Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Rough Chapter

222 6 2
By isaballerina89

The night before Emma's doctor's appointment, she and Killian were sleeping in bed, all of a sudden Emma got abdominal pain, and her left arm felt numb. She clutched her stomach as she sat up in bed. "Aahh!! Killian!! Something is wrong!!"Killian wakes up with a start knowing something was wrong with his wife and holds her in his arms. "Emma! What is wrong?"Emma was in tears. "I am having abdominal pain. I can't feel my left arm! Something is wrong with the baby." Killian faces his wife."Emma, you're going to be alright! I love you no matter what happens." He lifts his swan in bridal style from their bed and carries her out of their room. Henry rushes out seeing something was wrong with his Mom. "Dad...""Henry, call the hospital and tell Dr.Claire, Emma is having abdominal pain and cannot feel her left arm.""I will Dad." Killian sets Emma in the seat and speed drives them to the hospital. Emma was crying and in so much pain. "The baby...I just know something is wrong...I am so sorry...I failed...I failed you..." Emma cried more from failing her husband and being in so much pain and being afraid all at once."You did not fail me, Emma. We are in this together. You are going to be okay, Emma."Killian carries Emma out of the car and goes to the emergency room. "Help!! My wife needs a doctor!!" Nurses and Dr.Claire crowded around Emma and Killian. "Dr.Claire, Emma cannot feel her left arm. She is pregnant and having abdominal pain.""I need a stretcher and operation room stat! We have an ectopic pregnancy." Killian laid Emma on the stretcher, holding Killian's hook. "Emma, you are having an ectopic pregnancy."Emma was surprised. "What?""I know you are in pain. An ectopic pregnancy is when the baby is growing inside of your fallopian tube, not in the uterus. We have to operate now because your fallopian tube can burst." "Killian..."Killian holds his wife's hand."You are going to be okay, Emma. You are not failing me, Emma. I love you. I will be with you when you come from surgery." Nurses rushed Emma to the operating room and prepped her for surgery. "Dr.Claire, will Emma be able to have children after this surgery?""Yes, Killian. Ectopic pregnancy is rare but she will have children in the future. I had a few cases like this and women have children after an ectopic pregnancy. I will take good care of your wife." Killian went to the waiting room to wait for news of his wife. He cried, losing their baby that he and Emma both wanted. She did not fail him. Allison was working the night shift and saw Killian in the waiting room crying. "Killian?""Allison.""What happened?" "It is Emma. She had something called an ectopic pregnancy."Allison was surprised and hugged Killian. "Emma is going to be okay, Killian. Her surgery will be minor but she will be in recovery for a little while. You two will be able to have more children." "Emma feels like a failure as my wife but I told her I love her no matter what.""Killian, I know you and Emma are both fighters. She has you to get through this. I can get Emma's overnight bag at home.""Thank you. I do not want Henry and Hope here...not yet.""Of course, Killian." Allison gets her purse and heads to the Swan-Jones house.After Henry called the hospital, Henry went to his parent's room seeing the blood on their bedsheets which was not a good sign. He knew that his Mom lost the baby. He began to cry and called his other Mom. Regina wakes up hearing her phone ring, she knew it was very late unlike Henry to call this late. "Henry?""Mom...""Henry, what is going on?""Mom woke up in pain, cannot feel her left arm and I see blood on the bed..." "Henry, I am on my way. Emma is going to be okay." They ended their conversation. Henry gets Hope from her crib and hugs her. "I love you so much, baby sis. I love being your big brother." He sits on the rocking chair and continues to hug Hope. "Mommy is going to need us, baby sis. We are going to be there for Mommy and Daddy, giving them extra love."Allison and Regina both arrived at the Swan-Jones house at the same time. "Hi, Regina.""Hi, Allison. Henry called me. Have you heard from Emma?""I saw Killian in the waiting room. Emma is in surgery. She had an ectopic pregnancy meaning the baby was growing in the fallopian tube, not in the uterus."Regina was surprised. "She was pregnant?""Yes, Regina. They found out about the baby while on vacation. I was the only one outside of the family who knew about the pregnancy.""I feel so sorry for Emma.""Me too, they were all so excited when they told me about the baby when I picked them up at the airport. Dr.Claire is doing surgery on her right now. I came here to get Emma's overnight bag.""I am here to stay with Henry and Hope.""That is good because Killian wants them to stay home for now." Allison let herself and Regina in. Allison packs Emma's overnight bag. Regina goes and finds Henry hugging Hope in his sister's room. "Mom.""Hi, Henry. Allison