Happy Beginning Captain Swan

Von isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... Mehr

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

The Big Rescue

281 4 2
Von isaballerina89

Allison and Regina were at the docks waiting for the Swan-Jones family to arrive home from the Merkingdom in the Enchanted Forest. They see a portal opening, to a small boat. "Regina that is not the Jolly Roger right?"
"Yes, that is not Killian's ship. Something is wrong." They squint to see who was coming from the portal. "The Jolly Roger is not here something is wrong." They see Henry and Hope.
When Henry and Hope popped out of the ocean, Hope was clinging onto Henry, crying as he was holding onto her tight and protecting her and sees two figures on the dock."Help! Help!!" Hope was wailing.
"Oh my gosh! Regina, it is Henry and Hope!!"
"I am on it." Regina uses her magic to bring the boat close to the dock. Allison gets Hope from Henry, "Hope, Auntie Allison is here. You are safe, little niece...you are safe..shh..shh..." She rubs Hope's back. Regina gets Henry from the boat. "Henry. Are you alright? What happened?" Regina hugs her son.
"Cold...Mom...Dad.....thunderstorm...caused fire on Jolly Roger... Dad put is in a small boat...Mom and Dad jumped into the ocean...Mom unconscious... and Dad told me to go to the portal to get to safety." Regina and Allison looked at each other very concerned faces. "Henry, we are going to find your parents." Regina hugs her son. "You got yourself and Hope to safety."
Hope continued to cry. "Hope. We are safe." Hope reaches out to Henry. "Come to Henry little sis." Allison hands over her niece to her nephew and hugs his sister. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy are going to come back. They are survivors. They are going to come home to you and me." Henry hugs his sister as they both cried.
Allison examines them, Henry could not stop looking at the ocean waiting for his parents. Allison spoke low to Regina and away from the children. "They are alright, Regina. They just need to get dry and are shaken up from what happened." Regina leans to Henry. "Henry, we are going to take you and Hope home."
"No, I am waiting here for Mom and Dad. Mom is injured, she is going to need medical attention." Allison sits next to Henry. "Henry, I know you are very worried about your Mom when she gets back with her Dad, I am going to examine her right away in an ambulance. You and Hope need to take showers and changed into dry clothes." Allison hugs Henry and Hope. Regina leans over to her son."Henry, I will call Mulan and Lily and tell them what is going on and they can look out for your parents. Okay?"
"Okay. I am not leaving until they come. I am holding Hope." Regina calls Lily and told her what happened. Mulan, Charming, and Lily arrived right away. Charming rushes to Henry and Hope.
"Henry, Hope!"
Charming hugs his grandchildren. "I am not going to leave here until your Mom and Dad return."
"You will call me?"
"Right away, Henry."
"Mom is going to need medical attention."
"Henry, I know. You and Hope need to get dry." Regina and Allison walked Henry and Hope home, he would not let go of Hope. When they arrived at the Swan-Jones residence, Henry brings Hope to his room. Allison runs a bath for her niece, she goes to Henry's room and sits next to him on his bed leans to her nephew who was in shock and worried for both of his parents. "Henry, I am going to give Hope a bath okay? Hope is going to be with me."
"I promised Mom and Dad that I will take care of Hope."
"You are taking good care of Hope. She needs to take a bubble bath so she won't get sick. After I give her a bath you can hold Hope. I know you need a shower too, and you cannot take a shower holding Hope. Okay?"
"Okay." He kisses Hope on the head and hands over Hope to Allison.
Killian held onto his wife even though he had a life jacket, he checks her pulse, and CPR and Emma coughs off the water. "Love, you are with me."
"My head hurts."
"Hold on to me, love. I got you." Emma holds onto her husband. Killian uses his shell, "Help!! Jolly Roger is going down. Emma unconscious, in the ocean." He holds onto his Emma, the Jolly Roger was going down but he had his wife with him and their children are safe. "Emma, the kids are safe. Help is on the way." A submarine approached them, and Liam came out of the door. "Killian!!"
"I need your help, Emma is unconscious." Liam and other crew members got on a small boat and helped Killian put Emma on the boat. "Get my wife on board. She has a concussion." Killian swims behind the boat. The crew helped Emma onto the ship and Liam helped his brother to the ladder. "Brother, where are Henry and Hope?"
