Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


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By isaballerina89

It was Halloween Emma had decorations around the house for Halloween, Hope was helping her decorate the house. They baked Pillsbury Halloween cookies. Killian returns from the morning shift seeing fake spiders and cotton spider webs around the staircase and in their living room with fake pumpkins. He knows Emma wanting their children to have holiday traditions and loves decorating since she did not have that as a child. "Swan, you really have outdone yourself with decorations for Halloween."
"Thank you. Hope helped me a lot with decorations."
"Dada!" Hope wrapped out cotton around his legs.
Emma sees what Hope was doing. "Hope! Dada can fall."
"Spider? Little love?"
"Yes." Hope drags Killian away.
"Killian, I told her the gigantic spider story when the spider from the black fairy realm that attacked me."
"Aye, Black Fairy and adult Gideon.."
"Yes,that is the one. I told her the time how I got caught in the spider web. Then she wanted me to wrap her with the cotton. Now it's her turn being the spider. Right Hope?"
Emma kissed Hope on the cheek. "My mini-me." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Very good, Hope. Spider."
"Little spider."
"Dada!" Hope continues to play with her Daddy. Emma smiles as her husband and daughter were playing which she loved. She took a picture of them playing on her iPhone and got ready for her shift at the sheriff's station. "Mom?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"I need your help with editing a paper."
"How about you come with me to the sheriff's station. We can patrol first then work on your paper?"
Henry smiles. "I am in!" They went downstairs. Henry sees his Dad lying in the hallway all tied up with a cotton spider web covering his body and Hope sitting on him smiling knowing she did something naughty. Henry takes a picture. "Mom, Hope is definitely a little pirate."
Emma was surprised and went to Killian and Hope. "Hope, you cannot tie Dada up like that. Not the whole body, Hope." Emma loosens the cotton.
"No, Mommy."
"I do not want Dada to trip, Hope."
"Swan, she is really good. It is not too tight though. I am fine, Emma."
"Are you sure?"
"Our daughter has a knack of tying up and loves untying my ropes. I think it is time to give Hope a rope lesson, on how to make specific rope tying knots."
Emma smiles. "I have a feeling that you will be a great teacher."
"Aye, I cannot wait to teach her. What time are we trick or treating later?"
"My shift ends at 3:00 pm. The schools get out at 3:30 pm. We can start trick or treating after 3:30 pm."
"Yes, little sis. You are going to get a lot of candy today wearing your costume!"
"Kid, we need to be going."
"Yes, Mom."
"Henry is going to study while I am working.
"Aye, love. See you later." They kiss.
"Mommy!" She hugs her Mommy's legs. "Tay..tay..."
"You are going to have so much fun with Daddy, baby girl. I will be back very soon." She gripped her Mommy. Killian got Hope crying. Emma and Henry leave.
Hope runs to the door. "Mommy...Mommy.." Hope cried more. Killian holds Hope and takes her up to her room and rocked her in the rocking chair. "Hope, you are with dada...Dada. You are not going to get hurt, You are safe."
"Mommy will be back home very soon." He rubs Hope's back "When Mommy comes home we are going to wear costumes and go trick or treating."
"You are with Dada, little love. We are going to have our Dada and Hope time."
"Aye, we can play and have dada and Hope time."
"Dada!" Hope holds his hook and walked with him to the backyard.
"Little love, do you want to go on the swings and slide?"
"Swings, it is Hope!" They went on the swings.
"I can push, Hope!" He pushes Hope on the older swing.
Emma hears her daughter crying when they were leaving. "Mom, she is going to be okay."
"I know...she needs to know that I am going to come back." She drove herself and Henry into town and did a little bit of patrol and stakeout. Henry got his Mom and himself snacks. "How is talking to Ava?"
"It is going pretty well...I have to tell you something?"
"What is it?"
"Ava and I are going out on a date tonight."
Emma smiles. "You two are? Are you nervous?"
