Happy Beginning Captain Swan

Por isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... Más

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


215 3 0
Por isaballerina89

A few days later, Emma drove Allison, Lizzie, and Hope to Regina's house. "Allison, I have to make a stop to check on Gary at Regina's.""Sure, you need to check on him. I understand." Emma parked in front of the Mills' residents and got out of the car and rang the doorbell. She has not been at the Mills' residence since her son moved out to her house but she has mostly bad memories fighting over Henry. "Mommy." Hope was catching up to her which made her smile."Emma, she wanted to be with you."Emma kneels down. "Hopey. You want to be my little sheriff?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Allison, we won't be too long." Allison and Lizzie wait in the yellow bug. Regina opens the door."Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope.""Ina!""Hi,Hope.""Hope is being my little sheriff. I just want to check in with Gary and see how he is with you.""Come in." "How is he adjusting to living with you?""It is going alright. He keeps getting nightmares and keeping to himself. He is getting along with Robin. He is talking to him more though.""Ina!" Regina smiles."Where is Henry?""Henry and Killian are having one on one time. Hope and I are going shopping with Allison. Hope is going to buy a birthday present for Melody. We got invited to Ariel's daughter's first birthday party in the Merkingdom." Hope babbles. "I know you are so excited for the party and sailing. Can we see Gary?""Sure. Robin took Roland and his sister to the woods. Gary is in his room." Regina leads Emma and Hope to Gary's room. "Gary, you have visitors." "Hi, Emma." Hope screams. "Hi, Hope." He takes Hope from Emma. "Emma, how are Hope's stitches?""The stitches are shrinking and less itchy. We came by to see you." Gary lets Hope walk around the room, "Gary, how is adjusting to living here?""Regina and Robin are great. It is just hard to follow the rules. I never had rules, dinner time, homework...schedules...I never had that in the Enchanted Forest and Neverland. At Horace's house, I was the slave. It is hard to adjust, Emma.""You will get used to it, Gary. I know you are adjusting to modern times. Henry has been helping you with comics and video games.""Yes, we talk through texts and play videogames at your house." Emma looks for Hope. "Hope?" Hope crawls out from underneath the bed. "Mommy.""There you are, my sneaky little pirate." Emma scoops Hope in her arms and tickles her. "Gary, you will get used to normal family rules. Do you feel safe here?""Yes, I do.""That is good, Gary. I will come to visit you again soon. I know I will see you over at our house playing video games with Henry." Emma and Hope were out shopping with Allison and Hope in town. Lizzie was chasing Hope around. "Hope, come to Mommy, sweetie." Hope comes to her Mommy. "Which dress will Melody like?" She showed Hope two dresses, the pink dress with pineapples and the blue dress with ocean waves patterns. Hope grabbed the blue dress. "I have a feeling you will choose this one." Hope did not let go. "Hope, it is for Melody." Hope gave her Mommy a pouty lip. "Hopey. Do you want to match dresses with Melody?" Hope screams happily, Emma chuckles."I can get you a dress for you too, sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma smiles enjoying shopping with her little girl."Emma, you can get Melody another gift.""Yes, I can get a toy for her that they don't have in the Merkingdom. Hope grabs another dress. Emma chuckles. "You love shopping right Hope?" "Yes!" "Let's see if they go to your size." Emma helps Hope shop around. "Mommy. Up!" Emma holds Hope on her hip. Allison faces her neice. "Hope, are you having fun shopping with your Mommy?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "I will take that as a yes, Hope. Emma, how about after we shop we can get Granny's.""That is a great idea." After shopping they went to Granny's, Emma and Allison talked while Lizzie was chasing Hope around the diner. "Lizzie, do not run around.""Mom, I am making sure Hope does not cause trouble." Granny goes by Lizzie. "Lizzie, Hope won't cause trouble here." Hope was climbing on a stool. She rubs Hope's head. "Hope, do not bother other customers.""Mommy.""Your Mommy is not that type of customer." Hope smiles and runs away from Granny and goes to her Mommy. "Mommy." Emma helps Hope into their part of the booth and gives Hope a big hug."Emma, you are amazing with her.""Thank you, Granny." Hope tugs on her Mommy's hair. "Hope. I will braid your hair later." As they ate, Allison and Emma talked. Emma drove Allison and Lizzie home. "Auntie." "Emma, do you want to come in for a little while?""Sure." Emma parked the car and took Hope out of her car seat. Allison carries Hope inside."You are coming to my house to play with Lizzie, Hope." Hope hugs Allison. They went inside.Lizzie brought Hope to play in her room. Hope was touching everything. "Mommy!" Allison rushes to Hope's room. "Mommy, Hope is destroying my room." Allison chuckles and takes Hope from where she was throwing Lizzie's stuffed animals. Emma was at the door. "Hope, are you not playing nice with Lizzie's toys?" Hope smiles. "Hope, you have to say sorry to Lizzie. You do not go into a room that is not yours and start throwing toys that are not yours." Hope babbles."Are you sorry to Lizzie?""Yes.""I am not mad at you, Hope." Lizzie and Hope play in her room, while Emma and Allison talk in the hallway. Hope comes out of the room. "Mommy.""Hope you want to join girl talk?" Hope hugs Allison's