Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Henry's Special Day

161 2 0
By isaballerina89

Killian loves seeing Hope running around in her Ariel dress around the Jolly Roger. He was giving Hope a sailing lesson, their one on one time, to give Hope a break from the house. He has not been on the Jolly Roger in a while since he has been at his home on land taking care of his wife. "Dada." Hope was at the steering wheel. "Eer."<br />

Killian joins his lass at the steering wheel. "You want to steer the steering wheel?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Killian taught Hope how to steer. Hope goes to the ropes and picks them up. "Hope. Drop the rope."<br />

Hope drops the rope."Dada. Pway."<br />

"You cannot play with the ropes, little love. The ropes hold the sails together. How about you help me check the Jolly Roger?"<br />

"Yes...Olly Wawa."<br />

Killian holds Hope on his hip and smiles. "That is my little pirate." Killian carried Hope around the Jolly Roger and checked the ship. "You did a great job helping me check on our second home."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Yes, little pirate?"<br />

"Luv you."<br />

Killian smiles and hugs Hope. "I love you so much,Hope. My little pirate."<br />

"Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy.<br />

"You give the best hugs. Now, we are going into town to buy Henry's birthday gift." Killian walked into town carrying Hope.<br />

"Henwy."<br />

"Yes, Henry's birthday is tomorrow."<br />

"Ookie."<br />

"We are going to have cake tomorrow. I ordered a cake especially for him." He buys Henry's gift, letting Hope walk around the shop. He carries Hope home.<br />

"Ome...Mommy."<br />

"Yes, we are home little love." He hides Henry's birthday present and brings Hope into his room, where Emma was fast asleep. He puts Hope next to his swan. Emma hears them and wakes up. She turns around seeing Hope. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy.<br />

"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with dada?"<br />

"Olly...wawa..."<br />

"You were helping Dada on the Jolly Roger in your ariel dress?"<br />

"Yes. Miss you."<br />

Emma smiles. "I missed you too." She kisses Hope on the head and hugs her daughter.<br />

"How are you feeling swan?"<br />

"I am in less pain. I am getting better every day." Hope babbles.<br />

Henry enters the room. "Dad, Mom, I know what I want to do for my birthday tomorrow."<br />

"What do you want to do, kid? We can do whatever you want."<br />

"If you are feeling better, Mom. I want us to go sailing. I been jealous of Hope has been on the Jolly Roger more than me."<br />

"Lad, are you jealous?"<br />

"I want to sail for my birthday."<br />

"Kid, we are going sailing tomorrow."<br />

"Yes!"<br />

"Henwy...wead book."<br />

Henry holds Hope on his hip. "Hope, I can read to you from my storybook in my room."<br />

"H!"<br />

"Yes, Hope. H&amp;H time." Henry takes Hope to his room and reads on his bed. Hope falls asleep on Henry, he watches her sleep and not disturb her nap.<br />

"Emma, are you sure about sailing tomorrow?"<br />

"I saw Dr.Claire last week. She gave me the okay to be active again. Besides Henry is turning seventeen tomorrow the same age I had him...I want him to have a great birthday, tomorrow. He wants to sail we are sailing tomorrow."<br />

"Love, he is going to have an amazing birthday with his family, love."<br />

Emma began crying, "He's going to be seventeen tomorrow and a senior in high school... He is growing up so fast."<br />

Killian hugged his wife. "You are raising him, Emma, into a brave, kind, caring young man."<br />

"You are his father, Killian...he looks up to you."<br />

"Aye, I am his Dad."<br />

Emma wiped her tears away. "I need help baking cupcakes for his birthday tomorrow."<br />

"I can help. How about the cake?"<br />

"You can help me with the batter for the cake." They went into the kitchen, Emma baked cupcakes, and the cake better. Killian was still overprotective of his swan and helped her. He helps with the cake.<br />

Henry brings sleeping Hope to the kitchen. "Mom, Dad, I am going to visit my other, Mom." Killian takes Hope from Henry.<br />

Hope wakes up when Henry left. "Henwy..." Hope began crying. "Henwy..."<br />

"Little love, he is only visiting Regina, he will be back later." He hugs Hope. "He is going to play with you, later."<br />

Emma faces Hope. "Hope, you can help me and daddy bake for Henry's birthday tomorrow. You can be my little baker."<br />

"Mommy...Henwy."<br />

She takes Hope from Killian. "Henry will be back. Tomorrow, we are going to go on the Jolly Roger to celebrate his birthday."<br />

"Henwy gift?"<br />

"Yes, Hope. We are going to give Henry his birthday gifts tomorrow."<br />

"Swan, I can finish baking the cupcakes."<br />

"Thank you."<br />

"Up-ake."<br />

"Yes, sweetie cupcakes. You can be our taster when they are done." Hope smiles. "Want to have Mommy and Hopey time?"<br />

"Yes, Mommy. Pway." Emma takes Hope into the living room. She goes to her blocks. "Mommy...wed." She gives her Mommy the red block.<br />

"Thank you, Hope for the red block." They began building with blocks."What are we building?"<br />

"Home."<br />

"Oh! We are building a house?"<br />

"Yes." Emma smiles and builds with building blocks with Hope. Hope was giving her Mommy the red blocks. When the house fell down. "Oh no! Down.."<br />

"We can build it again."<br />

"No."<br />

"We need to clean up."<br />

"Ean, up." Emma showed Hope where to put the blocks away. Hope hugs her Mommy's legs after they were done cleaning up.<br />

Emma holds Hope on her hip and kisses her on the head. She missed holding Hope while she was in recovery. Hope wrapped her arms around her Mommy's neck. Emma sees Killian smiling. "What are you looking at captain?'<br />