"Not really. We are going to meet up after I trick or treat with Hope."
"Where are you taking her?"
"I was thinking granny's. It is still the weekend, Ava needs a break from studying. She knew I needed time to relax from studying for SATs."
"You deserve a break, kid."
"Ava wants to see Hope in her costume before we go out tonight."
"Your sister's costume is going to be so cute."
"That is why Ava wants to see Hope." Emma smiles. "I do not want to miss trick or treating with Hope." Emma drives around town doing patrol.
Killian was chasing Hope around the backyard. Hope trips over a rock and began crying "Dada...Dada."
Killian scooped Hope into his arms and saw her scrape on her knee. "Little love.."
"You are with Dada...Dada is right here." She hugs her Daddy. He takes Hope inside. "We are going to clean up your boo-boo." He gets the first aid kit and puts Hope in her booster seat.
"Dada is going to clean your cut. It is going to hurt but it will be clean." He cleans Hope's cut with alcohol, Hope screams. "It is clean, your cut." He puts the bandaid on Hope's cut. "All done, Hope."
"Boo-Boo." Killian kisses Hope's band-aid. "Dada." He holds his little pirate and takes her to the living room. He turns on the television to Barney and Hope wanted to stay with him. He hugs Hope. "You are with Dada..your okay, Hope."
"Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"We are having our pirate time."
"Luv you Dada."
Killian smiles. "I love you, Hope." Hope hugs her Daddy.
Emma drove Henry to the sheriff's station. "Mom?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"Did you choose this shift on purpose?"
"You mean like last year when I worked the night shift on Halloween?"
"Well, yes and no. I do not like working at night. I like being at home with you and Hope."
"I just wanted to make sure." They went inside the station.
"You can work in my office, while I do paperwork." She checks her iPhone and gets a text message from Killian. Hope tripped over a rock in the backyard and got a cut on her knee. Her cut is in a band-aid. We are watching Barney.
Emma responded back. Give Hope kisses and the snuggles.
Aye, that is what I am doing, love.
Emma smiles, her husband is the perfect Daddy.You are the best. Xoxo.
"Mom?..." Emma looked up. "You said that you can help me with my paper."
"I can edit your paper, Henry." Emma sits at her desk and edits her son's paper using a pen. "Not too bad, kid. Now I have to do my own paperwork."
"You do not mind me staying..."
"Henry, you have always been at my side when I am working. I miss it."
"You do?"
"I know when you are here, you are busy or here with Hope."
"You are welcome to come here anytime. You've been coming here since I became sheriff. I do love having you and Hope here when I am working."
"I like that. I miss coming here."
"You are welcome here all the time, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. Henry continues to edit his paper while Emma does her paperwork. Emma gets a phone call from Killian. "Killian...."
"Mommy...Mommy.. Dada Dada!!"
"Hope! Where is Daddy?" Hope was crying. Emma knew something was wrong with her husband. "Hope, Mommy is coming home. "She hung up the phone and ran to her car. Henry follows his Mom.
"Mom, I called an ambulance." Emma and Henry rushed home.
Emma rushes inside seeing an EMT surrounding Killian and crying Hope. "Killian!!"
Emma kneels to Killian. "Killian." She holds his hook. "I am right here."
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "What happened to my husband?!"
"Heart attack."
"I am riding with him." Emma, Henry, and Hope rode in the ambulance with Killian. Hope was crying. Emma was looking at Killian, remembering when he was in the ambulance after she had to kill him with the damn sword to return light again. "Killian...I cannot lose you again."
"I...am right...here. I am going to be o-okay..."
"I love you."
"I-I love you...Emma. I am...a a survivor." Emma kisses him on the cheek, crying. She cannot lose him again.
When the ambulance arrived, Allison was the doctor. "Killian!"
EMTs took Killian out. "Heart attack."
"Take him into the emergency room stat." The EMTs did their job. She saw Emma and Hope were both crying. "Emma, what happened?"
