Happy Beginning Captain Swan

De isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... Mais

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


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De isaballerina89

September has arrived, Henry was now a junior in high school. Emma takes pictures of her son on his first day of school while Hope was walking around. "Hopey. Come to Henry, little sis."
"Henwy." He scoops up his sister in his arms and their Mom took pictures of them both.
"Are you nervous?"
"Kind of not really."
"Yes, Hope?" Hope babbled a lot. "You said I should not be nervous?" Hope babbled. He lets Hope walk around and hugs his Mom. "Kid, what is wrong?"
"It is just with Violet...her being used to trying to kill us..how can we trust anyone..."
"We know who we trust...if we get a bad feeling about them we just stay away from them."
"Mom, Hope knew right away that Violet was under control of the witches."
"She has that type of sense, kid. If there are any issues in school you can call me." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, Henry. How about we get ice cream after school?"
"You, me and Hope?"
"Yes, kid. The three of us." Henry opens the door. Hope began to cry and chases after her brother. Emma was in awe. "Hopey, don't cry baby sis." Hope hugs her brother's legs "Hope, I have to go to school to learn. When I am adjusted to my schedule you can join my art class and be my art assistant."
"Hope." Killian sees what is going on. Henry holds his sister. "I know we have a lot of one on one time during the summer but I have to go to school. I am going to miss you when I am not here with you." Hope babbled. "Yes, because I love you so much. After I get home, Mommy you and I are going to get ice cream in town. We can have Henry and Hope time later." Hope hugs her brother.
"Hope.." He kisses her on the head and hands her over back to their Mom. Hope cried more.
"Henry,we will pick you up at the bus stop."
"Love, I will walk with Henry to the bus stop." They kiss. He kisses Hope on the head and leaves with Henry. Emma calmed down her daughter. "Hopey, we can bake today. Would you like that?"
"I will that as a yes." Emma rocks Hope to sleep and put her in their bed for nap time and set the baby guard up and went downstairs to prepare to bake with Hope when she woke up from her nap. Emma heard Hope babbling in the baby monitor which meant she was awake. She goes gets Hope from her bedroom, Emma did not mind Hope sleeping on her bed it made her daughter feel safe, which all that matters to her. "Mommy."
"Hi, baby girl." She gets Hope from her bed. "Did you have a nice nap?" She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Do you want to help Mommy bake brownies?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you get to be my little baker." Hope smiles and brings her to the kitchen. "Look, Hope, we are all ready to bake." She puts Hope on the counter and had Hope help her cracked the eggs after she put the mix in. "You did it, Hope!" Hope smiled. "Next, we have to mix the eggs." She helps Hope mix the batter. Hope laughs which made Emma laugh. "You like mixing the chocolate mix and the eggs?" Hope babbled. "You are my little mixer." Hope began to fuss. "Hopey. You want me to hold you while I bake?" She puts Hope on her hip. "Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope screamed happily. Emma giggles. "Mommy has to bake." Hope grips her. "Okay, you can be with me while I bake." She puts Hope on the counter. She lets Hope help by adding the chocolate chips to the batter. She puts the pan into the oven. Hope began to cry. "Baby." She picks up Hope from her high chair. "You want to play or snuggle?" Hope babbled. "We can snuggle outside." They snuggled on the hammock. "You know what baby girl?" Hope babbled. "You make me so happy, do you know why?" Hope tugs her Mommy's hair. "Because you are my little girl. I did not have this happiness with my parents as a child or with Henry until he found me but with you, Hope, I get to raise you from the very beginning. Every single day I get to spend with you makes me so happy. You are my little best friend and most important my daughter." Hope smiles. She gave Hope many kisses on her cheek. Emma's phone alarm went off, "Our brownies are done baking." She lets Hope walk back into the house and puts her into her high chair. "No."
"Hope, Mommy has to get the brownies from the oven. The oven is very hot, I do not want you to get hurt." She takes the brownies out of the oven and showed them to Hope. "Hope, they look so good." Hope babbled. "Yes, sweetie. You and I get to have the first piece." Hope smiled. Emma cuts up the brownies and lets them cool off and cut up Hope a brownie and one for herself and gave Hope's hers on her high chair. Hope smiled and ate hers, "Yummy?" Hope babbled. They both ate their brownies together.
Emma was in the backyard with Hope, Hope was in her pool in a swim diaper. "Mommy."
"You want me to play with you?" Hope babble and placed her hands on her Mommy's face. Emma pours water onto Hope's head which made Hope laugh. After playing in the water more, Emma helped Hope out of the baby pool, and Hope walked around the backyard, while Emma took pictures of her little girl exploring. Hope stops at the swings. "Mommy."