"My swan being an amazing Mommy to our little lass." He kisses her on the cheek making her smile.<br />

"Dada." Killian gave kisses Hope on the cheek.<br />

"Hope, you want to try a cupcake?"<br />

"Yes..pweas."<br />

Emma puts Hope in her booster seat and hands her a blue frosted cupcake. "Up-ake." She puts her fingers in the frost and eats it.<br />

"You like the frosting?'<br />

"Yes!" She puts some on her Mommy's nose.<br />

"Is it yummy little love?" She puts the frosting on Killian's scruff cheek. Killian smiles and kisses Hope on the cheek.<br />

"Dada!" Hope laughs. He tickles Hope, Emma joins him tickling their daughter. They love hearing Hope laugh. "Mommy...ickles."<br />

At night it was August 15, Henry's birthday. When both children were in bed, Emma was snuggling with Killian, she was deep in thought, thinking when she was seventeen giving birth to Henry in the prison hospital. Killian kissed Emma on the head. "I will be right back." Emma goes into Henry's room and lies next to him. "My baby boy." She kisses him on the head. "My son is seventeen." She hugs her son and kissed him on the head. She remembers when he found her at her apartment in Boston, the fights between her and Regina, about what was best for him. She always knew that he was not loved and or when he was depressed or when people thought that he was crazy as ten years old.She knew he was not crazy. He came to her for help and she stayed for him since she knew Regina was not giving him everything. She always knew when something was wrong, like Pan. She is so happy that he is not alone anymore and not unhappy but with her and she is giving him everything that she did not have as a child, a normal family with love and happiness. "Happy birthday, Henry. I am so happy that you are in a family full of love with me. You made me a Mom." Emma falls asleep next to Henry.<br />

Killian knew Emma was sleeping with Henry. He knows this day was always painful for his swan and she is soaking up all the time she has with him now since she missed so much of his life before he found her. He wakes up finding his swan with Henry. He cannot believe that Henry is the same age as his swan was when she gave birth to him. "Hi, Dada."<br />

Killian turns round and sees Hope was out of her crib and right next to him. "Little love, did you climb out of the crib all by yourself?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Killian smiles and picks up Hope. "Good morning, little love." Hope lays her head on her Daddy's shoulder, she was still waking up. "You are a little pirate. Just wait until your Mommy finds out that you escaped your crib."<br />

"Mommy."<br />

"Mommy is sleeping with Henry in his bedroom. They are both sleeping. " Killian takes Hope back to her room and sat on the rocking chair. Emma has been laying down with Hope in her crib at night and sleeps with her until she falls asleep and sneaks out. He is enjoying his morning cuddles with Hope "Dada...olly wawa."<br />

"We are going to go on the Jolly Roger and sail for Henry's birthday."<br />

"Henwy...gift."<br />

"Yes, we are going to give Henry his birthday gifts when he wakes up. How about you can help me cook breakfast?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Killian brings downstairs. As he cooked, Hope was walking around. "Hope, you want to help me cook the eggs?"<br />

"Yes." He holds Hope and let her mix the eggs. "Dada."<br />

"Yes, little love."<br />

Hope hugs her Daddy. "Tay."<br />

"You can stay with me, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.<br />

"Dada. Luv you."<br />

"I love you so much, Hope." Killian continues to cook breakfast.<br />

Emma wakes up seeing her son still asleep. She hears Hope and Killian coming up the stairs. Killian carried Hope into Henry's room."Morning, love."<br />

"Morning, honey."<br />

"Mommy!"<br />

"Hope, Henry is still sleeping."<br />

"Dada...ake up Henwy."<br />

"Yes, you can wake Henry up." He sets Hope on the ground and she climbed into Henry's bed.<br />

"Ake, up Henwy! Henwy!" She jumps on the bed. Emma and Killian were both smiling.<br />

Henry wakes up. "Mom!"<br />

"Happy birthday, Henry." She hugs her son. "My son is seventeen."<br />

"Thank you, Mom." He hugs her back.<br />

"Happy birthday, lad."<br />

"Thank you, Dad." Hope was still jumping up and down. "Hope!"<br />

"Appy Henwy." She jumps onto Henry, Emma catches Hope and gives her to Henry.<br />

Henry hugs his sister. "Thank you, Hope."<br />

"Luv you."<br />

"I love you, Hope. You are the best baby sister ever." Hope hugs henry. "You really are full of energy this morning."<br />

"Lad, Hope climbed out of her crib this morning."<br />

Emma was surprised and smiled big. "No way! Hope did you climbed out of your crib?!"<br />

"Yes!"<br />

"You are a little sneaky pirate!" She tickles Hope making her laugh.<br />

"Little sis, you can sneak out of your room, now."<br />

"Here...you.."<br />

"You can come into my room anytime. When I am not sleeping or doing my homework."<br />

"Killian, Hope needs her toddler bed soon."<br />

"Aye, we need to work on it soon, love."<br />

"Birthday boy, what do you want to do first, breakfast or presents?"<br />

"Presents!" The family went downstairs, Henry was holding Hope. He sees the balloons scattered all over the living room with a pile of presents for him with a birthday banner, and two balloons hanging up 17. "Awesome."<br />

"Henwy...ohen gifts."<br />

"Yes, I will open gifts, Hope." Emma takes Hope from Henry and puts her on her lap so he can open gifts. Henry opened his gifts, a few Spiderman, Batman,Marvel t-shirts and funko pops to add to his collection. "Awesome! Mom, I need to add a few shelves to my room so I can add these funko pops to my collection."<br />

"Lad, I can work on it."<br />

Henry opened more gifts, more paints, paintbrushes, and new DC posters. "Awesome! I have more posters to put on my walls. I know I am going to use the new paint set soon."<br />

