Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Valentines Day

217 4 0
By isaballerina89

Henry adjusted his homeschooling schedule pretty quickly. He was happier to do his work at home and get to plan with his parents when to do his school work and when to have free time. There would be days when he works most of the day and has days off. Emma and Killian managed to work with him on his school work and being sheriff and deputy. On one of his days off, Henry took Hope into town to the pottery store. "Hope, we are going to make Mommy and Daddy Valentine's gifts.""Ifts.""Valentine's day is an extra special day to show love.""Luv." Henry smiles. "That is right, little sis, love." They work on Valentine's day presents for their parents. After Emma and Killian were doing patrol together in town they decided to stop at Granny's for lunch. Killian went in to get their table as Emma parked the car. She sees her two children across the street heading out of the pottery store. Hope was walking out of the store as Henry pushed the stroller behind her. "Henry! Hope!""Mommy!!" Hope runs out into the street, Emma's heart dropped seeing a car rushing towards her daughter. "Hope!!" She uses her magic to stop the car from hitting Hope which caused some of the citizens of Storybrooke to crowd around them. Henry quickly gets his upset sister from the street and returns to the sidewalk. "Mom, I got Hope." Killian sees what is going on and he runs to his children. "Hope." He checks his little lass for injuries."Dad, Mom stopped the car before hitting Hope." "Dada." Killian holds Hope and hugs his little pirate princess."Hope, you scared Dada little love, mostly your Mommy and Henry.""Mostly, Mom." He rubs Hope's hand. "Mommy save you, Hope." "You cannot cross the street without Dada, Mommy and Henry, Hope." Once Emma sees her daughter is safe with her son, she lets go of the car. "Sorry, my daughter ran into the street." The car zoomed away. "Everyone, my daughter just ran into the street and I stopped the car.""Aye, our little lass is not injured." Emma rushes to her family. "Hope." Killian gave Hope to his wife. "Mom, Hope is not hurt." Emma hugs her daughter and sighs in relief that her daughter was alright and faces Hope. "Hope Marie Swan-Jones, do not ever ever run out in the street like that. Do you understand me?" Hope cried more. Emma knew Hope was afraid. "Hopey,you scared Mommy, baby girl. " Emma sighs. "I am so happy you are not injured. You are safe.""Afe.""Yes, you are safe,baby girl.""Mommy saved you, little sis.""Mommy." Emma kisses Hope on the head and held Hope tight. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. "We have to make sure we hold her hand when we walk around town.""Aye, we do not want our little lass to run in the street again." Hope grabs his hook. He faces his daughter. "Hope, you are not allowed to run in the streets alone. You have to hold Mommy, Dada and Henry's hand.""That is why we have rules sweetie so you won't get hurt." Archie and Pongo arrived to the Swan-Jones family. "Emma, Killian. Is Hope alright?""Yes, she is not hurt. I stopped the car just in time." Pongo barks. "Hi, Pongo."Henry kneels to Pongo. "Pongo!" Henry hugs Pongo. "Hope, you want to pet Pongo? He is my friend." Pongo sniffs Emma and Hope.Emma kneels down with Hope. "Hi, Pongo." She pets him. "Hope, say hi to the doggie. Pongo." Pongo goes close to Hope and sniffs her making her smile. Hope pets Pongo. "Henwy.""Yes, Hope he is my friend. He is your friend." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and they pet him together. Emma stands back up."Emma, I have not seen Henry in a while. I only see him in town when he is with Hope, with Regina or with you in town.""Henry is doing really well. Killian and I put him in a homeschooling program. He was being bullied so much in school we decided to let him do school at home.""Aye, we want our son to feel safe while he focuses on his studies.""It took time for us to convince Regina to homeschool him but she sees how much happier he is not stressing about bullies." "Emma, ever since Henry has found you, I have seen a lot of happier changes in him.""When Henry found me, I had a feeling that I would never leave him again. He lives with Killian and I full time. He wanted a normal home which I am giving him.""I can tell Henry is very close with Hope."Emma smiles. "They are very close brother and sister sibling bond even though they are fifteen years apart. They support each other and stand up for each other. Henry has been talking to Hope ever since she was in my womb. They have a very close sibling bond which I love." Hope babbles loudly. Pongo barks. "Hope, you are scaring Pongo, little sis.""No."Yes.""No." "Yes." He tickles his