Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Not Again

367 3 2
By isaballerina89

Ever since Hope has been kidnapped, Hope has been having a hard time sleeping in her crib. Killian and Emma slowly been trying to sleep train Hope again but Hope was afraid to sleep in her room alone. Emma has been struggling with Hope not being able to sleep in her room, Hope cried a lot. After a while of hearing Hope screaming "Mommy," Emma could not take it anymore, Hope needed her. She knows what it was like when she called out for someone when she was afraid or lonely and no one came. Henry was having a hard time sleeping especially he has to study for finals. Henry enters his parent's room, "Mom, I really need to study. Hope..."
"Henry, I know you have exams. I am sorry."
"Mom, you have nothing to apologize for. Hope is afraid; I am sad that Hope is afraid now."
She puts her hand on her son's shoulder. "I hate Hope being afraid to sleep by herself. I am going to calm down your sister." He hugs his Mom.
"I know you will Mom because you are our Mom. Hope loves you."
"Thanks, kid." She kisses him on the head and turns to her husband. "Killian, this isn't right. We cannot sleep train her now not when she is afraid. I know she is afraid and Hope needs me..."
Killian wrapped his arms around his wife, "You do what you have to do to help our little love. You know our lass and she needs her Mommy. " He kisses her on the head. Emma goes to Hope's room, Hope was sitting up in her crib crying. "Hope." Once Hope saw her Mommy, she reached her arms out. Emma gets Hope into her arms. "My little duckling, why are you crying? Are you afraid to sleep in here alone?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "Yes, I know you are afraid, sweetie. You are not alone, Hope. No one is going to hurt you. Mommy is right here." She looks at Hope directly in her teary blue eyes. "I am not going anywhere Hope, I am staying right here with you, especially when my baby girl is afraid. Okay?" She wiped Hope's tears away, kisses her on the cheek. Emma sits on the rocking chair and lets Hope lie on top on her as she rocks Hope. "Do you want a story?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess who traveled to another realm by accident through a magic hat portal hat where she ends up in the Enchanted Forest where she was born..." Killian checks on two loves first, Emma was being there for Hope and he checks Henry in his room. "Lad, we can study on the Jolly Roger, if you want to. I know you need a quiet place to study and sleep. We have not gotten much sleep around here."
"Yes, I know. I love Hope. I am not mad at her. Hope is afraid."
"Your Mom is slowly calming down Hope."
"Are you sure Dad that I can study on your ship?"
"Henry, it is our family ship. We can study your math there and you can get some shut-eye."
"Thanks, Dad." He packs his backpack and heads downstairs. Killian kisses Emma on the head. "Hey."
"Hi, love. Is our little love enjoying her storytime?"
"I think so, it is calming her down." She rubs Hope's blond head, Hope stopped crying and enjoying her snuggles with her Mommy.
"I am going to take Henry to our second home so he can study in quiet."
"Henry needs to study. Just make sure he gets to sleep."
"Aye, I will love. Call me if you both anything."
"I will. Thank you."
"Our son needs his Dad to make sure he studies enough and sleep."
"Yes, he needs his sleep. I just feel so bad..."
"Love, Hope will stop crying in her room soon."
"Hope is afraid, Killian. I do not want our little girl afraid to sleep in her own room. I do not want that for Hope. Every time I was afraid as a child, I had no one to go to. Hope, she does not deserve that feeling. She has Henry, you and I there for her. " She kisses Hope on the head. "I am right here, baby girl. I am not going anywhere, Hope." Hope babbled. "Love, we are getting through this as a family. She knows that she has all of us who love her and will protect her. We just continue to reassure her that she is safe. She won't be afraid love she has you, love, making her feel less afraid with every snuggle, kisses and being held by all of us. She has us as her parents."
"Yes, we are doing everything for our baby girl."
He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, enjoy your storytime with your Mommy little love. Dada loves you." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hair. "Little love, tomorrow we can have Daddy and Hopey time on the Jolly Roger. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. "You are my little pirate princess..." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek, which makes her laugh. "Is Dada kissing you, Hopey?" Hope babbled. "My pirate, where is my kiss?"
"Aye, I cannot forget my beautiful wife." They kiss. "We will see you later."
"Just make sure our son gets some sleep."
"Don't worry, love. Henry is going to get some rest." Killian leaves with Henry to the Jolly Roger. When they arrived there, Killian helped Henry study for all of his exams mostly math in the captain quarters. "Dad..."
"Yes, son?"
"Is Hope going to be alright? She is afraid..."
Killian wrapped his arm around his son. "Henry, Hope is afraid but she has you, your mother and I to make her feel safe. She is going to be safe again."
"I have been keeping a close eye on Hope when I watch her for Mom. I just want Hope to be happy."
"We all make Hope happy, son. Hope is going to feel safe soon, Henry. Your Mom told me that you gave the idea of going to Boston after your finals are over."
"Yes, I did recommend to go on vacation. It was Mom's idea to go to Boston. What do you think?"
"That is a great idea. After all, we have been through, we all need a getaway."
"Hope will be able to swim when we are on vacation since her casts will be off soon."
"Aye, that is right, Henry. I know you and your Mom is going to be in the pool with Hope."
"I have a feeling you are going to swim with us Dad."
Killian smiles. "If Hope wants me to join, I will join. Now, let's continue to study for your exams." They continued to study for finals and fell asleep on the Jolly Roger.
Emma was with Hope, who babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are having Mommy and Hopey time." Hope smiles. "I love my one on one time with my special little girl which is you." She bops Hope's nose which makes Hope smile and she smiles back. "Do you want another story?" Hope babbled. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess who escaped the Enchanted Forest from a magical tree wardrobe...." After a few stories, Hope drifted off to sleep. Emma puts Hope in her crib, Hope woke up crying, Emma knew her daughter needed her. She made room for herself in the crib and climbed in. "Hope, I am right here sweetie. I am going to sleep right next to you." She got Hope's big Pluto on her hip, the small Pluto next to Hope and wrapped Hope in her quilt. "Are you comfy for night-night time?" Hope moved around in her quilt and moved closer to her Mommy. Emma smiles. "You just want to snuggle with Mommy?" Hope stretched her arms to her Mommy. "We are going to snuggle sweetie." Emma positioned Hope to snuggle her and Hope gripped her Mommy. "We are snuggling, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head. "My job as your Mommy is to always protect you when you need me, give you a lot of hugs, kisses, care for you always, teach you and make you feel safe when you are afraid, which I am doing right now?" Hope babbled. "Yes, I am." She rubs Hope's head and hugs her as best as she could be squished up in Hope's crib. Hope babbled. "Hope, I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here with you. When you wake up, I am going to be right here, next to you." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You give the best hugs Hope." Emma shifted in the crib continues to rub's Hope's head and let Hope hug her hold her until she fell asleep. "I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope's hand. "I am right here baby girl." She watches Hope sleep, she hates seeing Hope being afraid and wants her daughter feel safe sleeping in her room even if she has to sleep with her daughter, she did not care, she loves her baby girl. She had no one as a child to comfort her or protect her from harm, she is always going to be there for Hope. Emma falls asleep next to Hope.
The next morning, Killian and Henry returns back to their house which was quiet, Henry goes upstairs and finds his Mom sleeping with his sister in the crib and smiles. "Dad."
"Mom got Hope to sleep in her crib." Killian looks into Hope's room and smiles seeing both Emma and Hope were both fast asleep in the crib. "Yes, she did Henry. We have to be quiet while your sister and your Mom are sleeping."
Henry hugs his Dad. "Thank you for helping me study, Dad."
"You are very welcome, Henry."
"Can we play video games?"