"Art!"<br />

"Yes, Hope. Art. You can help me with art projects." Hope clapped her hands. Killian takes Hope from Emma.<br />

Emma gives Henry his next gift. "This is from me." Henry opens his gift which was a picture frame of him and his Mom when he was ten years old at Granny's, You made me a Mom. I love you so much. Henry had tears in his eyes and hugged his Mom. "I love it, Mom."<br />

Emma hugs her son back. "You are my baby boy. I just cannot believe you are seventeen already." She had tears in her eyes and kissed him on the head.<br />

"I love you,Mom."<br />

"I love you, Henry."<br />

Hope went to get her gift for her brother. "Henwy, gift!"<br />

Henry smiles. "Thank you, Hope." Henry opens Hope's gift, which was the Joker, from DC which Hope painted in different colors. "Hope, I love it. I am going to put it in my room."<br />

Hope hugs Henry. "Luv, gift?"<br />

Henry smiles. "Yes, Hope. I love it because you made it all by yourself." Hope smiles. Henry hugs his sister. Killian brings his gift to Henry. "Dad, this is from you?"<br />

"Yes, this is from me."<br />

"Henwy."<br />

"Hope, let Henry open his gift, little love."<br />

"Tay...Henwy."<br />

Emma takes Hope from Henry."Sweetie, you can see what Henry is getting on my lap."<br />

Henry opens his gift and smiles. "Dad? Did you get me a sword? Awesome!!"<br />

"Yes, I figured we can continue our sword lessons on the Jolly Roger today." Henry puts the sword down and hugs him. "Thank you, Dad."<br />

"You are welcome, son." After presents, the family had breakfast and got ready for a sailing day. Emma was getting dressed in jeans, a gray tee-shirt, and her red leather jacket. Hope pats her Mommy's jacket. "Do you want to wear your leather jacket today?"<br />

"Yes!"<br />

Emma gives Hope her red leather jacket. "Your red leather jacket looks good with your duckling dress." Hope smiles. They went downstairs. Killian was packing the family picnic blanket and sees his two loves in their matching red leather jackets. "My two loves are matching today?"<br />

"Yes, Hope wanted to wear her leather jacket today."<br />

"Dada." Hope holds his hook. "Olly Wawa."<br />

"Yes, little pirate. We are going on the Jolly Roger."<br />

Henry was wearing a new DC t-shirt brings his backpack and his new sword. "Dad, I got the swords."<br />

"Lad, you can bring them on the ship."<br />

"Henwy...ord."<br />

"Hope, you are too young, to hold a sword, little love."<br />

"Dada." Killian holds Hope on his hip. "Pweas."<br />

"I do not want you to get hurt with swords, little love." Hope began crying.<br />

"Killian, I have an idea." Emma goes upstairs to get Hope's toy swords and returns to her family. "Hope, look what I have." Hope looks at her Mommy. "While Daddy gives Henry a sword lesson. I can give you a sword lesson."<br />

"Mommy...ord!"<br />

"Yes. You can hold the swords for me." Hope holds the swords. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "My little pirate princess."<br />

"Henwy...ord."<br />

"Hope, we can sword fight too." The family went onto the Jolly Roger. Killian puts Hope's lifejacket on her and lets her walk around. Emma and Henry were setting the sails. "Henwy."<br />

"I am almost done, baby sis."<br />

"Pway, Henwy."<br />

Henry and Emma finished with the sails. Henry scooped his sister into his arms. "We can play, little sis." He brings Hope to the captain quarters and they play with her toys in her treasure chest. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife. "Captain Swan are you ready to set sail?"<br />

"Yes, captain. We are ready to sail." They kiss. Emma was steering the ship as Killian controlled the sails. "Where to Captain?"<br />

"For now straight. Captain Swan." Emma smiles. Hope was running around onto the deck. Killian caught Hope. "Hope, no running on the Jolly Roger when we are sailing, little love."<br />

"Olly...wawa."<br />

"We are sailing, little love."<br />

"Mommy,eer."<br />

"Yes, Mommy is steering the Jolly Roger."<br />

Hope points at her Mommy. "Mommy."<br />

Killian gives Hope her bottle. "Your Mommy is a pirate just like the rest of us." He takes Hope to the deck and they watch the waves passing by them.<br />

"Ooo..."<br />

"Ocean, little love."<br />

Henry approaches his Mom. "Hey, birthday boy."<br />

"How is steering?"<br />

"Good. Do you want to steer?"<br />

"Yes." Emma steps to the side and lets her son take the wheel. "I was wondering if we can have my birthday dinner at Granny's?"<br />

"We can do that, Henry."<br />

"Yes!" Emma texts Allison and Regina to meet the family at Granny's in the evening. She watches Killian giving Hope a sword lesson using the toy swords.<br />

"Mom?"<br />

"Yes?"<br />

"Can you teach me how to drive soon?"<br />

Emma gave her son a look. "How about I can give you a driving lesson after the Jolly Roger today into town?"<br />

"Yes!!" Hope walks to Henry and Emma with Killian.<br />

"What is going on?"<br />

"Mom is letting me drive the yellow bug into town later."<br />

"Aye, mother and son time in the yellow bug. Hope and I will talk into town."<br />

"Dada." Emma chuckles. "Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy's legs.<br />

"Hope, Mommy is going to teach me how to drive."<br />

"No. Mommy...dwive."<br />

Killian laughs. "Henry will learn to drive by Mommy."<br />

"Pway, Mommy."<br />

"Swan, I will steer with the birthday boy." Emma takes Hope down the deck and gives Hope her sword lesson with toy sword. She walked around with Hope, holding her hand. "Lad,steer left."<br />