"Henry and I were at the office. I got a phone call...it was Hope. I knew something was wrong. Henry called an ambulance."
"I am going to check on Killian, Emma. He is going to be alright." Allison goes to Killian.
"Mom, go with Dad. I can watch Hope." Henry takes his sister from his Mom.
Emma goes with her husband and holds his hand. "Killian. I am right here."
"Mommy is with Daddy little sis. Auntie Allison is going to help Daddy feel better." He takes Hope to the waiting room. Hope hugs her brother.
Regina and Charming arrived. "Henry."
"Mom." Regina hugs her son. "You came."
"Of course, I did. What happened?"
"Mom and I were at her office. She got a phone call from Dad and it was Hope on the phone. We just knew something was wrong with Dad, I called an ambulance which came before us."
In the emergency room, Allison and nurses outs wires on Killian's chest. Emma was at his side. "Killian, what kind of pains did you have?"
"I was having chest pains not too painful but painful enough for me to get concerned."
"I think you have signs of a heart attack. I am going to track your heart on the monitor and do a sonogram on your heart."
"Aye...as long I am not having a heart attack."
"That is why I am checking on your heart, Killian. Now I need you to relax. Emma, I mean you."
Emma smiles and hugs her husband. "I am just happy that you are okay." She hugs him again and looks at her best friend. "I will make sure he stays calm."
"Allison, can I see Hope and Henry?"
"I can bring them in for a little bit but I need to track Killian's heart."
"Can you please update Henry and Hope for now?"
"Yes, I can. I will be right back." Allison leaves.
Emma cried in relief. "Emma, I am okay."
"I got so scared...I couldn't lose you again."
"I am okay..." Emma hugs her husband. "I am a survivor, swan."
"I know. You are my husband. I am worried about you. I am going to take care of you."
"Aye, I am so lucky to have you on my side."
"You are my side, I am on your side."
"That is why we are team Swan-Jones."
"Yes, team Swan-Jones." They kiss.
"I am supposed to be resting, love." Emma hugs Killian. "Emma,I am not leaving you or our family, swan." He hugs his wife. "I am so happy that you are here."
"I wouldn't be anywhere else but here. So tell me, what happened?"
"Hope and I were watching Barney. I started feeling pain in my chest. I was calling you and then the pain got worse. I dropped my phone and Hope picked up when she heard your voice, Emma."
"That's how Hope got your phone?"
"Aye, our little lass was crying and knew something was wrong." Killian saw the look on his wife's face that she was thinking of when she had to kill him. "Emma?"
"Yeah?" She held his hook.
"I do need my swan to keep me company."
Emma smiles and joins her husband on the bed. She hugs him. "You are okay, Killian. I am right here." She kisses him on the head.
"Emma, I am not going anywhere." He hugs his wife.
"You need to rest, my pirate."
"Aye, swan." She kisses him on the cheek and falls asleep.
"You are with me, Killian."
Allison brings Hope and Henry to Killian's room. Hope was in her Pluto costume. "Mommy...Dada!!"
"Hope, you are wearing your Pluto costume?!"
Allison gives Hope to Emma."Hope, Dada is sleeping baby girl. We have to be quiet."
"Yes,he is safe baby girl. The minors on his chest are showing us on the machine right here. (She points to the monitors.) "The machine is telling us that his heart is beating." Hope hugs her Daddy and kisses him on the head. "Luv you Dada."
"Yes, kid?"
"How is Dad?"
"We are monitoring his heart, so far his chest pains were a sign of a heart attack."
"Hope, Daddy is okay, little sis."
"Dada..." She hugs her Daddy.
"Be careful of the wires, baby girl."
"I have a question?"
Emma stands up and goes to her son as Allison joined Hope on the bed. "Auntie...Dada."
"I am going to take good care of your Daddy, Hope. Do you like your Pluto costume?"
"What is it, kid?"
"Can Ava and I take Hope trick or treating?"
"Henry, you and Ava are going on your date tonight."