"Yes, we can, lad." Henry goes downstairs to get the Xbox ready. Killian takes pictures of his two loves sleeping together, Hope was fast asleep hugging Emma's face. His wife was being an amazing Mommy to Hope. "Swan, you worried when you were pregnant with Hope that you were afraid of being a mother from the beginning. You are sleeping with our lass who is afraid and you making her feel safe and being there for her when she needs you. You are an amazing Mommy to Hope and Henry love." He leans into Hope's crib and kisses his two loves on their head and went downstairs so his two loves can get more sleep.
Emma woke up smiling hearing Hope happily babbling and tugging her hair, which she did not mind, she was enjoying her time with her little girl. "Good morning, baby girl. Are you waking Mommy up?" Hope babbled. Emma smiles. "I am so happy to see you are happy, Hopey." Killian woke up hearing Hope babbling through the baby monitor. He goes into the room and sees Hope babbling to her Mommy who was awake. "Morning, my swan. Morning, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, did you have a sleepover with Mommy in your crib?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope. We had a sleepover in your crib, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope gave her Mommy kisses back. "I love your kisses, Hopey."
"Little love, can you give Dada kisses?" He leans into the crib.
"Hopey, Dada is right next to us. He wants kisses from you, baby girl." She repositions Hope to face Killian. Hope kisses her Dada. "Your Mommy is right little love, you give the best kisses." Emma smiles at Hope and Killian's daddy-daughter moment. He takes Hope from her crib. "Love, do you need a hook?"
Emma smiles."Yes, I am very stiff from sleeping in a crib all night." He gives his wife his hook and helps her out of Hope's crib. She kisses Hope, "Mommy is happy to sleep with you when you need me, Hopey." Hope smiled and hugged her Mommy's face. "Hopey." Hope laughed. "You like me calling you by your nickname?" Hope babbled. "Hopey...Hopey...." Hope laughed more and reaches out to her Mommy and Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Mommy."
"Hopey." She sniffs Hope. "You need a change."
"Love, get some rest. I can change her."
"Killian, I can change her. After you can have your one on one time with Hope." Emma changes Hope's diaper and they played their special game. Hope fussed. "Hopey." She gets Hope into her arms. "Hopey. Look in the mirror. Who is that baby in the mirror?" Hope babbled. "Yes, that is you baby girl." Hope smiled. "You are so beautiful, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head and tickles her belly.
"Your Mommy is right little love. You are so beautiful, Hope." Hope babbled. Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Just like your Mommy."
"Hope and I are both beautiful."
"Aye, she takes after you, love, my beautiful wife."
"You are my handsome husband." They kiss.
"Love, you need more sleep. Hope and I are going to have daddy-daughter time." He gets Hope into his arms.
"Thanks, I just need to get some more sleep and stretch my legs. How was studying with Henry?"
"We studied and we both got some rest. Henry and I played video games downstairs."
"I am not surprised."
"Aye, the lad is good at his video games. He is passed out on the couch."
"You are a great Daddy."
"You are a great Mommy." They kiss. Hope began to cry, "Little love. Mommy is sleeping next door. You are with Daddy little love. Don't cry." He gave Hope kisses. "We can have pirate talk and snuggle would you like that?" Hope gripped her Daddy. "You are staying with Dada little love. You are safe." He sits on the rocking chair and rubs Hope's back as she was snuggling him. He and Emma always reminded Hope that she was with them, safe and no one was going to kidnap her again. They always tell Hope that she is safe with them and make her happy, with the help from Henry. "Little love, we are going to go on the Jolly Roger today for a daddy-daughter time. I need to check on the Jolly Roger to see if I need to clean or oil the ship. You can help me, little love." Hope babbled. "You are my little pirate. You can help dada." She grabs his hook hand. "Dada will always protect you especially someone is hurting you, I will use my hook to hurt them. You can tell me who it is and I will hurt them because no one hurts my little pirate princess."
"I love you too, Hope." He gave her kisses and continues to have pirate talk. Emma was hearing their pirate talk through the baby monitor which she loves because Killian loves their daughter and being there for her as much as she does. He plays with Hope in her room by tickling her and playing with her toys. Hope began to cry. "Hope." He checks her diaper, she was wet. "Dada will change your diaper." He changes Hope's diaper and puts her in a floral romper with a matching bow head bandana; ever since Hope has been in casts Emma and Killian have been dressing Hope in rompers since it was easier to dress Hope in during her recovery. "Little love, what do you think of your outfit?" He holds Hope in his arms and faces the mirror. Hope smiled. "You like the outfit that Dada chose you?" He gave her kisses on her head. Hope babbled. "Yes, who is the cute little love in the mirror?" Hope babbled. "That is you, little love. You are the cutest beautiful baby in all the realms." Hope smiled as her Daddy gave her more kisses on her cheek. Hope began to fuss. "Little love, you want to help Dada cook breakfast? I know you are hungry little love." He brings Hope down with him to cook for his family. He cooked eggs and pancakes and taught Hope how to cook both of them, while she sits in her high chair and watches him cook. "When you are a little older you can cook with me." Hope babbled. "You want to help Dada mix the pancake batter?" He puts the bowl of pancake mix and helped Hope mix the pancake batter. "You are helping me cook little love." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are a good mixer." Emma comes downstairs seeing Killian helping Hope mix the pancake batter and took pictures of their daddy-daughter moment, she was smiling and loving them cooking together. She was looking forward to seeing Killian teach Hope how to cook ever since she was pregnant with Hope knowing she has a great husband and daddy. When Killian knew the pancake batter was well mix he stopped Hope mixing and Hope began to cry, "Hope, we are done mixing little love. Dada has to put the pancake batter on the pan to cook."
"Killian, you can cook. I got Hope." Killian takes the pancake mix bowl away. Emma takes Hope from her high chair. "Hopey. Why are you crying my little duckling? Did you have fun with Dada mixing the pancake mix and you did not want to stop?" Hope cried more. "I saw you and Dada mixing, you were having so much fun being his little helper. Dada needs to finish cooking breakfast." She rubs Hope's back to calm her daughter. "Hopey, since you are such a good mixer. You can help Mommy bake cupcakes or brownies. We can have Mommy and Hopey time, baking. You can be my mixer." Hope looked up at her Mommy. "Yes, sweetie you can help me bake." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can be Mommy's little helper. You and Dada can cook breakfast together. For Mommy and Hopey time, we can bake together." Hope stopped crying and Emma snuggled Hope. "You like being a little helper and you get that from your Mommy and Dada." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian and Emma smiled at each other knowing Hope loves being a little helper just like they are. Henry came down to join his family for breakfast. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. You slept in this morning."
"Yes, I did. Dad and I returned from our second home early in the morning and played a few rounds of video games until I fell back to sleep. Luckily, I do not have school today."
"You are just in time for breakfast son. Your sister helped me cook breakfast this morning."
"Aye, your sister helped me mix the pancake batter."
"Little Sis, you are being taught how to cook really young. I know you will cook better than Mommy."
"Sorry, Mom." Hope babbled. "Hope, I will try your pancakes, little sis. Mom, Hope is bossy like you."
Emma giggles. "Your sister wants you to try her cooking right, Hope?" Hope smiled and played with pancakes. "Little love, eat your food not play with it." Hope threw a pancake at her Daddy. "Hope, that is not nice. Say sorry to your Daddy." Hope babbled.
"Hope, are you just being a little pirate little lass?" Hoe babbled. "You need to eat your breakfast, my little pirate then we can go on the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled and babbled loudly.
"Dad, Hope is very excited to go on the Jolly Roger."
"Yes, she is Henry." Henry plays with his sister in the living room after they finished with their breakfast. "Hope, are you going to listen to Dad when he tells you how to help him?" Hope babbled. "You are going to have fun little sis." Hope leans to hug her brother. Henry scoops Hope into his arms. "I love you, Hope."