legs. "You can join us, little niece.""Mommy, can I play on my iPad?""Yes, Lizzie only for a little while." Lizzie returns to her room. Allison leads Emma and Hope in the living room. "My daughter loves her iPad."Emma chuckles. "Hope is not into technology mostly her toys, art, and television. Not touch screen technology more books." "That is a really good thing, babies and children should not be on smartphones anyway. The touch technology can affect their brain growth." "Auntie." Allison tickles Hope and makes her laugh until she falls asleep. "Emma, I am not going anywhere for a while.""Hope loves her auntie." They continued to talk until the evening. Emma and Hope arrived home, Killan saw his love carrying a lot of shopping bags and Hope. "Hi, swan.""Hi, Killian.""Dada!""Hi, little love." He takes Hope from Emma. "This looks like a successful shopping day.""Yes, Hope chose Melody dress for her birthday gift.""Then why did you text me to buy Melody a toy and hide it.""Because I did not want to go to T-O-Y- S-T-O-R-E and have our little pirate getting her hands on every toy and have a meltdown when I say no to buy her T-O-Y." Emma tickles Hope. "Aye, I can see why.""After shopping, we went to Allison's house.""Aye, Henry and I cooked dinner after our sailing lesson." "Great, Hope and I are hungry." The family had dinner together after Henry and Killian helped Emma put the shopping items away. A few days later, Emma and Killian were loading the docks, while Henry made sure they have everything for their adventure. Belle and Gideon arrived with Rumpelstiltskin. "Hi, Emma and Killian.""Hi, Belle. Are you excited to see Ariel?""Yes, I am. I know Gideon is excited to go to another realm. His first sailing adventure." "Hook.""Crocodile.""Daddy nice to Killy. Hope and Killy are my friends." Emma quietly chuckles. Rumpelstiltskin kneels to his son. "I will son but Daddy has bad memories on the ship.""Killy is good." "Lad, I will be nice to Hook." Gideon hugs his Daddy. "Emma, Hope?"Emma kneels. "Hi, Gideon. Hope is here. You want to play with her while Killian sails the ship?""Yes." Henry helps Hope with the stairs. "Hope, look who is here, Gideon and Belle. Hi, Grandpa and Grandma." Hope ran to see her friend and hugged him. "Ee-on!" Everyone was surprised by Hope calling Gideon."Hi, Hope."Emma smiles. "Awe, Hope you are hugging your friend?" "Yes." Emma takes pictures of Hope and Gideon hugging on her iPhone.Gideon waves to Emma. "Emma."Emma smiles and kneels to the babies. "Hi, Gideon. Hope, do you want to show Gideon your toys?" "Yes." Emma holds Hope, "Gold, your son and wife will be safe with us. We are only going away for one day for Melody's birthday party. We will be back tonight." She leads Gideon to the captain quarters. "Killian, thank you for letting us join on your journey to Ariel's castle.""Aye, you are welcome. I had a feeling that Ariel would invite you and Gideon. You are Ariel's first friend in this realm." "Yes. No, we are mothers. I am excited to go to the merkingdom for a birthday party rather than going to another realm to fight a villain.""Aye, Emma and I enjoy traveling to see friends better than fighting a curse or rescuing a family member in another realm which is caused by the crocodile.""Hook...Hook, I did not cause everyone to fight in realms. ""Oh really? How about when Pan's workers kidnap your grandson and we all had to go to that horrible place to rescue him and the lad behind the scheme was your own father.""Do not go there.""Really? How about when Emma was in the dark one? We had to go to where dark ones were born to rescue my wife. She hurt me and went to the Underworld to rescue me. Emma would not need to be the dark one if your heart was turning black dying and needed to suck the darkness from your heart out from the magic hat. You brought the darkness to Storybrooke and Emma sacrificed herself to be the dark one." They started to argue. Henry rushes to the captain quarters, he finds his Mom sitting next to Gideon and Hope who were playing. "Mom, Dad and Grandpa are arguing.""Oh no. Henry put the life jacket on Gideon, Hope has hers on. I have to stop Killian from trying to hurt Rumplestiltskin." Emma rushes to her husband and grandfather of Henry. "Killian, Gold! Stop fighting now!!" They stopped hurting each other. "I know you both have a bad past starting on this ship. So stop fighting!" She faces her husband. "Killian, we need to be going to the Merkingdom. We cannot be late for Melody's birthday party. ""Aye, love.""Hook, get my family safe back to me.""Aye, I do protect my family. I do not leave them and be a coward." "Killian, be nice. His mother turned him into a coward which is not his fault. He is helping Leo.""Aye."Gideon returns from the captain quarters. "Daddy are you okay?" Rumpelstiltskin hugs his son."No hurting Killy?""Yes, my boy. I am not hurting Killian. He and I are not friends but I know you will have fun with Hook, Emma, Henry, and Hope at the Merkingdom. I will see you and your Mama tonight." Gideon hugs his Daddy. He hands over Belle. "Belle, I will see you tonight." They kiss. Rumpelstiltskin leaves the Jolly Roger."Emma, tell Henry we are starting to get ready to sail.""Aye, aye, captain." Emma goes to get her two kids. "Belle, I am sorry for fighting with the crocodile.""I know you two have a rough past which started here.""Aye, that is right. Even though the Crocodile and I are enemies, our children are friends after my wife turned your son back to a baby after the final battle.""That is why Rumpelstiltskin is nicer to you, Emma and Hope and Henry because Emma gave back our son. Gideon and Hope are friends." The