sister. Pongo licks Hope making her squeal. "Pongo, Hope is pretty awesome. Hopey, Pongo likes you.""Henry, Pongo misses you.""Yes, I miss visiting you and Pongo.""You can come to visit anytime." Hope babbles. "Can I bring Hope with me?""Yes, you can bring Hope with you, Henry." "Good, Hope likes Pongo." Hope hugs Pongo. "Archie, how is my brother?""I visited him in juvenile hall. He needs to realize that hurting others. Your parents took him home...""They did?""Yes. Your Mom promised to keep him on his leash." "She is not going to listen and be in denial, still.""I am visiting your Mom at home more often to talk to her.""Until she realizes and helps Leo, she is not in my life or my family life." "She hurt you and your family so much, I understand. I have to go now. Pongo.""Hope, say bye-bye to Pongo." Hope hugs Pongo. Emma takes a picture of Henry and Hope with Pongo. Emma pets Pongo. "Mommy." She scoops Hope into her arms. Pongo barks. "Hopey, you made a new friend, Pongo." Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy."Killian, Emma is an amazing mother to Henry and Hope.""Aye, that is one of the reasons, I love my wife." "We will see you around. Pongo." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, how about we have lunch together?""Henry, are you hungry?""Yes, I am." She wrapped an arm around her son. They walked across the street together to Granny's. "Mom.." Henry hugs his Mom. "Dada." Killian takes Hope from his wife knowing Henry needed to talk to his Mom alone. "Emma, I will put Hope in her booster seat at our table. We will meet you both inside.""Mommy.""Yes, pirate princess, you are going to sit next to Mommy when we have lunch at Granny's." Killian carried Hope into the diner."Mom, I am so sorry..." Emma faces her son. "Henry, it is my fault. I called out both of your names. Hope was excited to see me. It is not your fault." Emma hugs her son."I am just happy you saw the car and used your light magic to stop that car so I can get Hope off the street. You saved Hope, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom."Yes, I did, Henry.""You are the best, Mom.""How about we get lunch?""Yes." Emma pushed the stroller inside. They found Killian and Hope at their usual table."Mommy!"Emma chuckles and sits next to her daughter across from her husband and son. "I am sitting next to my favorite little duckling." She tickles Hope making her laugh. "Dad, can we have a sailing lesson soon?""Yes, lad. When we get home tonight, I can help with your math homework." After they had lunch, Hope did not want to leave her Mommy. "Hope, you want to be my little sheriff?" Hope babbles. "Okay, you can stay with me." "Mom, Dad, I can work do some online school at home. I want to get a head start on the next lesson on history."Emma was happy that her son wanted to study by choice and happy. "Okay, kid. We will see you later.""Dad, I will need your help with math later.""Aye, lad. I will help with your tutoring." Henry hugs his Dad."When we get home tonight, kid. We can have a movie night after your math session.""Awesome!" Henry walks home. "Emma, you were right about his homeschooling. He is so much happier and wants to learn more.""Yes, I know we made the right decision." They kiss. As Emma did the paperwork she needed to do, Hope was with Killian color at his desk, she saw them and smiled loving her family. A few days later, while Henry was doing his online school in his room, Emma and Hope were in the living making Valentine's using glitter glue, stickers, and crayons. Emma draws a heart and helps Hope with the glitter glue. "We are making Valentine's for you to give to Dada.""Dada!""Yes, he is going to love the Valentine you are making him. Valentine's day is a special day to show our love for each other to family and friends.""Wawa." "Yes, we can put the Jolly Roger on your Valentine for Dada." Emma draws the Jolly Roger and Hope colors it in."Luv, Mommy.""I love you, Hopey." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You give me the best hugs." "Tay.""We can snuggle." Hope ends up napping on her Mommy. Emma carries Hope and hides her art project in Hope's room. She sits on the rocking chair with Hope enjoying the snuggles and how much Hope loves being with her. Henry enters the room. "Mom, can you help me edit my paper for History?""Yes, I can." She puts Hope in her crib and goes into her son's room and edit his paper in print form. "Are you understanding your lessons on your laptop than a teacher?""Most of the time.""If you need help explaining anything to you...""I do need your help." Emma helped him with his Biology and History lessons which she was enjoying because she was teaching her son and learning more at the same time. Hope woke up from her