"We put them on the small boat...Emma and I jumped as the fire was getting bigger...portal was running out and I told Henry to get back home with Hope."
"We are going to get back to your children. I am sorry about your ship..."
"Aye. My family is safe and are alive, which all that matters." Killian finds Emma in a room with the big window of the ocean, lying down on the couch unconscious. Killian rushes to his wife and lets her lie on his lap as one of the crew members tended to place ice on her head. "Emma, I am here...I am here...We are safe...We are safe.." He holds her hand and cradled her hand in his arm. Nemo approaches Killian, "Ahoy, Killian. Liam got your distress call. What happened?"
"We were in the Enchanted Forest on the way home from the merkingdom...all of the sudden a thunderstorm came and it down poured on us and lightning hit the Jolly Roger. I let Henry and Hope on the emergency boat. We were planning to join them and we jumped into the ocean as the Jolly Roger was going in flames...Emma hit her head when we jumped in..The kids went through the portal."
"We are going to bring you both home, Killian. We do not have a magic bean, we have to go through a few realms until we get to Storybrooke."
"Aye, as long as my wife is safe and we are traveling home..."
"We are happy to help bring you and Emma back to your family."
"Aye, I got Henry and Hope out the realm safe, which all that matters."
Emma slowly wakes up not knowing where she is and sees Killian. "Killian?"
"Emma, I am right here." He kisses her on the head.
Emma panicked. "Hope! Henry! Wh...where are the kids?"
"Emma...Emma. They went through the portal back to Storybrooke they are safe. Rest love. We are with Nemo and Liam. They are taking us home. We are safe." He holds his wife as she sleeps in his arms. He thought of an idea, he takes his shell out and calls Henry. He places a shell into his son's pocket before he let him go down on the rescue boat.
As the evening came, no update on Emma and Killian, luckily it was summer and the sunset was later. Henry took a shower and held Hope who did not want to be anywhere but with him. They were in their parents' room relaxing. Allison ordered in pizza. Regina brings up Henry a slice of pizza. "Henry, you have to eat."
"I am not hungry." Hope babbled. "Are you hungry Hope?" Hope babbled. He feeds Hope the slice of pizza. Hope babbled.
Regina smiles. "Hope, are you saying Henry needs to have pizza." Hope smiled. "I think so too, Hope. I will be right back." Regina goes downstairs to Allison, "He is not eating, he is feeding Hope."
"I will stay with them until you come back up. He is in shock and all he can think of what he promised his parents to take care of Hope. We just need to reassure him and Hope that they are coming back."
"They are coming back, I know both of his parents for years they always return especially when Emma was the Dark Swan and Killian came from the Underworld. Killian and Emma will never give up until they get back to Henry and Hope."
Allison goes upstairs and joins Henry and Hope on the head. "I know you are worried, but I know your Dad he will get your Mom and himself home."
"I am just worried, Hope has only has me as her blood relative that she trusts. I am going to take care of her be her guardian...she is my sister and it is my responsibility to take care of her. She is not going to be alone like Mom was as a child..." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, you have Regina and I here right now helping you and Hope. I am Hope's godmother there is no way I am not letting bad happen to her. I am going to take care of you both. Hope is not going to be alone, she has you and me to take good care of her."
"I know. I just want Mom and Dad to return home." Allison hugs her nephew. "They are going to come home, Henry." Hope begins to cry. Henry hugs his sister Regina returns with another slice of pizza and rubs Henry's back. "Henry, they are going to come home, I know how your Mom and Dad are. They always find a way to return to you and Hope. Now, eat up." Allison takes Hope from Henry and puts Hope on her lap who was holding onto a shirt. "Dada."
"Is that your Daddy's shirt?"
"Hope found Dad's pajama shirt behind his pillow."
"She is happy holding his shirt."
"Yes, because it smells like him." He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy and Mommy will be home soon little sis. I know our parents are going to be home with us." After he ate his meal, he went to his room to get his Storybook, he packed his book, camera, with Hope's Pluto doll and quilt in the emergency evacuation off of the Jolly Roger. He heard Hope crying. Henry gets Hope from Allison, "Hopey."