door of the captain quarters burst open, Henry was chasing Hope around. "Lad, slow down. I do not want Hope to get hurt again.""Sorry, Dad. Hope wants to sail." Killian chuckles. "Henry, I need your help with the sails." Henry helps Emma with the sails. Killian gets Hope from the deck, "Hope, are you excited to sail with Gideon?" "Yes!""Hope, play.""Wawa-wawa." Hope points to the steering wheel and holds her Daddy's hook. "Little lad, Hope will play with you after she steers the ship." "Okay, Killy." "Dad, sails are up.""Henry, you and I can pull the anchor up. Emma, you can steer.""Yes, Killian." "Mommy.""You can steer with me, baby girl. You can show Belle and Gideon how you steer the Jolly Roger." Emma helps Hope with the stairs. Killian and Henry pulled up the anchor. "Ready captain swan.""Aye, aye, captain." Emma steered the Jolly Roger. Hope was clapping her hands."Mommy...wa-wa.""Yes, we are sailing Hope." Killian went to the steering wheel."Your turn, Killian.""Thank you captain swan." They kiss. Emma holds Hope. Henry threw the magic bean."Everyone hold onto something, we are going through a portal." Hope held onto her Mommy as Emma held a side of the ship. Killian steered the Jolly Roger into the portal and the ship landed in the Enchanted Forest. "We are in the Enchanted Forest.""Dada!" Hope clapped her hands. Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "Dada is the best captain, little duckling." "Dada!""Emma, she can be with me while I sail the rest of the way." Hope screamed.Emma smiles. "Someone is excited to sail with her Daddy." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Aye, Hope is a little pirate after all. Come to Dada, little love." Hope hugs her Daddy's leg. Emma took a picture of their Daddy-daughter moment which she absolutely loved. Killian holds Hope and lets her steer, teaching her from left and right. Emma joins Henry and Belle on deck. "Emma, Killian is amazing with Hope. When Killian and I first met, I was trapped in Regina's tower and he knocked me out since I was in love with Rumplestiltskin. When I was looking for a ship, he caught me. Then, you told him that he was going to make it up to me when we were doing research for Zelena. I can tell that you were changing him when you two were together. Now, I see him being an amazing Dad to Hope and Henry. "Emma smiles. "Yes, that is my husband he loves being a Daddy.""Emma, Hope play." Henry kneels to his little half-uncle. "Gideon, I can play with you.""No, Hope." "Gideon, I will take you to Hope." Henry leads his half-uncle to his sister. "Hope, Gideon wants to play with you.""Ee-on." "Hope, play." Killian kneels down to Hope. "Little pirate, you can go play with your friend, Dada can steer the ship.""Wa-wa.""Yes, you helped me so much steering the Jolly Roger. You can have fun with Gideon." Hope kisses Killian on his cheek, Killian smiles. "My little pirate." Henry leads the two of them to the captain quarters.Emma saw Hope kissing her Daddy. "Killian? Did our daughter give you a kiss on the cheek?"Killian gave her a smirk. "Maybe? Is my swan jealous?""Not at all, I love it.""I told Hope that she can play with Gideon since she helped me steer the Jolly Roger.""Aww. Our daughter loves being a little pirate. She also loves playing with Gideon. As soon as I brought them to the captain quarters before, Hope let Gideon play with her toys from her treasure chest.""Aye, even though Rumpelstiltskin is my arch enemy and his son was your enemy as an adult but after you changed him back to a newborn. He is a great friend to our little Hope.""Yes, it is still weird.""Aye, very weird." Emma wrapped her arms around her husband and leaned her head on his shoulder. "You want me to move?""Stay, Emma." She kisses him on the cheek. Killian smiles. Emma stayed with her husband as he steered their second home until they arrived at the Merkingdom. "Land ahoy!!" Henry hears his Dad. "Hope, we are at the Merkingdom!" Henry carried Hope and Gideon followed them to the deck. "Look, Hope we are at Melody's castle!" Hope screams with joy. Belle holds her son showing him the new castle. Henry carries Hope back to their parents. "Mommy! Dada!" Hope points to the castle. "Hopey, we are almost to Melody's house. Are you excited for your first birthday party! You get to play with Melody?" Hope screams, making her family laugh. Emma changed Hope into her new ocean dress. As they went to the docks, Henry, Emma, and Belle helped Killian slow down the ship with the sails. Killian and Henry lowered the anchor, while the babies were playing. They saw Prince Eric and Ariel. "Hope, look who is there on land?" Hope babbles. "We are going to see Melody. She is inside her home." Emma carried Hope down. Prince Eric's workers helped Henry and Killian with the presents from Allison, Belle & Gideon and Allison. The family went off first then Belle and Gideon. "Killian, Emma I am so happy you are here!" She hugs them both at the same time. "We wouldn't miss it.""You both helped us get to the hospital in time.""Aye, that we did. Emma went into savior mode.""Oh, it was nothing. We were there talking and saw your ship."Killian wrapped his wife. "Now Hope has her ocean princess best friend."Hope babbles. "Hi, Hope. Melody is going to be so happy to see you." Max came running to the family. Hope fusses, Emma let her down and Hope walks towards the castle following Max. Ariel greets Belle and Gideon."Our little lass wants to see her best friend.""You got that right. Henry.""Mom, I will be with Hope. I have a feeling Max is guiding Hope to find Melody." Henry catches up with Hope, while Prince Eric was leading the group