"Henwy." She hugs her brother.
Emma and Killian were cleaning up the kitchen. "Killian, Hope has her physical therapy today at 1:00 pm."
"Aye, I will make sure Hope has her nap after Jolly Roger time."
"Good, I want her to be fed and have a nap before her session with Ms.Jane."
"Is she coming over here?"
"Yes, Ms.Jane has her sessions with Hope in the living room. It is easier for Hope, who likes to play at home not in the physical therapy room."
"Aye, our little lass is more comfortable at home?"
"Yes, she is captain. Hope is getting stronger, upper body strength since she is in her casts. Only a few more weeks until she gets them off."
"Aye, Hope will be crawling and walking very soon."
"Yes, we will be chasing her all over the house soon." Henry carries Hope into the kitchen. "Dad, I know we were on the Jolly Roger last night and...I know you wanted one on one time with Hope...can I join you and Hope? Hope wants me to join you and her on the Jolly Roger."
Killian smiles at his son, "Henry, you can join Hope and me on the Jolly Roger. I may need your hand watching your sister."
"I will help Dad. Hope, I am going on the Jolly Roger with you Dad, little sis." Hope smiled. "Hope, let's get ready little sis." Henry takes Hope back up to her room.
"Love, I will bring back both of our pirates in one piece." Emma giggles.
"I know they will have fun with you captain. Just be careful of Hope."
"Love, Hope is going to be in her carrier held by me and Henry is going to help me. Hope is going to be safe with us love. Henry and I will be back in time for Hope's physical therapy lesson."
"Call me if anything happens."
"I will love. Hope is going to be with Henry and I...." Henry returns downstairs with very upset Hope. "Mom, can you come with us? Hope wants you to be there with us. Right Hope?" Hope reaches her arms out to her Mommy. Emma was in awe. "Hopey." She takes Hope from her son. "Hopey, you want Mommy to join you, Dada and Henry on the Jolly Roger?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "Mommy is coming, sweetie." Hope stopped crying. "My little pirate princess wants to have the whole family to come."
"Aye, our pirate princess wants a family sailing adventure."
"Yes, a short sailing adventure." They all walked to the docks together. When they reached to the Jolly Roger, Hope got excited and began to squirm, "Wa-wa."
Emma smiles, her daughter is like her Daddy."Yes, Hope. We are going on the Jolly Roger...."
"Love. I got our little love." He holds Hope in his arms. "Little love, we are going on the Jolly Roger, my little pirate. Do not jump out of my arms, Hope."
"Listen to our Dad, Hope. You do not want to scare Mom like last time, you almost gave her a heart attack when you jumped out of her arms." Emma wrapped her arm around her son. Killian brought Hope on the deck. "Little love, we need to check the sails and the whole ship. Can you help me with that?" Hope smiled. "Lad, can you help me by checking around the ship if the ship needs oil?"
"Yes, Dad." Henry went around the ship. Killian helped Hope reach up to the sails. "You got a good grip, little love." Emma took pictures of Hope enjoying being her Daddy's little helper."Hope, do you think the sails are in good condition?" Hope babbled. "Oh, really let me feel?" He feels the texture of canvas sails. "You are right love, they are stiff, which is good Hope." Hope reached up. "Hope, we need to continue to check the ship. That is our job as pirates." Hope babbled."Hope, you are doing such a good job, little pirate." He looks at his wife, "Love, Hope is enjoying her sailing lesson. How is Henry?"
"He is studying for his finals after he oiled parts of the ship."
"Aye, he is studying for his finals. Love, you get some rest."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, yes you can. I got Henry and Hope from here." They kiss. Emma goes to the captain quarters and took a nap. "Mommy."
"Mommy is taking a nap in the captain quarters, little love. She did not leave. We need to check more around the Jolly Roger."
"Wa-wa." Killian took Hope around the ship and taught Hope what each part of the ship does. Hope fussed around. "Little love, you want play time?" Hope babbled.
"Dad, I think Hope needs a bottle. Right Hope?" Hope began to cry. "I will go get it." He returns back and gives his sister her bottle. "Here you go, Hope." Hope reached out. "You want to have Henry and Hope time?" He puts Hope on his lap and talked to her as she drank her bottle. Killian oiled parts of the ship. Killian joins Henry and Hope. "Lad, how is your sister?"
"She is finished with her bottle and we are just talking." Hope babbled. "Yes, I have the best sister ever."
"Hope has the best big brother in the world..." Henry and Killian felt a sharp pain on their necks and fell asleep. Hope knew something was wrong with her Daddy and big brother and began to cry. A man gets on the Jolly Roger and picks up Hope and run off the ship with Hope screaming her head off. "Mommy...." Emma woke up hearing Hope crying. She finds Henry and Killian sleeping and sees darts in their necks and with Hope nowhere insight."HOPE!" She calls Regina. "Regina."
"Someone stole Hope and used darts to get Henry and Killian asleep."
"Oh my gosh. Where are you?"
"On the Jolly Roger. Get my Dad, Lily, Red, and Mulan now!"
"On it, swan." Lily and Mulan arrived first. "Emma, we are here."
"Lily, Hope is gone."
Killian wakes up.. "Emma..."
"Killian, someone targeted you and Henry with a sleeping dart and kidnapped Hope."
"Hope...bloody hell not again!..."
"Someone kidnapped Hope. We are going to find her, Killian. " Killian stood up, dizzy. "Killian, you and Henry need to be checked out." She helps him up. "Are you okay?"
"Tired and dizzy." Regina rushes on deck.
"Henry.." She checks on her son.
"He is still asleep. I have to find Hope and who did this to Henry and Killian."
"Emma, you find Hope. Your Dad is already searching for her. I can take Henry to the hospital."
"Love, I am going with you."
"Killian, you need to be checked out."
"I am not going anywhere but finding our daughter."
"Emma, I can go with you and Killian."
"Thanks, Mulan."
"Emma, I will search the skies." Lily turns into a dragon and flies into the sky. Emma got into her yellow bug worried about Hope, Henry, and Killian. Mulan sat in the back, as Killian sat next to his wife. "Emma, we are going to find Hope."
"Are you okay?"
"Love, we need to find Hope. I am not leaving your side until Hope is safe with us then we will get checked out."
"Emma, we should check the woods."
"That is a good idea." Emma drove to the woods and they searched for Hope. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are going to find you baby girl." They continued their search for over an hour until a big flash of light magic come out of nowhere. "Love, could that be?"
Emma smiled."Hope!" They all quickly got out of the car and followed to where the light magic was coming from. They found Hope on the ground and her light magic was out of control. Killian looked ahead, who was lying unconscious on the ground, it was Snow White. "Emma, your Mom kidnapped Hope." All Emma could think about was getting her daughter back into her arms. Emma rushes to get their daughter as Mulan checks on Snow White. "Hope. Mommy is here, baby girl." Emma scoops up Hope into her arms and began to cry. "Hope!" Once Hope was with her Mommy, she stopped her light magic from hurting her Grandma. "Hope...Mommy is here...Mommy is here....shh...shh.., you are safe...You used your light magic to protect yourself, you are not in trouble. You are not in any danger anymore baby girl." She sits on the ground and hugs her daughter.
Killian held his two loves in his arms. "Hope, Dada is here...Dada..." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are with Mommy and Daddy, little love. We saw your light magic that leads us to find you, little love. You used your light magic just like your Mommy." Hope smiles. "You are safe little love." He lets Hope hold his hook.
Mulan checking on Snow White."Killian, call an ambulance and Lily."
"Aye, I am on it." Emma continues to calm down their daughter. He gets his walkie talkie out.
"Love, I always have my walkie-talkie on hand." He turns the walkie talkie on, "Lily we found Hope. We are in the central part of the woods. Snow White kidnapped Hope."