"Hope wants you to hold her, Henry."
He takes Hope from their Aunt Allison. "Hope, I am right here, little sis. I am not going anywhere." Hope hugs her brother. "You are with me, little sis. Do you want Henry and Hope time in my room?" Hope babbled. "Brother and sister time it is." Henry brings Hope into his room. Allison stayed downstairs, while Regina calls Lily and Mulan for any updates on Emma and Killian. Regina went to check on Hope and Henry in Henry's room, Hope was fast asleep on her brother. "Hey."
"I just cannot sleep, my parents are not in this realm."
"You are not alone, Henry, you have Hope, Allison and I. You are doing a great job of being a big brother to Hope. You taking such good care of her."
"I am doing my job as her big brother. I love Hope. She knows that I am going to be there for her, always." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Allison is going to stay overnight with you and Hope. I am going to be at the docks with your Grandpa looking out for your parents."
"Mom, please stay."
"I will stay overnight." Hope woke up crying.
"Hopey, I am right here little sis." He checks her diaper. "I will change your diaper." Henry changes Hope's diaper and into pink pajamas. Hope babbled. "Aahh-Ahhh."
"Hopey, you want Aunt Allison?" Hope babbled.
"She sees me, Henry." Allison enters the room and gets Hope from her changing table."Hopey, you want to snuggle and have one on one time with Auntie Allison?" Hope smiled. "Henry, Hope and I are going to be in the living room." Hope fusses.
"I am pretty sure she needs her bottle." Henry gives Hope her bottle. "Hope, I am going to be upstairs."
"Henry, you can relax and be with Regina. Hope wants time with me." Henry goes upstairs to his room. "How is Hope?"
"She is drinking her evening bottle and snuggling with Aunt Allison."
The next morning, Henry found Hope snuggling with Aunt Allison in the rocking chair, Hope was holding their Dad's pajama shirt. Regina was sleeping the guest room after she and Henry talked most of the night. Allison wakes up seeing Henry. "Morning, Henry."
"Morning, Aunt Allison. Did Hope gave you a long night?"
"She just wanted to be held all night and did not let go of your Dad's shirt. As long as I held her she slept."
"I am not surprised. Hope doesn't like sleeping alone. " He kisses Hope on the head. "You are being such a good girl, Hopey."
"Henry, I can make us breakfast."
"I can hold Hope. She likes being held by me, you or our parents." Henry takes Hope from their aunt and took Hope into his parent's room. Henry fell back to sleep. Regina wakes up finding Henry and Hope in their parent's room, she takes a picture on her iPhone and goes to the kitchen. "Hi, Allison. How was Hope during the night?"
"Crying for her parents, I just held her in her room and she did not let go of her Dad's pajama shirt. How was Henry?"
"We were up all night talking. He could not sleep, all he can think about worrying about Emma."
"Any word from Killian?"
"Not yet."
They heard Hope crying, Henry brought Hope to the kitchen. "Hope, we are going to have breakfast soon, little sis."
"Aunt Allison..."
"Hope, I have to finish cooking breakfast, then I will hold you." Hope cried more. "Henry.."
"I will finish cooking. Hope wants you." Allison holds Hope and calms her niece.
"Henry, I had no idea you can cook."
"Well, Dad is teaching me, Mom."
"I know you are learning a lot from, Killian."
"He is my Dad more than the one who left my other Mom. Dad is my Dad even though we are not related blood related but he is the best. He takes cares of me, Hope and Mom." After they had breakfast, Allison plays with Hope as Henry was getting dressed for the day. He heard mumbling from his jeans on the floor, calling his name. He found a shell. "Henry?"
"Dad! "Hope, listen to the shell. Dad, how is Mom?"
"Henry, we are alive. We are safe. Where are you and Hope? At home?"
"Yes, Dad. We are at home. Aunt Allison and my other Mom are with us. Hope and I are safe."
"Thanks be to the gods, you two are safe." He goes downstairs, to Aunt Allison and Hope. "Hope!!"
"Henry, what is going on?"
"Dad...on shell."
"Dad, I am with Aunt Allison and Hope. Is Mom okay?"
"Your mom had a concussion. She is resting on my lap. We are on the way home, Nemo and Liam are taking us home in their submarine, we do not have a magic bean so we have to go through different realms."