is here, she told me that Emma is in surgery. Emma is going to be okay." Regina hugs her son as best as she can with Hope in the middle. Henry hugs his sister. "Emma is going to be okay.""More like she is going to be devastated all over again.""She is going to get through this Henry." Henry nods his head and continues hugging his sister.Allison enters the room with Emma. "Henry.""Aunt Allison. Is my mom okay?""She is in surgery but she will be okay Henry after her surgery.""What about the baby? Mom and Dad were so excited, they told Hope and me as soon as they found out."Allison kneels to her nephew and niece."I know, Henry. Your Mom told me a few days ago, she was so excited. She will be able to have more children after this procedure, Henry. I know people who had this procedure and had children after.""Can we go see her?""Not yet, Henry. She is in surgery. I will call you when she is awake. I have to bring your Mom's overnight stuff.""How am I going to tell Hope? She was so excited about the baby.""I know your Mom and Dad will tell her in their way, Henry. "Henry was crying. "I am so happy to have Hope as my sister." He hugs Hope. Allison hugs her nephew."She loves you so much, Henry. You take such good care of Hope." Hope began to fuss. "Mom, I will take Hope into my room." Henry goes to his room with Hope. "Allison, I will stay here with them. Please call me for updates so when she is ready for them to come I can take them.""I will, Regina." Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house and drives back to work. Regina sees Henry quietly talking to Hope while crying. "Mommy is going to be okay, little sis. I am right here. Everything is going to be okay. I love you so much, Hope. I love being your big brother" He kisses her on the head. Regina went to Emma and Killian's room and used her magic to change the bedsheet and ran the dirty sheet in the laundry machine downstairs. Dr.Claire enters the operating room. "Dr.Claire, Emma is under anesthesia." She examines Emma seeing how much blood she had lost and does a sonogram to see how much of Emma's fallopian tube is torn or damaged. "Her fallopian tube is about to burst. We need to suction her blood out and get the fetus out. We are going to do this laparotomy." A nurse numbs Emma's stomach while another nurse sets up the tools quickly. A passes Dr.Claire the tools as she makes an incision on Emma's stomach and uses another tool to suction up the blood, a nurse uses the suction tool as Dr.Claire uses a thin light tube equipment that has a light to get to look at the fallopian tube and suck the embryo out. Luckily, the fallopian tube was open and not ruptured but it will be able to heal on its own. She stitched Emma up. "Send Emma to the recovery room." The nurses did what Dr. Claire told them to do.In the waiting room, Allison returns finding Killian pacing, all he thought about was his wife and the baby they wanted so badly gone and he wants to hug Emma. "Hi, Killian. Any news?""Not yet! Emma is still in surgery. They are taking a bloody long time. I want to see my wife.""You are going to see your wife soon. Dr.Claire is the best. She knows what is doing." They sat down and waited until Emma's doctor arrived. Dr.Claire enters the room. "Killian, Allison.""Dr.Claire, how is my wife?""Emma is in recovery. I was able to save her fallopian tube, it is torn but it can recover on its own. Her fallopian tube did not burst.""Does that mean she can have children after her recovery?""Yes, Killian. It is a good sign, she won't have a hard time having children after this procedure. She will be in recovery for 6 weeks.""Can I go see her?""Yes, Killian." Dr.Claire leads Killian and Allison to Emma's recovery room. They see Emma fast asleep with an oxygen tube in her nose. "She will be sleeping for a while, Killian."Killian didn't hear what Dr.Claire said all he thought about was his wife."Emma!" He rushed to his swan's side and held her hand and stroked her face. "I am right here, Emma. I am here. You are okay." He sits next to her and whispers in her ear. "I love you so much, Emma. You did not fail me." He was waiting for her to wake up, listening to her breathing. Knowing that his Emma was alive and going to be okay making him feel so relieved. "Allison, if they need me, call me.""I will." Allison was in tears. "Emma was so excited for this baby. She has gone through so much, two miscarriages, and now an ectopic pregnancy...she does to deserve this.""Emma's fallopian tube is saved, not ruptured. She will be able to have more children. I know when the next time she gets pregnant, she will have a healthy baby.""I have that same feeling. She is like a sister to me, I told her she can come to me for advice and be there for her and the next baby.""She is very lucky to have you, Allison. I will see Emma later." Allison stayed nearby letting Killian be alone with his wife and updated Regina in text. In the morning, Hope wakes up noticing that she was with Henry in his bedroom. "Henwy...Henwy...ake