As the family continued to sail, they decided to have a lunch break. Emma set up a picnic-style lunch, with Henry's favorite meal and cupcakes for dessert as Killian and Henry set the anchor down. Hope goes to her Mommy. "Mommy." Emma takes off Hope's lifejacket. The family had sandwiches, fruit salad and cupcakes that Emma made. They continue sailing."Dad?"<br />

"Yes?"<br />

"I was wondering..."<br />

"You can tell me anything,lad." Henry looked ahead. "Henry?"Henry pointed at a ship coming ahead of them. Killian knew who ship belong too, another enemy of his. "Bloody hell! Emma bring Hope here now!" Emma sees the other ship and carries Hope to the steering wheel. "Henry take Hope inside."<br />

"Dad."<br />

"I know this ship, Jack Sparrow. He is an enemy of me, lad."<br />

"Killian?"<br />

"Henry, stay with Hope."<br />

"Yes, Dad." Henry takes Hope inside the captain quarters.<br />

"Henwy...Mommy...Dada."<br />

"Daddy told us to stay in here." Hope goes to her brother's sword, which gave Henry an idea.<br />

"Jack Sparrow and I are enemies."<br />

"What do you think he wants?"<br />

"Revenge on me. Because some of his crew joined mine since they did not like how he was, irresponsible."<br />

Emma holds her husband's hook."You are a better captain. I can see why, he is a jealous pirate."<br />

"Aye, he is jealous."<br />

"I am fighting with you. He is not going to get revenge on my husband." Emma got her sword ready.<br />

Jack Sparrow approaches the Jolly Roger. "Well...well...well...Captain Hook."<br />

"Isn't Jack Sparrow. What the bloody hell are you doing here?"<br />

Jack Sparrow sees Emma."Hello, beautiful." Killian gets in between his wife and enemy.<br />

"Get away from her."<br />

"Why? She is so beautiful!"<br />

"Do not touch her! What are you doing here?!"<br />

"I heard from Blackbeard that you have gone soft. Also." He snapped his fingers, his filthy pirates climbed onto the Jolly Roger. "I am making sure my crew does not take away from me again. Crew attack." Emma fought off the pirates as Killian fought off Jack Sparrow.<br />

Killian was fighting his enemy. "Why are you here?"<br />

"To kill you!" They continue to fight.<br />

Henry enters the deck with Hope in her carrier on his back attacking pirates with his sword. Emma sees Henry and Hope, she used her light magic to the pirates away from her children. "Henry!"<br />

"Mom, you and Dad need my help!"<br />

A pirate screams and charges at Emma. She used her light magic to zap the pirate out of the Jolly Roger and land into the ocean. Jack Sparrow sees what Emma has done. "That hot blonde is strong."<br />

"You have no idea how capable she is." He hurts Jack Sparrow. Henry continued to sword fight pirates.<br />

A pirate gets Hope from Henry. Hope began to cry. "Henwy!"<br />

"Hope!" Henry rushes to his sister who was being taken away but another pirate charges at Henry. "Mom!!"<br />

"Mommy!"<br />

Emma sees her daughter with the pirate on the upper deck. The pirate gives Hope to Jack Sparrow. "Hope!" Emma uses her light magic to scare the pirate. "Let go of my daughter right now!!" Emma's light magic got stronger. "I am willing to hurt you with my magic."<br />

Killian sees Jack Sparrow threatening Hope. "If you lay your sword on me, she will get hurt."<br />

"Let the lass down right now."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Hope, everything is going to be okay, little love."<br />

"Oh, she's your daughter! This makes this even better what I am about to do! I am doing this to get revenge on you Hook!" Jack Sparrow drops Hope, Killian sliced part of Jack's neck for endangering his daughter.<br />

Emma ran to Hope and jumped into the air and caught Hope. "I gotcha Hope!"<br />

"Mommy!"<br />

Emma hugged her daughter who was safe in her arms. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are safe. You are with mommy."<br />

"Hero." Emma kisses Hope on the head and hugs her daughter.<br />

Kilian chains Jack Sparrow. "This is what you get when you threaten my family." He brings down Jack Sparrow and tied him up. "Swan, I have him arrested."<br />

Emma saw her son still fighting pirates. "Killian, We have to help Henry." Hope gripped onto her Mommy. Emma tied Jack Sparrow on the pole using her light magic.<br />

Killian sees his son needs him. He was furious at his enemy threatening his family. "Swan, I got them." He helped Henry fight the rest of the pirates while Emma consoling Hope. "Dad is this part of my sword-fighting lesson?<br />

"Yes, lad. You are improving." Henry kicks a pirate. "That is my son!"<br />

"Awesome! This is such a great birthday."<br />

Killian smiles seeing his son love being a pirate on his birthday.<br />

"Mommy."<br />

"You are with Mommy baby girl. You are okay. You are not hurt." Killian sees his wife consoling their scared daughter and wanted the fighting to stop, he had his arch enemy in their custody.<br />

"Pirates!! Stop what you are doing, I have Jack Sparrow arrested and in pain. If any of you hurt my family you will be cut in the throat too!!" Emma saw how much her husband was defending their family and especially Hope.<br />

"If you take one more step on hurting our son, daughter, or my husband, you will all get the pain of my magic!!" She showed them her light magic. They froze and surrendered. Killian handcuffed them all.<br />

Henry rushes to his Mom and sister. "Hope, are you okay?" Hope was still crying. "Mom, I am so sorry for not listening to you and Dad."<br />