and giving Belle a tour of his castle. "Hope is very excited for Melody's party.""Yes, I am really happy that you all were able to come. Hope is Melody's first friend and you two rescued me while I was in labor.""Aye, it was the least we can do. You helped us so many times in curses and rescues. You helped when we were in Neverland and got the message to Belle. You helped me with Ursula by finding her father and he gave her voice back. You also helped me connect to Emma on your shell, letting her know that I did not leave her, it was adult Gideon's fault.""Is it weird that Gideon is a baby? That Emma changed back at the final battle?""Yes!!" Emma and Killian said together and laughed."It is very weird, Killian and I both get mixed feelings of Gideon. He was my enemy because of his grandmother, the black fairy. Killian and Rumplestiltskin are still arch enemies, they had an argument right before we sailed here.""Oh really?""Aye, we did.""I can understand why though. I met him one time when he and Regina assigned me to get an object by traveling to your realm. Regina told me if I got the shell she would tell me where Prince Eric was, they both kept part of our deal. I can tell Rumplestiltskin was bad. It was worth helping though, I got to see Killian again, he helped me find Eric. You two did help me to get to the hospital on time."Emma hugs Ariel. "Ariel, I knew I was going to help you no matter what the situation was. You needed my help and I got my OBGYN doctor. Dr.Claire is the best." "Yes, she is the best. Are you and Killian having another anytime soon?" Killian and Emma looked at each other, he held his wife's hand. "Not yet. We want to have another baby but now is not the time." Henry returns with his family with crying Hope."Mom. Hope realized you weren't with us in the castle.""Aww, Hope." She gets Hope from her son. "Hopey, I am not leaving you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Did you two see Melody yet?""Not yet. Hope wanted you to be with her.""Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Tay."Emma faces her daughter. "Hope, I am not going anywhere. We are here for Melody's birthday party." She hugs her daughter.Max barks. "Max is leading us. Hope, we are going to see your best friend, little sis." Emma and Henry follow Max. "Emma is an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry. Did I upset Emma? I saw the look on her face that I did.""Aye, my swan is an amazing Mom to Henry and Hope. She had two miscarriages over the past year. We talked about it, we want to have another baby but not right now. She just wants to concentrate on the two children we have now.""Whenever you two decided to have another child, I will be very happy for you both. You both are amazing parents to Henry and Hope. I had a feeling you two were true love.""Aye, you were right." Back inside the castle, Max leads Henry, Emma, and Hope to Melody's room. She was crawling in her crib. "Mel.." Melody screamed. Emma smiles and puts Hope in Melody's crib, Hope hugs Melody. "Hope, be careful sweetie. Melody cannot stand up by herself yet as you do." Hope babbles. "Hope, say happy birthday to Melody." Hope babbles. The two ocean princesses were babbling away. "Mom, Hope is saying a lot of words now.""Yes, she is Henry. Your sister is getting so big." "Hope still is going to need you.""I know." She hugs her son. Killian and Ariel arrived in the room."There is the birthday lass." He faces Melody. "Happy birthday Melody." Melody smiles. Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Hope, are you having so much fun with Melody? Catching up on girl talk?" "Yes." Killian smiles."Killian, Hope was the first one to greet her when we entered the room. She has not left Melody's side since.""Aye, I'm not surprised. Our little lass is very happy to be with her best friend." Melody was holding the side of her crib while Hope was hugging her. Henry took a picture of the two ocean princesses on his iPhone."Ariel, is Melody walking?""Yes, Emma. Melody is starting to walk with us holding her hands." "Mama." Ariel takes Melody from her crib. One of the workers arrived with Hope's presents. "Birthday presents for the little princess.""Look, Melody, you have birthday presents.""They are from us, Ariel. Two are from us and one from Allison." "Melody, let's open your presents." Ariel helped Melody open her presents, she got matching ocean dresses like Hope. "Mel..""Hope chose Melody's dress.""Awe, Hope. I know Melody is going to wear this." Hope smiles. Ariel opens the huge box which was a ball tower. "Whoa, what is this?""Aye, it is a ball tower where the little lass can build the towers and have the color balls to go all around.""Killian, I know Melody will love playing with this." Ariel opened Allison's gift, a pink dress with shell pattern. "Melody, look what Allison got you, a new dress for you to wear." Melody babbles."Birthday princess, do you want to go to the beach with Hope?" Melody and Hope both screamed. Killian takes Hope from the floor. "Aye, I will take that as a yes from the two ocean princesses." "Where is the party?""Henry, we are having the ballroom later but first I know my birthday girl wants to go in the ocean." Melody babbles."Awesome." Everyone got dressed for the beach. Emma changed Hope into a swim diaper and her Ariel bathing suit. Hope was walking around the room as Emma dressed into her bikini with a light romper dress. Killian enters the room. "My two loves are ready." "Dada!" Hope runs to her Daddy and he scoops Hope into his arms. "I know you are ready and excited to go into the ocean." Hope held her Daddy's hook. "I'm almost ready." Killian