Killian smiles, "Hope, Dada, and Mommy will be home soon, little love." Hope screamed happily, which made all of the adults and Henry smile. Henry takes Hope from Allison. "Hope! Mommy and Daddy are safe! They are coming home!" He spins Hope around.
"Killian, call us when you are nearby. I will have an ambulance ready to take you and Emma to the hospital."
"Thanks, Allison." They ended their conversation. "The children are safe, love. They are with Regina and Allison." He rubs Emma's hand and kisses her on the head.
The submarine stops. "Nemo, something is blocking the submarine."
"Raise the submarine up." Nemo went to see who it is. Killian looks down at his wife.
"Brother, Emma is going to be alright."
"Aye, the sooner we get home, the sooner we get the medical attention. My wife always my first concern and our children, they are safe."
Nemo approaches Killian, "Killian, someone is here to see you."
Killian looks up to see the King of Atlantica and Ursula. "King Triton. Ursula. What are you both doing here?"
"Killian, Ariel came to our kingdom to tell us about the Jolly Roger."
"There was a storm going on...lightning caused the fire. Emma and I got the kids to safety back to Maine."
Ursula smiles. "You and Emma have kids?"
"Aye, yes we have." He gives Ursula his iPhone which showed his lock screen picture, Killian, holding Hope as a newborn, his home screen picture is him and Emma. She scrolled his pictures, "Our daughter name is Hope, she is almost 14 months old and our son is Henry."
"Henry, Regina's son?"
"Aye, Regina is Henry's adopted mother and Emma is his biological Mom, he mostly stays with us. He loves his baby sister."
"She looks a lot you."
"Aye she is a little pirate and she takes after her Mom. We are going home back to them."
"Killian, we came here to help to get your Jolly Roger back?"
Killian smiles. "Really King Triton?"
"Yes, Killian. You brought Ursula back to me."
"You got me to sing again and reunited me with my Dad. It is the least that we can do to help you."
"King Triton, is it possible to fix the Jolly Roger in Storybrooke?"
"I can make that possible."
"Killian, you are a good man."
"Thanks, Ursula. Once I laid eyes on Emma she changed me around for the better. We have to get back home, she has a concussion." Triton and Ursula leave the submarine. Nemo and his crew continued their travel under the ocean. They went through the portal from King Triton's Triton. Killian calls Henry telling home they were almost home. Emma wakes up, "Emma, we almost home love."
"Good, I want to be with our kids."
"We are almost there." After his shell call from his Dad, Henry gets Hope's diaper bag and gets Hope from the living room floor, she was playing with Allison. "Hope, they are almost home little sis." Henry carries Hope to the docks, Regina and Allison run after them. "Henry, slow down."
"Can't stop! Mom and Dad are almost home." Henry sees his Grandpa, Lily, and Mulan were at docks, an ambulance nearby. "Gramps!"
"Hi, Henry and Hope."
"We heard from Dad, from shell...They are coming home!"
Charming smiles. "That is great, Henry." They hear a submarine making a big splash coming up from the bottom of the sea. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are home." Henry rushes to the docks. Nemo's crew came out helping Emma onto the small boat. "Mom!" Hope began to cry. Killian comes out after Emma and rode with her and the crew. "Dad!"
"Your Mom is alright. She needs to be checked out son."
Allison and Charming rush to the boat and help Emma out of the boat. "Mom!!!"
"Henry, Hope!!!" She hugs Henry and Hope. "I am so happy to see you both are okay."
"We were so worried about you." Emma takes Hope and gave them hugs and kisses. Hope stopped crying once her Mommy was holding her. "All I could think about was you two!"
"Hopey." She rubs Hope's back. "Mommy is home. Mommy is here with you and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head.
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, Aunt Allison, and my other Mom took care of us. What happened to the Jolly Roger?"
"That last thing I remember it was in flames. I am just so happy to be with you and Hope." Emma and Henry were both crying. Allison brings a stretcher. "Emma, Henry told me what happened."
"I need to get checked out." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is going to be okay, sweetie." She kisses Hope and Henry on their heads. Allison began to examine Emma. Killian aboard the docks.