"You want to go on the swings?" She puts Hope in the baby swing and she pushes Hope on the swing. Charming arrives in the backyard seeing his daughter pushing Hope on the swings. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Dad."
"I came by to visit, is that alright?"
"Yes, you are always welcome here." Hope babbled. "Hopey, Grandpa is here." She takes Hope out of her swing. "Say,hi to Grandpa." Hope babbled.
"Hi, Hope. How is my little princess?"
"You want to tell Grandpa of how much fun we are having fun today, baking and playing on your swing set and swimming in your pool all this morning." Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy. "Hope, you want to change into dry clothes? And snuggle?" Hope fusses. "Yes, you need a nap. Dad, come in." They go inside, Emma gives Hope a bubble bath, Emma blew bubbles to Hope, Hope babbles. "Hope, you want grandpa to blow bubbles with us?" Hope smiles. "Dad, join us." Charming joins playing with Hope in her bath time, Emma was smiling seeing how happy her Dad was playing with her daughter knowing he would have done the same to her if she wasn't given up at birth. "Dad, I will be right back." She gets Hope's after bath time routine ready in her room and returns seeing her Dad tickling Hope with her rubber ducky, making her laugh. Emma made cinnamon hot cocoa for herself and her Dad while Hope was playing with Hope. "Dad, I thought you want to try the brownies that Hope and I made today."
"Sure, I will have some." Hope babbled.
"Hope, you can have a brownie too." Hope walks over to where her Mommy was sitting and reaches her arms out. "Up!" Emma chuckles and puts Hope on her lap and shared her brownie with her daughter. "Emma, these are really good."
"Thank you, Dad. Hopey, grandpa likes out brownies that we made."
"Hope, you helped your Mommy bake?" Hope babbled.
"She is my little mixer when I bake. She likes to help Killian cook breakfast in the mornings. She loves being our little mixer." Hope babbled more to her Mommy, which Charming love seeing. After Hope had a brownie she napped on her Mommy. Emma wiped up the brownie on her daughter's face. "You tired Hope out?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, I did. I love spending time with my baby girl. Hope was chasing Henry this morning when he was leaving for school. She did not want him to leave."
"She loves her big brother."
"Oh, yes they are so close siblings. Henry takes care of her and they both protect each other."
"That because they are being raised by you who treat the equal, with love and care and raising them to be close brother and sister." He hugs his daughter. "You make me so proud of you to be your Dad."
Emma blushes. "Thanks, Dad." They continue to talk until Charming had to head back to the sheriff station. Emma puts sleeping Hope in her carrier and they walk into town. By the time they arrive, Henry was getting off the school bus. "Henry!"
"Hi, Mom."
"How was the first day of school?"
"It was not too bad. Art is still going to be my favorite subject."
"I am not too surprised, kid."
"How was Hope after I left? I knew she was crying."
"I got her to nap this morning. We baked brownies, played in the backyard in the pool and the swings."
"Wow, you really had one on one time."
"Yes, your grandpa dropped by for a little bit to talk nothing about your uncle just to talk."
"Grandpa is always on your side."
"I know. Like I am always on your side." They walk into the ice cream shop. Hope woke up from her nap. "Hopey, look who we are with?" Hope smiles and sees her brother.
"Hi, little sis." He takes his sister out of her carrier. Hope babbled. "We are getting ice cream with Mommy. I heard you had a fun day with Mommy."
"Tay.." Hope hugs her brother.
"I am staying with you and Mommy." Emma shared her ice cream with Hope, Hope wanted to be with her big brother. Henry ate his ice cream after his Mom fed his sister. They walk around town afterward, Hope holding her brother's hand as they walked. Emma took pictures of her son and daughter together, creating more brother and sister memories.
Over the next few weeks, the new prison was being built in the forest on the opposite side of town where the other prison was located. During Emma and Killian's shifts, part of their job was to check on the progress of the new prison. Emma dresses Hope in a onesie with ducking shirt, shorts, and a pink bandana bow. "You are ready to be my little sheriff." Hope babbled.
"Are my two sheriff's ready to go to work?"
"Yes, my deputy." Hope babbled. "We are both ready." They kiss. Killian carries the diaper bag to the yellow bug car while Emma buckles Hope in her car seat. Emma drove her deputy and little sheriff to the new prison to check on the new prison. Emma parks the car and sees Regina with the architects and the blue fairy discussing the new prison design inside. Emma carries Hope, "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma, Hope, and Killian. We are talking about new types of prison."
"You mean we can design cells to prevent witches to use their magic."
"That is why I am here Emma. Is this Hope?"
"Yes. Hope, say hi to Blue Fairy." Hope fusses and reaches out to her Daddy.