up!" Henry wakes up. "Hi, Hopey. Do you want to play? Or eat breakfast?""Food." Henry walks with Hope downstairs to the kitchen. "Mommy...Dada...""Mommy is not feeling well, she went to Auntie's work to feel better." Regina finds them in the kitchen. "Hi, Hope.""Hi, Ina. Henwy....Mommy..." Hope began cryingHenry holds his sister."We are going to see Mommy very soon.""Mommy...ome...""I know, Hope I want Mommy at home with us too." Hope hugs her brother. "You are with me, Hope. Everything is going to be okay." Henry hugs his sister wondering what happened to their Mom.Back at the hospital, Killian was lying in bed next to his Emma and hugging her. "Emma, I am right here. You are going to be okay. I love you no matter what." He was watching her sleep.Emma wakes up a few hours later, feeling like she woke up from a long sleep, seeing an IV in her arm, her stomach is sore, in pain and her left arm is not numb anymore. She sees Killian."Hey...""Emma. I am right here.""My stomach is in pain...." She moved her left arm. "I can feel my left arm again..." She leaned her head against her shoulder and remembered what happened. "It was not a dream...it really happened...I am so sorry, Killian. I failed you.""Emma, it was not your fault. Remember, I am not mad at you. You did not fail me." Emma began crying. "I want that baby...""I know, Emma. I wanted that baby too.""I failed you again as your wife... Do not look at me..." Emma turns her head away from Killian and cried more.Killian was in tears thinking his wife was failing him, which she was not. "Emma Swan-Jones, you did not fail me...Emma..." Emma pulled the blanket around herself and painfully turned around. "I just want to be alone.""Emma...I love you." Emma heard him crying. "I failed you." "I will be outside in the hall if you need me." He kisses her on the head. "I am on your side no matter what. You did not fail me, Emma.I love you so much, my Emma." As Killian closed the door, he heard his swan bawling her eyes out. Killian was in tears hearing his wife grieving for the baby they both lost. "Killian?" Killian sees Allison. "Allison...""How is Emma?""She just woke up and bloody devastated. She cannot look at me in the eye, thinking that I failed her...she just wants to be alone.""Let me see if I can keep her company. Maybe she will talk to me. She needs time to heal. She will have another baby, I can feel it. I told her I will be there to help her and be her support system. I know she has you, Henry, and Hope. She does not have a relationship with her mother, who just causes her pain. I am like her sister and best friend.""You are part of our family, Allison. My Emma trusts you.""I told her when you two have another child, I will be a very excited auntie.""Aye, Henry, and Hope love you.""I am going to be there for Emma when she is in recovery.""Thank you, Allison." Allison enters the room seeing her best friend crying her eyes. "Emma." She sits on the bed and hugs her. "Hey, sweetie.""Allison?""Emma, yes it is me. Your best friend. I am right here.""I lost my baby, Allison.""I am so sorry, Emma." "I feel so guilty and ashamed, I cannot stay pregnant. I cannot look at Killian...I failed him...as his wife...""Emma, you did not fail him. An ectopic pregnancy happens, it is not in your control. It is not your fault. Killian loves you so much, he told me to tell you, that you did not fail him. I am going to help you in recovery since you helped me in recovery. I know when the time is right for you to have another baby, you will have a healthy baby. I am going to be a very happy auntie to have another niece or nephew." Emma leans to Allison. "You are going to be okay, you have your family who loves you so much. I know when Hope and Henry come to see you they will hug you. Hope was with Henry all night." "Henry loves Hope. Killian...I need Killian..""I will let him come back in. I will come back to see my best friend very soon.""Thank you for being here.""You are welcome. I am your best friend. We help each other." They hug. Allison finds Killian still at his spot in the hallway. "Killian, Emma wants you." Killian smiles as he goes inside. "Emma...""Killian... I am so sorry...I know you re upset as much as I am. I am so sorry for hurting you in so many ways...." Emma began crying for feeling guilty of hurting her husband. Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, I am not mad at you. You did not fail me, love. You did not hurt me, swan. I love you so much.""I love you so much, that is why I hate failing you. I feel awful.""You can never fail me, Emma. I love you for who you are.""Stay.""I am not going anywhere. I have not left your side, Emma." Emma hugs him as best as she can. He hugs her back, she felt safe in his arms. "I was thinking when you are in recovery, we can spend time on the Jolly Roger.""I love that idea. I miss our second home." He smiles knowing his swan loves the Jolly Roger as their second home. "Where are Henry and Hope?""They are at home with Regina, love." A few hours later, Dr.Claire enters Emma's hospital room, seeing Emma snuggling with Killian. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Dr.Claire.""How are you feeling?""My stomach is really in a lot of pain. My left arm is not numb anymore.""That is a good sign that the laparotomy worked." Killian was hugging his swan. "I am so sorry, Emma, that it was an ectopic pregnancy. I know you and Killian wanted that baby.""Yes, we were really looking forward to being parents again...we told Henry and Hope right away..." Emma began crying, Killian was hugging her. "We were really looking forward to having another baby..""I know that you will have a healthy baby in your next pregnancy, Emma. I am going to examine you." Dr.Claire examines Emma, with Killian holding her hands. "You are healing as you should be. You will be here for two days. Your fallopian tube did not burst. After the procedure, you can still have children, without any issues."Emma was relieved that she can have more children. "I will check on you later.""Thank you, Dr. Claire." Killian kisses her on the head. "I want more children, not now.""I know, Emma. I want more children with you, love. You are an amazing mother and my amazing wife. I love our life together as husband and wife." Emma cries into Killian as he is hugging her, wanting him not to leave her side and she felt safe with him. "Stay.""I am not going anywhere. I have been in here with you since you were out of surgery. I am staying here with you, Emma.""I am so lucky to have you.""I told you swan, I am not going anywhere." She gently kisses him on the lips and lays on his chest. He hugs his wife."I am right here, Emma. I am into going anywhere.""I really wanted that baby.""Me too, Emma. The good news is that we can have another baby after your procedure.""I do want another baby but not now.""I know, Emma. I know it will happen to have another little pirate for our crew."Emma smiles. "Yes, our children are mostly pirates like their Daddy.""We will have another baby, love.""Yes, when the time is right." She hugs him. Killian kisses her on the head, he is so relieved that she is alive. Emma falls back to sleep on him and feels safe with him in his arms.A little while later, David enters the room. "Killian, Regina called me. How is Emma?""She had an ectopic pregnancy. Dr.Claire told me, her fallopian tube did not burst. She just fell back to sleep, devastated." Charming goes to his daughter. "Emma, everything is going to be okay." He kisses Emma on the head. "You are not alone, you have your family here." He gets closer to Killian. "Where are Henry and Hope?""They are with Regina at home." "What happened last night?""She woke up in the middle of the night in abdominal pain, her left shoulder in pain and she was bleeding. I thought it was a miscarriage but it was an ectopic pregnancy. We found that she was pregnant when we were on vacation...we were thrilled to become parents again. Then this happened..." "I know my daughter, she is going to get through this. I know you and Emma will have another baby.""Aye, that baby will be our rainbow baby.""I will fill in at the sheriff's station for you and Emma.""Thank you, Charming. I know Emma has not...""She is mad at me.""She felt betrayed..."Emma wakes up seeing her Dad. "Dad?""Hi, Emma. How is my princess?""In a lot of pain...and tired but different pain than last night. It was much worse. Killian got me here." She smiles at her husband."Killian is taking such good care of you.""Aye, I always take care of my wife, it is my job." He gets a text from Allison, Come put in the hall. "I will be right back, Emma." He enters the hallway seeing Allison with Henry and crying Hope. "Dada." Hope runs to her Daddy, Killian scoops Hope into his arms and hugs her. He was so happy to be hugging his daughter. "Hi, little love." "Dada." Hope lies her head on his chest and stops crying. "You are with Dada. I missed you so much, little pirate.""Regina dropped them off.""Dad, I had to take her here. She would not stop crying.""It is okay, Henry. I know Mom wants to see you two.""Mommy.""Mommy is very sad, she lost the baby.""Baby.""There is no more baby, little love. The baby went up to be with uncle Zeus in heaven. Mommy has a lot of pain in her tummy, little love."Henry faces his sister. "Our job is to make Mommy happy and show her that we love her.""Mommy...appy. Dada...Mommy." "Yes, Hope. We are going to see Mommy, now little love. We have to be gentle with Mommy, Hope." Henry went in first. "Mom!""Henry!" Henry gives his Mom a big hug but gently."Mom, are you okay?""I am feeling better than last night, more pain than I am in now. My fallopian tube did not burst which is a good thing.""I am sorry, Mom about the baby. I know you and Dad were so excited.""We were excited. Your Dad and I want to have another baby, which is not happening now." Henry sits next to his Mom on the bed and hugs her. "Can I sit here?""Yes." She hugs him. "I love you so much.""I love you, Mom." "Mommy!""Hopey! Come here to give me a hug!" Killian puts Hope on the bed and Hope stands up and gives her Mommy a hug. "I missed you so much, Hope.""Mommy....miss you.""I missed you so much. You can keep me company here.""Mommy...ome.""I will come home soon, Hopey. We are going to have so much Mommy and Hope time. Now, I need you and Henry's hugs." Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy."Mom, Hope is saying we can do that." Emma chuckles. "Emma, I will visit you later. I told Killian that I will keep an eye on the sheriff's station...""Dad, I want Killian to be in charge." Charming was surprised. "You betrayed me, hiding Mom.""Bad."" I want Killian in charge. I am still the sheriff, it is my say.""Emma...""Swan...""I only trust you, Killian. If there is a case if they need you, when I am in recovery, you're the one they go too.""Aye, swan." Killian and Charming looked at each other.Allison enters the room. "There is my best friend!""Hi, Allison!" Allison leans to hug Emma."I see Henry and Hope are keeping you company.""Yes, they are." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hopey, you are staying with me." Hope babbles. Allison saw the tension between Charming and Emma. "Did I come in at a bad time?""No, Allison. You are family, you are staying here." "Dada." Killian takes Hope from his wife. Henry talks to Allison letting his Mom and Grandpa talk. Charming sits next to his daughter. "Emma, you are my daughter. You can gain my trust again. When Regina called me and told me what happened, I came here straight away to see you. I was a nervous wreck all night. I will do whatever it takes to gain your trust back. I really am sorry that I betrayed you, Emma. When I found your Mom, all I wanted to do was take her home and keep her safe. She is my wife no matter what. Like you and Killian accept each other for who you are right or wrong, I do the same for Snow White. I promise Emma that I will get your mother the help she needs to realize what she has done to you and your family was wrong. To get her out of her denial.""Really, Dad?""Yes, Emma. I hate that your Mom tore our family apart and hurt you and the rest of our family.""You and Killian are both sheriffs, Mulan, and Lily are deputies while I am in recovery. I want Killian to be the one to make the final decisions. As for Mary-Margaret, I do not trust her...""Emma...""You betrayed me, Dad. I need to gain my trust again with you even at work.""What about your Mom?""As for Mary-Margaret, I do not know if I can trust her again even if she is out of her denial, she almost killed my daughter. How can I trust her again of what she had done to my family?!""Emma...""She almost killed my daughter, that is the bottom line." Emma began crying. "Allison, please give me Hope." Allison puts Hope next to Emma. "Be gentle on your Mommy, Hope when you hug her." Henry and Hope hug their Mom. "Mom, you have Hope and I. We love you, Mom.""Mommy, luv you.""I love you both so much." Killian takes his father in law away from his wife."Charming you need to leave now, you are upsetting her, making her feel worse. Leave.""Killian...""She has been through bloody hell enough today. My wife needs to rest and not be upset again." Charming leaves. Killian goes to his wife, Henry and Hope were on one side of the bed and hugs her. "You and I rescued her, remember?""We would not have to rescue her if my Mom planned her kidnapping. Hope is safe with us.""Mommy." Hope stands up on Henry's lap and pats her face. "Mommy.""Hopey, you are with me, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the cheek and yawns. "Love, you need to rest. I am not going anywhere." Hope babbles. "Hope is staying with you too." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can sit next to Mommy little love." Emma fell back to sleep. Hope stands up and hugs her Mommy. "Be gentle on your Mommy, little love." Hope babbles. "I know you won't hurt Mommy little love but Mommy tummy hurts her a lot.""Boo-boo?""Yes, Mommy has a very big boo-boo." Hope continues to babble to her Daddy and makes a lot of poop. "Dad, I will change Hope." He takes Hope to the bathroom. "Killian, Henry and Hope can stay over at my house tonight. I know you will be staying here with Emma.""Thank you for the offer to Allison, I will ask Emma.""I will come back later.""Aye, thank you for staying during your shift...""Killian, Emma is my sister. I am happy that she is okay. I will come back later to visit Emma. Henry and Hope can stay over at my house or I can stay over at your house for the night." Allison leaves the room. "Emma, you are not alone. We have family around to help us." He hugs his wife and kisses her on the head. "I am right here, Emma. You are not alone. I love you so much." After Henry changes Hope's diaper, he hugs her. "Mommy lost the baby, Hope.""Mommy...""Mommy is going to be okay, Hope. She has you and me.""Luv, Mommy.""Yes, we need to give Mommy extra love; that is why we are going to be there for her. I love you, Hope so much.""Luv you, Henwy." Henry returns with Hope who went right back to Emma's bed. "Henwy...up." Henry puts Hope next to their Mom on the bed. "Mommy is taking a nap, little sis.""Tay...Mommy.""Little love, you can stay with Mommy." Hope smiles and hugs her sleeping, Mommy. "You are being gentle little love to Mommy.""Luv you, Mommy." Hope falls asleep. "Dad, I will be right back." Henry went to the nearest vending machine to get his Mom two packets of poptarts to cheer her up. Killian went out in the hall waiting for his son knowing he needed to talk one on one. Emma wakes up seeing Hope sleeping next to her. "My baby girl. I love you so much." She hugs her daughter. Hope wakes up seeing her Mommy.Hope smiles."Mommy."Emma smiles. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy."You are very happy to be with me.""Yes." Emma smiles and pulls up her hospital gown seeing her small swollen scars on her stomach. "Oh no.""What is it?""Boo-boo?""Yes, Hope, a big boo-boo. The baby in Mommy's tummy hurt my tummy and had to take the baby out.""Boo-boo.""Can you kiss my boo-boo?" Emma points out where she was not in pain, Hope kisses the spot. Hope pats her Mommy's stomach. Emma groans in pain. Hope began to cry. "Mommy..." After Emma's pain went away,"Hope...you are not in trouble." Emma closes her hospital gown and hugs her daughter. "I am not mad at you, I am just in a lot of pain." "Mommy."She stroked Hope's head. "Hope, I am not mad, sweetie. I need your hugs." She gently held Hope. "You are not in any trouble. Mommy is going to be in pain for a while. When I am in pain, I am going to need your hugs. We are going to have a lot of our Mommy and Hope time." "Yay." Emma smiles. Henry returns to the floor and sees his Dad in the hallway. "Dad?" Henry began crying. "Henry." Killian hugs his son. "Everything is going to be okay. Your Mom is okay.""I was looking forward to being a big brother again.""I know, son. You were so happy to be a big brother again like I was when I found out that I was going to be a Dad again. Your Mom and I want to have another baby, son, when the time is right.""Yes...but why always something bad happens to Mom when she is pregnant after having Hope?""I do not know son. Whenever your Mom and I get pregnant again, that baby will have a family that will love him or her.""Where is Hope?""She is fast asleep with your Mom.""Good. When I saw what happened last night the blood; I thought right away of Mom's miscarriages...when we almost Hope right before her birthday... I took her out of her crib and hugged her. She slept with me last night in my room. I did not want her to wake not seeing you or Mom. I love her so much...I still have my baby sister..." Henry cried more. Killian hugs his son. "Hope is alive son. We are all grateful every single day.""She is a fighter like you and Mom are. I am just grateful that Hope is still with us." Killian hugged his son. "Hope is not going anywhere.""I am worried about Mom.""I know, son. I am worried about your Mom too. We just need to show her how much we love her and there for her.""I know you are going to be at Mom's side, Dad." "Let's go check up on your Mom.""I have pop tarts for Mom when she wakes up."They return inside seeing Hope babbling to her Mommy who was awake. "There are my two boys.""Mommy...ake...""Yes, little love. Mommy is awake. I see you and Mommy are having Mommy and Hope time."Hope hugs her Mommy. "My...Mommy.""Hope she is my Mommy too." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian chuckled. "You two can always cheer me up and make me feel better." She hugs them both at the same time. "Mom, I have something for you." He showed him the poptarts."Pop Tarts! Thank you, Henry." She hugs her son. "How about we split them. We can have one each." Hope babbles. "You can have one, Hope." Emma opens the two packets and gave one each to Henry and Hope. "Killian, do you want one?""Aye, I can have one." He joined his family on the bed. Hope gives her Mommy her poptart after one bite. "Are you full?" Hope babbles. "You do not like poptarts?" "No...Mommy.""Mom, she did not eat all day. She only had her milk.""Swan,how about I can order granny's for all of us.""Good idea." Killian makes a phone call. Henry sets Hope on the ground, she walks around. "Kid, only you and I like poptarts.""Maybe when Hope is a little older she will like them." Hope goes to her brother. "Pluto....pwease." Henry gives Hope her big Pluto doll. "Ank you.""You are welcome, Hope." Hope walks away babbling to her Pluto doll. Henry hugs his Mom knowing she needed him. "Mom, I am right here." Emma kisses her son on the head. "You will always be my first baby." "When you are not in recovery, can you teach me how to drive in your yellow bug?"Emma chuckles."I can teach you, kid. ""Awesome!""While I am in recovery, your Dad can teach you sword lessons, I can also give you tips.""Yes!" Hope babbles. "Hope you can join the sword lessons." Hope puts her Pluto on the bed, Henry helped her, she goes to her Daddy. "Dada." Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "Little love.""Dada...Dada..." Hope hugs her Daddy and lies on her head on his shoulder. "Tay...""You are with Dada, little love. We are staying with Mommy." Killian sits down next to his swan. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek."Hopey, are you happy that you are with Dada?""Yes..Dada." Emma and Killian smiled at each other. Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Dada...book.""You want to read you The Ugly Duckling?""Yes, pweas.""Since you asked so nicely yes, Hope." Killian gets the book from the diaper bag and reads to Hope. Emma falls back to sleep. "Dad, Hope is always happy to be around you and Mom.""Aye, she is just happy that she is with your Mom.""Dada...book again !" "Okay, little love, I will read to you." Henry chuckles at his sister being bossy. "Dad, she missed you both." Killian smiles.Red enters the room." Hi, Killian. I have your order." Henry takes the order from Red. "How is Emma?""She is in a lot of pain, and resting.""Dada, book!""Daddy will read to you after I talk to Red.""Hi, Hope.""Hi!""I see you are keeping your Mommy company."Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her."My Mommy.""Hope, she was only saying how much you are taking good care of Mommy, little love.""Mommy.""Little sis, Red brought us Granny's. Are you hungry?""Yes."Henry takes Hope from the bed and sits her on the chair and gives her a meal."Sorry about Hope, Red. She is being overprotective of Emma.""That is okay. She is making sure Emma is okay. I heard from David that you and him are both sheriffs.""Aye, Emma assigned me to be sheriff with Charming. She does not trust her Dad, she only trusts me. She will be in recovery for 6 weeks. Have you seen Snow White?""Yes. I am visiting her in the psych ward. Is Emma mad at me?""I do not think so. She is mostly mad at her Dad, not you.""I just wanted to make sure. I will see you at work." Red leaves. The family eats their meal together. Henry plays with Hope while their Mom was resting most of the day.Emma wakes up. "Swan, are you hungry?""Thirsty." Killian gives Emma a glass of water. Emma gulps it down."Mom, I can get you more water.""Thanks, kid." "Henwy.""You can come with me." Henry takes Hope with him out of the room."Emma, Allison offered to watch Henry and Hope tonight at her house.""I do not know...""Allison texted me that Regina did a protection spell on her house.""I feel more comfortable that her house will be protected. They can sleepover at Allison's house." "Aye, I will make the call." Killian goes out in the hall, Henry and Hope return. "We have water for Mom.""Thanks, lad." Hope pats the door. Henry opens the door and they enter the room."Here is your water Mom." He gives Hope the water bottle. "You can give to Mommy little sis." He puts Hope on the bed and Hope gives the water bottle to their Mom. "Thank you, Hope." Hope babbles. Henry goes outside to talk to his Dad. "Henry, you and Hope are sleeping over at Allison's house.""Awesome. I can go pack our overnight bags." "Lad, I will bring you home." He enters inside, "Swan, Henry and I will be right back.""Okay." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are having our girl talk." Killian drove Henry home. Henry packed his overnight bag while Killian packed Hope's overnight bag. At the hospital, Allison arrives at Emma's room. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Allison.""Auntie,hi!""Hi, Hope." She joins them on the bed."Are you having girl talk with Mommy?'"Yes....Mommy!" Hope gently hugs her Mommy's neck."You are being so gentle Hope. Hope and I are just talking." "Dada.""Dada is coming back soon with Henry. You and Henry are going to have a sleepover at Auntie Allison's house with Lizzie and Connor." Hope smiles. "Allison, Hope is excited to sleepover at your house."Allison chuckles. "I do not mind having Henry and Hope over, Emma. Lizzie is very excited to play with Hope tonight.""Liz, pway.""Yes, Hope. You are going to play with Lizzie tonight." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are being so gentle with your Mommy." Hope babbles. "Let's just say, I had to teach Hope how to be gentle when she hugged me in a stomach area. Hope is listening though." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbles. Henry and Killian return. "Swan, Hope's overnight bag is packed.""Hope, it is time to come over to my house." "Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy and begins to cry."Hope, you are going to have fun at Auntie Allison's house tonight." She hugs her daughter."Tay...Mommy." Henry faces his sister. "Hope, you and I are going to sleepover at Aunt Allison's house tonight. We are coming back here tomorrow morning to Mommy and Daddy.""Little niece I have toys at my house for you to play with. Lizzie wants to play with you." "Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy. "\Mommy needs to rest her boo-boo. I know you are going to have fun at Auntie's house with Henry at your first sleepover. Daddy is going to stay with me while I am here.""Dada...tay....Mommy.""Yes, little love. I am staying with Mommy to take good care of her. I know you are going to have fun with Aunt Allison at her house tonight.""No...tay Mommy." "Swan, I have an idea." Emma hugs her daughter. "Hope, be a good girl tonight. I will see you in the morning." Killian takes Hope from Emma. Hope cried more. "Allison, I will come over for a little bit." Killian holds onto his little lass as Allison drives Henry, Hope, and Killian to her house. He goes inside with them. "Dada...""You are going to be okay, little love.""Mommy.""Mommy is safe at the hospital. You are safe here, with Henry, Auntie Allison, Lizzie, and Connor tonight."Allison faces Hope. "Hope, in the morning when I go to work, I am going to take you to your Mommy. For tonight, we are going to have Auntie and Hope time." Henry goes upstairs to put the overnight bags in the guest room. Lizzie comes downstairs."Hi, Hope!""Liz, hi.""Mom, Hope can say my name!" Allison and Killian smiled at each other."Yes, she can say your name. You are her favorite cousin.""Hope,we are going to have so much fun tonight!" Hope hugs her Daddy."Little love, you are going to have so much fun with Lizzie and Auntie tonight. Henry is going to be here with you tonight.""Mommy...Dada..""You are going to tell Mommy and Daddy all about your sleepover in the morning when Auntie Allison brings you back to Mommy." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Killian, you can stay for dinner. I made my famous spaghetti,""Aye, I can join for dinner.""Mom, Henry, and Connor are playing video games in his room.""You can tell them that it is time for dinner." Lizzie goes upstairs. Killian carried Hope into the kitchen. Allison makes Hope and Killian a plate of spaghetti each. Lizzie joins the table. "Hope, after dinner, we are going to play in my room." Hope smiles as she was eating her dinner. Henry and Connor join them. "Did you wash your hands, boys?""Yes, Mom.""Yes, Aunt Allison. Little sis, is the spaghetti good?""Yes!""Henry, I was thinking we can play Fort Night, after dinner.""You are on." After dinner, Lizzie went to Hope."Hope, want to play in my room?""Yes." Killian walked with Hope and Lizzie up to her room. Hope went to Lizzie pile of plush dolls. "Dada.""I see you are playing with Lizzie's dolls, little love.""Yes.""You two are going to have fun tonight." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Luv you Dada.""I love you so much, Hope." Hope goes back to play with Lizzie. He goes downstairs and sees Henry and Connor playing video games in the living room. "Henry." Henry paused the game and goes to his Dad. "Dad, Hope is going to be here with me. I know Aunt Allison and I will keep Hope happy. I know Mom needs you.""Mom is going to be okay, son." Henry hugs his Dad. Allison approaches Killian with a food container. "Killian, here is my spaghetti for Emma." "Thank you, Allison. I know she is going to enjoy it.""She is going to be okay, Killian.""Thank you for watching Hope and Henry tonight.""It is not a problem. I do not mind having my niece and nephew over, I love them so much. I know Emma needs you, Killian.""Aye, I will see you tomorrow." Killian walks back to the hospital thinking about his swan. He returns to her hospital room and sees his Emma fast asleep, getting the rest she needs. He kisses Emma gently on the head and wraps his arms around her. Emma wakes up smiling. "My husband is back.""Aye, yes I am. Both of our children are at Allison's house.""Did Hope give you a hard time?""I left Hope with Lizzie playing in Lizzie's room after dinner. Henry is playing video games with Connor. I brought leftovers of Allison's famous spaghetti for you.""Thank you. I will have it later. I am not hungry." Killian knows his wife was still sad, he puts his hand on her chin. "It is not your fault, Emma. I am not mad at you.""I wanted that baby...""Me too, Emma. We can try again whenever you are ready.""Yes, not right now.""Aye, love.""I know next time when I get pregnant, I know how happy that will be joining our family. I know you wanted to expand our pirate crew.""Aye, it will be a little pirate just its brother and sister whenever we have the next pirate added to our crew. For now, you need to rest. I am right here, staying with you." She kisses him on the cheek. "I am so lucky to have you.""Aye, am lucky to have my beautiful swan in my life. I love you.""I love you too, Killian." Emma hugs him and lays on his chest listening to his heartbeat which lulled her to sleep. "Aye, I am always there for you, swan. I am never going to leave you or our family." Killian gently kisses Emma on the head. He knows that Emma's ectopic pregnancy is the rough chapter of their marriage but he knows that they are going to have another baby, not now but in the future. They know that they will have another baby, they have hope.

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