"Henry, Hope!" He hugs his two children. Killian takes Hope from Henry. "Mommy is going to be okay, little love. Mommy and Dada are here. Daddy and Mommy are home, Hope." He rubs Hope's back to calm down his little lass.
"Dad, I am sorry about the Jolly Roger."
"I have a surprise for you and Hope."
"Allison, before we go, I want to wait for Killian." Allison nods her head.
"Dad, what is it?"
"Nemo, you can tell them now!!" Nemo salutes. King Triton appears with his Triton and Ursula on his side. King Triton uses his triton to magically make the Jolly Roger appear from the ashes from the bottom of the ocean and parks it on the dock. Everyone on the deck was in awe. Hope screamed, "Wa-wa!!"
Killian smiles big. "That is right, Hope! The Jolly Roger is back!" Hope claps her hands.
Charming hugs Emma. "Dad."
"Hi, Emma. How is my princess?"
"Happy to be back home with my family, Dad."
"I will bring your luggage at home."
"Thanks, Dad." Charming went to the Jolly Roger to unload the ship.
Henry was clapping with Hope. "Dad, go with Mom..."
"Lad, we are going together. We are not going to get separated again." Henry hugs his Dad. King Triton and Ursula approach Killian and his family.
Hope babbled. "Dada is not going anywhere without my two pirates, you and Henry, little love." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "Killian, this must be Hope."
"Yes, this is my little lass, Hope say hi to Ursula and King Triton." Hope babbled. "She says thank you for bringing back our second home."
"Hi, Hope. Your Dad is a good man. He brought me home to my Dad." Hope chewed on her Daddy's hook. "She is beautiful."
"Thank you, she takes after her Mommy and me." He kisses Hope on her head.
"Dad, Aunt Allison wants to take Mom to the hospital."
"Aye, lad. Ursula and King Triton, thank you." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, you want Mommy little sis?" Henry takes Hope to their Mom in the ambulance with Allison. "Henry, you can ride in front. Killian, you and Hope can ride in the back with us." They rode to the hospital. "Mommy."
"Hope, your Mommy is going to be alright. She has me as her doctor." Hope began to cry. Allison puts Hope on Emma who hugs her. "Mommy."
"Hope, Mommy is going to be okay. Daddy saved me like in my Mommy's story." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I missed you and Henry when Daddy and I were in a submarine all I could think about was getting home to you and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy is here, I am not going to be separated from you ever again in another realm." When they arrived at the hospital, the EMT driver and Allison lead Emma and Hope to the emergency room, with Killian and Henry following behind them. "Killian, I have to examine Emma."
"Aye, I will take Hope." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Killian. Thank you for saving me today."
"You are welcome, Emma. I will always be at your side and rescue you when you need me too."
"I will always be on your side or rescue you from another realm."
"That is right, love." They kiss. "Come to Dada Hope." He takes Hope from Emma. "Love, I will get Hope something to eat and change her diaper." Killian changes Hope's diaper and takes her to the waiting room. "Little love, Dada missed you when he was away from you and Henry." Hope fusses and hugs her Daddy. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are not going to another realm again not being separated from you and Henry." Liam and Nemo find Kilian and Hope.
"Hi, brother."
"Hi, Liam. Hope, your Uncle Liam is here. He helped Dada safe Mommy."
"How is my little niece?"
"She just happy to have her Daddy and Mommy back." Hope crawls to Liam and climbs on him. "Little love, are you thanking your uncle for rescuing Daddy and Mommy?" Hope babbled. He hugs his little niece. Liam smiles down at Hope."Killian, I think Hope likes me."
"Aye, she knows you are my brother." Killian take pictures of Liam holding Hope.
"Emma told me about her brother."
"Aye, the little devil. He hurts Hope, Emma and I protect Hope from her Leo."
"Have you heard anything from Emma?"
"Aye, Allison is checking Emma and Henry is with her." He let Hope hold his hook.
"You are with Dada and Uncle Liam little love."
"Little love." She chews on her Daddy's hook.
"She takes after my big brother."
Killian smiles. "Aye, Hope takes a lot after me and her Mommy."
Henry in the room with his Mom and Aunt Allison in the hospital room. "Mom, can I stay?"
"Henry, yes you can stay."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I am right here. I missed you when you and Dad were away from us."