"I am on my way. I can help Mulan with Snow White."
He calls for an ambulance and Regina. "Hi, Regina. We found Hope. Snow White kidnapped Hope."
"Aye, we were surprised too. There is an ambulance coming for Snow White."
"Wait. How did Snow White get injured?"
"We will explain it when we get there. How is Henry?"
"He is slowly waking up. Allison is with him. I will call off the search party."
"Aye, thank you, Regina. We will be there soon." He hangs up. "Emma, how is our Hope?"
"She is not injured. How is Henry?"
"He is slowly waking up from the sleepy darts."
"Are you okay?" She places her hand on her husband's face.
"I am still dizzy."
"I am driving you to the hospital. You need to be checked out by Allison."
"I will hold Hope love." An ambulance arrives into the forest, Emma tells the EMT's that they found her unconscious on the ground. Emma felt bad watching her Mom into the ambulance but she looks down at Hope who was scared of being kidnapped again and using her magic. Mulan rode in the ambulance with Snow White. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife knowing she is feeling awful about this situation her mother kidnapping their daughter, "Love, let's go see our son." He walks his wife to the car and holds Hope who hugs her Dada. "Hope, you are with Dada little love. You are safe. Dada is alright." Emma drove them to Storybrooke Hospital. Hope began to cry. "Hope, we are here to see Henry. Remember Henry and Dada got hurt. We need to see if our boo-boos are healed. Henry and Dada are going to be alright little love. You can stay with Dada." Hope snuggled onto her Daddy. Emma loves how close Hope and Killian were as their daddy-daughter relationship grows. They walked together in and found Henry in a room with Regina and Allison. "Mom."
"Henry." Emma rushes to hugs her son and kisses him on the head. "Henry, are you okay?"
"I am getting better...I felt pain on the back of my neck and the next thing I know I blacked out. What happened?"
"I heard Hope crying and she was gone and you and Dad were passed out. I saw the darts.."
"Emma, they are tranquilizers. Henry had a strong dose which is why he was passed out longer."
"Killian got hit by the tranquilizers too. Can he get checked out?"
"Of course, I can examine him. I can examine Hope."
"Aye, you can examine Hope first than me." Allison examines Hope. "She has a few bruises. It looks like she was being fought over or hit..."
"We found her on the ground crying."
"Other than bruises, Hope is alright. The good news is that Hope can get out of her casts soon in two weeks."
"Hope, did you hear that? You get to have your cast off soon!" Hope smiled.
"Little sis, when I am done with my finals, you get your casts off and then we go on a family vacation." Hope yanked Henry's hair. "Hope." Hope laughed. "You love playing with me, little sis." He gave her kisses on her head.
"Killian, you can come with me. I can examine you in another room."
"Aye, I am tired." Emma gets Hope from Killian who began to cry. "Little love, Auntie Allison is going to check to see if I am injured. I am not going to be far away. You can be with Mommy and Henry." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Little niece, I am going to see if your Daddy is hurt. He will be back in a few minutes. When Henry woke up, he asked about you, sweetie." Hope babbled. Allison kisses Hope on the head and Killian hands over Hope to Emma. Allison leads Killian to another room. "Little Sis."
"Henwy." Emma hands over her daughter to her son.
"Hope, I was so worried about you. Are you okay?" Hope hugged Henry. "I love you so much, Hope. I am so happy you are safe, I know Mommy and Daddy rescued you." He looks up at his mom, "Mom, what happened? I remember holding Hope and I blacked out."
"As I was saying earlier, I heard Hope crying I found you and Dad were passed out. I did not see Hope anywhere. I saw the tranquilizers on your necks and called your other Mom and Mulan and Lily to come. Your Dad woke up and he joined Mulan and I searched the woods. We saw light magic coming out of nowhere."
"Emma, who has light magic?"
"Mom, was it Hope's light magic?"
"Yes, Henry. Your sister was showing us where to find her."
"Way ago little sis. I am so proud of you! You are just like our Mommy." Hope babbled. He gave Hope kisses and tickles her belly.
"Emma, Hope has light magic?"
"Yes, Regina. We found out a few weeks ago in the grocery store. My brother was about to bother Hope, she was crying and all of the sudden light magic came out of nowhere from her and hit Leo. Hope is officially my mini-me."
"She is definitely your mini-me. I know she has you to teach her."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am going to teach her how to use them for good, how to control them and be proud of who she is." She gives Hope her small Pluto. Hope babbled.
"Mom, how did Hope used light magic this time? Who kidnaps Hope this time?"
"Your sister used her light magic because she was afraid. When we found her in the woods, Hope was sitting on the dirt crying and her magic was showing and..." Emma got sad, and Regina to knowing who it was already. "We found your Grandma on the opposite side of Hope unconscious." Henry hugged Hope. "Mom...Grandma kidnapped Hope?"
"She is a suspect Henry because she was there. We do not know who shot the tranquilizers at you and your Dad and kidnap Hope for sure but we think it is your Grandma."
"Unless we find out who really kidnap your sister. Emma, your Mom unconscious."
"Yes, we saw Hope first crying and her magic was out of control and my mom was on the opposite side on the ground. The last time I saw my Mom she wanted Hope..."
"Mom, we will find out who kidnap Hope this time." He leans over and gives her a hug. "Hope and I love you so much." Hope babbled. "I love you both so much. You know I will always be there for both of you."
"We know, right Hope." Hope babbled. She gives them a hug together. Emma gets a call from Lily. "Henry, I will be right back."
"Hope is going to be with me."
She answers her iPhone in the hallway. "Hi, Lily."
"Hi, Emma. How is Hope?"
"She is alright, not hurt. Henry just was woken up from the tranquilizer dart and Killian is getting checked out by Allison. What is going on?"
"I did not come to help with your Mom. I found a possible suspect running in the woods nearby where you found Hope and I arrested him."
"Really? It was not my Mom?"
"I am not sure, Emma. The one who I arrested is a possible suspect."
"My Mom needs to be questioned since she was at the scene of the crime. I will be there to question this person soon." She enters the room, Regina approaches Emma.
"Emma, what did Lily say?"
"She found a possible suspect, my Mom may not be the one who kidnapped Hope. I am not sure."
"Emma, I can watch Henry and Hope. They are going to be with me, Emma."
"Thanks, Regina."
"Mom, who was on the phone?"
"Lily. She found a possible suspect on who kidnapped Hope this time."
"Hope is going to be with me and my other Mom."
"Thanks, kid." Hope babbled. "Mommy will be back, sweetie. You can be a good little pirate princess for Henry for me." Hope began to cry. She took Hope into her arms. "Hope, I have to find out who kidnapped you. I have to be sheriff for a little while. When I get back, we are going to snuggle." Hope hugs her Mommy, "I have to put the bad person in prison for kidnapping you so you can be safe. Okay?" She kisses Hope on the head as Hope continue to hold onto her. "Hopey, you want to be with Dada?" Hope babbled, which makes Emma smile. "Let's go find Dada."
Allison takes Killian to another room, she examines him. "Besides the tranquilizer dart, you are healthy."
"Aye, I am just tired that is all."
"I am going to keep you and Henry both on watch tonight because tranquilizers have side effects. How was finding Hope?"
"Waking up knowing my lass was missing was awful. I was tired but nothing was going to stop me until I found my daughter. We saw Hope's light magic and followed it to where she was crying and using her magic, we saw Snow White unconscious. Seeing my wife's sadness that her mother possibly kidnapping our daughter...I am going to be there for my wife."
"If you or Emma need anything, I am going to be there for Emma and your whole family."
"Aye, she thinks of you as her sister."
Allison smiles. "She is my sister to me and you are my extended family." Emma knocks the door.