"Love, I will hold our little love." Killian takes Hope from his wife and they walk around in the woods together. "Emma, I have the magic to use to keep all of the witches in their new cells."
"How about the isolation rooms? Are you going to use magic with those rooms?"
"Yes, Emma. We are adding light magic to every cell, the stronger magic is for the darkest magic."
"Good, Zelena will get the punishment she deserves."
"My sister still going to get the same punishment that she deserves in her new cell."
"I do not want any witches to cause trouble in town." She looks at Hope who was picking leaves with Killian. "I do not want Hope and Henry feel unsafe in town." Charming joins the group.
"Emma, we are going to have more advanced magic and technology in this prison to keep them in. I am tired of seeing you and our squad fighting villains." Hope walks to her Mommy and hugs her legs. "Up!"
"Mommy has to talk to Grandpa, Hope." Hope gives her Mommy a pouty lip. "Hope. You get that pouty lip from your Dad." She holds hope on the hip. Hope babbles. "Yes, I know you are my little sheriff." She faces her Dad, "How is the progress of the prison?"
"It is going to be finished by the end of October."
"A month away but it is fast being built."
"Love, they are going to be in that prison soon." He wrapped his arm around his wife.
"Killian, we need to do patrol."
"Aye, we shall." They walk to their car.
"By the way, Hope has your pouty and face."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, I can see her Daddy in her." She kisses him on the cheek. Hope babbled.
"Yes, little love. We are going on patrol together." Hope clapped her hands. "You are your mother's daughter." Emma buckles Hope in her carseat and give her little Pluto doll. Emma drove her family to town and did patrol with her husband deputy and little sheriff on her side. She saw someone speeding, Killian placed the red light on top of the yellow bug. "Hope, we are going to chase after a bad guy." Emma drove them to chases the car. She got the car to stop and gets out of her yellow bug, "What is the problem here? Why are you speeding?" A witch jumps out and attacks Emma using her magic. Emma tumbles back and lands on her feet to avoid being hit by the magic. Killian sees what is going on, "Hope, Daddy is going to help Mommy." He rushes out of the car. "Emma!" He takes his sword out and runs to his wife and the witch. Red rushes out of the diner and sees Emma fighting with the witch and Killian ready with his sword.
Red gets Hope who was crying from her car seat. "Your Mommy and Daddy are just doing their job." Emma fought back with her light magic shocking the witch, lifts the witch up in the air and slams the witch to the ground. "Who the heck are you?"
"I work for Zelena. She is coming back."
"You messed with the savior."
"Bring it on "savior." Villains want their revenge on the heroes. Our group is out to get you all." Emma used her light magic again to pin her to the ground. Emma was furious that she was being threatened. "Is that a threat?"
The witch just laugh. "You messed with the wrong person witch, I am the savior and sheriff. The sheriff's job is to choose the punishment. Lady, I am going to give the worst punishment possible." Killian tackles the witch and places a magic band on the witch and punches her in the face. "You threaten my wife you ugly witch." Killian handcuffs the witch. "Emma, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am fine." They hear Hope crying in Red's arms. "Hope!" She rushes back to her daughter who has seen the whole witch attack. Hope was reaching out to her Mommy crying. Red gives Hope to her Mommy who literally jumped into her Mommy's arms and hugs her. "Mommy...Mommy!"
"Hope. You are with Mommy. Mommy is okay. Mommy is not hurt." She hugs her daughter and looks at her husband, they know they have to solve the underground witch group soon. That witch is not going in their car with their daughter. Red goes to Killian and holds the witch so Killian can be with his wife and daughter. "Emma!" Killian rushes to his wife and daughter. "We got to solve the witch problem."
"I cannot agree with you more, captain."
Killian hugs his two loves and he placed his hand on his wife's cheek, "Are you sure okay, Emma?"
Emma leans onto her husband. "I am okay. Hope and you are both safe which all that matters to me."
"Love, I want to make sure you are not hurt." Hope cried more.
"Hopey, you are safe with Mommy and Daddy." She rubs her daughter's back, "Mommy and Daddy are not hurt baby girl. I know you saw the witch hurt Mommy but Mommy and Daddy got her to stop being bad. We are safe, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian knows that his wife was in mama bear mode thinking about Hope, not about herself and it is his job to make sure she was alright. He hugs his wife. "You are safe, love. You protected our daughter and me love." He kisses her on the head.
A sheriff car arrived with Charming and Lily. Red gave Lily the witch who she puts the witch in the back of the car."Emma!" Charming rushes to his daughter who was clutching onto Hope.
"Granny called us."