"Your sister is not hurt, kid." She hugs her son. "I am not mad at you. I am happy that I got to see my son in action beating pirates. I know you couldn't be on the sidelines during a sword fight." Hope makes a sound. "Hopey, you are safe." She rubs Hope's back. "You are a little pirate too, Hope."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Dada is not hurt. He is making sure all of Jack Sparrow's pirates are handcuffed. They are not going to hurt you."<br />

"Henwy."<br />

"Hope, I am not hurt, little sis." Hope holds his hand. "I am not hurt, I am safe."<br />

"Henwy." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Mommy....Henwy afe."<br />

"Yes, Henry is safe, Hope. kid, I will help you Dad."<br />

"Hope is going to be with me, Mom." Emma helps Killian tie a rope around the rest of the pirates.<br />

"Captain Swan. What should we do with these pirates?"<br />

"I think, deputy, we need to let them go..."<br />

"But swan..."<br />

"We need to let them go but arrest Jack Sparrow. He did try to kill our daughter for revenge on you."<br />

"Aye, he is not going to the sheriff's station.We are taking him to Storybrooke with us."<br />

Henry brings Hope to their Dad. "Dada." Killian takes Hope from Henry.<br />

"Little love, Dada is making sure the pirates go bye-bye." Hope hugs her Daddy. "You are my little pirate. Just like Mommy,Daddy and Henry."<br />

"Dad, I will keep an eye on Jack Sparrow."<br />

Killian gives Hope to Emma and faces the pirates. "Listen up pirates!! Tell us how you got here! How did Jack Sparrow found out what realm I was in?!"<br />

"Jack Sparrow wanted revenge on you."<br />

Killian faces the pirate."Tell me more. What else?!"<br />

"He..he- wanted to take over your ship..."<br />

Another pirate, "It was his idea all of it!! He spoke to Blackbeard about you...that is how we ended up here in Storybrooke."<br />

Killian looks at Emma who nodded her head telling him that Jack Sparrow. "Aye, you all can go. Jack Sparrow is arrested by us. If you all return here and threaten my family ever again you all will end up in prison where Jack Sparrow is going!! Scram!!"<br />

Emma used her light magic to poof the ropes from the pirates, who left quickly. "Mommy.."<br />

Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "The pirates are leaving, sweetie."<br />

"Ome."<br />

"We are going home, Hope." She hugs her daughter who was afraid. "You are not in any danger. You are safe." Hope cried more.<br />

"Emma, I texted our squad, they are meeting us at the docks."<br />

"Good, so they can book him in."<br />

"Lad, we need to prepare to return back to land."<br />

"Aye, aye, Dad." Hope cried more.<br />

"Killian,I will take Hope to your captain quarters."<br />

"Dada." She holds his hook.<br />

"Hope, you are safe. No one is going to hurt you, Dada, Mommy or Henry." He rubs Hope's back and kisses her on the head.<br />

"Dada." Emma gives Hope to Killian.<br />

Henry and Emma pulled the anchor up and set the sails. "Mom, are you mad?"<br />

"No, Henry. I am not mad at you."<br />

"A pirate sword fight on my birthday, awesome! But Jack Sparrow trying to kill Hope makes me so mad."<br />

"That is why we are arresting Jack Sparrow, the kid." Killian returns with Hope. Emma takes Hope into their captain quarters.<br />

Killian made sure his enemy was tied up. They go to the steering wheel, Killian steered the way home. "Dad, why did Jack Sparrow want revenge on you?"<br />

"Before my crew and I returned to Neverland after my brother died. We were sailing to other realms. In one of them, we bumped into each other and fought. His crew joined my crew because they realized I was a better pirate leader than him. They all switched to my crew."<br />

"From his movies, he is a very irresponsible pirate. I can see why they switched to your crew. You are a better captain,Dad."<br />

"Thanks, lad."<br />

"The sword fighting against the other pirates was awesome!"<br />

"You did great, lad."<br />

"I have the best teacher." Henry hugs his Dad. "You." Killian smiles.<br />

"You are my best student. You are part pirate, Henry."<br />

Emma was snuggling with sleeping Hope who calmed down once they laid in the bed. Emma knew Hope was afraid and felt safe with her. "You are safe with me, Hope. Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head.<br />

Killian let Henry steer so he can check Hope and Emma. He sees Emma awake snuggling with sleeping Hope. "Hey,swan. How is our little pirate?"<br />

"Our little pirate is taking her very needed nap. She kept asking me if you were alright. I told her that dada is safe and he is making sure Jack Sparrow stays tied up."<br />

Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is safe, little love. We are almost home, swan."<br />

"After Jack Sparrow is arrested. I will teach Henry how to drive."<br />

"Aye, mother, and son time." Killian wrapped his arm around his swan.<br />

Emma smiles. "Yes, it is weird how I got the keys to the car when I was pregnant with him at his age. Now I am going to teach him how to drive." Emma had happy tears. Killian kisses Emma on the head. "He has you as his amazing Mom."<br />

"He has you as his amazing Dad." They kiss.<br />

Killian returns to Henry. "Dad?"<br />

"Yes, Henry?"<br />

"Homeschool is starting in a few weeks. Can you help me with my math work?"<br />

"Yes, Lad. I am your math teacher. When you are not busy with your studies. We can have word lessons on the Jolly Roger."<br />

"Awesome!"<br />

Hope returns to the steering wheel. Dada."<br />

"Hi, little pirate."<br />

"Henwy."<br />

'Hi, little sis." Hope hugs Henry's legs.<br />

"Wead...book."<br />

"H&amp;H time it is." Hope makes poop.<br />

"Kid, I will change her diaper first." Emma takes Hope into the captain quarters and changed her diaper. Henry gets the book from the diaper bag. "Dada...Dada..."<br />