"Mom, I told Ava about Dad, she suggested that we take Hope trick or treating. I asked her if Hope can join us at our dinner at granny's?"
Emma smiles. "Are you sure? You want Hope to join your date with Ava?"
"Mom, Ava wants to spend time with Hope. I really want Hope to have fun tonight. I love spending time with Hope. She can join my date with Ava."
Emma hugs her son who always puts his family first. She kissed him on the head. "You are an amazing big brother. Hope is so lucky to have you as her brother."
"I love Hope, Mom. I have the best little sister ever."
Emma scoped Hope into her arms. "You are a little hero today, Hope."
"Yes, Hope. You. You told Mommy that Dada needed help. Henry and I rushed home to get you and Dada."
"You safe Dada little sis."
"Hero! Dada!" Killian wakes up. "Dada!" Emma puts Hope back on the bed. "Dada, hero!"
"Hi, my little hero."
Hope hugs her Dada."Dada."
"You are Pluto for Halloween?"
"Yes. Dada...okay?"
"I am feeling better than before,my little hero." He hugs Hope.
"Dad." Henry joins their hug.
"Son, I'm okay."
"You scared me and Hope and mostly Mom."
"I am going to be okay, Henry. I did not have a heart attack." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope.I am okay."
"Yes, you helped me come to the hospital, little love. That is why you are my little hero. Auntie and Mommy are going to take good care of me."
Killian and Emma both smile at their daughter. "Yes, Hope. Mommy is doing her job, little duckling." Hope hugs her Mommy.
Henry hugs his Dad. "I am glad you are okay."
"I am getting the best care, lad."
Henry gets a phone call from Ava. "Hi, Ava. You are here!" Henry smiles. Killian and Emma both smile. "We will meet you outside." They end their phone call.
"Yes, Dad. Ava is joining Hope and me trick or treating."
"Tweet." Henry goes to the bathroom to change into his costume.
"Hope, you be a good girl for Henry and Ava. "
"Yes, Mommy."
Emma hugs her daughter. "You can tell me all about the fun you have with Henry and getting candy."
"Little hero." He puts Hope on his lap. "You are going to have fun with Henry and Ava. When you come back, we can have pirate storytime."
"Piwate, dada."
"Yes, you are a hero pirate just like dada and Mommy."
"You are cute little Pluto, Hope." Emma takes photos of Hope in her Pluto costume, with Killian. He took pictures of his two loves. Henry returns and changed into his costume.
"Henry, you are Flynn Ryder again?"
"Yes, I do love Flynn Ryder. Ava is my Rapunzel."
"Aww." Emma hugs her son. "Have fun tonight and thank you."
"I know you need to be here with Dad. I do not mind Hope joining us. I love my little sis."
Hope jumped into her brother's arms. "Hope, be gentle on Henry."
"Mom, she is not hurting me. Little sis, are you ready to go trick or treating?"
"Kid, call me if anything happens."
"I will. Hope will be with me and Ava the whole time. Right Hope?"
"Yes!" She hugs her brother.
"Mom, dad, we will see you later." Henry and Hope leave the room. Henry carried Hope to the front of the hospital. "Dada...Mommy."
"We are coming back later, little sis."
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Ava."
"Hi, Hope."
"Ava, hi."
"Hope, I like your Pluto costume."
"Tweet, Henwy."
"Yes, we are going trick or treating little sis." They went to houses to trick or treat.
"Ava!" Ava holds Hope.
"She likes you."
"I can tell."
"Little sis, do you remember what we say to get candy?"
"That is right, Hope. We say Trick or Treat."
Ava faces Hope. "Hope, which house should we go to first?" Hope points at the house with a lot of decorations. "Hope, good choice. High five." Hope high fives, Ava. They began trick or treating. They went to Ashley's house, Jefferson and Paige's house, the dwarves' house, Geppetto's shop, and went to other houses around town.
Back at the hospital, "Ava is joining their trick or treating?"