"We are home, Henry. All we could think of is getting back to you and Hope."
"I knew you will come home. I am so happy that you are home."
"Me too, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head.
Allison examines Emma.
"Emma, are you having headaches?"
"Yes,I will get you Tylenol. Are you hungry?'
"Starving. I am dizzy."
"How is your vision?"
"I can see normal, I am just tired."
"I will get your dinner with ginger ale. Rest up, Emma. I want to keep an eye on you for a little while until the morning."
"The last few days were crazy. I am just happy to be back in Storybrooke." Allison leaves the room. Henry hugs his Mom crying. "I am okay Henry."
"I was so worried about you and Dad. Especially seeing you not conscious when Hope and I were leaving without you and Dad."
Emma hugs her son. "Henry, your Dad got Uncle Liam and Nemo to rescue us. Your Dad cared for my safety first. I am not going anywhere, Henry. Your Dad and I all could think about you and Hope."
"That was one of the scariest moments ever, Mom. Sailing in a thunderstorm, Jolly Roger goes on fire and you unconscious and leaving the realm without you and Dad."
"Henry, you were brave. You kept your sister safe."
"She was crying more than I was." Henry hugs his Mom. "I am so happy you are here with us."
"I am home, Henry. I am not going anywhere." Henry sits with his Mom. Henry fell asleep next to his Mom. "I am right here, Henry. I am not going anywhere." Allison brings Emma's dinner. "Is this from Granny's?"
"Yes, Ruby delivered it. I figured you need good food, not hospital food."
"Thanks, Allison." Emma ate her dinner. "How were Henry and Hope when they arrived back to this realm?"
"Regina and I were waiting for you all at the docks. When we saw them come out of the portal not on the Jolly Roger or without you and Killian, we knew something was wrong. Regina used her magic to bring the boat to the docks, Henry and Hope were crying. We took them back to your house, Henry would not let go of Hope. I had to persuade him to let me give Hope a bath. After that, he held Hope until he got a shell call from Killian. Hope wanted Henry,that is it. They slept in your room last night and Hope held onto Killian's pajama shirt."
"Knowing my daughter how she wants someone she gets held or else." Allison chuckles. "Hope takes after me a lot."
"Yes, Henry focused on Hope taking care of her. Just as he promised you and Killian."
Emma smiles, "That is my son. He was being a great big brother." He rubs her son's head and kisses him on the head. "You did great, Henry. I am so proud of you protecting Hope."
Killian brings in crying Hope. "Hope."
"Hope, we are with Mommy little love."
"Killian, give her to me." Killian puts Hope on Emma. "Hope, I am okay,baby girl. I am not going anywhere. You get to sleep with Henry and me tonight." Hope smiled. "I missed you and Henry when I was on the submarine. Dada saved me today." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You and Henry give the best hugs." Liam enters the room, "How is my sister in law?"
"Better than on your submarine. Thank you for taking us back here."
"My brother needs to be home with his whole family. I get to see my little niece." He rubs Hope's cheek.
"I am just happy to have my whole family back together."
"Hope loved babbling to me and holding Killian's hook."
Emma chuckles. "She takes after me. Hopey, did you talk to your Uncle Liam?" Hope babbles and reaches her hand out to her Mommy's face. "Mommy is home. You and Henry are sleeping with me." Hope smiles.
"Brother, let us know if you need anything. We are staying here for a few days."
"Aye, we will have you over. I know Hope wants to see her favorite uncle."
"Killian, you are a good husband and father. I am proud of you of how far you become."
"Thank you, nemo. If I have not met you, Emma and I would not be here with our children now." Liam and Nemo left the Swan-Jones family. Killian wrapped his arms around his family and kisses Emma on the head. Allison steps leaving the family alone time. "Allison told me that I can go home tomorrow."
"Aye, you need to rest."
"I have my family with me."
"Yes, love. We are home safe with our children."
"That is right, captain. I love you."
"I love you too Emma." They kiss.
The next morning, Allison drove the Swan-Jones family home. Hope began to cry. "Little love, we are home."
"Little sis, we can do art together."
"Lad, Hope needs her nap first." Killian takes Hope inside. Emma hugs Allison. "Allison, thank you for taking care of Henry and Hope when we were in another realm."
