on the wall. I am not mad at you." She hugs her daughter.
"Little love, what do you say when you do something wrong?"
"Sowwy." She hugs her Mommy. "Sowwy, Mommy."
"I accept your apology, Hope. I love you, Hope."
"Luv you, Mommy." She hugs her Mommy.
"Hopey, do you want to show me your artwork?"
"Yes, Mommy!"
"Mom, her artwork is in my room." The timer goes off in the kitchen.
"Swan, Henry and I will check on the turkey."
"Dad, that is the sweet potatoes." The two boys went into the kitchen. Emma and Hope go upstairs to Henry's room. Hope sees her painting on her brother's desk. "Art!"
Emma gives Hope her artwork which was a turkey handprint."This is your painting?"
"Yes. Art for you."
"For me?"
Emma hugs her daughter. "My little artist. I love your turkey painting. I am going to put it on our refrigerator so everyone can see your artwork."
Hope smiles. "Mommy, pway."
"You want Mommy and Hope time?"
Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "We can let your artwork dry on Henry's desk while we play in your room." Emma sets the paintwork on Henry's desk. Hope holds her Mommy's hand and leads her to her room. She gives Mommy Henry's book. "We can read Henry's book." Hope sits on her Mommy's lap. "Once upon a time, Snow White and Prince Charming were expecting a baby..."
"Yes,sweetie." Emma continues reading her family's story to her daughter. Hope pats the page on her grandparents in the book. "Mommy."
"Yes, Hope?"
"Why bad?"
"Who?" Hope pats Snow White."Oh..."
"Mommy sad."
"I am a little sad, baby girl. Grandma made me sad because she caused you, me Henry, and Dada pain. She is still denying Leo is bad. She let Leo hurt you, which made me not trust Leo. I do not want him to hurt you, sweetie."
"Yes, very bad." Hope pats Snow White's picture.
"Bad. Why?"
"Grandma kidnapped you, which made Mommy not trust her even more." She hugs her daughter thankful for her daughter being alive.
"Hero Mommy."
"I am doing my job making sure my baby does not get hurt."
"You afe me."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I did because I am your Mommy. My job is to protect you and Henry from danger. Whenever you are in trouble you can always come to me when you need me. "
Hope pats the page to Snow White. "Bad."
"Grandma is not bad, she made bad choices but..." Emma sighs.
"You not bad."
Emma smiles. "I am your Mommy, I am not bad to you and Henry. I had a lot of mean foster parents growing up."
Hope stands up and gives her Mommy a big hug. "Best Mommy."
Emma hugs her back and smiles. "I have the best daughter ever!" She stands up and spun herself around making Hope laugh. She gave Hope raspberries making Hope laugh more.
Back downstairs in the kitchen,Killian and Henry were checking on the turkey and sweet potatoes. Killian knew Henry was nervous. "Lad, what is on your mind?"
"My other mom is going to get mad at Ava and me are dating. Ava knows that my other mom doesn't know, she did not want her to know. I didn't want her to know because of how she would react. Or when she reacts to us dating, she will be mad and Ava will dump me because of my other Mom."
Killian puts his two hands on his son's shoulders. "Henry, everything is going to be okay. Regina will be mad at first but once she sees how Ava makes you happy she will come around. It is like when Charming did not accept me dating or going near your Mom when we were finding you in Neverland. When your Mom and I traveled back in time, I saw the trust in your grandpa's eyes getting his trust knowing that I helped your Mom fixed their family timeline. When your Mom was stuck in that bloody ice wall, nearly frozen to death. I was going to do everything to get her out of there. When I helped your mother out of that ice wall tunnel I scooped her in my arms. I saw your grandpa's face knowing that I was going to be the one in his daughter's life that puts her first and there for her. Regina is going to see in time how much Ava means to you. Your mom and I see that you and care for each other. Your other Mom is going to see that maybe not today but she will, lad." Henry hugs his Dad. "You have your mother and me on your side, son."
"Dad, Ava told me that her Dad and brother like to watch football."
"Aye, I can watch that with them today. I know there is a game today."
"You are right." The doorbell rings. "Dad I got it." Henry goes to the door and opens it seeing Ava, Nicholas, and their Dad, Mike."Hi, Ava."
"Henry!" Ava hugs Henry. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"How are you?"