gave his swan a look. "My swan is already very hot." He kisses her on her neck while making her giggle. "Easy there my pirate, our daughter is right here." She kisses him on the cheek. Hope babbles. "Killian, our little duckling wants to go swimming with her best friend." "Aye, to the ocean we go." When they arrived, Henry was making a sandcastle with Gideon while Belle and Ariel talked by the ocean. Hope ran to the ocean. "Emma, I am watching your little pirate." Emma goes to Henry and Gideon. "Gideon, do you want to play in the ocean with Hope and Melody?""No.""You do not like the water?""Hope.""Hope is going to play with you in the ocean." She let Gideon take her hand and walked with him to the ocean. "Ee-on.""Hope." Hope babbles. "Hopey, show Gideon how to play in the ocean." Hope squeals happily as the waves were coming to them and run into the ocean while holding onto Killian's hook, next to Ariel and Melody."Easy, little love.""Killian, make sure she does not go too deep.""I am holding onto Hope love." Killian holds Hope."Dada." Hope wanted to go down. "Hope, you have to be with Dada. You cannot swim by yourself, little love. We can go in deeper." Hope screams. Gideon goes to his Mommy. "Emma, he is afraid of the water.""Oh, he is afraid of the water?""Yes." He likes building sandcastles." Belle took her son back to their spot on the sand. Emma thought it was weird since he was the one under the hood during her final battle. "Mom? Are you okay?""Yes, I am.""Mom?"Emma smiles. "Okay, I thought it was a little weird that Gideon was afraid of water, meanwhile as an adult, he was willing to kill me under the hood.""Is it still weird that Gideon is Hope's friend and your former enemy as an adult? He is technically my half-uncle.""Yes, very weird still. Your Dad and I still are getting used to that in different ways.""Especially Dad with my other grandpa.""Yes, they are still enemies.""Our family is all connected somehow.""You got that right. What are you taking pictures of?"" I am taking pictures of Hope and Dad swimming. Hope loves the ocean.""Yes, she takes after your Dad." "Mommy....Henwy.""Emma, Henry come join us. The water is perfect for swimming...""Hope, wants us to join her and Dad swimming." Emma puts Henry's camera away and joins her family in the ocean. "Mommy!""Hi, baby girl. Are you having fun with Dada?" Hope splashes. "My little fish." She tickles Hope, making her laugh. Killian and Emma helped Hope practice her swimming. "Kick to Mommy little love. Use your feet." Emma scooped Hope into her arms when she reached to her and held her in her arms. "Good girl, Hopey." She held onto hope tight as a wave was coming at them. "Hope, swim to me, little sis." Hope kicks to her brother, with Emma's help. "Good job, little sis. You are getting a better swimmer." Hope reaches out to her brother. Henry holds Hope and spun her around."Emma, our little lass is getting better at swimming.""Yes, her swimming lessons with Moana are paying off. In the spring, her swimming lessons are back.""Aye, we are going to take her to her lessons. I know Hope loves the water.""Mommy." "Mom, Hope wants to swim back to you." Emma steps back. Henry held Hope as she kicked their Mom. Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Mel...""We can go to Melody." Emma takes Hope to Melody who was with Ariel by their spot on the dry sand. Hope babbles to Melody. "Emma, how is the ocean?""Very cold and refreshing." Hope hugs Melody and babbles. "Hope loves the ocean." Hope leads Melody who was crawling to the ocean. "Emma, I will watch the two lasses." Hope and Melody we both squealing enjoying the ocean and the wet sand. Henry took pictures of his sister and Melody having fun. "Hope, do not splash Melody, little love. She cannot stand up yet like you can." Killian helps Melody stand up, and Hope holds Melody's other hand. Henry took pictures of Hope and Melody, Killian smiling."You are being a good friend to Melody, little love." Hope babbles. "Aye, I know you want to play with Melody." Belle brings Gideon over. "Hope, you can tell Gideon that he will have fun in the water." Hope holds Gideon with her other hand. Emma and Henry were taking pictures of the babies holding hands. Ariel and Belle went inside to get ready for the party. The Swan-Jones family had to go inside to get ready for the party. Hope was still in the ocean. "Emma, I got our little lass. Time to go inside, Hope." Hope ran into the wave and got knocked down, Killian quickly got his little lass who was crying and coughing. "Dada, got you, Hope. You are okay, little love." He rubs Hope's back. "Hope, that is why you do not run into waves. You will get knocked down." Emma rushes to Killian and Hope who was spitting up water. "Hope, are you okay?""The wave knocked her down after she ran into it." "Hopey, you are okay. Dada rescued you, sweetie.""Mommy." Hope cried more. Emma gets Hope from Killian."You are going to be okay, sweetie. I got you. Dada got you just in time. Now you know you cannot run into waves, sweetie." Hope hugged her Mommy. Killian brought Hope's towel and wrapped his little lass. "Swan, we need to get ready for the party.""Yes, I can give Hope a bubble bath." As they returned inside the castle, Ariel was busy getting the ballroom decorated and organized for the party with Carlotta. "Emma, the party will be in an hour. You have time to take baths.""Thank you, Ariel. Hope needs a bubble bath.""Hope, you will play with Melody soon. You make her so happy." She rubs Hope's cheek making Hope smile. Emma took Hope upstairs, Killian ran Hope a bubble bath while Henry showered in another bathroom. Hope did not