nap at the end of Henry's lesson. "Kid, you are done with your lessons for today. How about we have lunch? I know Hope is ready for lunch.""Yes! I am done for today." Emma chuckles. She gets Hope from her crib."Hopey, are you ready to have lunch?""Yes!""Henry, how about we make homemade pizza for lunch?""That sounds cool. Hopey, are you going to help us make pizza?" Hope babbles and hugs her Mom. They go downstairs, Emma puts Hope in her highchair. "No." She wanted out of her high chair. Emma takes her out of her high chair and puts Hope on the counter. "You can help me cook pizza." Henry got the pizza dough, sauce, mozzarella out of the refrigerator while Emma turns on the oven. "Hope do not touch the oven because it is hot." She puts on the floor. "Mommy!""Hope, I need to make the dough." Hope began to cry and hugged her Mommy's legs as Emma rolled out the dough. "Henry, can you hold Hope so she can help me with the sauce?" "Hopey, you are helping Mommy cook, little sis.""Mommy." She holds her Mommy's arm. Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Henry, can you pour the jar of tomato sauce onto the dough?" Henry puts the jar of tomato sauce onto the dough."Hope, you and I will spread the sauce all over the dough." She gives Hope a spoon and lets her spread the sauce. "We have to put the sauce all over the dough, Hope. Henry, can you please show your sister what to do. I have my hands full." "Sure, Mom." Henry showed his sister what to do. "Hopey, you can help me, little sis." Hope copied Henry and stopped crying. "You are helping me cook, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. After Henry and Hope spread the sauce, "Henry, we need to put the cheese next." Hope began to cry. Emma hugs her daughter as Henry puts a lot of the mozzarella cheese onto the pizza and the pepperoni. "Mom, is this good?"Emma smiles. "Perfect Henry. You can put it in the oven." Henry puts the pizza in the oven. "Hopey, when the pizza is cooked. We are going to eat. Are you hungry?" Hope cried more. "Kid, can you get me the fruit salad out of the fridge?" Henry gets the fruit salad out and he sets it by his Mom and sister. Hope ate fruit from the plastic container, which made Hope stop crying. "You love your fruit, sweetie." "Mom, she was just hungry. Next time, we can cook the pizza while Hope is napping." Emma smiles. "That is a good idea, kid. Hope is enjoying her fruit now though." Hope fed her Mommy a piece of watermelon which she ate and gave Hope a kiss on the head. "Thank you, sweetie, for the delicious watermelon." Hope fed Henry watermelon next."Thank you, Hope. It is yummy." Killian arrives home from the station seeing Hope feeding his wife and henry watermelon. "If I did not know any better or I am seeing Hope feeding my wife and son their lunch." Emma giggles."Dada!" Henry puts Hope on the floor and she runs to her Dada."Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy with sticky wet fingers of fruit juice. Killian smiles big seeing his little lass missed him when he was at work. "Hi, Hope." He hugs his little lass. "Are you feeding Henry and Mommy?" "Dada.""I am home, Hope." The timer went off. Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "You are just in time for lunch, Henry Hope and I made homemade pizza from scratch.""Oh really? It smells delicious." Emma takes the pizza out. Hope was tugging on her Daddy's hook. "Hope, you can sit with me while we have the yummy pizza that you helped Mommy and Henry cook." Kilian sat down with Hope who was still holding onto his hook. Emma gave Hope her plate the cut-up version and gave Killian his slice. "Thank you, Emma." They kiss. The family ate together. "Mom, Hope is really happy that Dad is home.""You are right, Henry. She has not let go of your dad's hook since." Emma took a picture of the daddy-daughter moment. "Hope gave you a rough time?""She wanted to be held but I needed both of my arms to make the dough, so she grabbed my legs and cried until I held her on my hip and let her help with the sauce. I decided to give her fruit salad since I knew she was hungry which helped." "Mommy." Hope showed her empty plate."Hopey, did you like the pizza we made?""Yes!" "Do you want more little love?" Hope screams. "I will get you another slice, Hope." Emma cut up another slice for Hope."Hope say thank you to Mommy.""You, Mommy.""You are welcome, duckling." After lunch, Killian helped Emma clean up the kitchen while Henry played with Hope in the living room. "Emma, how was your morning with Henry and Hope?""Hope and I did a little art and craft until she napped on me. I also helped Henry edit his paper. I asked him if he needed help if he needed to help understand his lessons online, I ended up giving him his lessons