"I am good."
"Hi, Nicholas and Mike. Come in." The Tilman family entered the house.
"Hi, Henry. How are you?"
"I am good. Dad, this is Mike Ava's dad."
"Hi, Mike. I am Killian."
"Emma's husband?"
"Yes, I am."
"I heard a lot about you around town and from your son. Your wife reunited me with my family during the dark curse."
"Aye, I heard from my swan and son."
"Killian, how are you feeling now?"
"I am feeling better, Ava."
Emma comes downstairs with Hope. "Hi, Ava."
"Hi, Emma." They hug.
"Hi, Mike."
"Emma, long time no see."
"Yes, it has been a long time I saw you. The last time I saw you, your twins were in my yellow bug by the town line."
Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Hope, this is Mike, Ava, and Nicholas's Daddy."
"Hi, Hope. I heard a lot about you from Ava."
"Ava!" Hope jumped, Henry caught Hope in his arms.
"Little sis, you can get hurt."
"Your sister wants to be with me, Henry."
"Hope, be gentle to Ava."
"Okay, Henwy."
Henry gives Hope to Ava. "Hi, Hope."
"Ava, hi." Ava tickles Hope making Hope laugh.
"Ava, you are good with Hope."
"You are just jealous, Nicky, that Hope likes me."
"We can play in your room. Henry, I told my brother about your new games."
Henry smiles. "You are into videogames?"
"Yes, I am."
"Sweet." They all go upstairs.
Emma, Killian, and Mike all smile. "Emma, Ava always tell me about Henry and Hope. You two are amazing parents. You two are always fighting villains."
"Aye, they keep us busy."
Emma hugs Killian. "You and I work together."
"How long has our children been talking?"
"You mean before they started dating?"
"Aye, Henry told me that started talking in April right around Hope's birthday."
"You mean when Hope got kidnapped by my Mom and almost died..."
"I am thankful Hope is with us." The doorbell rings. "I will get it." Emma goes to the door
"Killian, where can I put these desserts?"
"In the kitchen follow me." He leads Mike to the kitchen.
Emma opens the door it was Allison and her family. "Happy Thanksgiving Emma!"
"Happy Thanksgiving Allison!" The two best friends hugged. "Come in, everyone."
"Hi, Auntie Emma!" Lizzie hugs Emma.
"Hi, Lizzie."
"Where is Hope?"
"Upstairs laying with Ava in her room." Lizzie and Connor go upstairs. Ted goes into the kitchen to put the stuffing and meets Mike.
Emma and Allison went into the living room to catch up. "Ava, Henry's girlfriend is here?"
"Yes, Ava, Nicholas, and their Dad Mike. Henry is nervous having them over for the first time. He is more nervous about Regina."
"Because before Regina casted the dark curse, she separated Ava and Nicholas from their Dad in an endless forest after not refusing to live with her. She asked them to steal something from the blind witch and kidnapped their Dad. They still have bad feelings for Regina still. Also, she was the one to tell me to get them out of town into group homes."
"I can see why Ava and her family do not like Regina. Henry is nervous of her being around them?"
Emma gave her a look. "Regina does not know that Henry is dating Ava..."
Allison was smiling. "'No way!!"
"Yes." Henry brings Hope downstairs with Ava. "Hey, kid."
"Mom, Hope wants to see Aunt Allison since she saw Lizzie upstairs."
Allison scooped Hope into her arms. "Happy Thanksgiving, Hope." Hope hugs Allison. "You must be Ava."
"Yes, I am. You are Allison."
"Yes, I am."
"Henry told me about you, you are their aunt and Emma's best friend. You two can be twins, you two look more alike than me and Nicholas." Emma and Allison both laughed. The doorbell rings, "Swan, I got the door."
Ava and Henry joined Allison on the couch. "Henwy luv Ava."
Emma was surprised. "Hope, you are embarrassing your brother."
"Hope!" Henry tickles his sister while Ava and Allison laugh. "You are doing your job as my sister."
Killian leads Melody with Ariel, Prince Eric and Max behind them, into the living room."Lad, I have a feeling Hope won't embarrass you anymore for a little while.."
"Mel-Mel!" Hope runs to Melody and hugs her.
Emma takes pictures of Hope reunited with Melody."Ariel, our daughters are going to be playing the entire time."
