Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Darkness Revealed

397 2 0
By isaballerina89

The next morning, Hope woke up from a bad dream wailing. Killian and Emma both woke up and went rushing into Hope's room. "Hope." Emma scoops up her daughter. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy got you." Hope reaches out to her Daddy. "Dada is next to you, little love." He hugs his wife and daughter. Hope reached for her Daddy. "You can be with Daddy, sweetie. Killian, Hope wants her Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Killian. Hope gripped her Daddy. "Hope, you are with Dada little love." Hope babbled. "You can be with Daddy, Hope." Killian brings Hope to his and Emma's room. "We can cuddle in Mommy and Daddy's room." Hope babbled. Emma hugs Killian."Mommy is right here, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma gets the dreamcatcher and used it on Hope, seeing her bad dream as Leo hurting Hope. Hope cried more. Killian hugs his little lass. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are not let Leo hurt you ever again." Emma hugs Hope who was clinging onto her Daddy. "You have Mommy and Daddy to protect you, Hope. That is our job as your parents." Emma gave her hugs and kisses until Hope stopped crying. Hope calmed down knowing her parents will be there for her. Hope makes poop. "Hope, did you make poop while we were hugging you?" Hope babbled, which made both of them laugh. "Love, I will change our little stinker." Killian changes Hope's diaper."Killian, I think our baby girl wants a pirate story."Killian smiled and put Hope in his arms. "You want a story, little love?" Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Hope, Dada can tell you a pirate story." He looked at Hope in her matching blue eyes, "Once upon a time, there was a pirate who sailing in Neverland the dangerous waters with his crew fighting off the green little devil himself. The lost boys were attacking the pirates and the little green devil was trying to hurt me...you know what Dada did little love." Hope smiled. "Dada used his hook and hurt the flying green little devil to stop him from flying and hurting my crew..." Hope babbled, she was enjoying her storytime with her Daddy. "Aye, you like Dada hurting Peter Pan?" "Dada." Killian chuckles. "That is right little love." He kisses Hope on the head as Hope held onto his hook, "You are my little pirate." Hope babbled which made her Daddy smile. "After I hurt the little green devil..." After Killian's story, Hope was fell asleep in her Daddy's arms. "Daddy loves you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and fell asleep with Hope in the crook of his arm and his wife in his other arm who was fast asleep. "I love you both so much." Emma woke up happily seeing Hope in her Daddy's arms. She kisses Hope on the head, "Hopey, your Daddy loves you so much." She takes a picture of the daddy-daughter sleeping together, with Killian holding Hope in his arm with Hope holding his hook. She kisses Hope on the head and kisses Killian on the head. "I love you both so much, my two pirates." Emma checks up on Henry who was still sleeping and went downstairs to make breakfast for her family, she made scrambled eggs and crepes, thinner pancakes with berries and whip cream, she wanted to try a new recipe for her family breakfast. Henry comes downstairs, "Morning, Mom.""Morning, Henry.""What is for breakfast?""Scrambled eggs and crepes.""Crepes?""Yes, a very thin pancake.""Sounds good. Do you need any help?""Yes, can you set up the table and orange juice?""Sure. I am surprised that you are cooking.""I felt like cooking breakfast. Also, your Dad was up early with Hope, she has a bad dream. Your Dad told her a few of his pirate adventures. I knew he needed to sleep in a little longer.""Is Hope going to eat crepes?""For Hope, I am making her soft small pancakes for her.""Mom, Hope has so much fun yesterday. I never have seen Hope so happy." Henry hugs his Mom. "You threw a great party for Hope.""Thank you, Henry. I had you and your Dad helping me with the party.""Also Aunt Allison.""That is right. Today is her birthday." "Hope and I have a gift for her.""We are going to Allison's house later to celebrate her birthday and it is also Easter.""Awesome, this weekend is full of holidays, Hope and Aunt Allison's birthdays and Easter.""Yes, Henry, it is a lot of holidays this weekend." Henry set up the table while his Mom continued to cook breakfast. Killian woke up with Hope sleeping in his arms. Killian laid Hope in her crib, Hope wailed and he held Hope in his arms and she stopped crying. "Dada.""You want to be with Dada little love?" Hope smiled. "Let's go see what Mommy and Henry are up to." He carries Hope downstairs and found his wife finishing cook breakfast. "Little love, Mommy is cooking breakfast for all of us.""Morning, honey.""Morning, love." They kiss. "Good morning, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head, which makes Hope smile. "Are you happy to be with Daddy this morning?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you had extra storytime with Dada." "Hope love storytime this morning and she wants to be held by me.""Hope loves her Daddy. Breakfast is ready." Killian sets Hope in her high chair and Hope began to cry and reaches out for her Daddy. "Dada." "Little love, you want Daddy to hold you?" He takes Hope from her high chair. "You can sit with me while we eat the breakfast that Mommy made for us." Emma placed Hope breakfast by Killian, cut up scrambled eggs and soft pancakes with no syrup and berries on the side. "Look, Hope. Mommy made you pancakes. They are really good little sis." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Love, why are our pancakes are so thin?""Killian, they are called crepes, a thinner pancake.""They look, delicious love." Killian puts whip cream on Hope's nose and made funny faces to Hope, which made Hope laugh and Emma smile. "Hope is that whipped cream on your nose little sis?" Hope smiled. Henry tickles Hope. Hope grabbed Henry's nose. "Hope. You love grabbing my face.""Henwy." "Hopey." "Little love, it is time to eat your breakfast then you can play with Henry." Hope babbled. "Dada will feed you." Hope began to cry and moved around in her Daddy's arm. "Killian, I can take her." Emma takes Hope from her husband. "Hope, what is what is the matter baby girl?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You want to be with Mommy while we eat breakfast?" Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the head and sat down in her seat. Henry hands over their Mom Hope's plate. Hope let her Mommy feed her. "You just want Mommy to feed you, num-nums." Hope gripped her Mommy's hand and Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy.""Hopey, do you like Mommy cooking?" Hope babbled."Mom, that is a yes from Hope.""You are right, Henry. She likes my cooking." Hope babbled. "You want more, Hope?" Emma feeds her daughter her whole breakfast. "Hope, you ate all of your breakfast, sweetie." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, we need to get dressed. Today is Auntie Allison's birthday and Easter." Hope babbled. "Easter is a time when the Easter bunny comes and leaves presents in eggs. We are going to look for Easter eggs in Auntie Allison's house.""Mom, are we going to have an egg hunt at Aunt Allison's house?""Yes, that is the plan." Hope began to cry. "Hope." She sniffs her daughter. "You need a change and a new outfit." Hope hugged her Mommy. "After you get clean, we can snuggle.""Love, we can clean the kitchen. Hope wants to be with her Mommy. Right, little love?" He rubs Hope's cheek and makes her smile. Emma brings Hope upstairs and changed Hope's diaper and into an Easter onesie, "My First Easter, Hope." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You are wearing a new outfit with a bunny on it." Hope reached out to her Mommy and Emma puts Hope on her hip. "We can snuggle." Emma takes Hope to her room and lets her sleep on her. "Mommy.""Yes, Hopey. You are with Mommy, baby girl. We are having Mommy and Hope time." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope crawled onto her Mommy's face. "Hopey. What are you doing?" She lifts Hope up and down, which makes Hope laugh. "You just want to play!" Emma tickles Hope and gave her a lot of raspberries on her belly and played their tickle game, both mother and daughter were laughing. Killian sees his wife and daughter playing together he smiled very big and took pictures of them playing together. Hope rolled onto her belly and climbed on top of her Mommy. "Hopey..." "Mommy." Hope crawled all over her Mommy. Emma loved Hope playing on her as a jungle gym and gave Hope more kisses on her cheek. Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are having fun with me?" Hope babbled. "We will always have so much fun together, Mommy and Hope time." After Hope played with her Mommy she fell asleep on her Mommy. "You will always be my baby girl. I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her hands as she slept on her. Killian returns to his bedroom and kisses Emma on the head. "How is our little love?"Emma smiled big. "We played a lot and now she is napping on me.""Aye, you had Mommy and Hope time?""Yes, Hope used me as her personal jungle gym.""I saw Hope crawling all over you."Emma giggled. "I love playing with our baby girl. Even though she is getting bigger Hope and I will always have a mother and daughter connection and she will be talking so much more and wanting to follow me around all the time...I did not have that relationship the mother and daughter relationship as a child...Now with our Hope, I get to have that special relationship with our Hope.""I see your relationship with our little lass every single day as her Mommy." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "I saw you playing with Hope, love. I told you that you were going to be a great Mommy.""You were right captain. I am a great Mommy to both of our kids." "That is right, Emma. You are my beautiful down to earth fighter Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head. "You are my handsome caring husband who is a great dada to both of our children.""Aye, do love our children and their amazing mommy my wife." They kiss. "What time are we supposed to be at Allison's house?""At 1:00pm.""I was thinking we can give the kids a quick sailing lesson before we go to her house."Emma smiled big. "Killian, Hope and Henry are going to love a sailing lesson from you." "Love, Henry and I will get everything ready for our sailing adventure.""We can bring the car to the docks os we can travel to Allison's house after sailing.""That is a great idea love.""I also have Easter gifts for Lizzie and Connor." Henry enters the room, "Dad, are we sailing today?"'Yes, we are Henry. We need to get ready for our sailing adventure.""Yes, Dad." Henry helps his Dad get ready for sailing."Love, I can hold Hope as you get ready." Emma gently hands over Hope to Killian. Hope began to cry when she was not with her Mommy anymore. "Killian, Hope is cranky.""Aye, I interrupted her naptime on you, love." Hope cried more. "Hope, do not cry little love. We are going to go on Jolly Roger. Mommy is coming with us. Dada is going to give you and Henry a sailing lesson." He bounces Hope up and down. "I saw you having so much fun with your Mommy." "Mommy."Emma rubs Hope's cheek. "Hope, don't cry baby girl. I am right here." Hope gave her Mommy a sad look. "Hopey, Mommy is right here, getting dressed for our family sailing adventure. After I am dressed I can hold you and we can go on Daddy's ship together." Hope smiled. "There is my favorite smile." Emma gave Hope a kiss on her cheek."Hope, we are going on the Jolly Roger. You can play on Daddy's ship and get a lesson from me with Henry." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are my little pirate." Hope hugged her Daddy. "I love you too, Hope. If you just want to play on the Jolly Roger today, that is alright with me. We are going to sail today and have a lesson at the same time, I know you are going to love it." Hope babbled. "That is right, Hope like in my stories but we are sailing all around Storybrooke, not in Neverland." Hope smiled, which made both of her parents smile. After Emma got ready, she puts Hope in her carrier and helps the boys getting ready to sail and put the Easter gifts and Allison's birthday gifts in her yellow bug before heading to the docks. When Emma brought Hope to the docks, Hope was squirming. "Wa-wa.""Yes, Hope. We are going on the Jolly Roger." "Mommy.""Yes, sweetie. I am going on board and going to watch you and Henry have a sailing lesson from Daddy." Killian approaches his wife and daughter. "Hello, love. Hi, little love. Are you ready for your sailing lesson?" Hope babbled."Killian, do you have a lifejacket for Hope?" "Yes, I do, love. As I always say safety first." Killian helps Emma put Hope's lifejacket on their daughter. Hope fussed. "Hope, this life jacket will keep you safe, sweetie. You need to wear it when the Jolly Roger moves." Killian holds Hope on his hip. "Hope, we need to start sailing. Are you going to help Dada sail?" Hope babbled. "Killian, we got to be careful with Hope wanting to crawl around while the ship is moving.""Emma, Hope is going to be held by you and me while we are moving. When we stop she can crawl. Our little love is not going to get hurt." Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "I know you are not going to let our little girl get hurt.""That is right, love.""Hope, listen to your Dada." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Killian brings Hope to Henry. "Henry, we need to set sail you can help me pull the sails." He gives their children a lesson before starting sailing, Emma took pictures of Killian teaching their children together.""Aye, Dad." Emma helps her son pulling the sails."Now Hope, your task is to help me steer the ship. Do you think you can help me steer the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "You are my little pirate princess." "Dad, Mom and I got the sails up.""That is good lad. You can help me and Hope steer." As they were steering Hope was gripping onto the wheel. "Little love, you are doing very good holding onto the steering wheel." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are my little pirate." Hope fussed."Killian, I can hold her. You and Henry can steer." Hope babbled. "Yes, sweetie. You can be with Mommy." Emma takes Hope from the steering wheel. "Hope, Mommy saw you steering Dada's ship.""Wa-wa.""Yes, little love. Jolly Roger. You helped daddy drive the Jolly Roger." Killian kisses Hope on her cheek. Hope began to cry. "Swan, I think our littlest pirate needs her nap.""Yes, she needs a nap and a change." "Little Sis, you did great steering with me and Daddy.""Henwy.""Yes, Hope, Daddy taught us sailing together. I love you too, Hope." He kisses his sister on the cheek. Emma takes Hope to the captain quarters and changes Hope's diaper, Hope was babbling away. "You are just happy that we are sailing today." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are having fun on your Daddy's ship." Hope moved around and fussed. "Hope, do you want your lifejacket off?" Hope whimpered. "You can wear your light jacket off as long as you let me carry you. I do not want you to get hurt or go overboard when Jolly Roger is moving alright?" Hope babbled. Emma takes off Hope's lifejacket and Hope reached to her Mommy. Emma put Hope on her chest. "You are with Mommy baby girl." Emma sits on the bed and rubs Hope's back. Hope babbled. "Are you enjoying cuddling with Mommy and the rocking of the Jolly Roger?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma enjoyed Hope napping on her while hearing the sound of the ocean crashing against their ship. Killian went to check on his two loves in his captain quarters and sees Hope sleeping on his wife who was enjoying his captain quarters. "Hello love.""Hi, honey." They kiss, he joins his two loves on the bed. "How is the sailing going?""We are doing good, it is the perfect day to sail. Henry is getting better every time I take him out here.""He is learning from the best pirate teacher which is you." Emma leaned against Killian. "I do like teaching the lad. He is a good student." He gently kisses Hope on the head. "My little pirate.""She fell asleep right away hearing the ocean hitting against your ship.""Aye, she is a little pirate after all. She loves the ocean just like me.""Yes, she is. She is enjoying her nap on me.""Aye, she loves napping on you, her mommy." He kisses Emma on the head."Our little pirate was having so much fun with her Dada and her big brother sailing which tired her out.""Aye, when she is older, she is going to learn more. I know our little pirate needs her naps during her lessons.""Yes, she needs her rest so she can grow big and strong." "Aye, she needs to be big and strong to be a little pirate."Emma smiled. "Killian, Hope is already is a little pirate. She loves holding your steering wheel and getting lessons from you."Killian smiles. "She is a little pirate but I can see a lot of you in our little love. Hope loves you so much, swan.""Yes, she loves her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love her so much. I love cuddling with our little girl." "I love seeing my two loves together." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "We are almost back to the docks.""We are almost back already?"Killian smiles at his wife's disappointment, wanting their family sailing to continue longer. "Yes, love. I know this was a short ride but we are going to have more family sailing adventures soon, love.""For our wedding anniversary, can we have a family sailing adventure?" Killian gives Emma a deep passionate kiss. "Emma, that is a brilliant idea. We can do that." Killian gently puts Hope on the bed.Emma gave him a flirtatious look. "I was thinking after our family sailing adventure we can have a date night..." She kisses him on his neck. Killian gave him a smirk. "Aye, I love your smart mind love. We can definitely have..." She kissed him passionately back as he lifts her on his lap and she straddled her legs on his waist and continued making out. Killian put his hook underneath her shirt and got her bra off... As she got his shirt off. Killian was out of breath... "Love, Henry is alone steering the ship...""He had a good teacher, he will call you when he needs you...." They kiss more, they were both topless by the time they were done and out of breath, Emma was lying on Killian's chest. "Killian....that was...""I know.""Amazing." They kiss."We need to do more often, not around Hope." Emma giggles."Our little pirate is still sleeping. She loves sleeping in her Daddy's ship just as much as I do..""Aye.."They kiss one more time. "Love, I got to get back to Henry. We can do this later...""We can captain. We do need to do this in our bigger bed at home.""You are right, swan." Hope woke up crying. "Hope." Emma gets off of Killian and puts her shirt back and holds Hope. "Hi, sweetie. Did you have a good nap?" "Wa-wa.""Yes, you are right, Hope. We are still on the Jolly Roger.""Love, I can hold Hope in her carrier." Killian takes Hope from Emma who began to cry. "Killian, Hope wants me to carry her. Hope and I can watch you and Henry sail. Right Hope? You want to see your big brother and Dada sail and watch the ocean waves?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you love the ocean just like your Dada. My little pirate princess." She kisses Hope on the head. "You can watch Dada and Henry sail and be with your Mommy little love." He kisses Hope on her cheek. "Daddy loves you, Hope." Emma put Hope in her carrier and walked with her husband to the deck. They see Henry. "Dad, you took a really long time at your captain quarters. Is everything okay?"Killian and Emma gave each other guilty looks. "Mom, Dad you didn't not around Hope..." Killian and Emma both gave their son guilty smiles. "Was she awake?""No, kid. Hope was napping next to us.." Henry gave his mom a disgusted face. Emma laughed."Lad, I can steer, you can have a break." Henry approaches his Mom and sister. "Hope. Did you have a good nap little sis?" Hope babbled. "Really you knew Mommy and Daddy were kissing right next to you?" Hope babbled which made their parents laugh. "Kid, she was sleeping the whole time until she woke as we were finishing...""Pancakes?"Emma smiled. "Yes, Henry, pancakes." Emma and Killian gave each other looks again. They sat down and watched the ocean as Killian sailed them back home. Hope reached her hands out to the ocean. "I know you love the ocean, sweetie. When you are a big girl you can swim by the beach not the very deep ocean like we are sailing on now." Killian took pictures of his two loves one on one time admiring the ocean. Henry played with Hope for the rest of their trip. "Hope, are you having so much fun with Henry?" Hope grabbed Henry's face. "You love messing up with my hair little sis." Hope babbled. "That is right, Hope. That is your job as my little sister, to bug me." Hope began to cry."Hope, I was only kidding. Do not cry...""Hope, Henry did not mean it. He loves you so much." "Mom, let me hold her." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Hope, I was only kidding. I love you so much, little sis." He rubs Hope's back. "I love you, Hope. you do not bug me at all. I was joking. I am sorry for upsetting you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "When we get home we can have storytime, just you and me. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. "I promise Hope, just you and me." Hope hugged her face into her brother. " I love you, Hope." Emma was in awe. "She loves you, Henry.""I love her so much. I feel really bad for upsetting her.""Hope does not know jokes yet, Henry. When she is older she will for now just be careful what you are saying around her.""I will, Mom. I do not want to upset Hope again like that." Hope babbled. "Little Sis, you want to play?" Hope gripped Henry. "We can talk." Killian landed at the docks. Hope squirmed and Henry let Hope crawl around deck. "Henry, we are leaving soon." "Yes, Mom. I just to play with Hope here for a few minutes." "Your Dad and I will unload the ship. You can play with your sister." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and watched Henry playing with Hope. "Is everything alright with Hope love?""Henry told Hope sarcastically about how she bugs him and Hope got upset. Henry felt really bad for upsetting Hope. He got her to stop crying and he just wants to play with her.""Aye, I love seeing Hope and Henry playing together on our ship." "Me too." They kiss and unloaded the ship. Henry saw his parents finished unloading the boat and waited for them by the yellow bug. He carries Hope off the Jolly Roger. "Wa-wa...wa-wa." "Hope we need to go bye -bye." Hope wailed and moved around in her brother's arms. Killian gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, why are you crying little love?""Wa-wa..."Killian smiled knowing his little lass did not want to leave their second home. "Hope, we are done sailing on Jolly Roger today little love. We are going to Auntie Allison's house for her birthday and Easter party." Henry went to his Mom. "Let me guess, Hope is being a stubborn little pirate?"Henry smiled. "Yes, a mixture of you and Dad all at once. She does not want to leave the ship." Emma giggles. "Your sister definitely takes after me.""Yes, she does. Is Hope and my gift are in your car?""Yes, Henry. All of your aunt's presents and her kids Easter gifts are in the trunk.""Is the easter egg hunt late?""No, Allison wanted to have her birthday celebration later but wants you and Hope experience Easter today too." Killian carries Hope to his who was still crying. "Swan, our little lass is being very stubborn and a little pirate.""I can tell." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, I know you want to sail more with Dada and Henry. Mommy wants to sail more soon on longer trips. Today it was a short sailing adventure. We are going to have more sailing adventures soon. I know our long sailing adventure is going to be a long one, your first trip to another realm to Melody's castle." Hope smiled. "Yes, sweetie. When Dada and Mommy take you to Ariel's castle we get to travel through portals to another realm, it will be so much fun.""Mom, we are going to Ariel's castle?""Yes, Henry as one of our family vacation after you finished school.""Awesome!"Emma giggled. "Hope and Melody are going to love playing at the beach together and be by the ocean.""Love, we are going to enjoy going to another realm and travel together.""That is right, Hope is going to travel between realms for the first time for a playdate, not a curse just a normal trip.""Hope, you are lucky little sis you get to travel for fun not ever got a bad experience as I did." Hope babbled. "Yes, I am going to go with you to Ariel's castle." Hope reached out to her brother. "Swan, we are running late.""We got to go." Emma puts Hope in her car seat, Henry plays with his sister on the way to their aunt's house. Allison opens the door. "Happen birthday Allison!" Emma hugs her best friend. "Thank you, Emma. Everyone come in.""SOrry we are late Aunt Allison, we had a sailing adventure.""That is alright. We are going to have an easter egg hunt soon." Henry carried Hope as their parents brought in the gifts. "Aaaah...Ahhhh." Allison gets her niece from her nephew. "Hi, Hope. did you have fun sailing?" Hope babbled. "I am so happy you are here to celebrate my birthday and Easter. You are wearing the right outfit." Hope began to cry. "Allison, I got her. She needs to be fed." She holds Hope on her chest. "Emma, there is food out in the backyard. I got food for Hope." Henry played with Connor and Lizzie as Emma fed Hope some smush fruit, which covered Hope's face and onesie. "Little love, you were very hungry. Sailing made you very hungry." Hope babbled. "Hope, are you enjoying the fruit salad that Auntie Allison made for you?" Hope smiled. "You are welcome, little niece." She kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope laid her sticky hand on her Aunt's face."Hope is a healthy eater. She loves fruit, anything sweet." She gives Hope more smush strawberries. " Allison, how many S-H-O-T-S? At Hope's next appointment?""Four shots.""Love, I am going to be there with you and Hope. She will need both of us.""I know our daughter she will want the both of us there. Her appointment is on Tuesday morning.""Love, Lily can cover for me in the morning..."He saw Emma's face knowing Hope will have a rough day after the appointment. He wrapped his arm around his wife. "If Hope needs both of us the whole day, I can take off on Tuesday."Emma smiled."Thanks, both of us need you. She is going to be in a lot of pain but I know she needs her shots. Allison, is there a measle epidemic going on? I have been hearing all about it online and in the newspaper. ""Yes, you are right, Emma. Many unvaccinated children are not allowed in public places now because they can spread measle sickness to babies who cannot take the vaccination shots, like babies under 6 months old. Luckily, Hope is old enough for her vaccination shots and she will get them and be healthy." "Allison, we are going to make sure Hope gets all of her vaccination shots. I do not want our little love to get seriously sick." "Killian, these are sicknesses that can cause death.""Hope is definitely to get her shot on Tuesday morning." Hope reached for her Daddy. "Killian, Hope wants her daddy.""Come to Dada little love." Killian holds Hope in his arms while Emma cleans their little girl up. "You and your love of fruit baby girl." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Allison gets up. "Everybody time for the Easter egg hunt." Lizzie and Connor get their baskets, Allison gave Henry his own and Hope's basket to Killian. "Little love, we are going to collect Easter eggs together. "Hope gripped her Daddy. "You are going to be with me, little love. We are team pirates." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled."Dad, if you need help I can get Hope's Easter eggs for her.""Thanks, lad. I do have my hands full. You can help me collect eggs for Hope." Henry, Lizzie, and Connor went all over the front yard and backyard to collect Easter eggs, Killian helped Hope collect a few until she began to fuss. He sits down on the grass and let Hope play with the plastic eggs by banging them against the grass. "Are you having fun little love?""Dada."Killian smiled. "You just want to play with Dada." Hope babbled. Henry brought over eggs for his sister. "Little sis, look what I got for you." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope they are eggs for you." He puts them in his basket and continues the egg hunt. Emma and Allison took pictures of their children Easter egg hunting and Killian one on one time with Hope. Allison and Emma approached Killian and Hope. "Hope, are you done egg hunting little niece?" Hope showed her Aunt Allison her two purple and pink plastic eggs. "You got two colorful eggs, Hope?" Hope babbled and dropped them on the grass and crawled onto her Mommy's lap.Emma put Hope on her lap. "Aye, Hope just wants to play with the ones she got and it was hard for me to hold her and get the eggs at the same time.""That is alright, I know Hope is having fun. Right Hope? You are having fun with Daddy and Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Allison, I think Hope will understand and join in the egg hunting next year. You are helping us make Hope's first Easter special." "Love, this is her first Easter?""Yes, Killian. Last year, Easter was in March was when Hope was still growing inside of me." She kisses Hope on the head. "I am glad that I can help with Hope's first Easter." Allison wants inside and returns with a gift for Hope. "Hope, look at what I have for you." She helps Hope open up her Easter gift, it was a pink bunny plush. "Hope, look what Auntie Allison gave you for Easter. An Easter bunny doll. Do you like it?" Hope smiled. "Allison...""Emma, even though Hope got a lot of presents yesterday for her birthday, it is Easter today.""It is also your birthday, Killian...""I will be right back love." Emma tickles Hope with her new plush toy. Killian returns with Allison presents. "Allison, these gifts are from Emma. Happy birthday.""Awe, Emma. You did not have to get me anything.""Allison, you are like my sister. You are always helping me and my family all the time." "Aaaa....""Hope let's see what Auntie Allison got from Mommy for her birthday." Allison opened her gifts from Emma, clothes and a few bracelets. "Emma...thank you." She hugs her best friend and niece. Henry comes by. "Mom, did Aunt Allison opened our gift?""Not yet, Henry. That is her next gift." "Good I did not miss it.""You and Hope can give it to her yourself." Henry gives Allison their gift. "Aunt Allison, this is from Hope and me." Allison opened her gift from her niece and nephew, it was a small canvas a picture of her family. "Henry...you and Hope made me a family portrait of Ted, Connor Lizzie and I?""Yes, we did." Allison hugs Henry. "Thank you. I love it.""I knew how impressed you were of my parents Christmas gift of our family so I decided to make your family portrait for your birthday. Hope helped me with the gift.""Henry, I love it." Hope crawled to Allison. She puts Hope on her lap. "Hope, thank you for my birthday present. I love it because it was made by you and Henry." Hope babbled."Little Sis, you were very specific when I was drawing Aunt Allison." Allison and Emma both giggled. "You were very bossy but helped me so much, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry. "Henry, give me your sister. She needs to be nursed." Emma carries Hope to the porch to nurse her. "Lad, you did a great drawing.""Thanks, Dad.""Henry, I love the portrait. It is going to hang in my living room." She hugs her nephew."I really hope you like it, Aunt Allison.""Henry, I love it." Ted helps Allison hang their new family portrait in their living room."Henry, you made this?""Yes, Ted. I did. Hope was very critical on me drawing Aunt Allison but I draw everyone. Do you like it?""Henry, you really are a great artist. You have great talent.""Thank you, Ted." "Henry, I have an Easter gift for you too." She hands him a bag. "Happy Easter." Henry opens his gift bag which was a chocolate bunny and a few DC theme shirts. "Thank you, Aunt Allison." "You are welcome, Henry." They returned outside, Hope was playing with Emma on the porch while Killian helped clean up the egg hunt. After Henry played with Lizzie and his sister while their Mom's talked. They had a barbeque for dinner. Ted carry out Allison's birthday cake with vanilla frosting and chocolate on the inside. They sang happy birthday to Allison. Killian took pictures of Allison with her family by her cake. "Emma, let me hold Hope for a picture.""Aaa ..aahh.." Allison smiles as Emma and Killian took pictures of her and Hope and Henry joined in for pictures. "Emma..you too best friend.""Yes!" Henry held Hope as Ted and Killian took pictures of their wife's together. Emma shared her cake with Hope. "Hope, are you happy that it is chocolate on the inside?" Hope babbled."Auntie Emma, can I play with Hope in my room?""Yes, you can Lizzie." Hope makes poop. "I will change her first and bring her up to your room.""I have a feeling Lizzie is going to play tea party.""I am not surprised." They both laughed. After Emma changes Hope, she let Hope play in Lizzie's room with Lizzie. Hope was crawling around and getting into everything. Emma had to make sure Hope did not cause too much trouble. "Hope, why are crawling into my room everywhere?""Lizzie, I told you, sweetheart, Hope is loving to crawl around. She wants to explore everything." Hope gripped Lizzie bookshelf and cruised around. "Hope, are you looking at Lizzie's books?" Hope babbled."Hope, we are supposed to play tea party." Allison hugs her daughter. "Lizzie, Hope is still a baby. She wants to touch and feel everything she sees. She is still learning what everything is by looking and slowly learning how to walk.""Yes, your Mom is right Lizzie. She is learning everything. Pretty soon she will be crawling then we will be all in trouble." Hope babbled. 