"We were doing patrol and the witch was speeding. I found out when she jumped out of her car and zapped me with her magic. I used my light magic to stop her. She told me that she is working with Zelena." Hope cried more. "Hopey. No one is going to hurt you. I used my magic to protect you and Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope dugged her face into her Mommy's shoulder. Killian knows his wife is in shock but putting a brave face for their family. He wrapped his arms around his two loves. "Love, let's get you home."
"I want that witch in prison but I want answers."
"Emma, you were just attacked."
"I was protecting my husband and daughter who saw the whole attack. " Hope cried more.
Killian gets his little lass from his wife to calm her down. "You are with Daddy little love. I am not going anywhere, I am staying with you and Mommy. Your Mommy is being sheriff to protect us. " He gave Hope kisses as Hope hugs him. Red watched the witch while Lily joined rest of the squad.
"Dad this witch hurt me, threatened me and gave me a warning about Zelena's underground group of villains telling me that they are out to get the heroes. How can I ignore that? We need Derek at the station now for more information and need to get some of our squad to go undercover to catch them on their plans. We need to know what they are planning so we can beat them. So no one else gets attacked by Zelena's group of villains. Understood?" Killian knew his wife was in mama bear mode and protecting the town. They all nodded. "Love, I am on your side."
"Emma, I am in. What do we need to do?"
"Lily, can you bring this witch to the station and put her in an interrogation room?"
"Yes, I will get Mulan too."
"We are going to strategize at the station and continued from there? Understood?"
Killian, Charming, and Lily, "Yes." Lily and Charming went into the sheriff car and drove to the station with the villain.
Hope was shaking in Killian's arms. "Emma, Hope is scared she is shaking." Emma hates seeing Hope afraid. "Baby." She takes Hope from her husband. "Hopey, you are with Mommy." She gave Hope kisses. "You are safe with me."
"Love, I will drive us to the station. Hope wants to be with you." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are with Mommy and Daddy, little love. We are going to put the witch in prison. She is not going to hurt Mommy."
"You are staying with me, Hope. You are safe with me." She rubs her daughter back and gets into the car not letting Hope go. Killian drove his two loves to the sheriff station and looks back at his wife concerned about her because all she focused on was their little girl but he knows deep down she is concerned for her own and their family safety. "Hope, you are safe...we are safe. Mommy is not going to let anyone hurt you." Killian parks the yellow bug in the sheriff's spot and looks back at his true love, he knows his wife is overwhelmed and in shock. He goes back and hugs his two loves. "Emma? It is me, love. Only us and our Hope." She looks down at Hope who fell asleep in her arms from crying and looked back up at Killian right into his blue eyes. "I cannot think straight..." Emma was in tears. "All I could think about is protecting Hope...our daughter who saw this villain attack me...I just want to protect my family..."
Killian hugs his wife. "Hope and I are safe love. I came to your back up right away. You and I are a team. We protect each other."
"You were there."
"Aye, I will always be there, Emma." He hugs her.
"I feel safe in your arms."
"Aye, that will never change."
"You make me feel safe. I want you and Hope feel safe."
"You protected us, from that witch. I feel safe. I know our Hope feels safe when she is with us."
"She has been through a lot and I want Hope to have a happy life always." She looks down at their daughter. "Mommy will always make you happy and feel safe." She puts her head on top of Hope's. Killian knew his wife needed to rest and all she wanted to be with Hope and him at home. "Love, let's go home." Killian drove his two loves home. He brings Emma up to their room, his swan fell asleep with Hope next to her and pulls up the bed rail and makes a phone call to his father in law. "Killian, how is Emma?"
"I took Emma home. She is in shock. She and Hope are sleeping in our room."
"I understand."
"Is Regina with you?"
"Charming, let Lily go to Derek to ask him more information on the underground villain group. Mulan let her go undercover to spy on the villains. As for Regina, let her interrogate the witch."
"I will tell everyone, Killian. Just keep an eye on my daughter and granddaughter."
"Aye, my lasses need me. I am there for them. They are my world." They ended their conversation. Killian text Allison what happened to Emma. He returned upstairs to check up on his town loves. Hope was awake sitting up. "Hi, Hope."
Killian smiles. "Did you have a good nap, Hope?" He takes Hope into his arms. "Are you hungry for lunch?" He sniffs his lass. "You need a change, hope?" He puts Hope on his hip and lays a blanket over his wife. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Mommy is sleeping, little love. We have to let her rest." Killian changes Hope in her room. He tickles Hope and makes her laugh. He takes Hope down to the living room, he plays with Hope tickling her, talking to her and plays toys with her. Hope gave her Daddy a microphone speaker, Hope babbled. "Hi, Hope!" His voice changed in different tones which made Hope laugh. He gives the microphone to Hope. "Your turn Hope."