"Yes, Melody was so excited to come over to see her ocean princess best friend."
"Yes, she was saying Hope while we sailed here." Max barks.
"Auntie, Mel-Mel."
"Your best friend is here to play with you?"
"Yes!" The adults laugh. "Pway, Mel-Mel." Hope leads Melody upstairs. "Up."
Ariel kneels to Hope. "Hope, Melody cannot climb stairs yet." Ariel scoops Melody into her arms. "We will follow you." Ariel follows Hope. Ariel sees Hope's bedding."Hope, is that the little mermaid bedding?"
"Yes, Mel-Mel Mommy." Melody goes to the kitchen set. The two girls play with the kitchen set.
Lizzie sees Ariel. "Hi, Ariel."
"Hi, Lizzie." Lizzie joins Ariel on the carpet and talk.
Ava looks at her boyfriend. "Henry, let me guess that is Hope's best friend?"
"Yes. Melody and Hope see each other once a week, they hug like that every time they see each other."
"I was thinking since Connor and your brother are playing games in my room. We can talk in the backyard."
"That is a great idea." They went out to the hammock. Emma was in awe.
"Swan, the lad is really happy."
"They do make a good couple."
"I agree with you on that Em."
Connor and Nicholas come downstairs. "Killian,the game is on."
"Alright, lads. We can watch the game."
"Allison, let's go check on the girls."
"I have a feeling Lizzie is talking to Ariel." They go upstairs. Ted, Prince Eric, and Mike join Connor and Nicholas in the living room to watch the football game.
In the backyard, Henry and Ava were snuggling on the hammock."Henry, you are very lucky to have a great family an extended family. I can see why Allison is your aunt to you and Hope."
"My Mom never had a family growing up, as you know she was in the foster system. She became a homeless runaway teenager from the foster system. She met my Dad, he took advantage of her and framed her for his crime. She had me in prison. My mom always wanted a normal family, a family she never had. When I found her and brought her to Storybrooke, she found her family. She met my Dad and after a few years of battles, she finally got the family she always wanted, to raise me and Hope. My Dad is amazing to my Mom, always on her side. Allison is like my Mom's sister."
"You are lucky to have a family that supports you. I remember you growing up and I was not. When Emma came here, time moved. We were alone, Nicholas and I. Emma knew we were lying and took us into your grandma's loft. She found our dad. She did not want us to go to group homes in Boston."
"I told her that you two could not leave town."
"Emma's car was acting up and she called our Dad. Once he saw us, he wanted us. When the curse broke, he was so happy that we were together. He told us what had happened."
Henry holds her hand. "You are not going to be separated from your Dad again. My Mom is not going to let that happen. My other Mom has changed."
"I trust Emma, not your other Mom, I am sorry."
"That is okay. I understand that. You trust Emma. " He wrapped his arm around his girl and kissed her on the head. "My feelings are still the same as 5 seconds ago. Now that we are dating, you, Nicholas, and your Dad are part of my family."
Ava smiles. "One of the things I like about you, Henry is that you see the best in others."
"I get that from my Mom and Dad." They kiss.
Back upstairs, Emma and Allison see Hope playing with melody and Lizzie talking to Ariel. "Ariel, if my daughter is asking too many questions, let me know."
"No, it is alright, Allison. She has great questions about mermaid life."
Hope goes to her Mommy. "Mommy."
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, are you having fun playing with Melody?"
"Yes." She hugs her Mommy.
"You need a diaper change." Emma changes Hope's diaper. "Allison, at what age is right to begin potty training? Killian and I have been thinking of potty training Hope,soon."
"Usually, potty training is around 2 ½ years old. I can give you a book that helped me potty trained both Connor and Lizzie at Hope's age."
"Thank you." They hear the boys cheering and watching the game downstairs. The doorbell rings again. "Hope, let's go answer the door." Emma answered the door, it was Regina."Hi, Emma. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Hi, Hope."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Regina. Killian, can you get Henry?"
Killian sees Regina. "I will get the lad." He goes out to the backyard finding Ava and henry talking. "Henry." Henry goes to his Dad. "Your other Mom is here."
"Ava, I will be right back."
"I am coming in with you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." They held hands as they entered the house.