"I think your sister wants you to read to her on deck, right Hope? So you can be close to Dada?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Henry gets his book and goes with Hope to the deck. "Dada!! Eer." Hope points at her Daddy.<br />

"Yes, Daddy is steering us home, little sis. Where do you want to read my book?" Hope leads him to a spot on deck. Hope sits onHenry's lap. He opens the book. "Once upon a time..."<br />

Emma goes to her husband and smiles seeing him steering their second home. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "How is my favorite captain?"<br />

Killian smiles. "I am good. How is my beautiful swan?"<br />

"Good. I love seeing my captain sailing his ship."<br />

"Aye, I do love seeing my wife happy. "<br />

"Henry had fun sword fighting with Jack Sparrow's crew."<br />

"Aye, it was a bonus for his birthday."<br />

"Yes. A very pirate birthday for our son." The family arrived back in the docks of Storybrooke. Lily and Mulan were at the docks when the Swan-Jones ship arrived. Henry and Emma were getting ready to leave while Hope was following Emma around. Lily and Mulan came aboard the Jolly Roger. "Hi, Killian."<br />

"Hi, Mulan and Lily."<br />

Mulan approached and tied up Jack Sparrow. "Killian, this is Jack Sparrow?"<br />

"Aye, yes that is him. He is another enemy of mine. He found us and try to kill Hope." Mulan and Lily take Jack Sparrow off the ship and into the patrol car. Mulan returns to Killian who was making sure his enemy did not give the lasses trouble. "Where is the rest of the crew?"<br />

Emma approaches Mullan carrying Hope. "Kilian, let them go."<br />

Mulan was surprised. "You let them go?"<br />

"Yes, I did."<br />

"Dada."<br />

Killian holds Hope. "I knew they were to going not hurt anyone else if Jack Sparrow was in our custody." Hope hugs her Daddy. "He is not going to hurt you, Hope."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Killian, Emma, we will make sure he stays in his cell."<br />

"Thank you, Mulan." Mulan and Lily leave the docks with Jack Sparrow.<br />

"Dad, everything is unloaded."<br />

"Thanks, lad."<br />

"Kid, time for your first driving lesson." Emma hands her son the keys to the yellow bug.<br />

"Awesome!" Henry rushes to the yellow bug. Emma and Kilian chuckled at Henry's excitement.<br />

"He is very excited."<br />

"Aye he is. He knows his Mom is the best driver in Storybrooke. You taught me."<br />

"I am very excited to teach him."<br />

"Hope and I are going to walk into town. We will meet you at granny's." They kiss.<br />

"Mommy."<br />

"Mommy will meet you and Dada at Granny's, baby girl. I have to teach Henry how to drive. You are going to be with dada." She kisses Hope on the head and heads into her yellow car. She sees her son ready to drive, remembering when she first drove her yellow bug with him in the car. "Seatbelt on?"<br />

"Yes, Mom."<br />

"This is the gearshift shift, it controls the car. The brake is on the left, gas pedal is on the right." As Emma taught Henry, Killian took pictures of Emma teaching Henry how to drive on his iPhone. Henry turned the gear shift on and the car began running. "Now, press the gas." Henry did as his Mom told him and began driving. Emma smiles so proudly at her son. Henry drove the yellow bug. "Henry you are driving!"<br />

"Yes, I am!"<br />

Killian took pictures of Henry driving. "Henwy dwive."<br />

"Yes, Mommy is teaching Henry how to drive her car. we are going to meet Mommy and Henry in town." Killian carried Hope into town. They arrived before Henry and Emma. They see Regina at Granny's with Gary, Rumplestilskin, Belle and Gideon, Allison, and her family with the diner set up for Henry's birthday celebration. "Hi, Killian. Hi, Hope."<br />

"Hi, Ina!"<br />

"Hi, Hope. Where is Henry?"<br />

"Henwy, dwive."<br />

"Oh really?" She looks at Killian.<br />

"Aye, Hope is right. Emma is teaching Henry how to drive in her yellow bug as we speak. We had a family day on the Jolly Roger. " Allison approaches Killian and Hope.<br />

"Auntie!"<br />

Allison scooped Hope into her arms. "Hi, Hopey." She hugs Hope. "Killian, how was your day at sea?"<br />

"It was a fun day. We had a bump in with another enemy of mine, Jack Sparrow. We arrested him because he dropped Hope." Allison was surprised. "Emma, caught Hope in time, Allison. Henry used his sword skills to the other pirates."<br />

"Where are Emma and Henry?"<br />

"Henwy...dwive."<br />

"Hope is right, Emma is teaching Henry how to drive."<br />

"Henry is driving."<br />

"Yes, he is starting to."<br />

"I know if there are any accidents, his parents are of the ones in charge of the law."<br />

Regina, "Well, he did hit a mailbox when David taught him how to drive his truck when he was twelve."<br />

"I am pretty sure Emma is a better driving teacher than her Dad."<br />

Gary approaches Killian. "Hi, Killian."<br />

"Hi, Gary. How are you?"<br />

"I am good. Where is the birthday boy?"<br />

"He will be here soon. Emma is giving him his first driving lesson."<br />

"Hi."<br />

"Hi, Hope."<br />

Gideon approaches Hope and Allison. "Hi, Hope."<br />

"Eeon." Allison sets Hope down on the floor, the two friends play.<br />

Henry was doing his best driving in his Mom's yellow bug in town. He liked driving his Mom around town. "You are doing great, Henry."<br />

"At least I am not hitting a mailbox this time."<br />

Emma chuckles. "I remember that." When they approached Granny's Emma taught him how to parallel park. "You really did a good job driving for the first time."<br />