"Good little love." He tickles her and scoops her into his arms and tickled her more. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry for lunch?" He leads Hope holding his hook to the kitchen. "Dada made you lunch. I know you are very hungry." He puts Hope in her high chair and puts a bib on his little lass and heated up her lunch, which was macaroni and cheese, broccoli and meatballs. Hope ate her lunch. "Is it yummy Hope?" Hope smiled which her face was covered with her lunch. "Aye, you are eating all of your lunch." Hope smiles.
Emma wakes up from a phone call from her Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"Rested. How is the case?"
"The witch is not talking to us..."
"Dad, I am on my way." Emma got dressed. Killian and Hope enter the room.
"Emma, how are you feeling?"
"Rested but still off. My Dad called me, they need my help with the case." Hope began to cry and runs to hug her Mommy's legs. "Hopey." She holds Hope in her arms.
"Mommy..tay..." Emma was in awe seeing how much Hope loves her and wants her to be safe.
"Hope Mommy has to make sure the witch who tried to hurt me gets her punishment. I know you saw me getting hurt but you are going to learn to face our fears which Mommy, Daddy, and Henry does all the time. The witch won't hurt Mommy again. Okay?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You will learn from me, Hope." She looks at her husband. "Killian? Hope doesn't want me to get hurt."
"I heard it, love." Killian drove his family in the yellow bug to the sheriff station. Hope was crying, "Hopey." Emma carries her daughter in. "After I learn from the witch about the group. We can have Mommy and Hopey time." Hope hugs her Mommy. As they went in they see Henry. "Hopey, look who is here?"
"Hopey, little sis." Hope smiles and looks at her big brother.
"Hi, Hope. You want to play with me?"
"Little love, Mommy has to work. You will be with me and Henry. After Mommy is sheriff, we are going to get ice cream." Hope continued to cry.
"Mom, I heard from my other Mom what happened. Are you hurt?"
"I am not injured kid Hope saw the whole fight. Now she wants to be with me."
"Little sis, I know what you saw was bad trust me I saw our Mommy in a lot of fights in the center of town but you know what Hope?" Hope looked at her brother. "Mommy always defeats the bad guys. That is part of Mommy's story."
Henry smiles. "Hope, I have my storybook in my backpack. I can read to you our Mommy's story." Hope screamed happily which made her family smile. Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Mom, Hope and I will be in your office."
"Thanks, kid."
"Your welcome." Henry takes Hope into their Mom's office to read her Mom's story. "Love, I will be watching your interview."
"Can you join me instead? I have a feeling that she will listen to both of us together."
"Aye, I can do that." They walk together hand and hook. Emma saw her Dad and Regina discussing the witch. "Sheriff."
"Hi, Regina. Do you know anything about this witch?"
"No, she is not talking. I have never seen her in town." Emma thought for a moment.
"If she is not from town maybe she is from another realm."
"Aye, that will make a lot of sense. Someone from Zelena's league of villains just has connections in other realms."
"We just have to figure out who and how." They enter the room together.
"Well, if it isn't the "savior"?" The witch cackled.
Emma was mad and places her hands on the table. "Alright, witch. You were planning to hurt me. Tell me the truth, are you from the prison? Or are you from another realm?"
"Not going to tell you..."
Killian was mad and grabbed the witch by her neck using his arm and dragged the witch to the wall. "You hurt my wife. I will hurt you, witch."
Emma stood next to her husband. "Tell us the truth. Are you from the prison?" She uses her light magic, "Or I can hurt you again with my magic with my deputy holding you down. Now tell us where you are from and what is Zelena's plan?"
"I am from the Land of Untold Stories...I got a message from my sister who was in prison in this realm for help, to help Zelena with her army...my job was to kill the savior than all of the heroes will be weak without you...savior..."
Emma was furious as she grabbed the witch by her collar. "What else do you know about Zelena's plan?"
"Answer the sheriff?"
"She is planning a huge attack on the heroes...she working with most of the prison for an attack.."
There was a knock on the door. Emma leaves the room to Regina and her dad. "That is a warning, Dad. We need the fairies help."
"Emma, I will get the Blue Fairy to help us."
"We need all the help we can get, she is planning an army." Charming leaves the station to the blue fairy. Emma returns to the room, "Can I leave now?"
"You are not going anywhere, witch. You are staying here and not reporting back to your group. I have an idea of your own punishment."
"Ooh, I am so scared." The witch cackled.
"The savior and sheriff is smart you are a dumb witch."
Regina comes in. "Yes, sheriff?"
"Please make this witch's cell here, the unstoppable flame punishment?"