"Lass, your Dad and brother are watching the game in the living room."
"I am not surprised, Killian. They love football. I mostly draw when they are watching the game."
Allison arrived hearing Regina for back up. Henry sees his other Mom. "Hi, Mom!"
"Henry." She hugs him. "Happy Thanksgiving." She sees Killian and Ava. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Regina."
"Dada." Killian holds Hope.
Regina sees Ava. "Oh...hi. Ava."
"Evil Queen."
Henry sees Ava getting afraid. "Her name is Ava." He holds her hand. "She is my girlfriend." Mike stands next to his daughter.
Regina was surprised, she was the only one who does not know they were dating. "Girlfriend?"
"Yes, we have been dating since last month."
She looks at Emma. "You know about this?"
"Yes, Henry told Killian and I. We think Henry and Ava are a cute couple."
"Henry, you didn't tell me?"
"I did not want to tell you because you will be mad that I was dating one of your victims from when you were the evil queen."
"I am not the evil queen anymore."
Ava was getting mad. "You still have victims that do not forgive you for what you have done to them in the Enchanted Forest and during the dark curse."
"Oh really? I do not see the anger from the other victims."
Mike steps in front of Ava. "Stay away from my daughter. You are the one separating us again like the first time."
"First time?!" Regina was mad making Hope cry. Max began growling at Regina preventing her from going anywhere near Henry and Ava. "Back away dog." Max makes a sound.
Allison takes Hope from Killian. "Hope will be with me. Henry needs you both." She takes Hope back upstairs to her bedroom. Max follows Allison and Hope upstairs. Allison hugs Hope. "Allison, what is going on?"
"Regina did not know Henry was dating Ava. She separated Ava and her twin brother Nicholas in the Enchanted Forest. Let's just say Ava's family does not trust her."
"I understand. Regina took my voice when I helped Snow White in the Enchanted Forest. For 28 years, I could not speak. She gave me back my voice when I helped her get something for the dark one when they were all in Neverland rescind Henry. In return, I met Prince Eric here since I helped them in Neverland to defeat Pan."
"Your Mommy is not hurt, sweetie. She is talking to angry Regina, that is all little niece."
"Hope..." Melody goes to Allison. "Hope, Mama."
"We have to cheer Hope up." Max barks and licks Hope's cheek.
Back downstairs, Mike approaches Regina."Yes, by kidnapping me and letting my children in an endless forest until the dark curse. They were orphans and living in an abandoned house for 28 years, alone and thinking that I abandoned them or were unwanted. Emma was the one who found me and told me that I have children. You were forcing her to take my children to separate group homes in Boston and get lost in the foster system."
"I could not let Ava and Nicholas be separated. The foster system is a horrible place where you get lost and forgotten and never get a family." Killian held his wife's hand. Ava and Nicholas were her second saves as savior.
"Emma was the one who reunited my family. Not you who was trying to keep my family apart. For 28 years, my children were alone and I was nearby. Do you know how much that hurts?! Knowing your children are nearby and you couldn't see them when they needed you?"
Emma sees the pain in her son's eyes and the fear in Ava's eyes. She goes to Henry. "Henry, I got this." She rubbed his hand. "Everybody, let's calm down. Everyone has issues with each other, without a doubt. The point is Regina. Mike, Killian, and I accept Henry and Ava dating. If you have a problem with it, fine. Henry has Killian and I. Ava is part of our family since she is dating our son. "
"Aye, it is thanksgiving, after all. We should be thankful for each other." He puts his hand on Henry's shoulder. "I know everyone has their differences with Regina but we are family. Henry found Emma. Emma took Ava and Nicholas in and found you, Mike, and reunited with you with your children. Mike, I understand if I separated front own children, I would be furious too, mate."
Regina was more mad. "He is my son Killian!!"
Emma was mad. "Whoa.. whoa Regina!! He is our son! Our son is staying with me! He tells me what is going on. He did not want to tell you because of your past with Ava and her family. Killian and I like Ava with Henry. We approve of them dating!"
"Stop!!" Everyone stared at Henry. Henry faces his Mom. "Mom, I got this." He faces Regina. "This is why I did not want to tell you about Ava because you would be like this mad! I told my other Mom and Dad because they know how much I like Ava and they support me. Ava and I did not want to tell you because of what you've done to her family. You need to realize not all of your victims forgive you." Henry goes to the backyard. Ava follows him.