"Hi, Emma. Hi Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"How is Killian?"
"Killian is healthy but I need him and Henry both stay overnight because tranquilizers can have bad side effects."
"They are staying overnight..."
"Da-da." Killian takes Hope from his wife.
"Killian, I got a call from Lily. She found another lead on who kidnap Hope."
"Love, I will watch Hope. I also rescheduled Hope's session with Ms.Jane." Hope tugs her Daddy's hook. "Aye, you are staying with Dada."
"Emma I can keep an eye on your family."
"Thank you, Allison." She hugs her best friend. "Hope, be a good girl for Dada." She kisses Hope on the head. "Love, she will be with me."
"I know." He wrapped his arm around his wife.
"Let me know about the case."
"I will tell you everything. After all, you are my deputy."
"Aye, you are my sheriff wife." They kiss.
"I will come back soon." Emma leaves. Hope began to cry.
"Little love, Mommy will be back."
"Hope, your Daddy, and Henry are going to be in the same room. You get to be with your Daddy and Henry." Hope reaches out her arms to Allison. "You can be with Auntie Allison, sweetie." She holds Hope in her arms and guides Killian back to Henry's room. "Hi, lad."
"Dad, how are you?"
"Tired." He sits down on his bed next to Henry's bed.
"Henry, you and your Dad are both staying here overnight for observation. Tranquilizers can have bad side effects and I just want to keep a close eye on you both overnight."
"Allison, what type of side effects?"
"Regina there are confusion, restlessness, unable to relax and dizziness." Hope fell asleep in her Aunt's arms. "I see Hope is happy you are holding her."
"Yes, Hope knows that I help her family and she is safe with me. I am her auntie and godmother."
"Aunt Allison, does my other Mom knows we are staying overnight?"
"Yes, she does Henry." Henry and Killian fall back to sleep.
Emma drives to the station, Lily and Mulan were there. "Lily, who is the suspect."
"I am not sure who this person is but come see for yourself." She leads Emma to the questioning room. Mulan was there already Emma sees a pirate... "Lily and Mulan, I have a feeling he is my husband's arch enemy. Blackbeard." She makes a phone call. "Hi, swan."
"Hi, Killian. I have one question..."
"Emma, what is it? I can tell in your voice something is wrong..."
"Killian, who is your arch pirate enemy..."
"Captain Blackbeard."
"He is in custody with us."
"Bloody hell is he the one who kidnapped our Hope?"
"Killian, I am going to question him."
"Emma, I am going to the sheriff station." Allison stops Killian from getting out of bed. "Killian, you are on bedrest." Hope began to cry.
"Listen to your wife."
"Aye." He returns his phone call to his wife. "Emma."
"Killian. I am going interrogate him. I need you to relax. Our Hope needs you, she needs one of us to make her feel safe. You cannot be here right now. You need to rest. I can interrogate your arch enemy. Please rest up and watch our daughter who needs her Daddy." He looks at Hope who was crying.
"You are right, love. Can you please tell me what happens."
"I will tell you right away, captain."
"That is my swan. Be careful, he seems smart but he is easy to trick."
"Captain, you are my one and the only captain and a smart one." Hope reaches out to her Daddy.
"Aye, I will see you later. Hope wants to be held by me."
"I told you. I will call you later."
"Be careful, Emma."
"Thank you."
"Welcome, swan." They end their conversation. "Hope, come to Daddy little love." Allison gives Hope to Killian. "Hope, Dada is not mad at you." He rubs Hope's back and kissed her on the head. "Dada is mad at a possible man who kidnaps you and took you away from Daddy, Mommy, and Henry. He is a bad pirate, not a good pirate like I am, little love. That is why I got mad." Hope hugs her Daddy. "You and I can snuggle little love."
"Yes, lad?"
"Is Blackbeard bad?"
"He is my arch enemy. He and I always fought in realms, my crew against his. He was easy to trick and traded my ship for your Mom..."
"Wa-wa." Killian and Henry smiled.
"Yes, little love that is the man that Daddy tricked few times to get back to Mommy and I always got our Jolly Roger back." Hope babbled.
"Hope, you are right little sis. Our Dad is the best pirate."
"Killian and Henry, I have to check on patients. Call me if you need anything."
"We will thanks, aunt Allison."
"You are welcome, Henry. Hope have fun with your Daddy and Henry." Hope babbled. Allison kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, listen to your wife."
"Aye, Emma told me to rest and to listen to you." Allison giggles. "My wife cares for my safety."
"Allison, I will call if anything happens in here."
"Thanks, Regina." Allison leaves the room.
Hope began to fuss. "Little love, are you hungry? Let's see what Mommy packed for you in the diaper bag cooler." He takes out a container of smashed blueberries, bananas, and chopped pears. Hope feeds herself. "Is it yummy little love?" Hope babbled. After, he washed Hope's hands with a baby wipe and fed her a bottle. Henry was napping. "Killian, you are an amazing Dad. It is hard to believe that you were evil."
"Aye, once I saw Emma I knew we were true love and I changed for the better. We both were lost until we found each other and wanted the same in live to be happy." Hope tugged her Daddy's jacket. "Hope, you want Dada's attention?" Hope smiles. "Do you want a pirate story?" Hope babbled. "I will tell you a story, little love."He burps Hope and tells her pirate tales until she falls asleep on him. "You give the best hugs, little Hope." He kisses her on the cheek.
"You are great with the both of them, Killian. Henry is lucky to have you as his Dad."
"Aye, he is not my son biologically but I will always will be there for him as he is my own."
"I know the feeling. I always like you better than his real Dad."
"Thanks, your majesty."
"You are welcome, captain eyeliner." Killian falls asleep with Hope.
Back at the sheriff station, Emma gets off her iPhone with Killian, "That is Blackbeard, Lily. Where did you found him?"
"I was on my way to you and Killian, from the Southern side and I saw this Blackbeard running away from a bright light..."
"The bright-light was Hope's light magic."
"Hope has light magic?"
"Yes, she does. Killian freaked out once I told him who we have in custody." Emma enters the room, "Hello, lovely lady."
"Are you Blackbeard?"
"Aye, yes I am."
"I am here to ask you a few questions. When did you come to Storybrooke?"
"Today. I was in Neverland with that dreadful pirate Captain Hook. He brought me there after tricking me into trading his ship after our card game. He instead of bringing me to the ship he brought me to Neverland, I escaped and landed here after a few realms."
"When did you get here?"
"I landed on shore today. Why?"
"I am the one who is asking the questions here."
"You sure are a bossy lass."
"I am the sheriff."
"Sheriff, am I in trouble?"
"You were found nearby a crime scene, you can be in trouble depends on what you tell me. Tell me what I need to know. The more you ignore answering the longer you will stay here."
"Aye, I will answer your questions."
"When you arrived here, what did you see?"
"I saw Snow White with a baby who was crying running across the beach and into the woods. I remember Snow White from the Enchanted Forest. I was wondering why the princess stealing a baby...maybe she worth much money. I followed them in the woods and fought over the baby...all of the sudden the baby had this bright light, like magic which zapped the both of us. Snow White was knocked against the tree while I had the baby who was out of control with her light magic. I put the baby on the ground and ran away."
"So you admit of kidnapping the baby?"
"Aye, but I did not. Why?"
"Did you hurt the baby?"
"Only when Snow White and I were fighting over the baby. "
"Did you know who the baby is?"
Emma was mad. "Are you sure?"
"Aye. Why are you asking me?"
"Because that baby you tried to steal is my daughter. I am one very angry mother. Now tell me what else you know. Now!"
"The baby wanted to be away from Snow White calling for her Mom. Snow White had a hard time holding the lass."
"You did not kidnap her?"