"One endless flame punishment coming right up." Regina leaves the room, Emma put the witch back handcuffs. "Killian, I can bring her to her cell. She is not going back to prison."
"Aye, so she won't help Zelena more on her plans." Emma puts the witch in a cell and tides her up to a chair. "Here is your new home. Regina?"
"Yes, sheriff." She uses her magic to make endless magical flames. Mulan and Lily return.
"Lily and Mulan, this new witch is staying here. She warned us about Zelena is starting an army."
"Emma, we are going to fight to the very end"
"Yes, we will Mulan. My Dad is getting the fairies for their help. We need their magic to help."
"Emma, we can also get Rumplestilskin to help us."
"Are you sure Regina?"
"Love, he hates Zelena as much as we do."
"Your husband is right, Emma. He will work with us to defeat them. I will go talk to him." Regina leaves the station. "Mulan and Lily, can you take shifts on watching this witch?"
"We are on it, sheriff." Killian and Emma walked to her office together. They see Henry sitting on the ground, helping Hope coloring a picture. "Are you done coloring?" Hope babbled. "It is pretty."
"Henry, Hope."
"Hope, give the art to Mommy." He hands his sister the paper Hope walks to her Mommy.
Emma kneels down to greet her daughter. "Hi, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Is this drawing is for me?" Hope babbled. Emma looks at the drawing, it was a drawing of herself being the savior, "I love my Mommy." Emma was in awe. "Hope. I love your drawing. I am going to hang it on my wall where I can always see it when I am working." She kisses Hope on the head. "Thank you."
"Love, I will tape it on the wall. Did you have fun coloring with Henry?" Hope babbled. "Oh, really? He told you a story and helped you color a picture for Mommy?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Kid, did Hope give you any trouble?"
"Not at all. Hope and I had fun together." Killian taped Hope's art onto his wife's wall.
"Look, Hope. Your drawing is on my wall." Hope smiles.
"Mom, how is the case?"
Emma sighs. "The witch is a sister is in the prison working with Regina's sister. She gave me a warning that Regina's sister's group would be out to get the heroes. Their plan was to kill me and fight with the rest of heroes."
"Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom.
"Henry, the witch is in a cell here. She is endless flames punishment and tied up to a chair. She did not hurt me."
"You are not hurt Mom?"
"I am not hurt Henry." She kisses him on the head. "All of the heroes are going to defeat the villains. Good always win."
"I taught you that."
"Yes, you did, kid." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, we are going home baby girl."
"Swan, I will take Hope to the car." Killian carries Hope to the car, while Henry cleans up his Mom's office. "Mom, sorry about the mess."
"Hey, you were having fun with Hope. I do not mind that, you were making Hope happy."
"She is my little sister, I know Hope needed me. She was afraid and I made her feel safe."
"You did your job, Henry."
"I know. We all take care of each other."
"That is right, Henry." They hug and walk to their car.
"Emma, Hope wants her Mommy."
"I will sit with her in the back." Emma and Henry sit in the back with Hope as Killian drove his family home. Hope was still crying. "Hopey, Mommy is with us, little sis. Don't cry." Emma held Hope's hand. "Hopey, I am right here with you and Henry. When we get home, we are going to snuggle." Killian began cooking his family dinner while Emma bathes Hope. Henry did his homework. Killian watched his wife doing Hope's night routine in their room. Hope was walking around her parent's room. "Emma." Emma hugs her Killian.
"I always feel safe in your arms."
"I want to make sure you are okay."
"I am not hurt. I am just happy that you were there fighting on my side."
"I will always be in your side whenever you need me, you know that?"
"I love hearing that from you." They both smile and kiss. "I was afraid...all I could think about was protecting you and Hope from that witch."
"You did your job, as my beautiful wife to protect our family. I will always be on your side fighting the villains with you." She put her head onto Killian's chest. He hugs her tighter in his arms and kisses her on her blonde head."I will always be there for you, Emma." She felt safe in her Killian's arms.
Allison arrives finding Emma playing with Hope who was wearing her Minnie Mouse pajamas in the living room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison."
"Antie!" Hope goes to Allison and hugs her legs.
Allison smiles. "Hi, Hope. Are you playing with Mommy?" Hope babbled. She holds Hope on her arms and sits down next to her best friend. "Emma, I heard that you had a rough day at work."
"Oh, yes. We were in town doing patrol, and the person was speeding and it turned out to be a witch. She jumped out of her car and attacked me with her magic. I fought back, and she threatened me that Regina's sister and her group of villains are out to get us, heroes."
"We arrested her. Hope was in the car and Ruby held her, she saw the whole fight in the middle of Maine Street."