"Henry!" Ava catches up to him and holds his arm. "Henry."
"Ava, if you are going to break up with me because of my other Mom, I understand."
"Henry! Look at me." Henry looks at Ava. She kisses him on the lips. "Would I kiss you if I was going to break up with you?"
Henry was flushed. "No."
"You are my man who stood up for me and my family. Your parents stood up for me and for you. Your family is amazing. I am happy to be your girlfriend."
"I am happy to be your boyfriend." Henry smiles, she loves him and is not going to break up with him. They kiss and hug.
Back inside, "Emma, Killian...I am sorry. I was just mad that he did not tell me himself. He is right. I have to go think." Regina leaves.
Emma and Killian held their hands. "Emma, how is Regina as a Mom to Henry?"
"Let's just say a mix of emotions."
"I can tell you are a mother to Henry that gives him everything love, care, and not pain."
"I give him and Hope everything I did not have as a child, love, care, a home, and family that never leaves them. When Henry found me, Regina made everyone think Henry was crazy. I knew he was unloved and decided to stay."
Allison brings Hope downstairs. "Hopey, Mommy did not leave. Emma, Hope wants you."
"Hi, Hope." Emma holds Hope and kisses her on the head.
"Everything is okay."
"Tay you."
"You can stay with me. I was telling Ava's Daddy about Henry."
"Henwy sad."
"Ava is with him."
"Swan, I am going to check up on the lad." Killian goes to find Henry and Ava.
"Emma, Henry is a good kid. I was not mad when Ava told me he and Ava were starting to go out. I was concerned at first but seeing Henry making Ava happy and how much of a gentleman he is to her. Henry is a smart kid who does not cause any trouble."
"He does not cause any trouble. I have my rules when Ava is over, the bedroom door is open the whole time, and no S-E-X. Killian and I both gave him the talk."
"The same rules in my house."
"We are on the same page. I did not expect Henry to date someone that I helped during the dark curse."
"Mommy, you hero."
"Yes, sweetie. I brought Mike to see Ava and Nicholas. Where is Nicholas?"
"He is watching the football game Connor. He is afraid of Regina. Regina...we do not trust her."
"Getting Regina's trust took many many years but we still have disagreements."
"Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"You are with me, Hope."
"I can tell you are still the same as when we first met. You are a Mom willing to fight for their child. You still are."
"Yes, I would do anything for my children. I was alone in this world by myself and did not have parents, I was stuck in that awful foster system until I ran away. I met Henry's Dad who framed me for his crime, and I gave birth to Henry in prison. I gave him his best chance. When Henry found me, he brought me here to my family. I met Killian and found true love. He is the only one who ever put me first. When we found out that we were expecting this little girl, it was our second chance on being parents. I just wanted to give Henry and Hope, a normal family. "
"Mommy best." Emma kisses Hope on the head.
"I am going to watch the game with the rest of the guys."
Emma smiles. "You can explain the game to Prince Eric, he doesn't know about football."
"I will."
Killian goes to his son and Ava. "Ava, how is Henry?"
"He was afraid that I was going to break up with him but I am not. About Regina, he is a little upset about standing up to her."
"Aye, I am going to talk to him." Max enters the backyard. He barks to Ava. "Ava this is Max, Prince Eric and Ariel's dog." Ava pets Max. Killian sits next to his son. "Henry, are you okay?"
"Ava is not going to break up with me."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. I told her if she was going to break up with me, she just kissed me."
"Son that is a good sign."
"She was impressed that we stood up for her and her family."
"What else is on your mind son?"
"About my other Mom."
"She will come around, soon, lad." He wrapped his arms around his son.
Emma takes Hope outside to Ava. "Ava, how is Henry?"
"Killian is talking to him about Regina."
"Henwy, sad."
"Dada is talking to Henry." Hope wanted to walk. She sets Hope down who was going on the swing set.
"Emma, I can play with Hope."
"Thanks, Ava." Emma sits next to Henry. "Henry."
"Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you for supporting Ava and me."
"You are welcome, Henry. I told you before, you have your dad and me on your side."
"Is my other Mom mad at me?"
"She is a little surprised, not mad. But..."