want to get into the tub."Killian, hold Hope. I am taking a bath with her." Killian holds Hope."Little love, you are only taking a bubble bath.""No.""Hope, your Mommy is going in with you, I know the tub is really big.""That is why I'm going in with you, baby girl." Emma goes into the tub first, Killian hands over their daughter to her. "Hopey, I am holding you, sweetie. You are not going to fall in." Emma bathed Hope in the ginormous bathtub, who was happy again. "Emma, this is a gigantic bathtub."Emma giggles. "Yes, it is the size of a hot tub. Hope cannot be in here alone." She scooped bubbles into her hands. "Hopey, bubbles." Hope blew the bubbles out of her Mommy's hands. Hope babbles happily. "Dada." "Killian, Hope wants you to join us." "Aye, I can join my two loves." Killian joined in the tub."Dada." Hope jumped and Killian caught Hope in her Daddy's arms. "Dada got you, little love. I will always catch you." Hope hugs her Daddy. Emma smiles love seeing their daddy-daughter relationship. She was able to bathe herself while Killian played with Hope. Emma got ready for the party first and got Hope ready, changing her into a clean diaper and her new dress. Henry entered the room. "Mom, are you almost ready?""We are almost ready.""Henwy.""Hi, little sis." He tickles Hope on the bed. "Are you ready for Melody's birthday party?" Hope screamed and jumped into Henry's arms. "Hopey." Hope laughs. "You are funny." He kisses her tummy which made her laugh. Killian returns to the room. "Emma, are you ready? The guests are arriving.""Yes, I am ready. " Henry walks with Hope. They went to the ballroom. Grimsby was at the top of the steps seeing so many guests that arrived from other kingdoms. "Announcing, Princess Emma, Pirate-Prince Killian, Prince Henry and Princess Hope of Storybrooke." The crowd clapped as Emma carried Hope down with Killian next to her. When Hope saw Melody, she started to squirm out of her Mommy's arms, Emma let her down. "Swan, we are going to take turns watching Hope.""Yes, it is crowded here and I do not want our little girl to get lost.""Aye, Hope won't get lost." Killian follows Hope.Hope walks over to Melody and hugs her. "Mel.." Melody screams. They hug. Max comes and licks Hope, making Hope laugh. When all the guests arrived Grimsby announced, "Time for the first dance." Prince Eric and Ariel lead the dance. "My swan princess, do you care to dance with me love?""It will be my honor, captain." "Mom, I will keep an eye on Hope, she is with Max, Melody, and Gideon." He went to his sister and took pictures of his parents dancing together. "You are a great dance partner captain.""Aye, as long as you have a dashingly handsome pirate who can dance. Just like in our breaking the timeline story."Emma smiles. "How I can not remember that? You taught me how to dance besides fixing the timeline.""Aye, I was going to follow you into a time portal from then I always knew that I will always follow you." "I just knew that you were my prince in disguise. You were there for me on my side and you have not left my side.""Aye, I will always be with you."I know." They kiss. Melody was having guests visiting her, Hope was annoyed wanting to play with her best friend. Gideon was playing with Max. Henry kneeled down to his sister. "Hope, it is Melody's birthday. Her guests do need to say happy birthday to her. I know you want to play with Melody." Hope hugs her brother. "Do you want to dance?" "Dada.""Let's go find Dada.""Henry, I will be watching Hope and Gideon. Prince Eric and Ariel are also greeting guests as well.""Thanks, Grandma. Hope wants to dance now since Melody is busy." Henry carried Hope to their parents. "Dada!""Our little pirate princess wants to dance with her Daddy." Killian smiles. "Aye, my little pirate awaits." He kneels down to Hope. "Hope, do you want to dance with me?" "Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy and they dance. Emma was in awe, Henry took a picture of them dancing. "Want to dance Mom?""Yes." Henry gave his camera to his Grandma and danced with his Mom."Hope was getting upset when guests were talking to Melody. I asked her if she wanted to dance and she wanted to dance with Dad." Emma smiles seeing Killian spinning Hope around while holding her. "Hope loves dancing with your Dad. You are a great dance partner, kid.""Thanks, Mom." They danced a few more songs. Hope fusses and leads her Daddy to Melody. "You love playing with Melody.""Ee-on." Hope hugs Gideon."Aye, Gideon is your friend, too." The two babies played with Max. "Killian, Max is a very friendly dog.""Aye, he is a friendly dog. He loves playing with the children." Melody babbles to Hope, Melody leads Hope and Gideon to another part of the room. "Now, where are they going?""I am not sure." "Aye, we should follow them." Melody led them out of the ballroom and Gideon opened the door and they went outside to the beach.Killian gets Hope. "Whoa whoa...Hope, Melody, Gideon." Belle gets the birthday princess and her son. "Hope, where are you going?" "O-oo.""No ocean, Hope." Hope gave her Daddy her pouty lip which she inherits from him. "Hope, Melody needs to stay inside. Her party is inside, little love." They returned inside, Emma saw the return. "Killian? You took them outside?""No, Melody led them outside. I am pretty sure it was Hope's idea. They were heading to the ocean.""Hope wanted to be by the ocean but I stopped her. The party is indoors, Hope." Emma smiles knowing Hope loves the ocean. "Hope, the party is inside sweetie." Hope began to cry."Hope, are you hungry little love?" Hope cried more. "Love, I will get Hope something to eat." "Mommy.""You are