"I tried to but I did not. The baby's magic was tough to hold the lass and if Snow White could not hold the baby, I would not be able too. That is why I ran."
"Thank you for your honesty." Emma leaves.
"I answered your questions. You are going leaving me here?!"
"Yes, I am. You are going to get questioned by one more person." Emma returns to Lily and Mulan.
"I am going to let Killian interrogate him. I know he is lying. Killian knows him more."
"Isn't he in the hospital?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Killian and Henry have to stay overnight for observation from the tranquilizers that my Mom shot at them. Now I have to interrogate my Mom."
"Your Dad did text me that your Mom is awake. I will watch Blackbeard until Killian comes tomorrow."
"Thanks, Lily. Can you and Mulan keep a close eye on him? I do not trust him."
"Emma, we will watch him." Before Emma returns to the hospital, she drops by her home to pack overnight bags to her family and take a shower and cry because she cannot believe her own mother kidnapped her daughter. Meanwhile back in Henry and Killian's room, they were asleep, Hope woke up crying. Regina picks up Hope. "Hope." She sniffs Hope. "You need a change." As Regina was changing Hope, she poops more which splattered on Regina and Regina screams in frustration, which made Hope wail. Henry and Killian both wake up. Henry sees his Mom covered in poop and Hope to cry. "Hope, it is okay little sis. Don't cry. Henry is here. Dad, I can finish changing Hope." He changes Hope's diaper. "You are all clean little sis." He holds his sister in his arms. "You are with me, little sis. My other Mommy is not mad at you." Hope hugs her brother. Emma enters the room seeing Regina covered in poop while Henry comforting Hope. "Regina, I am sorry about Hope's poop."
"It is okay. I scared Hope, I made her upset."
"Aye, you screamed so loud that you scared Hope. Emma." Emma rushes into her husband's arms.
He rubs Emma's back as he embraces his wife. "I am right here, Emma. What happened?" Hope fusses in Henry's arms. Henry takes his sister to their Dad's hospital bed. "Mom." Emma hugs both of her children after holds Hope."Henry, Hope." She hugs them again.
"Emma, what did you found out at the station love?"
"Blackbeard arrived at Storybrooke, at the beach today. He mentioned the last time you were together."
"Aye, he left me in Neverland and escaped on a small boat."
"He was traveling between realms ever since until today. He saw my Mom running through the beach carrying Hope into the woods. He thought that Hope was worth money since my Mom kidnapped Hope..." She hugs Hope. "He followed them to the woods and fought over Hope because he thought Hope was valuable since my Mom was stealing her."
"Wait...Blackbeard saw your Mom with Hope?"
"Yes, Regina. He wanted to steal Hope from my Mom because he thought he can get money after he stole Hope. Hope used her light magic when she was being fought over by my Mom and Blackbeard which is how my Mom got unconscious from hitting the tree and Blackbeard saw the magic out of control..my Mom could not control Hope, he would not be able to handle her. So he left Hope on the ground and ran." She looks down at Hope. "Hope, you used your magic to get away from being kidnapped by a bad pirate." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are not in trouble for using your magic. You used it just like Mommy to save yourself."
"Little sis, I am so proud of you. You used your magic just like our Mommy." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. "Emma, if it is true about your Mom..."
"I have two options for her... I can use the dreamcatcher on Hope or I have to question her..."
"Aye, how can I help?"
Emma smiles. "Blackbeard is an interrogation room until morning; I have a feeling a certain pirate wants to have a little talk with him..." She looks at Killian.
Killian smiles. "Aye, I will talk to him in the morning after he spends the night in jail."
"He does not know you are Hope's Daddy, he only knows that I am Hope's Mommy."
"He will get a big surprise tomorrow."
"Dad, are you going to kick his butt tomorrow?"
Killian smiles."I have to see, he did try to kidnap your sister. I do not like when my family is being threatened. I will scare him and trick him as usual."
"I know you will Dad."
"Hope, did Blackbeard hurt you?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you used your magic to scare him." Hope clapped her hands. "That is my little pirate princess. Yay!" He claps with Hope.
Emma smiles. "My two pirates."
"Love, what are you going to do about your Mom?"
"Before I question her, I have to see what Hope saw for more proof." Killian takes Hope and put her on his lap. "Hope, Mommy needs to see what happened. The dreamcatcher won't hurt you." Emma uses her magic to see what Hope saw in the dreamcatcher, she hears Hope's crying, her mother's voice, "Hope, you are alright." Emma sees Hope screaming out for her on the beach and the woods, being fought over by her mother and Blackbeard fighting over her and the light magic. Hope began to cry and Emma stopped the magic. She holds Hope in her arms. "Hope, it is over. I had to see what happen when Grandma took you away from Henry and Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. "You are safe with Mommy, Daddy and Henry, Hope." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Mom, what are you going to do about Grandma?"
"I am going to question her. I have evidence now from Hope and Blackbeard. After I do not know to arrest her or not..." Killian hugs his wife.
"Emma, Hope showed you your proof. You have evidence now."
"I know..I just cannot believe that she has gone this far to kidnap Hope..."Hope babbled. "You are safe, sweetie. Mommy is sad that Grandma took you away from us." Hope placed her hand on her Mommy's face. "I know you are not going anywhere, Hopey." She kisses Hope on her cheek. "Killian, I have to talk to her. Can you.."
"Emma, Hope is going to be with Henry and me."
"Mom, I can watch Hope here. Dad can go with you."
"Love, I am feeling better. I am going with you." Hope babbled. "Little love, you are going to play with Henry." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Mommy."
"Hope, we are going to have one on one time, little sis. Mommy and Daddy will be back."
"Emma, I am staying with them."
"Thanks, Regina. Sorry about your shirt."
"That is alright." She uses her magic to change into a new shirt. "They are safe with me, Emma."
"Kid, check what is in your overnight bag. I have a few things for you and Hope to do."
"Thanks, Mom." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are having playtime little sis. Let's see what Mommy packed us." He opens his bag, which is full of his art supplies. "Mom, you know me so well by now. This will help me keep Hope happy." Hope babbled. "We are doing art little sis." Emma and Killian walked to the room where Snow White was staying. "Emma, you can do this."
"Thanks for being here."
"It is my job as your husband and deputy. She kidnapped our daughter and we are working as a team." They kiss. Emma enters the room, "Hi. Mom. Hi, Dad."
"Emma." Charming hugs his daughter.
"Dad, can I speak to Mom alone?" Charming and Killian stay in the hall.
Emma sits on the bed."How are you feeling?"
"I have a bad headache."
"Are you okay to answer a few questions."
"Yes, is it about Hope?"
"Yes, where were you this afternoon?"
"I was in the woods doing archery...Leo was causing destruction in the house. Your Dad offered to watch him while I went into the woods to do archery. I heard crying and followed to where it was coming from...I saw Hope wailing in a pirate's arms and...I approached this pirate. I told Hope that it was alright, I was there. We were fighting over Hope." Emma jaw drops. "Emma..."
"You were nowhere by the Jolly Roger at all today? By the docks..."
"No, Emma."
"I thought...all we have been through and...you wanted Hope recently...with Hope....I thought you kidnapped Hope."
"We may have been fighting, I would never kidnap my granddaughter. I did not kidnap Hope. I was trying to get Hope away from that pirate."
Emma was in tears. "You...you did not kidnap Hope? You were trying to save her?"
"Yes, Emma. I am trying to get your trust back..." Emma hugs her Mom and cried.
"You do care for Hope...."
"Emma, I love her and I love you both so much. I want my daughter and her family back in my life again."
"I missed you so much, Mom."
"I missed you too." Emma hugs her Mom tighter. "What was the bright light that caused me to be unconscious?"
"Hope has light magic."
"Hope has light magic?"
Emma smiles. "Hope is my mini-me. She used it on Blackbeard and you today. Her first time was at the grocery store."