"She needed to think and left..."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I have you, Mom and Dad. Ava is not going to break up with me, she was impressed that I stood up for her and you and Dad stood up for her too. She likes how close our family is."
"She is part of our family, kid since you two are dating." Henry smiles and hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian smile at each other. They hear Allison, Melody, and Ariel coming out. "Let's go enjoy thanksgiving." Hope ran to her Daddy and jumped onto his back. Killian smiles as he puts Hope on his shoulders."Little love, are you feeling left out?"
"Yes. "
"Are you having fun with Ava and Melody?"
"Swan, we should be checking on the food."
"Yes, captain."
"Little love, do you want to play with Melody?"
"Yes, Mel-Mel." Killian sets down Hope. She holds his hook."Dada, Mel-Mel pway."
"Killian, I will check on the food."
"Thanks, swan. Hope wants me to be with her and Melody." Killian walks with Hope to play with Melody. Lizzie was swinging on one swing, Ariel was pushing Melody in the baby swing. "Hope, Mama." Ariel takes Melody out of the swing, Melody goes to Hope.
"Pway, Mel-Mel." The two girls walked around the backyard.
Ava was talking to Lizzie. Connor and Nicholas joined them in the backyard to throw a football. Allison approached Henry. "Aunt Allison, thank you for taking Hope out of there when it was getting hectic."
"You are welcome. I knew from your mom that Regina did not know."
Ava approaches Allison and Henry. "Henry, are you feeling better."
"Yes, I am." They held hands.
Emma enters inside to check on the turkey. Prince Eric enters the kitchen. "Emma, do you need help in here?"
"I am checking on the turkey. It is almost done. How is the football games?"
"The first game was the Texans vs Lion game is over. Now we are watching another one Washington versus Cowboys. I am still learning the game and what cowboy is?"
Emma laughs. "Basically, a cowboy is a person that likes riding horses, lives in the country and owns a farm. They like riding bulls for fun. They wear hats and boots."
"Now, I understand."
Killian brings in Hope who was crying. "Swan, is dinner almost ready?"
"Not for a while maybe another hour."
"Hope is hungry."
"We have appetizers, Killian. Hope can have some of the appetizers." Killian puts Hope in her booster seat while Emma makes Hope a plate of cut up different cheeses, prosciutto and crackers. Ariel brings Melody in. "Hope, Melody wants to join you."
Melody goes to her Daddy. "Dada." Prince Eric holds his daughter
"Do you want a snack too?"
"I can make her a plate too, Eric." Prince Eric sits in a chair with melody on his lap. Emma sets the plates down for the two girls.
"Swan, I can put the appetizers outside." Kilian goes outside.
"Mommy." She gives Emma a piece of mozzarella cheese.
"Thank you, Hope." She eats the small piece. Killian returns. "We need the extra tables and chairs from the basement."
"Aye, love. I am on it."
"Swan,I can carry the table."
Mike approaches them. "Emma, I can help Killian carry the tables and hairs.
"Thank you, Mike."
Kilian and Mike go into the basement. "Thank you, Mike for helping."
"It is not a problem. Ava told me about your heart surgery on Halloween. She told me about her date night with Henry and Hope. Let's just say her seeing Henry being a great big brother, made her like Henry more."
"Aye. You two are close."
"Ava and I are very close. I am close with both of my children. I love my children so much. When your wife helped my children by not taking them out of town and finding them, I was so grateful once the ark curse brok that my family was back. During the curse, I was learning to be a Dad again. When the curse broke, all of my memories came back and I continued being their Dad."
"Aye, I had to learn to be a Dad when Henry needed me before we were expecting Hope. When we had Hpe, I had to learn to be a Dad from the very beginning. Emma had her doubts since she did not keep Henry but she is raising them both now." They carried the extra table upstairs, seeing Hope and Melody playing in the living room with Max, Ariel was watching them. Allison and Emma were moving the table and chairs around to fit everyone. "Swan, where do you want to put the table?"
"Killian, I was thinking we can eat in the backyard."
"We have 11 people plus Max."
"Aye, thanksgiving the backyard it is."
"Yes, let's set up." Ted, Eric, Mike, and Killian carried out chairs and the extra two tables out. Henry, Ava, Connor, and Nicholas were setting up the table, by going in and out of the kitchen bringing the thanksgiving meal, stuffing, string beans, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and brussel sprouts. Emma was telling them where to put everything. Lizzie was making nameplates.