with me, baby girl. While Dada gets your lunch, let's go find Melody and Gideon." They found Melody in her high chair with Ariel. "Mel!" Melody babbles back."Hope, you can sit with Melody." Hope screams. Emma smiles. "You just wanted to be with your best friend, right Hopey?" Hope smiles at her Mommy. One of the workers brought Hope a high chair. "You can sit with Melody." Emma puts Hope in the high chair. Henry took a picture of the two princesses babbling away. Killian returns with Hope's meal and places it on her high chair table."Dada!""I see you are having your lunch with your best friend." Hope babbles happily, Killian kisses Hope on the cheek."Melody always seems to cheer up, Hope." "Aye, our little lass is happy to be sitting with her best friend." They hug. They sat at the next table at their assigned seating with Belle, Gideon, and Henry who was playing with his little half-uncle. After lunch, there was more dancing. Hope and Melody were babbling and playing with Max and Gideon away from the dancing. Emma goes to the babies. "What are you three up too?" "Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You three are playing with Max?" Max barks. "Are you having fun with Melody and Gideon?" "Mel...Mel..""Yes, Melody is your best friend. Do you remember when you first met her?" Hope shook her head no. "I remember. I will tell you the story later." Grimsby announced, "Everyone needs to be outside for the rest of the party will be on the beach." Hope screamed. Ariel gets Melody from the group of babies. Emma walked with Hope. They saw mermaids, Ariel's sister, Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina. Henry took pictures of the mermaids with his camera. Hope ran to the mermaids. Emma chased after Hope. "Hi, I am Emma. This is my daughter Hope.""Hi, I am Attina. I am the eldest sister of Ariel, she is the youngest sister of the group. We are here to see Melody.""Yes, it is her birthday." Aquata came to Emma and Hope. "Attina, this is Emma who helped Ariel deliver Melody.""You are the one?""Yes, my husband and I were at the docks where we saw Prince Eric ship popped out of the port. I got Ariel to the hospital on time to deliver Melody. Now Hope and Melody are ocean princesses best friends.""Ahh a pirate! Swim away." The mermaids were afraid. "Ariel sisters! Wait! Do not swim away. This is my husband, Killian. He is not a revenge-seeking pirate. Nothing like that at all. He is a good man." She held his hand. "He is a good caring man with a caring heart who loves his family. He is not a mean pirate at all." "Dada!" Hope hugs his legs. Killian holds Hope and she places her hand on her cheek. "I am okay, little love. They do not know I have a soft side." Hope kisses him on the cheek which made him smile."Dada." He kisses her on the head.Ariel approaches her sisters. "Attina! Aquata! Arista! Killian is my friend. He is a good man. He has changed his life since he met Emma. I know from our journey together when he helped me find Prince Eric. He does not hurt anyone or steal anymore.""Aye, I only threatened those who try to hurt my family. The only mermaids I knew before Ariel were the awful monster once who attacked ships in Neverland.""Bad.""Aye, very bad, little love." "Our daughters are best friends." Melody reaches out to Killian. He holds them both, Hope and Melody were babbling away. Killian was smiling."I do not know what you two are talking about but you two are happy." "We are sorry, Killian.""Aye, that is okay. I know I do not trust mermaids since Neverland but Ariel is the first mermaid that I trust." Melody played with her aunts as Hope played in the ocean with her parents. Grimsby announced cake time. Ariel took Melody from Killian and brought her to her big cake.Everyone crowded around the table and sang "Happy Birthday." Hope clapped her hands when the song was over in Killian's arms. Emma was smiling. "Are you okay?""Yes, I am, love. Thank you for defending me from the mermaids." "You are welcome, Killian. You always defend me. I will defend you.""That is why we are true love, Emma.""Yes, captain that is why we are true love." They kiss. After the cake, the party was over. Most of the guests left the party. Henry and Gideon were playing in the sand while Hope and Melody were getting wet and babbling away with their Mommy's holding onto them. "Hope, you are soaked." "Mommy.""I am not surprised you are a little pirate." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Ariel, we need to plan a playdate for these two very soon.""Yes, can we have the playdate at your house?""Yes! They can play at our house. I know Hope will love to show Melody her toys." Hope babbles. "Hope, you will play with Melody at your house?""Mel..." Hope hugs her best friend. Emma and Henry took pictures of Hope hugging Melody. Killian approaches his wife. "Emma, we need to get back home, love. I do not want the crocodile to worry and get mad at me again.""Okay. Let me get Hope cleaned again before we sail.""Aye, the lad and I will load the Jolly Roger." Emma takes Hope out of the water. "No.""Hope, it is time to take a bath.""Emma, it is also Melody's bath time. Hope you and Melody will take a bath together.""Great, they can have a bath together. Belle, we will be back soon." Emma and Ariel took the girls to the bathroom and gave them a bubble bath in a smaller tub together."Hope loves the water."Emma smiles. Henry finds his Mom and sister with Ariel and Melody, "Mom, Dad said the Jolly Roger is ready.""Okay, kid." Henry took pictures of his sister and Melody in their bathtime. Emma gets Hope out of the bathtub with trouble who was crying and changes her into