"Yes." Emma sits with her husband. "It was Henry's idea. Ava and Henry were supposed to have a date night after..."
"Swan, it is my fault.."
"No, Killian it is not your fault. Ava wanted to join Henry and Hope trick or treating. Henry asked Ava if Hope can join them for dinner. He loves Hope. He wanted to spend time with Ava and Hope." She hugged him.
Allison returns into the room with a sonogram machine. "Killian, I need to do a sonogram on your heart."
Emma moved to a chair and held his hand. "I am right here."
Allison puts the gel on Killian's chest and does a sonogram on his heart. "Killian, you had a mini heart attack. I see a blood clot."
Emma gripped her hands. "Allison?"
"Blood clots can be dangerous. Blood clots can cause low flowing of the blood vessels in the heart and cause lung issues if not treated. I can take the blood clot out by performing a surgical thrombectomy."
"Aye, surgery?"
"Yes, Killian."
"Killian, you need surgery, you will have the surgery."
"Aye, I will have the surgery."
"I will schedule the surgery for tomorrow." Allison leaves the room. Emma began crying.
She joined her husband on the bed. "Killian."
"This surgery is going to fix my heart, swan."
"I know...After this surgery, I am going to help you in recovery. You help me, I help you."
"That is why we are a team, love." He kisses her on the head. "You are not going to lose me, Emma."
Allison returns. "Killian, I am going to have nurses prep you for surgery. We are going to operate on you tonight."
Emma was surprised. "Allison tonight?"
"I want to get the blood clot out of Killian's heart, Emma." Emma hugs her husband.
"Allison, I will have the surgery." Allison preps Killian for surgery.
Emma steps out into the hallway trying to think. She makes a phone call. "Hi, Regina."
"Emma,how is Killian?"
"He is having emergency surgery, by Allison. Henry took Hope trick or treating. Can you stay over with them at my house tonight?"
"Yes, Emma. I can. They will be with me." They ended their phone call.
Emma walks home and packs Killian's overnight bag. She gets a phone call from Henry. "Henry."
"Mom, my other Mom called me to tell me to call you. What happened with Dad?"
"Are you around Hope?"
"Hope is with Ava trick or treating. Hope likes Ava."
Emma smiles. "I am glad. After you left, Allison found a blood clot in your Dad's heart. She is going to perform surgery on him now to take the blood clot out of his heart."
"Mom, we are coming back."
"Henry, I need you to stay with Hope."
"Okay. Will you call me?"
"Yes. I will update you first, kid."
"Dad is going to be okay, Mom."
"I know."
"I will text you pictures of us trick or treating."
"I know Hope is having fun with you and Ava."
"Yes,she is,Mom. I will talk to you later." They ended their phone conversation.
Hope returns to Henry. "Henwy, tweet."
"You got more candy!"
"We are going to eat candy later."
"No, Hope. We are going to get more candy." Henry scooped Hope into his arms.
"Henry, I can carry Hope's bag."
"Thank you, Ava." They walked to more houses.
"I can see you in your sister. She is a lot like you."
"Yes, she takes after me but mostly our Mom and our Dad." They continued trick or treating until Hope got tired. "Little sis, are you hungry?"
"We are going to go to granny's for dinner." They walk to granny's and sat in their usual spot. Granny sees them, "Hi, Henry and Ava and Hope."
"Hi, Granny, Hope and I will have our usuals. Ava?"
"I will have my usual too, granny."
"I am on it." Granny heads into the kitchen.
"Little sis, do you want to sit next to me or Ava?"
"You." Hope hugs her brother. He puts Hope in her booster seat.
"Hope, you have the best big brother?"
"Yes, luv Henry." She turns to her brother. "Henwy, art." Henry takes out a coloring book and crayons. "Ank you."
"You are welcome, little sis." Ava smiles seeing Henry being a great big brother to his sister.
"You are really a great big brother to Hope."
Henry smiles. "Thank you."