"Thanks, Mom. Can I drive us home?"<br />

"Not in the dark yet, kid." They enter the diner seeing it was decorated with balloons and a birthday banner, Henry sees Allison, her family, Regina, Gary, Hope, and his dad. "Surprise Henry Happy Birthday!!" Everyone cheered.<br />

Henry smiled big. "Mom, Dad!! You did this?"<br />

Emma hugged her son. "Yes! While we were out sailing, Regina and Allison helped us decorate Granny's for tonight."<br />

"Awesome!!" Everyone was greeting Henry.<br />

Killian approaches his wife. "Swan, how was our son's first driving lesson?"<br />

"He really did a good job for a seventeen-year-old for the first time driving. Not crashing anywhere, which I was surprised."<br />

"Mommy!" Hope hugs Emma's legs. Emma smiles and holds Hope on her hip. "Henwy...dwive?"<br />

"Yes, Hope. Henry did a good job driving Mommy's car." Hope clapped her hands.<br />

"Swan, Hope was telling everyone that Henry was driving your car."<br />

Emma smiles. "Oh really? Hope you are proud of Henry driving?"<br />

"Yes." Everyone sat down, Emma and Killian were sitting next to Henry, Regina was on Henry's other side, Gary was sitting across from them, talking to Henry and Connor. Belle and Rumplestilskin were sitting next to Lizzie. Allison sat next to her son facing Emma, Lizzie and Ted were next to Allison. They gave their orders to Granny. Henry was talking to Regina about his daddy while Connor was talking to Gary about video games. Lizzie was playing with Hope and Gideon walking around the diner. Regina gives Henry his birthday gift. "This is for you, Henry."<br />

Henry opens his gift which was a new t-shirt of Star Wars. "Thank you, Mom. I am going to wear it tomorrow." Henry told Regina of his whole day of sailing and driving for the first time.<br />

Emma sees Lizzie at the stools by the cookie container, giving Hope a cookie, which was peanut butter. She rushed and used her magic to take the cookie out from Lizzie's hand. Emma holds Hope."Hope!" Hope began crying. "You cannot have that cookie." She looks at Lizzie."Lizzie, Hope can die from a peanut cookie!" One of the waiters throws out the cookie. Allison rushes to Lizzie who was crying. Allison goes to Lizzie. "Hope is very allergic to peanuts, Lizzie. If she touches the cookie she will get a bad reaction, which can stop her breathing."<br />

Lizzie cried more. Allison scooped her daughter into her arms."I did not know. She wanted the cookie, Mommy. I did not know."<br />

"I know." She hugs her daughter. "She is still too little to know that she cannot eat peanuts and that she is allergic to all nuts, too."<br />

"Auntie Emma is mad."<br />

"She is not mad. Emma just needed to make sure Hope did not eat the cookie, that is all. Hope is not sick, sweetie."<br />

"I am not mad, Lizzie. I could not let you give Hope that peanut butter cookie."Hope cried more.<br />

"Swan, I got our little love." Killian gets Hope from Emma.<br />

"You cannot give Hope peanuts, Lizzie."<br />

"I did not know, Auntie Emma. I am sorry."<br />

"I know, Lizzie. I am not mad at you. I was only making sure Hope did not touch it."<br />

"Emma, I am so sorry. I forget to tell Lizzie that Hope is allergic to peanuts."<br />

"It is okay. Hope does not have an allergic reaction which all that matters."<br />

Killian sits down with Hope. "Dada...Ookie..."<br />

"Little love,you cannot have that cookie. You cannot have peanut butter or it will get you very very sick and stop breathing."<br />

"Mommy."<br />

"Mommy is not mad at you,little love. She just did not want you to get very sick." He rubs Hope's back and hugs his little lass.<br />

Henry whispers to Regina in her ear. She nods her head and poofs up something for Hope. Henry approaches his sister and Dad. "Hope."<br />

"Henwy."<br />

"I have something for you." He shows Hope a small chocolate chip cookie. "This is for you. Regina made it especially for you."<br />

Hope smiles. "Ookie." She gets it from her brother and eats it.<br />

"Thank you, Regina."<br />

"You are welcome, Killian. Hope is it yummy?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Emma returns and kneels to Hope. "Hopey, are you okay?"<br />

"Ina...ookie."<br />

"Oh, really she got you a cookie?" Hope smiles. Emma kisses her on the cheek. Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Emma gets Hope from Killian.<br />

"Mommy...tay."<br />

"You can sit with me, Hope."<br />

Allison returns with Lizzie. "Mommy, can Connor and I give Henry his birthday present?"<br />

"Yes, Lizzie." Lizzie gets Henry's gift and gives it to him. "Henry, this is from Connor, Lizzie, Ted and I."<br />

Henry opens his gift which was a new spiderman poster and a new video game. "Awesome! Thank you for my gift." He hugs Lizzie and Connor.<br />

"I have a feeling you and I will be playing this a lot."<br />

"Yes, we will. You are on." Rumplestilskin gave his gift to Henry. Henry opens his gift which was a magic ball. Emma takes Hope to the bathroom and changes her diaper. Hope babbles. "Mommy is happy you are not sick. You are healthy." Hope smiles. She hugs her daughter who laid her head on her Mommy's shoulder. "Tay...Mommy."<br />

"You can stay with me, baby girl." She carries Hope back to the dinner party and sits next to Killian. "How is our little love?"<br />

"She just wants to snuggle. " Granny came with their meals. "Are you hungry?" Hope eats her meal. "Swan, if she doesn't finish her grilled cheese, we can bring her leftovers home."<br />

"Yes, that is a good idea. That is what I was thinking." Emma kisses Hope on the head.<br />