'You are such a good girl Hope.""Can Hope play with me?" "Your Mom and I can play with you. You can teach Hope on how to behave at a tea party."Lizzie smiled. "I can teach her." Emma puts Hope on her lap. "Hope, your first lesson is..." Killian and Ted talked while Henry and Connor played video games. He went to check up on the lasses in Lizzie's room and smiles. Lizzie was teaching his little love on how to behave at a tea party and play pretend. Regina and Rumpelstiltskin arrived at Allison's house. Allison opens the door. "Hi, Regina and Rumpelstiltskin.""Hi, Allison is Emma and Killian here?" "Yes, they are. I will go get them." Allison rushes back to Lizzie's room. "Emma, Rumplestiltskin and Regina are here.""Mom.""Henry, can you get your Dad ?""I will get Dad." Henry rushes to the backyard. "Dad.""Yes, son.""My other mom is here with Rumplestiltskin." "Lad, let's go back inside." Emma holds Hope tighter in her arms as she approached them. "Rumplestiltskin, what are you doing here?" Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is okay baby girl.""Emma, I can take her.""Allison, I just want Hope with us talking to Rumplestiltskin.""I will be nearby if you need me.""Thanks, Allison." Allison goes to the living room being nearby if her extended family needed them. Killian and Henry returned. "Regina, Crocodile.""Emma, Regina told me all about your brother." "Yes, he has been causing a lot of trouble in school and he hurt Hope a few times which caused her to have emergency surgery twice. I do not want my daughter to be around Leo."Allison stood by Emma. "Leo has hurt me too with a knife stabbing it against my neck and he hurt my daughter too." "I am here to help, Ms.Swan." "Oh, really what is your price? Why are you helping us all of a sudden?" Hope fussed. "Mom, I can hold Hope.""Henry, Hope is staying with me." "I am right here too. Grandpa, why are you helping us?" "Henry, Belle has told me all about Leo's behavior after both of your Moms explained what happened at Hope's birthday party yesterday. She doesn't want Leo to be around Gideon. I heard from your other Mom what has been going on and in town, knowing Leo is dangerous and hurting others, like your sister and his classmates.""Crocodile, how are you going to help with Leo?" He holds his wife and daughter who happily holding her Daddy's hook and babbled."Hook, I am going to test him. I do need to see the darkness myself before I teach him to control his darkness." "What do you need mean by seeing it?""By the one who has been Leo hurt the most?" Killian and Emma look at their daughter who was babbling away.Emma held Hope tighter to her. "No, No. Rumplestiltskin. Not my daughter. She could have been killed by him the last time he got jealous of her." Emma holds Hope tighter in her arms and Hope knew something was going on and began to cry."Swan, I do need to see it for myself.""Grandpa, Hope almost died from internal bleeding twice because of him. The last time we were at the park with Gramps, he was playing with her. Leo came running that is my Daddy. I knew that he was going to hurt Hope, I held her in my arms. He ruined her Pluto doll bad, Dad and Granny helped us fixing her toy. If it was Hope, he would have hurt her very badly. I do not want Hope to get hurt before her birthday." He hugs his sister. "Hope, you are not going to get hurt little sis.""Crocodile, there must be some other way.""Hook this is the only way."Killian gets mad pushes Rumplestiltskin against the wall and leaned his hook against his neck."The only way? You find another way because I am not going to let my daughter anywhere that little devil!!! He hurt her too many times and almost died. I am not going to have my little lass be anywhere near that little devil...""Killian!" Killian stopped from what he was doing remembered his crying daughter was watching him. He let go of Rumpelstiltskin and he takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, dada is only mad at the crocodile, not you. Don't cry." He let Hope chew on his hook and rubbed her back to calm her down from crying."Rumplestiltskin, I am Hope's pediatrician and rest of the town's I have proof of all Leo's hurting for fun and I witness a few of his hurting Hope in person. He really is dangerous. I do not want Hope to get anywhere near Leo."Emma approaches Rumplestiltskin ."You better find another way to watch Leo has darkness. He hurt our mother a week ago.""Emma and Killian, we spoke to Snow before we came here and she is in denial." "Bloody hell, Snow is still in denial. Is there another way that the crocodile can watch Leo in his darkness? Like his other classmates or Allison who he stabbed in the hospital." "What is your plan, Rumple?""I need to see Leo in action, to see how much darkness he has.""Why are you helping us?""Hope is Henry's sister. I am also tired of having most of the town coming to my shop telling me to do something about him since he is out of control.""My mom has been in denial after I told her so many times to get the help he needs but all she did was ignore the issue. The more denial she was the more out of control he got. Leo has been in and out of the juvenile hall for months.""Oh really?""Yes, I do not trust my Mom and Leo.""That does not sound like Snow White.""Well, she was in denial and wanted me to get back with your son after the Peter Pan curse before she knew about our history." Killian and Rumplestiltskin looked at Emma."Ms.Swan, how long you and your Mom been fighting?""Since, November ever since Leo fractured Hope's rib on Thanksgiving.""With both of your permission, I want to see Leo and Hope together. You can be near Hope as soon as Leo tries to do something to Hope.""Grandpa, is there any way you can test him not using my sister? Please? Can you think of another way? I do not want Hope to get hurt again.""Henry, I really need to see how he reacts and how strong his darkness is." Henry hugs Hope. Emma and Killian look at each other. "Rumplestiltskin is this the only way?""Yes, Ms.Swan." "As long as I am near Hope before Leo does something drastic to Hope." She looks at her husband. "Killian?""Love, I am coming. I want to be near Hope too and not her to get hurt again.""Kid...""Mom, I am coming with you both.""I am too.""Allison?""I am Hope's pediatrician.""Thank you." Hope fussed. "Hope, we are going somewhere with Regina and Henry's other grandpa. Mommy and Dada will be with you. Rumpelstiltskin, what is this test for?""I want to see how much darkness that Leo has.""It has to be quick, Leo loves hurting Hope for fun." Killian drove Emma, Henry, Allison, and Hope as they followed Regina and Rumple. " I do not like this.""Me too, love. I do not want Hope to get hurt.""I do not want Hope to be anywhere near Leo but if this is the only way that Rumplestiltskin can see his darkness..." "Love, we are going to be right next to Hope.""I am not going to leave her side." They arrived at her parent's farm. Hope knew they were and started to wail and scream her head off. Emma held Hope tightly in her arms. "Baby, you are with Mommy, sweetie. Killian, she knows where we are." "Hope, we will be not in there too long, little love." Hope kicked and screamed. "Mommy..." Emma looked at Hope who was terrified, she did not want to put Hope through the pain. "Killian, my gut instinct is telling me this is wrong. Hope is telling me not to do