"Yes, Hope?"
"She wants you to color with her."
Ava smiles and moves to sit in front of Hope. "I can color with you." Hope smiles. Henry takes a picture of Ava and Hope coloring.
Emma took a shower and changed her outfit before returning to the hospital. She finds Killian in another room. "Swan."
"I am back, captain." They kiss. "I have your overnight bag."
"Thank you, swan, I heard from Henry, he and Hope are having a fun trick or treating time with Ava."
"Aye, they are?"
"Yes." She shows the pictures of selfies of Henry with Hope, Ava with Henry and photos of Hope trick or treating with Ava and Henry. "Hope is crashing Henry's date."
Emma giggled as she playfully hit her husband on the arm. "I think it is very sweet of them letting Hope join them. I think Ava is going to be a good girlfriend for our son."
"Aye, just seeing pictures of them, our son is happy."
"Hope approves Henry of dating Ava."
"Aye, Hope likes Ava, not Violet."
"Yes. Henry and Ava seem to be a cute couple." She hugs him.
At granny's, Hope was not eating most of her meal. "Little sis, are you hungry?"
"Yes. Chee.."
"You are earring your grilled cheese. You do not want your onion rings?"
Henry sighs. "Henry, I have an idea. Hope, you want something else than onion rings?"
"Hope, do you want string beans?"
Henry smiles. "Granny, we will take the onion rings to go to our Mom. Can we have a side order of string beans?"
"Coming right up." Granny returns with a plate of green beans. "Hope you like string beans?"
"Yes!" Henry,Ava and granny all laugh. When Hope was finished, she wanted Ava to walk around the diner with her. "Ava!" She takes her hand and walks around.
Granny gave Henry a to go bag. "Henry, I made a meal for your Mom."
"Thank you, granny. My mom will appreciate this."
"How is your Dad?"
'From what my Mom told me he is having surgery."
"If you need anything, let me know."
"Thank you, Granny." Ava carried Hope crying to Henry.
"Henwy, Mommy, Dada."
Henry gets hope from Ava. "We are going to go back to Mommy and Daddy, little sis." Hope hugs her brother.
"Henry, I can carry the bags."
"Thank you."
"We're going home." They walked home. Henry changes Hope into pajamas and packs an overnight bag for them.
"Ava." Hope goes to Ava in the hallway and brings her into her room.
"Hope, your bedroom is pretty."
"Your mommy designed your room?"
"Yes." Hope climbs onto her bed. "Pluto." She hugs her plush dolls.
"You have 3 Pluto dolls."
"Ava, she has another one on the Jolly Roger."
"Henwy, mommy, dada ome."
"We are going back to the hospital to Mommy and Daddy." Hope picks up one of her Plut dolls. "You can take your Pluto doll with you."
"Henry, I can drive us there."
"Yes, Nicholas is bringing my car right now."
"Awesome." Hope babbles. "Are you saying awesome Hopey?" Hope shook her head no. "No? We are going to Mommy and daddy."
"She is going to be happy with your Mom?"
"Yes, definitely." He changes Hope's diaper.
Ava gets a text message from her twin brother. "Nicholas is here." Henry carried Hope downstairs and outside. "Nicholas, thank you for bringing my car."
"You are welcome. Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Nicholas." Hope fusses. "We are going to Mommy and Daddy. Ava, I can hold her in the car." Henry sits in the back holding Hope as Nicholas sat in the passenger seat letting Ava drive.
Emma was watching Killian getting prepped for surgery. "Allison, how long will he be in recovery?"
"A few weeks." The nurses and Allison pushed Killian's hospital bed to the operating room. Emma was holding Killian's hand. "Emma, Allison is going to fix my heart.
"I will be with you when you wake up."
"Aye, I am not surprised, you are always on my side."
"Yes, my captain." they kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss.
"Okay, you two. I need to fix Killian's heart." Emma hugs Killian.
"Emma, I will see you when I wake up."