"You are very welcome, Emma." She hugs her best friend. "I am so happy you both are home. Remember to get rest."
"I will, Allison. I have a feeling Henry and Hope are staying with me all day. Killian is going to make sure that I will rest." Emma gets out of the car. "Home sweet home." Killian opens the door carrying Hope, who was crying. "I told you little love. Mommy did not leave." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy is home. We can snuggle and have girl talk." Hope hugs her Mommy. "We are all together Hope."
"She is just happy to be with her Mommy." Killian guides his loves inside. "Are you okay, love?"
"I just to be on our bed resting with our little girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"We can snuggle together." They kiss and took a nap together. Emma woke up hearing Hope babbling and crawling all over her. "Hopey. Are you playing with Mommy?"
"Hopey." Emma and Hope play. Killian woke up hearing his two loves playing together and laughing. "Hi, love."
"Hi,honey. Hopey and I are just playing. She woke me up from my nap to play with me." She lifts her daughter up and down. "Mommy."
"Are you hungry, love?" Emma stops playing with Hope and hugs her daughter.
"I am hungry."
"There is leftover pizza in the fridge."
"Please heat up two pepperoni slices for me."
"Coming right up love." They kiss. Emma takes Hope out to the backyard to the hammock. "We are getting fresh air baby girl." Hope babbled. "I love you, Hope." Hope smiled big and crawls up more. "Hopey." Hope babbled. "Oh, really? You want me to sing to you?" Hopes her hand on her Mommy's face which made Emma smile. "I can sing you a song little duck. I love you, You love me, We're a happy family, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won't you say you love me too, I love you, You love me, We're best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug,And a kiss from me to you, Won't you say you love me too." Hope screamed happily and clapped her hands. Emma smiles big, "Are you saying yay to Mommy singing the I Love You song?" Hope babbled. Emma claps along with Hope. She continued singing the song to her daughter which she loved. Emma kisses Hope on her head. Killian hears Emma singing to Hope and loves seeing his wife and daughter mother and daughter relationship grow every single day. "Emma, I thought we would have a picnic on the grass."
"That is a great idea." Killian sets down a blanket on the lawn, Henry sets up their meal leftover pizza and fruit salad which Emma did not mind. Hope ate her fruit salad herself, Emma fed her pizza. "Little love is Mommy feeding you pizza?"
"She likes touching the fruit not the pizza. Hopey, you and your sticky hands." Hope babbled. "How's your food, Henry?"
"Son, how about a sword lesson?"
Henry smiles, "Great. I will go get them." Henry runs back inside. "How are you feeling Killian?"
"I am just happy to have my whole family together." Hope crawls to her Daddy. "Little love, are you happy that Mommy and Daddy are home?" Hope smiles as she stands up. "Little love!"
"Hope!" Hope falls down.
"Let's try again." Henry returns, as Killian helps Hope standing up who fusses. "Little love, you want to walk to Mommy?"
Emma opens her arms. "Come to Mommy baby girl." Hope smiled. Killian helped Hope walk Emma. "You can do it, baby girl." Hope let go of her Daddy's hook and took a few wobbly steps toward her Mommy, Emma was in tears seeing Hope walking to her. "Hope, you are walking!" Hope falls down, Emma catches her in her arms. "Mommy got you. You are starting to walk!"
"You walked to Mommy!" She gave Hope kisses and spins her around. Henry rushes to his Mom and sister and faces his sister. "Hope, you took your first steps! I recorded your first steps on my iPhone."
"Little love, you did so well on walking your first steps!" He rubs Hope's cheek. "Dada is so proud of you, Hope."
"Hope walked to me, her first few steps."
"I saw it love, she walked to her Mommy."
"We are so proud of you baby girl." She gave Hope kisses. Emma and Hope watched Killian giving Henry a sword lesson. Hope claps for both Henry and her daddy. "Yes, Hope, dada is a great teacher."