in Biology and History.""How was that?""It was very interesting to teach him and learning with him at the same time." Killian wrapped his hands around his swan's waist. "That is my swan, being a great Mommy.""I do love, our children, captain. By the way, tomorrow you need to wear something nice for our date tomorrow."She holds his hook."Aye, swan. I will." They kiss. The next morning, Killian got up extra early to head into town to get Emma's Valentine's day gift. He went to the jewelry store for his order that he especially made his swan. After the jewelry store, Killian went to the flower shop to buy a bouquet of buttercups which were his wife's favorite flowers. He returns home finding Hope awake in her crib standing up. "Dada!""Good morning, Hope. Happy Valentine's Day, little love." He takes her out of her knowing she needs a change and changes her diaper before letting her walk around. "We have to be quiet, Mommy and Henry are sleeping. Hope, want to make breakfast with me?""Dada." Hope holds his hook as they walked downstairs to the kitchen. Killian made red velvet pancakes with Hope's help mixing the eggs and pancake batter. "Mommy...""Yes, it is red, Mommy's favorite color little love. We are having red velvet pancakes for Valentine's Day." He lets Hope walk around while he akes heart-shaped pancakes for the family. Hope tugs her Daddy's leg. "Dada! Up!" Killian knows Hope wants to be his little helper. He held Hope on his hip and continued flipping pancakes. Hope babbles to her Daddy which Killian loved. "Oh, this pancake needs to be flipped? Thank you, Hope." He flipped the pancakes. Emma entered downstairs seeing Killian and Hope cooking together which she loved seeing and took a picture on her iPhone. She goes upstairs to gifts ready to hand out to her family and let Killian have his one on one time with their daughter. She finds Henry still asleep in his room. She kisses him on the head and let him sleep in. Killian finished cooking the pancakes, he was setting up the table with pancakes, syrup orange juice and cinnamon hot cocoa for his family. Hope helped her Daddy by passing the forks to him. Once the table was set up, "Hope, let's go wake up Mommy and Henry." Killian got Emma's gifts and went upstairs with Hope holding his hook. Emma pretended to be sleeping. "Hope, we are going to give Mommy her present after we wake her up." "Mommy!" Killian puts Hope on their bed and gave his swan kisses on her cheek until she woke up smiling. "Happy Valentine's Day Emma.""Happy Valentine's Day, Killian." They kiss. He shows her buttercups. "Killian..flowers?" "Yes for my beautiful swan."She takes them from him and sniffs them. "These are my favorite, thank you.""You are welcome, Emma." They kiss passionately until Hope hugged them."Mommy...Dada." "Aye, our little love loves interrupting us kissing like Henry." They both laughed.Emma hugs her daughter. "Hopey, Happy Valentine's Day. I love you.""Luv, Mommy.""I love you, Hopey." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian takes a picture of his wife and daughter hugging. "Henwy.""Where is your brother?" Hope babbles. "Oh, he is still sleeping." Hope babbles. "You will go get him in his bedroom?" Emma set Hope down and she went to her brother's room,"HENWY!!!" They both laughed hearing Hope waking up her brother."I do have another gift for you, swan." He gives her a small wrapped box. "Let me see..." She opens her gift a golden necklace that says Captain Swan with a hook and ship on the sides. Emma was in awe. He scratched his neck awkwardly, which made Emma smile seeing her husband being shy which she liked. "I thought this would be perfect for you, Emma. When I became a pirate, I always wore a necklace with the ring, helped m survived now that you have it.""I still wear it, Killian."Killian smiles. "Since sailed the Jolly Roger to rescue me from that crazy Morgana, I thought this necklace would be perfect to make you official captain swan." Emma smiles. "Can you please help me put this necklace on?""Aye, yes, captain swan." He puts Emma's new necklace on his wife and kisses her on the neck. "You are officially captain swan.""Thank you, captain. I always will wear both necklaces you gave me the ring and this one because they are from you. I love you so much, Killian.""I love you so much, Emma. They kiss and hug. Henry was sleeping in his bed with his arm hanging on the side. Hope pats Henry's arm. "Henwy.." Henry wakes up seeing his baby sister."Hope.""Henwy...Dada...Mommy.""Are we going to give them their presents?" She tugs his arm. "Hope, I am awake. I will come with you." Henry gets their present and lets his sister drag him to their parents' room."Let me guess, Hope woke you up?""You mean screaming and