"I will be right at your side." Emma did not let go of Killian's hand until the nurses put Killian into the room.
Allison hugs her best friend. "He is going to be okay, Emma. I will take good care of your Killian." Allison enters the room. An anesthesiologist puts a mask on Killian. "Count back from 10."
"10...9...8..." Killian falls asleep. A nurse numbs Killian's chest. Allison uses a tool to open Killian's chest. She goes into Killian's heart and opens it to find the blood clot with help of nurses adding other tools to keep his heart open.
Emma cries when Allison enters the room. "He is going to be okay...he is going to be okay." She goes to the waiting area and sees her Dad."Dad?" She runs and hugs him. "Dad!"
"Emma, I am right here. Regina told me about Killian..."
"Allison found a blood clot. He is having surgery on his heart now..."
Charming hugs his daughter. "Allison knows her job, she knows what she is doing. He is going to be okay, Emma." They sat down and talked.
Hope sees her Mommy and runs."Mommy!"
She sees Henry, Hope and Ava. Emma kneels down and scooped Hope into her arms."My baby girl. Hi sweetie."
"Mom,Hope really wants to see you. " Emma smiles. Henry hugs his Mom and sister.
"Miss you, Mommy."
"Aww, I missed you too. Did you have fun with Henry and Ava?"
"Mom, Hope had fun with us. We got a lot of candy."
"Emma, Hope is so much fun. She had fun with us."
"Ava, I like your costume. Thank you for letting Hope join your date night."
"I am glad to get to spend time with Hope. I am always asking Henry to spend time with Hope."
Emma was in awe. "Hope, we can have Ava come over to our soon, little sis." Hope clapped her hands. Emma, Ava and Henry all smiled.
Emma sat down with Hope. "Dada?"
"Auntie Allison is fixing Daddy's heart."
"Yes, a boo-boo on his heart. When Dada is out of surgery, we are going to give him hugs. We are going to help him in recovery."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Dada....food."
"You brought Dada a meal?"
"Mom, we brought you a meal from granny's. Hope made sure she had you and your favorite side orders. Hope told granny that she wanted string beans for Dad.""
"Thank you, Henry. Thank you, Hope. I need to eat." Hope babbles. "Yes, Daddy will have his string beans after his surgery.
"Emma, you need to eat."
"Yes, Dad."Emma eats her meal while Hope was with Ava and Henry.
"Ava." Ava goes to Hope. "Mommy ava..." She touches Ava's hair.
"Hope you want me to braid Ava's hair?"
"Yes, Mommy."
Emma chuckles. "Ava, I braid Hope's hair all the time."
"You can do my hair, Emma." Emma braids Ava's hair, Henry takes pictures of his Mom and girlfriend. "Emma, you are really good with braids."
"Thank you. I can teach you."
"I can only do regular braids."
"I can teach you. The next time, you come over."
"That will be great."
"I can do your hair too, baby girl." Emma braids Hope's hair. Ava gets a phone call from her Dad.
"Dada." Hope began crying.
"We are going to see dada very soon, baby girl. I know, I want to see Dada too." She gets up and walks around with Hope.
Ava returns, "Henry my Dad wants me home."
"I had fun with you and Hope tonight." She hugs Henry. "It was a fun date night even with Hope tagging along."
"Thank you for understanding."
"I know you are close with your family especially with your sister and your Mom. It was fun." They kiss. Emma smiles. "See you soon, Henry."
Henry turns around and sees the look on his Mom's face seeing him and Ava kiss. "Mom, again?"
Emma smiles. "I did not see anything."
Emma chuckles. "You and Ava make a cute couple."
"Thanks, Mom."
Emma gave her son a look. "Does Regina know..?"
"I have not told her about Ava and me just yet. Ava still has bad feelings because it was her fault that her and Nicholas got separated from their father before the dark curse."
"I can see why Ava doesn't trust Regina."
"She likes you Hope and Dad, Mom. After all, you're the one who returned her family back together."