"Emma, Hope told me about her day, and Killian."<br />

"It was definitely a Swan-Jones day at sea, fighting villains on the Jolly Roger. I had no idea Killian had another enemy." She looks at her husband. "I knew about Rumple, then Morgana and Jack Sparrow. Any other villains I should know about?"<br />

"I had a few villains in my pirate days." Emma gives him a look. "I will tell you who my enemies are."<br />

"Dad, I do not mind fighting your enemies."<br />

"You just want to use your sword, kid." Allison and Killian both laughed.<br />

After everyone ate, Granny came to Emma. "Emma, do you want to bring out the cake?"<br />

"Yes." She gives Hope to Killian.<br />

"Henwy." Henry gets Hope from their Dad and lets her sit on his lap. "Ina."<br />

"Hi, Hope."<br />

"Luv Henwy."<br />

Regina smiles. "Henry is the best."<br />

"Bro." Hope hugs Henry.<br />

"You are so sweet, little sis." Emma brings out Henry's birthday cake and placed it in front of Henry. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Henry as Granny took pictures of Henry holding Hope. "Make a wish, kid." Henry blew out the candles and everyone cheered. Granny took pictures of Henry with his family, Regina, and Allison.<br />

"Ake." Granny takes the cake away. "Ake."<br />

"We are going to get cake, little sis." He looks at his other mom. "Hope is known for sticking her fingers in the frosting." Everyone has cake. Hope was feeding Killian. "Hope, I am good, little love."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Yes, you are being good at sharing." Hope began crying. "Little love."<br />

Emma gets Hope from Killian and takes her outside. "Hopey, I know you are tired. You had a long day of sailing on the Jolly Roger. We had a sword fight with Jack Sparrow..."<br />

"Bad...bad..."<br />

"He is very bad. Mommy and Daddy got him in prison. He is not going to hurt you or Dada again."<br />

"Dada...afe."<br />

"Yes, dada is safe." Hope cried more.<br />

"I know you are very tired. You need to go night-night."<br />

"Pluto."<br />

"You will have Pluto for night night." She gets her small Pluto out of her diaper bag and gives it to Hope.<br />

"Tay...Mommy."<br />

"You can stay with me, Hope." She sat at a table and rubs Hope's back until Hope fell asleep.<br />

Killian finds his two loves at the table where Emma kissed him. "Swan, I have Hope's blankie." Emma smiles as Killian places Hope's quilt on her. "Thank you. Before she fell asleep, she asked me if you were safe. I told you that you were safe and she fell asleep."<br />

"Aye, she just wanted to make sure Dada is safe." He kisses Hope on the head. "I will be right back, love." Killian enters inside, helping Henry carrying gifts as Henry was saying goodbye to everyone. Allison heads outside seeing her best friend and goddaughter niece. "How is Hope?"<br />

"She just fell asleep."<br />

"I know she had a fun day today."<br />

"We need to have a girls day soon."<br />

"Yes, I can come over tomorrow after work."<br />

"Perfect." Allison kissed Hope on the head. Ted, Connor, and Lizzie approached her. The Cameron family left.<br />

Killian and Henry arrived. "Swan time for us to go home." They walked to the yellow bug.<br />

"Can I drive?"<br />

"No, kid. Not in the dark." Emma places Hope in her car seat. Henry sits next to Hope as Emma drives her family home. Killian and Henry get ready for bed. Emma puts Hope to bed in her crib and tucks her in. "Good night, pirate princess." She goes to Henry in his room who was organizing his birthday gifts, posters and funko pops. "Mom, I am almost done." After Henry was finished with his presents, he hugged his Mom. "Did you have a good birthday?"<br />

"Yes! Sailing with you, Dad and Hope. Sword fighting with pirates and the real Jack Sparrow!! it was awesome!!"<br />

Emma chuckles. "I am very happy that you had an awesome day!" She hugs her son. "My son is seventeen."<br />

"I am with you on my birthday, Mom." Emma had tears in her eyes remembering giving birth to him at his age now. "Can we talk?"<br />

"Yes, we can, birthday boy." They lay down on his bed and began to talk. Killian hears Henry talking to Emma in his room, he smiles seeing his swan and son having their other and son time. He goes to Hope's room seeing her fast asleep in her crib and sits down in her rocking chair making sure Hope does not escape her crib. After Henry fell asleep, she kissed him on the head. "I love you, Henry. I am so happy that I am your Mom." She tucks him in and did not see Killian in their bedroom. She finds her husband watching Hope sleeping, she hugs him. "There is my pirate."<br />

"I am making sure Hope does not escape her crib."<br />

Emma kisses Killian on the head, he was being an overprotective Daddy. "I am pretty sure Hope is going to be sleeping during the night. She had a long pirate day."<br />

Hope wakes up. "Mommy."<br />

"Little duckling." Hope reached her arms out. Emma holds Hope in her arms.<br />

Hope laid her head against her Mommy's chest. "Mommy..." Emma knew Hope wanted to sleep with her, which she did not mind at all, her daughter wanted to be with her."You can sleep with Mommy, baby girl."<br />

"Swan, let's go to bed." Killian led his wife and daughter back into their room.<br />

"I know that we can start Hope's toddler bed soon."<br />

"Aye, so we do not have to worry about Hope escaping her crib. She takes after her Mom." Emma chuckles knowing Killian was right. She got Hope settled in their bed.<br />

"Mom?"<br />

Emma sees Henry. "Hey, kid. Are you okay?"<br />

"Can I sleep in here?"<br />

"Yes, there is room for you." Emma moved closer to Killian letting Henry lie down next to her. She kisses Henry on the head. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. They kiss. Emma knows her children are both growing up and she loves being part of their milestones.</p>

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