duckling footie pajamas."Hope, we are going to sail little sis. Dad said you can steer the Jolly Roger with him the whole way home." Hope stopped crying and smiles.Emma mouthed. "Thank you.""You are welcome, Mom." Henry tickles his sister. Emma carried Hope back to their second home with Ariel and Melody behind them.Hope babbles. "Hope, thank you for coming to Melody's birthday party.""Mel.." "Yes, I know you have so much fun with Melody." Hope babbles."Yes, we are going to have a playdate soon." Killian approaches his two loves."Aye, Ariel, we are definitely going to have a playdate soon at our house.""Dada!"Emma hands over Hope to Killian. "Hope, you are going to be my little pirate and help me steer us home." "Wawa! Mel..""Hope, we are going to have Melody over very soon. You can show her your toy, Jolly Roger ball pit. Emma, you changed Hope into her pajamas?""Yes, by the time we get back home it will be her bedtime." "Ariel and birthday mermaid princess we will see you soon." Hope waves to Melody and Killian brings Hope onto the Jolly Roger. Ariel and Emma hugged. "Happy birthday Melody." She tickles Melody. She boards the Jolly Roger and helps Henry and Belle with the sails. Killian steered the Jolly Roger. Emma gets Hope from Killian holds their daughter, while Henry throws the magic bean to the ocean which makes the portal. Hope holds onto Ema as Killian sailed into the portal. The Jolly Roger popped back to Sotrybrooke, and Killian landed the Jolly Roger, while Belle and Henry were pulling down the sails. Killian and Henry put the anchor down. Killian checks on his two loves, Emma was holding sleeping Hope. "How is our little pirate?""Fast asleep. The ocean waves calms her down and drifts her off to sleep.Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves."Aye, that's what I like to hear." He kisses Emma on the head. Belle returns with sleeping Gideon and goes off the ship finding Rumplestiltskin, followed by Swan-Jones family. "Hook, you did what I told.""Aye, I keep my promises unlike you." "Killian, we should be heading home.""Aye, we need to Hope to bed.""Thank you, Emma and Killian, for letting us join your ship to Melody's birthday party.""You are welcome, Belle. I know Gideon had fun.""Aye, you and the lad can join us to Prince Eric and Ariel's kingdom anytime." Killian and Emma walked with their family home."Dad, this was a fun day. Can we go sailing again?""Yes, lad. We can have a sailing lesson soon.""Awesome." "Now our little duckling needs to sleep in her crib." Emma puts Hope in her crib and tucks her in putting her favorite Pluto dolls next to her and her quilt. "Sweet dreams, Hope. I love you so much." Emma sees her husband at the doorway of their daughter's room. "Killian.." She gave her husband a flirtatious look."Yes?" He gave her a look back.She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You and I need a little date night now?""Right now?""Yes, captain. I have our date night planned." "Now?""Right now." They went to Henry's room to find him playing video games." Henry.""Yes, Mom?""I am going to take your Dad out for a little while.""An unplanned date night?""Yes.""I will keep an eye on Hope." "Thanks, kid. We won't be out too long." Emma changed into normal clothes and got ready for her date night. "Killian? Are you ready?""Yes, I am." They left their house.Emma drove her husband in her yellow bug and parked by the docks. She stopped the car and went to the truck for a picnic basket and climbed onto the hood of the car. "Killian! Come on up!" Killian smiling knowing his Emma was very happy planning his unexpected date night."I am coming swan." Killian joined Emma on the hood of their yellow bug seeing a blanket, and a picnic basket. "What do you have here?""I got us rum, cinnamon hot cocoa, and snacks.""Aye, it sounds like a comfy night out." He wrapped the blanket around himself and his swan. "I had a feeling we needed a relaxing night out after a very busy day sailing to another realm and back.""Aye, this is perfect to end the day, Emma." She kisses Killian on the cheek."I am glad that you like this.""Aye, I love spending time alone with my wife." He drank some of the rum which was warm. "Mhmm...that is bloody amazing rum, swan. I know this will keep me warm out here.""I got it especially for you." He let her try some. "Mmm...it is so good." She hugs him around his waist. "Are you okay, Emma?""I was just thinking...""About what?""Weaning off Hope from breastfeeding. She is almost two years old, I am going to stop nursing her when she turns two. Most women breastfeed a year the longest somehow I am able to breastfeed her longer than that.""It takes a very strong woman to breastfeed a babe for 2 years. You are my strong wife who is still nourishing our little lass. I am very proud of you love, I am going to be more proud of you when you hit your two-year mark breastfeeding our Hope." He kisses her on the head. "I know Hope loves you so much, Emma.""I love Hope so much. I love both of my babies. They are my world.""Aye, they are my world too." They kiss. Emma feels so lucky to have him on her side and can tell him anything. "Since we are kid-free, can you please give me a star navigating lesson?" "Aye, I would love to point out the many stars to my swan." "Let the lesson begin captain." For the rest of the night, Killian taught Emma all about the constellations pointing out with his hook which Emma absolutely loved. He loved spending time with his wife who just wanted one on one time with him, he would not be anywhere in another realm than being with his wife and his family.

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