"Is this when Leo was tied up?"
"I did that. He was about to hurt Hope and Hope discovered her light magic and I used my magic to tie him up because he was going back at Hope..."
Snow White gets mad. "Emma..."
"No. I am not hearing you say..."
"Leo is a good boy, I can see it in him."
"No..." Emma got mad. " Just when I think that we were making up, I am wrong you go again at defending Leo...how can I trust you?! How?! You tried to rescue Hope, thank you for telling me information that I need who really kidnapped my daughter but...our mother-daughter relationship...I do not know..." Emma leaves the room and the next thing she knows she was in Killian's arms, he walked her away from her mother's hospital room. "I am right here, Emma. I heard everything. Your Mom told us who really took Hope, which all that matters."
"Just when I thought we were making up from all the fights...it happens again.." Emma cried more.
"Emma, I am so sorry. I am right here, you did what you need to do as a mother, finding out who took our daughter. You found our Hope and got her to safety. Especially having the right person the one who kidnapped Hope is in jail."
"I have to call Lily."
"Emma...I will call Lily." He hugs his wife. "You did an amazing job as sheriff and as a mommy today, you found our Hope and rescued her. Most important of all, Hope is safe with us."
"I am a good Mom and sheriff, as a daughter, I sure am bad at it. All I wanted to have parents who love me and always imagined having a close relationship with my mom...now that I found her...it is nothing like I wanted..." Emma cried more.
Killian hugs his wife as she cried into him. "Emma, you are a kind caring person, with a big heart, you have a whole family who loves you, our son and daughter love you and I love you. We also have Allison and her family, who are part of our family. We have a family together, even though it is not perfect, you are not alone, Emma. We have our family and we love each other." She hugs her husband and he kisses her on the head. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. "Let's get back to our children."
"Yes, first let me call Lily." Killian gets his iPhone out first.
"Emma, you were sheriff a lot today. It is my turn as your deputy make the call." Emma smiles as Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Hi, Lily."
"Hi, Killian. How are you?"
"I am getting better. Is Blackbeard is at the station?"
"Yes, he is Killian."
"Emma spoke to her Mom...it was Blackbeard who kidnapped Hope."
"Emma was right, she knew Blackbeard was lying."
"Aye, knowing my swan she knows who is lying. I will get the story out of him. I am on my way now." He ends his phone conversation with Lily.
"Emma, I am feeling better."
"If you get sick."
"Emma, my arch enemy kidnapped our daughter. I want to get answers."
"I am coming with you."
"I knew that he was lying. I want the truth of him kidnapping our daughter. He lied to me."
"You are sheriff swan."
"You are my deputy captain." They hear Hope crying and see Allison pushing Henry and Hope in a wheelchair. "Yes, Hope. We found Mommy and Daddy, little sis."
"Henry, Hope."She hugs them both.
"Mom, Hope began to cry and wants you."
"I am not surprised." She takes Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl...shh...shh.."
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I found out from your grandma on who really kidnapped Hope..." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Blackbeard kidnapped Hope. Your grandma was only trying to save Hope. Now your Dad and I need to question him."
"Emma, I can watch Henry and Hope for you. Aren't you relieved to know who finally kidnapped Hope?"
Emma hugs her daughter before answering her best friend. "Let's just say after my Mom told me what happened...she and I got into another fight." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Mom, grandma is wrong."
"I know, Henry. She still thinks that Leo is a good boy when he really is not."Hope babbled. "I know baby girl, Mommy is very busy today being sheriff when I get back we are going to snuggle all night together and be with Daddy and Henry."
"Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, I am sorry about grandma."
"When I get back Hope and I can sleep on your bed with you."
"Sounds good."
"After you and your Dad be in tranquilizers and Hope being kidnapped again...I want to be with my family."
"Emma, Henry and Hope are going to be with me."
"Thank you, Allison. After all of what happened today and my mom...I trust you watching them. Where did Regina go?"
"Regina needed to go home to be with Robin and the kids. It is not busy now, I told her that I can watch them."
"Of course. They love their aunt."
"Mommy and Dada will be back soon Hope. Knowing your smart pirate Dada he will get Blackbeard to talk right away. After your Dada talks to him, we are coming back here to be with you and Henry, sweetie." Hope smiled. Allison takes Hope from Emma and places Hope on Henry's lap. "Aunt Allison, can you bring us to the emergency room to see all of the bloody patients."
"No." Allison, Killian and Emma all said in unison.
"Kid, your sister has been through enough today."
"Okay, Hope. we can do art in our room." Hope clapped her hands. 'You are the best little sister and art assistant ever. My art show is next week and you are going to help me."
"Emma and Killian, good luck on the case. I know I will be watching Henry and Hope creating art."
"Thanks, Allison." Allison wheels Henry and Hope back to their room. "Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Henry."
"Can we make a stop?
"I am not bringing you and Hope to the emergency room."
"Can you bring me to my Grandma's room? I want to talk to her. I am tired of seeing my Mom upset and fighting with her. My grandma is wrong about our uncle. She is hurting our Mom. "
"I am tired of seeing them fighting. I will take you to her room." Allison pushes Henry and Hope to Snow White's room. "Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope." Hope began to cry when she sees her Grandma. Allison takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, you are with Auntie Allison, sweetie. Henry, Hope and I will be right in the hall."
"Hope, I will be right back to you and Aunt Allison, we can do art in my room." Allison takes Hope into the hallway. "Hope, don't cry. You are safe. Shh...shh..." She rubs her back and continues to talk to her goddaughter until Hope calms down.
"Why are you in the hospital Henry?"
"Someone shot tranquilizers at Dad and I. How about you?"
"I was in the woods doing archery and I heard Hope crying and saw him with Blackbeard. I tried to rescue her but her light magic was out of control when I was trying to get her back from Blackbeard."
"My sister was terrified of being kidnapped again that is why her light magic was out of control."
"I came here to tell you that you are losing your family. I hate seeing my Mom always have to defend herself against you. You always defending Leo and not about your daughter, my mom. Why you blame my mom for everything?"
"I still see the good in him."
"See?! You blame my mom for your problems that you caused. When my mom thinks you are getting along again you somehow mess it up. You think Leo is good but he is causing so much trouble?!"
"I still..."
"My mom is right about you and your denial about Leo's darkness. My mom is not ever going to trust you again if you defending Leo and not caring for her. You told her about who kidnapped Hope but if you keep blaming my mom for everything you are not going to ever have her trust or any of us in your family again." Henry leaves the room back to Hope and Allison. Allison places her hand on her nephew's shoulder. "Your Mom raised you very well Henry. You fight for your family."
"I always will fight for my family. I am tired of my Mom arguing with my grandma." Hope babbled. "Hi, little sis." He takes Hope from their aunt. "Aunt Allison, how was Hope when I was with my Grandma?"
"She calmed down and we have a little talk. Now, let's get back to your room, so you can rest." She pushes Henry and Hope back to their room.
Emma drives Killian back to sheriff station in her yellow bug. Killian went out first and followed by Emma into the station. Lily was surprised to see Emma and Killian. "Killian, Emma told me that you were coming in the morning."
"Aye, I changed my mind now that I know the truth and I want to know the truth from Blackbeard." Lily got Blackbeard back into the interrogation room.
"Killian, are you sure you can do this?"
"Emma, he is my arch enemy."
Emma puts her hand on his face. "That is why I am worried. He did shot a tranquilizer gun at you and Henry today."
"He is not going to hurt me now, Emma."
"Can I join you, captain?"
"Aye, yes you can love. We are a team."
"Yes, team Swan-Jones." Emma heads into the room first. "Blackbeard."
"Well, if isn't the sheriff. What are you doing back here?"