Hope began crying. Allison sees Hope. "Hope." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Why are you crying?"
"Your Mommy did not leave you. She is in the backyard telling everyone here to put our Thanksgiving meal. We are eating outside." Allison brings Hope to the backyard.
Emma was telling Henry and Ava where to put the sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. Connor and Nicholas were setting the plates, spoons and forks. Killian set up light up around the backyard so everyone can see when it gets dark while they were eating. Emma hugs Killian. "The light look perfect."
"Thank you, love. I am going to check on our turkey." Killian enters the house.
Emma sees Hope crying. "Mommy."
"Hopey." She gets her daughter from her best friend. "You want to stay with me, little duckling?"
"We are going to have turkey very soon."
"Emma, do you want me to take the desserts out of the boxes?"
"After dinner, we can set them up. Knowing Hope she will try to eat the dessert before dinner."
"How are you feeling since Killian has been out of the hospital?"
"I am grateful that he is alive. I worried though..."
"His heart is fixed. There is no blood clot. I told him to get his heart checked every 6 months."
"My best friend is the best doctor in town.."
"Mel-Mel Mommy...auntie."
"Hope is saying, she ran off from Henry in very crowded comic con."
"Mel- Mel Mommy."
"The voice of Ariel found Hope."
"No way! Hope, Jodi Benson found you?"
"Yes. Sing."
Allison smiled big. "She sang to you?"
Emma gives Allison her iPhone to the photos of Jodi holding Hope. "Emma, she looks so happy with Jodi."
Ariel walks up with Melody."Emma, who is that with Hope?"
"That is the voice of Ariel in your movie, The Little Mermaid, Jodi Benson. Hope got lost and Jodi Benson finds Hope."
"Mel-Mel Mommy."
"Hope showed Jodi Benson her best friend pictures. She asked me to take my iPhone out to show Jodi, you."
"Hope, you showed the voice of me, of me and Melody."
"Yes, you, Mel-Mel."
"She was happy once Jodi was singing to her and we found her. Let's just say we are teaching Hope not to walkway from us in crowds." Hope babbles. "You scared Mommy, Hope."
"Sowwy, Mommy."
Emma cannot be mad for so long seeing Hope in her sweet face. She kisses Hope on the head. Melody babble. "We can play on the swings, Melody." Ariel walks with her daughter.
"Emma, we need to have a girls day again."
"Yes! How about this weekend? We can meet up at granny's and shop in town?"
"I like that idea."
Killian comes to his swan and kisses her on the head. "Swan, the turkey is ready. I will take it out here."
"Perfect." They kiss. Killian heads back inside. "Everyone, time to eat!" Emma sits Hope down in her booster. "Mommy."
"I am sitting next to you, baby girl."Everyone was getting into their seats, Allison sat across from Emma,Henry sits next to his Mom, and Ava on his right. Lizzie, Connor was sitting on each side of their Mom. Nicholas sat next to Connor and Mike sat on the right edge of the table. Prince Eric sat on the left edge of the table with Melody in Hope's high chair and Ariel on her left. Henry was tickling Hope. "Henwy." Ava smiles.
Emma sees Killian carrying the turkey. She opens the door for him. "Emma, I got it love."
"I am going to help you. After all, we are the ones hosting thanksgiving."
"Aye, a captain swan thanksgiving." They carry the turkey out which is cut for everyone. "Is everyone ready for turkey?"
Everyone cheered and said "Yes." They set the turkey in the middle of the table. Hope reached out her arms. "Turkey!"
"Little love, you will have turkey once I put it on the table, little pirate." He sets the turkey on the table. Killian made Hope her plate, a little of turkey, stuffing, string beans and cranberry sauce. Everyone talked while eating. "Everyone, I am so happy that we are all here together celebrating Thanksgiving."
"Swan, you are the one who brought us all together."
"It is true, best friend. You got us all together." Hope babbles. Melody babbles back. "Hope and Melody agree with me."
"Mom, you brought us here all together."
"You found me, kid." Henry hugs his Mom.
"We would not have our town safe and normal without you, Mom."
"How about we go around and we say what we are thankful for?"