tugging my arm until I woke up yes. She is a lot like you, Mom." Emma and Killian laughed."Mom, Dad, this is from Hope and I. Happy Valentine's day!""Aww. Killian, we are opening this together." Henry gives their parents their present"Henwy. Up!!" Henry holds his sister. Emma and Killian opened their present from their children which were painted clay swan for Emma and coffee mug painted with hooks and ships on them."Henry, Hope. Come here." She hugs them. "I love my swan.""Luv Mommy.""Yes, we love you, Mom." "I love you both so much, my two babies." She kisses Henry and Hope on their heads."Mommy." She holds Hope. "Henry, I love my mug lad.""Thanks, Dad." They hug. "Hope, helped me painting them both, it was fun brother and sister project." "Dada." Emma hands over her daughter to her husband. "Luv Dada.""I love you so much, Hope. Thank you for my gift. I love it." Hope hugs her Daddy. Emma's hands Hope her homemade card. "Hopey.""Dada!" Hope shows her Daddy his Valentine's card. Killian smiles. "Is this card for me Hope?""Dada!" Killian chuckles. He opens his card of Hope's handprints in red paint, glitter glue, the Jolly Roger, Happy Valentines Day, Daddy. I love you, Hope." Killian smiles big and hugs his little lass. "Hope, I love the card that you made me. Thank you.""Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy. He gave Hope kisses on her head.Henry gives his Mom two cards next. "Mom, this is from me and Hope." Emma opens her card, "Dear, Mom. Hope and I love you so much. You are the best Mom ever who fights for us, cares for us and loves us all the time. You are giving me a normal family life with you, Dad and Hope. I love you so much, Henry." Emma was in awe. "Henry." She hugs her son. "Thank you for the card.""You are welcome, Mom. I love you.""I love you too." He kissed his Mom on the cheek. "Mommy!""I need to open your card next." Hope screams. Emma opens Hope's card. "Dear Mommy, I love you so much. You do everything to protect me, love me and protect me. I love our storytime together and our girl time. I love you. Hope." Emma had more tears in her eyes. "Hope." Killian gives his daughter to his wife. "Mommy.""I love the card you made for me, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "Luv Mommy.""I love you, Hopey." She hugs her daughter. "Killian, since I am captain swan how about we have a family sailing day for our Valentine's day."Henry smiles."Dad, can we go!"Wawa!" Killian smiles seeing his family wanting to sail. "Aye, I do not see why not. We can go after we eat breakfast. Hope helped me cook breakfast this morning." Hope babbles. "Yes, Mommy and Henry need to eat breakfast with us." They go downstairs and see their breakfast ready. "Killian the pancakes are hearts.""Aye, red velvet.""They look delicious." "Aye, Hope and I worked very hard on them."Hope babbles "Yes, Hope we need to eat." He puts Hope in her high chair."Mommy.""Hopey, I will sit right next to you, sweetie." Hope clapped her hands. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. The family enjoyed breakfast."Dad, the cinnamon hot cocoa tastes good with red velvet pancakes.""That is a good sign lad that I..." Hope screams. "Sorry, Hope and I cooked." Emma giggles. "Hope and I made the right pancakes." After the family had breakfast they all got ready for a family sailing day. Emma dressed Hope in a red dress with a pattern of white hearts with her hair in small dutch braids with red hair ties. "Can you say valentine?" Hope screams, which made Emma laugh. She gave Hope many kisses and played their special game., Hope was laughing. "I love you so much Hopey." Hope placed her hands on her Mommy's face and Emma smiles.The family packed lunch and loaded the Jolly Roger. Killian waled with Hope to the Jolly Roger. Hope wa babbling happily. "Hope, we are going to have so much fun today." He walks on dec with Hope and puts Hope in her life jacket on. Hope fusses."No!""Hope, if you do not wear your lifejacket we are not going sailing." Hope began to cry. "Wawa..wawa..." Killian hates upsetting Hope but he needs to be serious with her when needed to."Hope." He holds his little lass. "My rule is everyone needs to wear a life jacket so we can stay safe while we sail. I do not want any of my family, you, Henry and Mommy get hurt or go overboard when we go sailing." Hope cries more. "I am not mad at you, Hope. When I tell you to od something you have to follow the rules okay?" He gave her kisses and rubbed her back. "I love you so much, Hope. It is my job as your Daddy to teach you how to be safe when we sail. Us pirates need to sail safe, Hope." "Wawa.""We are going to sail, Hope but you need to wear your lifejacket. Dada is not mad at you, little love." Hope hugs her Daddy. "I love you, Hope." Emma saw Killian's little lecture about boat safety. She places her hand on Killian's shoulder giving him a proud look of being a daddy and captain at the same time. "Emma, our little pirate now knows why she needs to wear her life jacket." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are going to my little captain. You can help Mommy steer the ship.""Dada.""Killian, Hope wants to be with you. Henry and I will pull the sails. Henry..""I am on it, Mom." Emma and Henry pulled the sails after Emma held Hope as Henry and Killian pulled up the anchor. "Anchor is up!" Killian gets Hope from his wife."Dada!" Emma gives her husband their daughter."Little pirate, you are helping me steer." Killian takes Hope to the steering wheel and the Jolly Roger began to move. "Yay!" Killian smiles seeing his little lass happy steering the ship. Emma sits next to her son. "Are you alright, Henry?" Henry hugs his Mom. "I just think about last Valentine's day when we were in New York. Dad took you on a date while I took Hope to the Disney store and Hope had her Disney plush pile." Emma chuckles. "I remember that you were being an amazing brother to Hope, making sure she did not get hurt and at the same time letting her have fun." "Hope was having so much but she was not letting anyone put the dolls away. Her pile of plush dolls was growing, I did not know what to do, I had to call you on your date night.""You did the right thing, kid. You needed your Dad and me to tell Hope it was time to leave. Also, she can only take home one plush doll."Henry chuckles. "Dad wanted to buy them all." They both laughed. "What are your plans for tonight?""I was thinking after the Jolly Roger we can go home, and get ready for our date night. I have my idea of where to take your Dad.""I can watch Hope.""I cooked dinner for you and Hope it is in the refrigerator for tonight." Emma hugs her son. "I love you, Henry much.""I love you, Mom. You re the best Mom." Emma smiles."Emma!" Emma arrives at the steering wheel. "Hope needs a diaper change." Emma gets her daughter from her husband. "My little pirate, you need a diaper change." Emma takes Hope to the captain quarters and changes her diaper. Henry steered the Jolly Roger. "Dad, Mom told me that you will have fun on your date tonight."Killian smiles. "Aye, I have a feeling we will have fun tonight." In the captain quarters, after Emma changed Hope's diaper, "Are you tired and ready for a nap?""No."Emma smiles. "No?" Are you hungry?" She gave Hope a bottle of her milk mix with regular milk weaning off her daughter from the breast. While Hope drank her bottle, "Do you want to read The Ugly Duckling ?" Hope screams with joy. Emma chuckles. "I will read our favorite story." She gets the book and Hope's quilt. Hope wanted to lie down on her Mommy. Emma wrapped Hope in her quilt and read their favorite story until Hope fell asleep. She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope so much. You will always be my baby girl." She lets Hope sleep on her which she loved. Back at the steering wheel, the clouds started to get dark. "Henry let me steer. From the looks of the clouds, it does look like a storm is coming." Henry gets his Mom."Mom, we are turning back a storm is coming." "Henry, stay here with your sister." She puts Hope on the bed. Emma rushest o the deck. "Killian..""I am steering us home. The storm is getting stronger.""What can I do to help? Will my light magic help?""Aye, yes." Emma used her light magic to move the sails as Killian steered the Jolly Roger home, Emma stopped using her light magic when they were at the dock as the rain harder. "Emma, that my captain swan." He kisses Emma on the head"I wanted us to get home safe. Not like the last time we were in a storm on the Jolly Roger." Killian hugged his wife. "You help me get our family back to Maine safe." He kisses her on the head. "Now let's get out of the rain." Emma and Killian entered the captain quarters Hope and Henry were fast asleep. She magically put raincoats on her family. "Emma..""It is safer for us to head back to our other home for the storm.""Aye, I will carry our little lass." Killian carries Hope as Emma woke up Henry."Henry, we are back at our dock."Henry wakes up. "Lad, we need to go home." They unloaded most of the ship and returned home. Emma puts Hope in her crib and took a shower. The storm got louder, Hope woke up confused and cried do so loud. Killian rushes into his daughter's room knowing she is afraid of the storm."Hope." He takes Hope out of the crib. "We are all back home and safe." "Dada.""Mommy is in the shower and Henry is downstairs. We are all home and not in the storm. Mommy used her light magic to help me sail us home before the rain started pouring down on us." He kisses s Hope on the head. Emma gets out of the shower seeing Hope very upset. Killian sees his swan out of the bathroom dressed in a comfy outfit. "Emma, Hope was afraid when she woke up not on the Jolly roger anymore.""Hopey." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "We are home safe, baby girl.""Mommy!" Emma holds her daughter. "How about we have a family night in, we can have a family movie night. ""Aye, I do love that idea.""We will have our date night another night. I do want to be with our two kids.""I will make us the popcorn with milk duds.""My favorite." They kiss. They go downstairs. "Henry.""Yes, Mom?""We are going to have a family movie night.""Awesome! Hope, we are going to watch movies altogether, no one is leaving." He kisses Hope on the head."Hopey, I have Valentine's gifts for you and Henry.""Mommy." She hugs her Mommy. "Swan, I will get their gifts for you.""Thank you." Killian returns with Henry and Hope's gits. "Henry this is from your Dad and me." Killian gave Henry his gift and Hope's gift to his wife. "Hopey, you have a Valentine's day gift baby girl from Daddy and me. Do you want to open it?""Mommy.""I can open it for you." Emma opens Hope's gift, Pluto footie pajamas."Pluto!""Yes, Pluto pajamas. You can wear them tonight after your bath." Hope babbles happily. Henry opens his gift which was a new videogame, Call Of Duty. "Mom, this is awesome! Dad, we have a new game to try out.""Aye, we will try it out soon, lad. Emma, I am going to run Hope's bath." Killian kisses Emma on the head and goes upstairs. Hope hugs her Mommy. Henry joins their hug. "I love my hugs from you two." She gave them kisses on their heads. Killian gives Hope her bubble bath Emma played a few rounds of video games with her son. When Killian and Hope returned downstairs, Hope was wearing her Pluto pajamas. "Mommy....Pluto.""Your Pluto pajamas fit you, sweetie." She puts Hope on her lap turned on Disney+ on. Henry chose the movie, The Lion King. Emma made sure Hope had her evening bottle., which Hope refused wanted to be nursed. Emma nurses Hope. Hope got upset during Mufasa's death scene, "Dada." Killian lets Hope snuggle with him. Emma was in awe Hope wanted Killian during the saddest part of the movie. "Hope, it is only a movie, little love. It is a sad movie but a good movie. You can snuggle with me." He kisses Hope on the head and wrapped his arm around his wife. Emma kisses him on the cheek and snuggles with them. "Hope, it is okay, sweetie. You re with Dada, Mommy, and Henry." Hope holds her Mommy's hand. Henry bugs his Mom. "Henry.""Henwy.""Hope, I am in the family hug, little sis." They continued to watch The Lion King, Hope was fast asleep by the end of the movie with her parents with her. "Mom, did I chose a bad movie for Hope?""No, maybe the Mufasa dying scene was a little scary for her but she liked the movie." "You mean more Disney movies?""Yes!""Awesome!""I want Hope to see all of the Disney classics the ones I watched growing up.""Emma, she can see fairytales outside our house and plus her Dada is Captain Hook." Emma playfully hits her husband's arm. "Yes, I know that but I want our daughter to watch the Disney version because their stories are easier to understand. Their stories are less complicated than the real ones.""Aye, I can see why coming from PeterPan movie and the real devil...I can see why you want Hope to watch the movie version."Emma puts her hand on her Killian's cheek. "You are the rare exception, the real Captain Hook is way better, the kind not evil and no perms better than the cartoon.""Aye, I do have my devilish handsome good looks." Emma chuckles and they kiss. Killian puts Hope to bed. "Sweet dreams, Hope. Dada loves you so much." He goes downstairs and plays video games with his son. Emma goes check on Hope. "Happy Valentine's Day, Hope. I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. She went downstairs to clean up the kitchen and up to her room to relax. Killian joins Emma in bed after Henry went to his room for the night. He joins Emma in bed. "Did you have a good Valentine's day Emma?""Yes, captain, I did. How about you?""It was perfect, a family day.""That is why I love it, it was a family day just the four of us. Everyone had fun on the Jolly Roger and a family movie night. We can have a makeup date night.""Aye, you are the one in charge of what we will do on our date night." Killian kisses Emma on the cheek.Emma hugs her husband. "I love you, Killian.""I love you, Emma." They kiss. Emma enjoyed Valentine's day with her family which she always wanted as a child to feel loved on Valentine's day and now she has that with her husband and children. 

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