"I want you to meet my husband." Killian enters the room.
Blackbeard gulps. "Hook...you are the blonde's husband..."
"That blonde is my wife. You need to tell us the truth."
"What are you talking about?"
Killian was mad and pushes Blackbeard against the wall. "You know bloody hell what I mean. How did you steal our daughter? Why did you steal her? Answer me."
"We know you stole our daughter. Now tell us the truth, I knew you were lying to me earlier, pirate." Blackbeard had both angry Killian and Emma facing him.
"Alright, I will tell you the truth." Killian dragged his arch enemy to his seat. They all sat down.
"Now, tell us how did you steal our daughter?"
"I arrived on the shore. I saw your ship. You still owe me your ship, pirate."
"No, it is mine. Tell us more." He yanked Blackbeard's collar. "You kidnapped my family. When my family is threatened, I make sure the one who caused my family member any harm get they deserve. Now tell my wife and me why you kidnap our daughter."
"I saw your ship and looked through my telescope, saw you and a lad. I was so angry that you had your ship and you tricked me yet again. So I had a dart gun with me and used it to pass out you and the lad. When I arrived on your ship I was planning on stealing your ship. When I saw the baby lass, I knew she was valuable so I stole her for revenge instead."
"Did you hurt our daughter, pirate?"
"Aye, only when I was running through the woods, I saw Snow White, she was fighting for the baby. When I took her away from you, she was crying and crying. The lass would not shut up. Then when I saw her light up like magic I should not have been complaining about the crying, I made it worse. When Snow White and I were pulling tug of war with the lass, the baby had light coming out of her so much power she pulled Snow White to hit a tree and I landed on the opposite side on the ground. The baby would not stop crying, so I left her there."
Emma was mad. "You left our baby on the ground, alone, afraid and her power out of control!!" She faced her husband's enemy in his face. "How could you do that?"
"Aye , I am a pirate that money reward not worth it if that baby stopped crying and had powers."
"Aye, our daughter knew that she was in danger with you. She knows who are the good guys and bad guys. You are a bad pirate."
"You are one to talk , Hook. You do not get to say that."
"Aye, in this realm I am a pirate, deputy to my beautiful wife, husband, and father." He leans to his enemy. "Now, where you are going for kidnapping my daughter, is to prison. Where you can never escape. Do you know why? My wife and the mayor of this town improved the prison so no prisoner can escape. Lily." Lily enters the room. "Lily, make sure our pirate gets the most surveillance cameras and security watching your every move every minute of the day at his new home, in prison."
"I will take him there now, Mulan is making the arrangements." Lily handcuffs Blackbeard and Mulan help her put in the police car and drove him to prison. Emma hugs her husband. "You did it, captain. You got the person who kidnapped our daughter, going to prison where he belonged. I am so proud of you."
"Emma, do not be proud of me."
She gave Killian a look. "Why?"
"It was my fault, for tricking Blackbeard into trading the ship in the card game for a magic bean to get back to here. He would not want revenge on me and kidnap our daughter."
"Killian, it is not your fault for being another realm, it was adult Gideon getting you away from me before the final battle. The only way you were able to get back to me was to trick him. You had no idea that Blackbeard would arrive to Storybrooke after all of this time we have been married and have a family...I saw the look on your face fighting for our family in the interrogation room. We were together getting answers from Blackbeard. Now he is off to prison. I say we done really good teamwork today, captain. We have accomplished so much today, to finding our daughter to finding out the truth of who kidnapped her. Our daughter is safe and not in any danger anymore."
Killian smiles. "I told you, Emma. We are a really great team."
"Yes, we are captain. Yes, we are." They kiss. Emma drove them back to the hospital, they arrive back to the hospital room, seeing Henry sleeping with Hope babbling away to Allison. "Hi, Emma and Killian."
"Hi, baby girl." She takes Hope from Allison. "Mommy is back from being sheriff and now I get to be with you." Hope hugged her Mommy.
"Hi, little love. Dada and Mommy scared Blackbeard and now he is in prison." Hope babbled. "Dada, scared him so much because he tried to kidnap you, our little love. When my family is threatened, I fight for my family."
"Hopey." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek and Emma lets him hold her and they go on his bed. Killian and Hope had pirate talk. "Allison, how was Hope when we were gone?"
"She was good. She had fun playing with Henry and had her dinner. She did not want to sleep without you."
"Hope has been trouble sleeping ever since she got kidnapped the first time. I slept with her in her crib last night. We have been trying to sleep train her again but with her being kidnapped the first time.."
"Hope knows she is safe with you. You are doing your job right as her Mommy, making your daughter feel safe when she needs you the most."
"I will continue to make her feel safe until she feels safe again. How was Henry while we were gone?"
Emma sits next to Henry and rubs his head. "He was good. He made sure Hope stayed occupied and happy, they did art together and read her a few stories until he got tired.I held Hope until you both came back. How was the case?"
"Killian and I both interrogated Blackbeard until he told us the truth. He was the one who shot the tranquilizers at Henry and Killian and decided to kidnap Hope for revenge since Killian tricked Blackbeard back in the Enchanted Forest to get back to me."
"Emma, Henry spoke to your Mom."
"Yes, before we returned in here Henry wanted to talk to your Mom and he told her to stop blaming you for everything. Red dropped by for dinner for you and Killian."
"He knows how to stick up for his family. That is my son." Hope began to cry. "Killian, I know it is Hope's bedtime."
"Aye, little love you need your rest, it is night-night time." He gets Hope's baby blanket and hands her over to her Mommy. "Mommy."
"Yes, Hopey. You get to sleep with Mommy, baby girl. Hope say, night-night to Auntie Allison."
"Ahh...Ahh.." Emma smiled. Allison kisses Hope on the cheek. "Good night, Hope. I had so much fun with you and Henry today. I will drop by to check on your brother and your Daddy." Hope babbled. "Of course, if you are up or tomorrow morning we can play before Henry and Daddy get discharged." Hope smiles. "Emma, call me if anything happens to Henry and Killian. I will be nearby."
"Thanks, Allison." Allison leaves the room. "Dada."
"Hope, we can sleep with Dada. Killian, can we join you?"
"Yes, my two loves can join me. I can hold Hope while you eat love." As Emma ate her meal, Killian told Hope pirate stories. Hope fussed. "Swan, our little love wants to sleep with her Mommy." He put Hope in his wife's arms. "Are you comfy in your Mommy's arms?" Hope smiles and Killian gave his little lass a kiss on her cheek. Killian checks on their son and turns off the lights and snuggles with Emma and Hope. He let Hope hold his hook. "Time for night-night little love. You are with Daddy and Mommy, Hope. You are safe with us. No one is going to take you away from us again."
"Your Daddy is right, Hope. You have Mommy and Daddy to protect you if anyone tries to take you away from us again. We are the heroes Hope. You did a great job fighting off Blackbeard today using your light magic."
"You take after your Daddy and Mommy little love, you showed your pirate side and your hero side today."
"Just like Mommy and Daddy, Hope." Hope gripped her Mommy with her other hand. "Mommy is right here, I am not going anywhere Hope. We are going to cuddle all night. When Mommy was away from you, all I could do is think of you. When we get home tomorrow, we are going to have a girls day just you and me. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. Emma kisses Hope on the head and rubs her head until Hope fell asleep. "Sweet dreams baby girl. Mommy and Daddy are right here and we love you so much." They both gave kisses to Hope and enjoyed being together. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms knowing her daughter was with them safe and Henry is right next to them getting the care that he needs. "You did amazing today my Emma. You were both Mommy and sheriff. You deserve your much-needed rest. We love you so much, swan." He kisses his wife on her blonde head and watches his family sleep until he nods off to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Happy Beginning, please leave comments! I would love to hear what you think! 

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