"Aye,I can go first." He wrapped his arms around his swan. "Am thankful for my wonderful brave strong wife, who gave me another chance to love, a family and take care of me when I was in recovery. I am so thankful for my two children Henry and Hope, who I love so much. I never thought I would be one until I met my swan. I am also thankful for Allison, who saved my heart and saved Hope's life so many times."
"Allison, our holidays would have been very different if you did not save Hope. We are so grateful for you and your family is part of our family. I am grateful for having Killian in my life who made me trust and love again. Henry and Hope, I get to raise together. Hope babbles. "You want to sit with me?"
Emma unbuckles Hope and let her daughter sit on her lap. "I am grateful that you are safe. You, Henry, and your Daddy are all safe and we are all together. What are you grateful for Hope?
"Mommy, Dada, Henwy, Auntie, Ava, luv you." Everyone was in aww.
"Great job, little sis."
"It is my turn?"
"Henry smiles. "I am thankful for my amazing parents who is always there for me whenever I need them, whether for protection, rescuing Hope and I, or need to talk and provide for us. Today, Mom and Dad you two supported me and Ava. I am thankful for Aunt Allison who always saves my family when they are having health issues. I am thankful for having my sister in my life, she is the best little sis ever. I am also thankful for Ava, my girlfriend; who is part of our family." They held hands.
"I am thankful to have my Dad and my twin brother, our family has been together since Emma reunite us in the dark curse. I am so thankful for you, Emma, if you has not, Nicholas and I would have been lost in the foster system separated."
Emma smiles while Killian holds her hand. "I could not let you both go through like I did."
"I am also grateful for being part of your family, Henry." Everyone spoke around the table.
When it was Allison's turn. "I am thankful for my husband Ted who found me alone and made me love again. I did not expect to have a family with you and our two amazing kids. I am thankful for my best friend who is like a sister to me. I am grateful that our families are more family than our blood-related families."
"Everyone who is ready for dessert?!"
"I am not full anymore."
"Swan, we should learn up the table."
"Yes." Henry, Allison, Ava, Nicholas, Ariel,and Mike, all helped Emma and Killian clear the table.
"Swan,rest, love. We got it."
"I want to help."
"Emma, I can watch Hope."
"Auntie."Allison holds Hope.
Prince Eric was holding sleeping Melody. "Eric, did Melody enjoy her Thanksgiving meal?"
"Yes, she did. It is way past her bedtime. She had a fun day playing with her ocean princess best friend."
"Yes, little niece?
Hope hugs her aunt. "Luv you."
"I love you too,Hope." She hugs her niece.
Killian, Ted, and return to the table. Killian sees the door was closed, he held the door for his swan. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, love."
Emma led Henry, Nicholas, and Ava who all brought out the desserts. "We have different desserts. We have apple pie homemade from the Merkingdom from Ariel, Prince Eric, and Melody. We have chocolate pie which is from the Cameron household. We also have smores brownies from the Tillman family."
Hope reaches out for the pie and the smores brownie. Ava goes to Emma. "Emma, the smores brownies are peanut-free."
"Thanks, Ava."
"Henry told me about her severe nut allergy. It is just crushed graham crackers, brownie mix, and the top is marshmallows and Hershey pieces."
"That sounds delicious. I am so having some."
"I bake for fun."
"Hope and I bake a lot. You can join us."
"Thank you for the offer."
"Ake, ava."
"Yes, Hope. I can join you and your Mom baking."
Henry kneels to Hope."Hope which desert do you want to try first? Ava or Auntie Allison's?"
"Auntie." Emma cuts Hope a small piece for Hope. Everyone has dessert.
"Ava this is so good."
"Thank you, Emma."
Henry holds Ava's hand. "My girlfriend is a great baker." They looked at each other and continued to talk. Emma and Killian were smiling seeing their son happy. Everyone was still talking after dessert. Emma sees Hope getting tired,she scooped Hope into her arms. "You are getting very sleepy, little duckling." Killian wrapped Hope in his black leather jacket to keep her warm. Emma smiles. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. Hope falls asleep in her Mommy's arms.
Emma thought to herself, it was definitely a very grateful Thanksgiving with people who are part of her family and her family is safe and together. "Happy Thanksgiving, Killian."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Emma." They kiss.

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