"Yes, baby?" Hope walks over and hugs her Mommy. "You are safe, sweetie. No mean witch will hurt you. Mommy protected you and Daddy today to make sure no one else will get hurt." Hope babbled a lot. "You are my little sheriff. How was work today?"
"It was not too crazy compared to your crazy day."
"It was hectic but I know what is going on in the prison and that new prison needs to come faster."
"Where is the new prison being built at?"
"On the other side of town in the woods. We are going to split up all of the villains mostly to get all of.." She covered Hope's ears, "Zelena's group of villains separate and we are adding new magic to the prison cells too." Hope walks around to play with her toys.
"Hope is getting so big."
"Yes, she is. She walking a lot more and talking more but she loves being held still by us."
"You can use the carrier with her."
"Oh, yes. The carrier comes in handy whenever I am working here or at the station, Hope will be in the carrier or in my office with me or she is with Killian at his desk. I have toys set up in my office for her to play with. She has been going on patrol with us and until today...I do not know if..."
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright. She needs to know what is going on."
"We are honest with Hope and Henry. We tell them what is going on and being honest with them. We are not sheltering her and being clueless...I learned from my past from not knowing what was going on was awful. I know bringing Hope on patrol with Killian and I will not make her afraid."
Hope carries her Ariel doll to Allison. "Antie!" Emma and Allison were both smiling at Hope.
"Hope! Is that your Ariel doll?" She gives her Ariel doll to Allison. "Are you sharing your Ariel doll with me?" Hope babbled, Allison smiles. "Thank you, Hope. Can I have a hug?" Allison opens her arms as Hope leans to Allison for a hug. "Aww. You give the best hugs Hope." Hope babbled. Emma took pictures of Allison and Hope hugging. "Hope, are you happy to have girl talk?"
"Mommy!" Emma and Allison both chuckle.
"Emma, Hope is happy, healthy and safe. You are a great mother to her, you protect her when needed, always there for her which is a great parent. You and Killian are both honest with you two kids." Allison tickles Hope with her Ariel doll, which makes her laugh. Killian enters the room, "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian. I came to visit."
"Aye, I can tell. Would you like to join us for dinner?"
"I would love too." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Auntie is staying for dinner." Hope clapped her hands. "Dinner is ready. Love, I will get Henry. I know he is working on his homework." Killian goes upstairs. Allison gets up and puts Hope on the carpet. "Up!"
"Yes, baby girl up!"
"Allison, Hope is telling you want she wants you to carry her." Allison chuckles and puts Hope on her hip and gave her kisses.
Killian returns downstairs, "Emma. Henry needs both of us." Emma knows by the sound of her Killian's voice something was wrong."Hope and I will play here." Allison and Hope play in the living room.
Emma and Killian went upstairs to their son's room. "He is panicking..." Emma sees Henry having an anxiety attack with papers all over the floor and crying. "Henry."
"Mom." She hugs her son, who kept crying.
"Henry, I am right here...I am right here...shh..shh..." She sits with him on his bed with him lying on her lap, while Killian cleaned up the papers scattered around the floor. Emma rubs Henry's head. "You can tell me anything, Henry. Why are you upset? You can tell me, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. Killian joined them on the bed. "Henry, you can tell your Mom and me son. We are your parents. You can tell us, we will not get mad at you."
"Henry, I am not going to judge you for whatever it is..."
"Mom...I do not want you to be mad."
Emma placed her hand on her son's face. "You can tell me anything, kid."
"Mom, Dad. Junior year is really hard...it is a lot of work...studying for PSAT...it is too much...so much studying for the math section, reading, and writing... I cannot take it..." Henry covered his face and cried more. Emma hugs her son. " Henry, It is okay for being overwhelmed. Your Dad and I can help you study for PSATs, SATs. Your Dad can help you study for your math section, I can help you with the writing and reading section."
"Lad, you know I am always going to be your math tutor." He rubs his son's back.
"But...you are both busy with work I can study on my own.."
"Henry, we are your parents. You and Hope are our first priority.."
"But the town and the witches."
"Henry, you and Hope are our job first. We are your parents, that is our job to make sure you and Hope are safe and happen Our job is to help you when you need us. We are going to help you, kid. I hate seeing you upset and stressed out." Henry hugs his Mom. "We love you, Henry. You can never let us down. You can always come for us to help you like you always do."
"Lad, we are going to help you study for your tests. You are going to pass, son. You are very smart, with our help you will get the highest test score."
"Dad, you are my math tutor."
"Aye, I am the best, Henry."
"Mom, you can help me study?"
"Yes, I can help you study all of the definitions to help you memorize them."
"You really help me, Mom?"