"Yes, I did with your help. We reunited their family."
Allison returns. "Emma, Henry."
"Allison." Emma, Henry, and Charming rushed to Allison.
"Killian surgery went really well. We got his blood clot out of his heart." Emma sighs in relief. Henry hugs his Mom. "He is okay?"
"Yes, Emma. He is in recovery. I will bring you to him." Allison led the Swan-Jones family to Killian's room. Henry takes his sleeping sister from their Mom. Emma rushes to Killian's side, who was still asleep, with an oxygen mask on an IV in his arm. She held his hand."My Killian. I am right here. I am not leaving you." She kisses him on the head.
"Henry, I will be in my office. I will be back later."
"Thank you Aunt Allison for saving our Dad's heart."
"You are welcome, Henry." Allison heads into her office.
Henry sits on the chair holding his sister. "Mom, Dad is going to be okay."
"Yes, he will. Thanks to Allison's quick thinking for the surgery." She sits on the bed and wraps her husband in her arms. "I am right here. Everything is going to be okay."
Charming approaches his daughter and lays a hand on his shoulder. "If you need anything call me."
"I will,Dad. Killian is still here with us which all that matters to me." Charming leaves the family.
Killian wakes up from a deep sleep seeing Emma crying. "Swan..."
"Killian!" She hugs her husband. He grunts. "Sorry. I am too rough. I know you are in pain."
"Aye, I am in pain but happy to be alive."
"You are alive."I am so happy that you are alright. You are going to be okay."
"I told you, Emma. I was not going to leave you." They kiss.
"Hi, Henry."
"Kid, give me your sister." Henry gives his sister to their Mom and hugs their Dad.
"Dad, how are you feeling?"
"Sore. How was your date night with Ava?"
"It was really fun."
"Did Hope had fun being the third wheel?"
"Hope had a lot of fun with Ava and I. We got a lot of candy. We also went to Granny's."
"Did you pay?"
"Of course, Dad."
"Aye, that is a gentleman, lad. The man always pays on the first date."
Emma smiles. Hope wakes up. "Hi, Hopey. Dada is awake. Auntie Allison fixed his heart."
"Hi, Hope."
"Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy, he grunts.
"Hope, you have to give Dada gentle hugs."
"Little love, I am okay." Hope babbles. "Oh, really you got so much candy tonight?"
"Dad, we brought you some string beans from granny's. Hope assisted that we bring you some."
Killian smiles, his daughter is just like him a healthy eater and thought of him. "Thank you, Hope. I will have my string beans later."
"Yes, I am safe, Hope. Auntie fixed my heart." Hope hugs her Daddy. "I am going to be okay, Hope."
"You are going to keep me company while I recover?"
"Yes, Dada!"
"My little pirate."
"Hope, do not touch daddy's new scar. It hurts sweetie."
"Emma, this scar is not going to be as bad as my other scars."
Allison enters the room. "How is my patient?"
"Better than before and sore."
"That is a good sign." Allison examines Killian's scar. Emma was holding Hope on her lap in a chair close to her husband. "Auntie, Dada."
"Yes, Auntie is taking care of dada." Emma hugs Hope.
"So far you are recovering as you should be."
"How long will my recovery will be?"
"A few weeks. You need to rest."
"Aye, I understand."
"I will be back to check on you later." She goes to her best friend. "Make sure your husband rest."
"I will, Allison." Allison leaves the family..
"I do need my swan to keep me company." Emma smiles and joins her husband on the bed with Hope on her lap who falls back to sleep. Henry was sleeping on the chair. "Killian,are you sure you are okay?"
"Yes, I am, Emma. I am not going anywhere."
Emma hugs her husband. "You're staying here with me. You need to rest."
"Aye, swan."
They kiss. He falls asleep. "You are with me, Killian. Your family is here with you." She kisses him on the head knowing that her husband is here with her and going to take care of him, which does the Swan-Jones family does.

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