"Yes, Hopey. Henry is getting better at sword fighting, he gets that from me." She gave Hope kisses on her head and loved seeing her daughter encouraging her daddy and big brother. Hope fusses, Emma lets her crawl around to Killian and Henry. "Dad, Hope." Killian looks down at his little lass coming towards him. "Hope. Did you want to join Daddy and Henry in sword fighting?" Hope babbled. "Mommy." Emma goes over to her family and kneels to Hope. "Hopey, do you want Mommy to teach you how to sword fight?" She scoops Hope into her arms. Henry gave his Mom his sword. Henry takes pictures of his Mom taking pictures of Mom teaching his sister how to sword fight. "Dada."
"Little love, Mommy is not going to hurt me. We are going to teach you how to sword fight."
"You will learn from me baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her head and gave her a mini sword lesson. "Love, Hope is enjoying her first sword lesson."
Emma smiles. "She takes after me." Hope babbles.
"Mom, she is learning from the best." Hope reaches to Henry. "Little sis, you want to play in your playground?" Henry gets Hope from his Mom. He helped Hope walk to the playground and up the steps to the slides, "Hope, we are going to go down together." Hope sat on the slide and went down by herself. "Mom!!" Emma saw what was happening and ran to catch Hope when she came down the slide. Hope was smiling. "Hope, did you go down the slide all by yourself?!" Hope babbled. "Yes, Mommy and Daddy saw you go down all by yourself without Henry."
"You scared me, little sis. Did you have fun going down all by yourself?" Hope smiled. "You are getting so big, little sis." Hope reaches out to Henry. "You want to have story time with me?" Hope hugs her brother after he lifts her off the slide. "Yes. Henry and Hopey time is on." Henry takes Hope inside, with her babbling to him. "You do not say, Hope."
Emma hugs Killian. "Hope is getting so big."
"Aye, she took her first steps to you love."
"She was walking towards me. Our little girl chose me to take her first steps too." Emma cried into her husband. Killian kisses Emma on the head. "I told you love, Hope will love you. She walked to you."
"Yes. I am so proud of our little girl. We have to watch her more carefully now."
"Aye, I have a feeling we will be in trouble with Hope getting into everything around the house."
"That is right." They cleaned up their picnic, put the swords away and cuddled in the living room. "I am so happy that we are home."
"Yes, love. We are home safe with our family." They kiss and enjoy being home with their children. They heard Hope wailing, they rush upstairs finding Hope crying on Henry's carpet. Emma scoops up Hope in her arms. "Hopey, why are you crying?"
"Mom, she was walking around and hit her head on my bed stand. Is Hope alright?" She sees a light red bump on Hope's head. "She has a bump on her head Henry. Hopey, you have a boo-boo." She kisses Hope's boo boo. "You are going to be okay, sweetie. Your boo-boo will be gone soon. Mommy is here." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Love, I will get her an ice pack." Killian goes downstairs.
"I was reading Hope a story, she was crawling and grip by bed walking holding onto my bedpost and she hit her head and fell to the ground."
"Henry, now that your sister is becoming a walker, all of us need to keep an extra eye on her."
"I am sorry Hope." He kisses his sister on her head.
"She loves you, Henry. Babies love to discover, she is going to be alright." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. Killian returns to his family, "Here you go little love." He puts ice on Hope's head. Hope stopped crying. "You are alright, little love. Your boo-boo is going to go away soon, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "How about a family movie night in our room, Killian?"
"That is a great idea, love."
"Henry, you can pick the movie."
"Yes!" Henry goes to pick the movie as Killian makes the popcorn. Emma snuggles with Hope.
"Hopey, are you happy we are having a family movie night?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can watch the movie with me baby girl." Hope needed a change. Emma changes Hope's diaper and her outfit and play their special game. She gets Hope's quilt and wraps Hope up, "Are you cozy for family movie night?" Hope babbles. They joined Henry and Killian in their room, "Henry, what are we watching?"
"Disney's Cinderella."
"I love Cinderella."
"Yes, we have Cinderella in town and Disney movie." Emma chuckles. Killian wrapped his arms around his loves and let Hope hold his hook. Henry sits next to his Mom on her other side. After the movie, both children were asleep. "They are sleeping with us."
"I would not have it any other way." They kiss. Killian puts a blanket over Henry and Emma and kisses him on the head. "You were so brave, Henry taking care of your sister. Great job, lad. I am so proud of you." Killian turns off the lights and snuggled with his two loves. Emma and Killian could not think of anything better than being home with their children not in another realm in danger.


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