Emma smiles," Of course, kid. You need my help. I am your Mom, I am going to help you. I was not able to work on my PSATs because I was moved around a lot, school was hard for me and I dropped out...But for you, I am going to help you past your tests. I know you are going to college..."
Henry hugs his Mom knowing she will be there for him. "I will make you proud Mom."
"Yes,kid. You always make me proud. Your Dad and I are going to help you succeed in school."
"I have the best parents."
"You have us, Henry. We are so proud of you, son." They hug. They hear Hope crying, Allison carried Hope inside. "Sorry, to interrupt. Emma, Hope was starting to get upset not knowing where you were."
"Mom, I am feeling better."
Emma takes Hope from Allison. "Hopey."
"Henwy." He gave Hope kisses.
"Emma, is everything okay?"
"Yes, he is just feeling overwhelmed with PSAT's exams." Hope began to cry.
"Little love, are you hungry?"He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, we are going to have dinner." He brings Hope downstairs. "Aunt Allison." Henry hugs his aunt.
"Hi, Henry. How are you?"
"I am feeling better now. I am feeling overwhelmed with PSATs."
"I can help you study."
"I will need all the help that I can help."
Emma hugs her son."That is what family is for, kid." They go downstairs and have dinner together. They all talked during dinner. Hope began to cry who was covered with her dinner. "Hopey. It is way past your bedtime." She takes Hope out of her high chair. "Hope, say night night to Auntie Allison."
Allison gave Hope kisses on her head. "Night Hope. I love you. We can have more girl talk soon." Hope gave kisses to Allison.
Killian comes to his wife and daughter. "Little love, night-night." He gave Hope kisses on her head. "I love you, Hope." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Love, I will be up later."
"I know, captain. Hope needs to sleep." They kiss.
"Little sis, we will play tomorrow." He gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope babbled. Emma takes Hope upstairs and puts her baby girl in her crib. "Mommy." Hope began to cry.
"Hope." She carries Hope to her room, so she can change into pajamas. "Mommy will sleep with you." She carries Hope back to her room and puts her in the crib and climbs into her crib. "I know you are afraid Hope. We had a very busy and scary day." Hope hugs her Mommy. "We are going to sleep together." She puts Hope's quilt on her daughter. Hope fusses and crawls onto her Mommy. Emma knows she is not going anywhere. She wrapped Hope's quilt on her daughter who was happy to sleep on her chest, which she did not mind because Hope felt safe. "When Mommy was fighting the witch all I could think of was to keep you and Daddy safe. I did not want my family to get hurt from the witch's magic. It is my job as the savior to protect the town but my main job is to keep my family together and my loved ones safe from harm." Hope babbled and placed her hand on her Mommy's cheek. Emma smiled. "I am doing my job right?" Hope babbled. "I will take that as a yes." She kisses Hope on the head and watches Hope fall asleep. "Sweet dreams, Hope. I love you." Emma knows she will always protect her daughter and Hope will always have a safe, happy life. Emma falls asleep.
Downstairs, Henry and Allison talked while they helped Killian clean up dinner. "Dad, can we do studying tomorrow?"
"Aye, yes we can. After I was thinking we can have a sailing lesson."
"Yes!" Henry hugs his Dad and goes up to finish his homework.
"Let me guess one on one time?"
"Aye, he is stressed out. He loves sailing lessons with me and our sailing lesson will make him less stress."
"You are a great father."
"Thanks, Allison. I love both of my children equally. With my wife, I am always going to be there for her. Once I saw the witch attacking my wife, I ran to fight with her. I hate seeing my wife getting hurt."
"You were there for her. Emma told me that she was concerned about bringing Hope on patrol..."
"Aye, I was thinking too, is it alright for Hope to be on patrol with us?"
"Emma thought of it too but she realized that Hope will be safe with you and her which you both did today. Yes, Hope can go on patrol with you both. I know you two always protect her. "
"Aye, that is right. Emma has her family with her. She was being a mother to both of them today and sheriff. It is a rough case."
"She told me about it, I mean wow."
"I know, all of us are planning to fight Zelana's underground group of villains."
"If you and Emma need a break, I can babysit."
"Aye, we do need a break. You can babysit."
"Yes!" They both smiled and walked upstairs to find Emma fast asleep with Hope in her crib.
"She is amazing Mom."
"Aye, that is my wife, a kind-hearted fighter and always be there for our children."
"Killian, text me when you plan your date night."
"Aye, thank you for coming over."
"You are welcome." Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house. Killian puts a blanket on his two loves. He rubs Hope's cheek. "Daddy loves you, Hope." He kisses Emma on the head. "You are safe, Emma. You are being an amazing mommy to Hope. I love you, swan." He knew his family was safe and will always protect Emma and his family.

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