this, she is afraid." She hugs Hope. "Love, we do not have to do this." "Mom, Hope is terrified." He rubs Hope's back trying to calm down his sister. Regina and Rumpelstiltskin see what was going on with Hope. "Emma.""Regina, Hope is terrified. My gut instincts tell me this is a bad idea. I am not going to put Hope through this." Rumpelstiltskin gets Leo from inside. Charming open the door seeing Rumpelstiltskin. "Hi, Charming, I need to borrow your son.""Why?""We need to test him quickly. I need to see his darkness in order to help him.""Why?""I am tired of whole town coming me to my shop to complain about your son and my wife doesn't want Gideon around him. Henry and his family hating your son and fighting with your wife. I need to see his darkness.""Can you help him?""Yes, but I need to see it for myself.""I will get him." Rumplestiltskin brings Leo outside. "Leo. Look who is here. Emma and Hope." Leo comes running. "Hi, Emma. Hi Hope." Hope continued to wail and throwing a fit. Emma hugged her daughter. "Sweetie, we are going to leave soon. Hope, he is not going to hurt you, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy and Daddy are right, here. If Leo lays a hand on you, we are going to protect you, I promise. " "Emma!!" He got annoyed at Hope crying. "Hope shut up!!" He hits Hope and grabbed her by her feet and yanked her out of Emma's arms. "Leo let go of Hope, now!!" "She needs to be hurt, Emma. She is my target." Emma used one of her hands to hold Hope as she used the other with her light magic to zap Leo off of Hope, he landed on the ground. Henry came to tackle his little uncle to the ground to make sure he stayed away from hurting his sister more. "You stay away from my sister Leo." He pinned Leo against the grass as Killian checked on his little lass, "You do not hurt Hope. Do you understand?" Leo was mad. "She would not listen to me and stop crying. She would not shut up!!"Killian was furious and began to scream at Leo's face."Aye, she is terrified of you that is why she is crying. You do not hurt Hope." "What are you going to do about it?""Aye." He puts his hook against Loe's face. "If you try to hurt anyone in my family again, you will get the hook into your neck and see what is like to be hurt as you do to your victims." Leo struggled to get out of Henry tackle. Emma waited for Killian who was threatening her brother which she enjoyed because he was mad that their daughter was being hurt again. Snow White rushes outside. "Killian! Henry! Get off my son.""Grandma, he hurt my sister. He needs to get hurt as he does to his victims." Killian gets off his little brother in law. Allison saw the whole scene, "Emma, I can examine her in the hospital.""Great. Killian." Killian rushes to his wife and daughter. "Killian, you and Allison take Hope to the hospital. I want her to get checked out. ""Love, Hope is going to be with me, the whole time." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Come to Daddy little love." He holds his daughter who was still crying."Hope, you are safe, little love. You are with Daddy." Regina approaches them. "Allison and Killian, I can help you with Hope." Regina poofs Allison, Killian, and Hope to the pediatric ward, Killian was holding onto Hope. "Killian...was that?""Aye, that was Regina's magic.""Okay, was that Emma's light magic she was using when Leo was hurting Hope?""Yes, Allison.""Killian, I can examine Hope in here." Killian gets Hope ready for her examination as Allison put her doctor coat on. Hope was crying during her examination. "Little love, Auntie Allison is only seeing if you are hurt. Dada is right here." He let Hope hold his hook. "Hope, you are being such a good girl for auntie and Daddy." Killian gives Allison a look. "Hope is traumatized from what happened.""I know, I just want to make Hope happy again. She wants her Mommy and is afraid." Allison looks down at Hope, "She looks calm now since she is holding her Daddy's hook." Killian smiles, "She loves her Daddy's hook." Hope babbled. He kisses Hope on the head. Back at the farm, "Emma what is going on?""Mom, Leo was hurting Hope to the point that my magic had to stop him hurting Hope.""You used magic on Leo!!""He hurt my daughter! He is out of control Mom! He might have severely injured Hope again!! I will do anything to protect Hope from Leo! Even using my light magic which is a first for me. I did not hurt him but he hurt my baby girl. When are you going to see that?! " She was screaming at her Mom face to face. Charming had to hold down his wife. "You need to wake up and accept Leo for he is and let him the help he needs. I do not trust him or you. You both are not allowed to be anywhere near my family."Henry was still pinning Leo who was trying to escape. "If you hurt my sister again, you are going to get punished by both of my Mom's and my Dad." Regina was impressed by how Henry stood up for his sister. Emma was furious. "Did you see enough Rumplestiltskin?! He loves hurting Hope.""Emma, I have seen enough. Your daughter needs you." Regina goes to her son, "Henry, let go of Leo. I will meet you and Emma there after Rumpelstiltskin and I discuss Leo darkness." Henry hugs his Mom. "You used your magic to transport my Dad, Hope, and Aunt Allison to the hospital?""Yes, Henry, I did. Hope needed to be checked out quickly." Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you, Mom. I am so happy you use your magic for good now.""Your welcome Henry. Now go, I know your Mom wants to be your sister." Emma drove Henry to the emergency room. Snow White was mad. "Can someone explain to me what is going on here?!" Rumplestiltskin kneels to Leo. "Leo, why do you hurt Hope?""I love hurting Hope. She is my easiest target.""Little man, you and I are going to have lessons together on darkness.""Mommy won't let me.""Regina and Rumpelstiltskin, what is going on?""Hi Snow White, I needed to see Leo's darkness for myself.""Why?" "To help him control the darkness in him and to cause less havoc to the whole town..."Regina was mad too, "Rumplestiltskin is helping us with your son no matter what you say, Snow White." "He does not need your help.""Snow, he just hurt our granddaughter for a third time, he possible injured Hope. He has darkness and you need to accept that now. Your denial has gone far too long. Leo is out of control to the point that Rumplestiltskin needs to teach our son to control his darkness! He hurt so many people including our daughter and our granddaughter. This needs to end Snow White. Our son needs help and he is going to get it now." They hear a crash and Leo laughing. "Charming, I will start teaching him in the morning.""But...""No buts Snow White. Rumplestiltskin is teaching him for Hope's sake, his classmates and the safety of the town.""For tonight, I am going to stay a little longer, Charming. Just to observe more.""Of course..." Emma parks the car at the hospital. "Let's go see your sister." They find Hope being held by Killian in the pediatric ward, Hope was still crying. "Little love, Mommy is here." Emma kneels to them, "Hope, Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head. "How is she?""She is still terrified of what happened." She gently takes Hope from Killian."Hopey, Mommy got you." She gently hugs her daughter. Killian let his wife sit in the rocking chair with Hope. "Killian, what did Allison say?""Allison examined her, she might fracture her legs. She is getting a time slot for Hope to get an x-ray." Emma hugs Hope tighter. "Hope, you are going to be okay." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, Hope is going to be alright. If she has fractured legs we are going to help her.""Henry, I had this bad feeling when we went to my parents' farm and Hope was freaking out...""Emma, you protected our daughter from Leo. You did not let go of her and you used your light magic to protect Hope from getting hurt more from your brother.""I did not expect to use my magic but Hope needed me. My magic just came to me to help me to stop Leo from injuring Hope." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Hope, I used my light magic to protect you and I did. I promised you that he won't hurt you. I protected you from him getting you hurt more. I do not break my promise to you, sweetie." Hope babbled as Emma gave her more kisses and rubbed her back. "I will never break promises to you, Hope. You are my baby girl.""Dad, how was Hope when my other Mom used her magic to transport you and Allison here?" "It was quick, Allison was in a little shock of magic. Hope was crying nonstop and wanted your Mommy, while Allison examined her. I did not leave Hope's side.""Killian, I know you and Allison did your best to get our little girl stop crying.""Aye, we did. She was just afraid of what happened." He kneeled to his little love. "Hope, Daddy is right here. I know you are happy with Mommy is with us." Hope reached out for her Daddy's hook and he lets her hold it. "You can always hold Daddy's hook little love. You are my little pirate princess." He gave her kisses on the cheek. Allison returns to the room, "Emma, Henry you both are here.""Yes, we rushed here really quickly.""Hope is very happy to be with you. Her x-ray test is now. You can all come with me." They all followed Allison to the x-ray room. "Allison, I am so sorry that you have to work on your birthday.""Emma, it is my job as a doctor to make sure all of my patients are healthy, safe and unhurt. Also, I am Hope's godmother and when I saw Regina with Rumplestiltskin at my house, I knew something was going to happen." Emma got Hope ready for her x-ray, Hope did not want to let her go. "Hope, you have to take pictures of your legs to see if your bones are fractured." Hope hung onto her Mommy for her life. "Hope, I know you are afraid sweetie. I am right here. I am not going anywhere..." She hugs Hope. "Emma, you can be in the room with her during the x-ray.""I can be in the room with her?" She hugs her daughter."Yes, you can. You can make sure Hope stay still and Hope will be comfortable with you in the room with her. I know she is afraid." She talks to her niece. "Hope, your Mommy can go with you.""Hope, I am going in with you. You are not going to be alone, sweetie." Allison leads Emma carrying Hope into the x-ray room, Allison held Hope as Emma puts on a cover on herself to protect herself from the x-ray machine. "Little niece, the x-ray won't hurt you. It is a big camera to pictures of your bones so I can inside of your body and make sure you aren't hurt. Now, your Mommy is going to be right next to you the whole time I need you to stay still for the x-ray picture." She sets up Hope on the machine table. "Emma, you can hold her hands and talk to her. Just makes sure she stays still.""I can do that." Hope began to cry. Emma held Hope's hands and rubbed them, "Hope, Mommy is right here. I am not going anywhere. I am staying with you. After Auntie Allison takes pictures of your legs, we can go home and cuddle. I know you had a very rough day and we all need to relax." Hope stopped crying. "Emma, keep talking to Hope until I return. Her x-ray won't take too long." Allison leaves the room. Emma sings to Hope, " Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness, Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail, Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope babbled. "You love me singing to you." Emma continues to sings to Hope. Allison joins the x-ray technician as he did the x-ray on Hope. "Poor Hope, both of her lower legs are fractured." Allison returns to the room seeing Hope babbling as Emma talking to Hope and smiles. "Hope, you are all done with your x-ray.""Hopey, you did such a good job." Emma scoops Hope into her arms and kisses her on the head. Hope babbled. "Allison, what are the results?""Emma, I can tell you the results with Killian and Henry." They return to Killian and Henry. Killian wrapped his arm around his loves and kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, Hope stayed still the entire time, she loved me singing to her the whole time.""Aye, you always make her happy, love especially when you sing to her. Allison, what are the test results?" "Emma and Killian, Hope lower legs are fractured.""Hope...""Aye, our little love seems not to get a break." "Emma and Killian, I have to put the casts on her lower legs. She will be in recovery for about 6-8 weeks in a cast." "So she won't be able to move around?""Killian and Emma she will be needing physical therapy to get her strength back and learn ways to use her upper body to move when she is in her cast." Emma held Hope tighter. "Emma, when Hope's legs are out of her cast her legs will be stronger and she will be able to walk.""She just started to cruise and she loves crawling..." "Love, she will have us to help her and when she needs to move around we are going to be there for her." Emma sighs. "Is there going to be instructions when she wears a cast?""Yes, she cannot get the casts wet.""Aye, no swimming lessons for a while.""Yes, also no bubble baths." "Will she be able to crawl position?""She might be able to in a few weeks Emma but Hope needs a lot of rest." Allison leads Hope and her family back to the emergency room and puts Hope lower legs into casts. Hope was crying. "I am sorry little niece but you need to wear two casts to make your legs feel better." Hope makes poop. "Mommy will change you after Auntie Allison puts your casts on. You are being such a good girl today. You are being a good listener." Hope grabbed her Mommy's finger. "Mommy is right here." Hope babbled. Allison puts Hope's two casts on. "Hope, you are done." "Mom, Hope has pink casts on."Allison giggled. "I figure pink will be a good color for your sister.""Allison, not to get her cast wet is there anything else we should know?"Aye, what can and cannot Hope do?" He gives Hope his hook, Hope grabbed it and babbled."Hope needs to keep her legs elevated for the next three days and put ice packs on her casts every 2 hours and wiggle her toes too. When Hope is going to take a bath, you need to cover the cast with plastic bags. When Hope is itchy from her casts, you can light use a blow dryer to her casts." Killian knew Emma was getting nervous, he wrapped his arm around his two loves, "Emma, you have Henry and me to help you with Hope.""Mom, I am going to help you with Hope. I want to make Hope happy." Hope made more poop and began to cry. "Love, I can change Hope." "Dad, I can help." Henry follows his Dad with Hope to the bathroom. Henry helps his Dad change Hope's diaper. "Dad, I know you are mad just like Mom is.""Lad, I am just mad as your Mom is. I want to get payback at your Grandmother and Leo too.." Henry holds Hope. "I know you and Mom are going to do something because Hope is injured again and this time she can't move her legs.""I do not like it when one of our family members gets threatened. Not my family especially Hope.""But we are going to help Hope through her recovery.""Yes, we are lad. Can you watch Hope?""Yes, I can. What are you up to?""I have to make a phone call." Henry takes Hope out of the bathroom and Killian makes a phone call. "Hi, Regina.""Hi, Killian. How is Hope?""Leo fractured Hope's legs. She is in two casts for 6 to 8 weeks.""Oh my gosh.""Aye, I need a favor from you.""Anything, Killian. How can I help?"After Killian and Henry took Hope out of the room, Emma sits down and puts her hands on her head. "Hope is injured again all because of my brother..." Emma began to cry. Allison hugs her best friend. "Emma, I know you are feeling awful. It is not your fault. I saw you using your magic for the first time. You used your light magic to protect your daughter. You have a very powerful gift that not too many people have and you can use your gift to protect Hope. If you need to talk or for me to come over, please call me. I can check on Hope. I do not like seeing my little goddaughter niece in casts too.""She is lucky to have all of us.""That is right." Killian enters the room seeing his wife crying. "Swan.""Killian." They hug. Allison leaves the room and finds Henry and Hope in the hallway."She is going to be alright, love.""M-my...brother caused our baby girl to be in two casts for 6 weeks...I am mad and upset. Hope cannot use her legs..." Killian hugs his wife. "Somebody has to pay....""Love, no revenge""Our daughter is in two casts not going to be able to move for 6 weeks. I am a sheriff. I am going to arrest my Mom for not letting Leo get darkness lessons sooner than later.""Emma, I know you are mad and upset but we need to focus on our Hope. Our little lass needs her Mommy." Emma sighs and hugs Killian. "You are right. I just did not want Hope to be in recovery again. Our daughter has two legs are fractured...""Trust me swan, I am mad and furious that our little love is injured again by your brother. There is going to be karma for Leo hurting Hope." Henry carries Hope into the room. "Mom, Hope wants you." Emma wiped her tears away. "Hopey. Are you wondering what did Auntie Allison put on your legs?" She holds Hope in her arms. "They are casts. I know you are confused but these two casts are like big bandages that will make your legs feel better." "Emma, I will come by tomorrow to check on Hope. For tonight make sure her legs are elevated and iced on top of the casts.""Thank you, Allison. Again I am so sorry you had to come to work on your birthday.""Hope needs me as her pediatrician. I do not want Hope hurt as much as you do. Hope will be better Emma." They hug. "Aaaa....aaaa.""Hope, you are welcome. I love you, little niece." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma and Killian, you can still bring her in on Tuesday for her vaccination S-H-O-T-S, only two of them.""I was wondering about that. I do not want Hope to get sick, especially measles virus is spreading." She gets Hope from Allison. "Emma, Hope is not going to get sick.""We will see you soon." Emma drove her family home, Henry was in the back with Hope, they elevated Hope's legs. Emma did not drive her family straight home. "Swan, where are we going?""I am not going to get any sleep until I see my Mom.""Emma...""She needs to know what Leo darkness has caused this time to our daughter.""Mom?""Henry, we are going to make a stop before heading home." She parks her car at her parent's farm. Emma takes Hope from her car seat, "Hope, you are going to be with me the whole time, sweetie." She wrapped Hope in her quilt to keep her warm. Hope babbled as they head to her parent's house. Killian and Henry followed them. Charming opened the door, "Emma....Hope." He knew something was wrong because Emma was mad. "Dad, where is Mom? I need to talk to her.""I will get her." Charming returns with Snow White. "Emma, what are you doing here this late?""My family and I are on the way home from the hospital." She unwrapped Hope's quilt to show her parents Hope's legs covered with the pink cast. "This is what Leo has done to my daughter. Mom, Leo was screaming his head off and yanking on my daughter's legs like a toy with no care in the world. Now, Hope is in two casts for the next 6-8 weeks. She cannot use her legs all because of your denial of Leo's darkness to the point Rumpelstiltskin has to help him control it since he is out of control. He needs his help Mom, your denial crap needs to end." Hope began to cry. "Love, I can hold Hope." Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Little love, Mommy is just showing your grandma what your devil of an uncle caused you." He rubs Hope's back to calm her down from crying."What do you have to say, Mom?""Emma, how could Leo?...""Snow, Henry, Killian, Rumpelstiltskin, Allison, Regina and I saw Leo yanking Hope out of Emma's arms and screaming his head off.""Is this before she used her magic ...""Mom, my magic Leo did not get hurt from my magic. Leo is NOT the victim here. Hope is the victim!! She is the one in the cast who cannot crawl or barely move now because of Leo hurting her legs!! When are you going to see that he has darkness in him?!"Charming faces his wife eye to eye, "Snow, stop blaming everything all on our daughter. I am tired of you two fighting. You need to listen to Emma because she has been trying to help us with Leo but every time she does you do not listen to her and Hope gets seriously injured by our son.""Maybe I see only the good in Leo.""Grandma, what the heck is wrong with you? Leo seriously injured my baby sister again and all you can see is his good in him? When Leo clearly has darkness in him and loves hurting Hope. He did not have a care in the world when he was hurting Hope today or any other times hurting her. He is not an innocent boy grandma. You need to see the darkness in him too." Snow White was getting mad. "Henry!""Lad, can you hold your sister for me?""Yes, I can." Killian hands over Hope to her brother, to prevent Snow White yelling at his son. He takes his sister away from their parents arguing with their grandparents. "Snow White, your son is a little devil. He has hurt Hope so many times, Allison and his classmates, and yourself two times when you are going to bloody hell wake up and realize Leo is turning dark! Emma and I are both furious mad that Leo has hurt our little lass for the third time." They heard a car pull up, Lily and Regina. "Dad, my other Mom and Lily are here."Emma gave Killian a look. "Killian?" "I may have called Regina, told her what happened and I asked her to do us a favor." "Killian..."Lily approached Snow White. "Snow White.""Yes?""You are under arrest for causing Hope's injuries and not getting the help of Leo's darkness sooner." "I did not do anything illegal."Lily handcuffs Snow White. "Not according to the deputy and husband of the sheriff, you did. Because of your denial of Leo's darkness, it is your fault of Leo darkness is out of control and injuring most of the town your granddaughter." Lily brings Snow White to the police car and puts her in the backseat and drove her to the sheriff station. Regina was talking to Henry who was holding Hope while their parents spoke to Charming. "Mom, what did my Dad told you to do?""He called me and told me what happened to Hope. Your Dad told me to get Lily and to arrest your grandmother by the tone of his voice he was mad.""Yes, my other Mom and Dad were both furious. I know we are going to help Hope in recovery.""I know you are going to help Hope through this. She loves you, Henry. Hope, I am sorry your legs are in casts. Leo is very mean." Hope babbled."Charming...""Killian, I am not mad for you calling Regina to get Lily to arrest my wife. Snow White would not listen to me, you, Regina and especially Emma. Emma, I am so sorry Hope is injured again. Your brother is out of control.""Dad, Leo needs to be taught to how to control his darkness. Mom..she did not listen to me or anyone and now she is in jail herself. Leo seriously injured my daughter. I do not want Hoe to get hurt from him again." Hope fussed in Henry's arms and he gave her to their Mom. "Hope, I know that we had a very long day. You need to rest and keep your legs elevated." Hope hugged her Mommy. "We are going snuggle, sweetie." "Love, we should go home.""Yes, we all had a very long day." He wrapped his arms around his loves. "Emma, I am not mad at you.""Dad, Mom needs to see Leo darkness.""I know. She needs to accept it." He hugs his daughter. "We are still family.""I know, you are still my Dad.""You are still my daughter." Hope babbled. "Hope, I am still your grandpa. I am sorry Leo caused you so much pain." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry. "Dad, we really need to take Hope home.""I will visit Emma. Call me if you need anything.""Dad, thanks for the offer, with Mom and Leo I know you are busy.""I will always have time for my two princesses.""Thanks, Dad." Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves and walked with them to the car. Henry and Regina were talking. "Killian, you were the one who planned my Mom's arrest?""Aye, I did have some help from the mayor. I was mad that our little love is injured, I had to do something." Killian puts Hope in her car seat. "Emma, Killian told me and he wa really mad. I knew you were furious. When he told me to arrest Snow White, I called Lily and we are going to watch Snow in jail.""Thank you, Regina, for helping us with this whole situation.""Your welcome, Emma. I am tired of Snow White being in denial and Leo hurting and being dangerous to the town." Hope began to cry. "Thank you again, Regina. We really have to get Hope home." "Love, I can drive." Emma sits next to Hope and Henry in the back. "Hope, we are going home sweetie." Killian drove his family home. Emma carried Hope inside, with Killian right next to them. "Let's get Hope comfortable.""She can sleep with us love.""I cannot sleep without her near us especially now.""Swan, our little love needs us and she is going to recover with us on her side.""That is right. I need your help changing her now since her legs are in casts.""I will help you, love." They go to Hope's room and changes Hope's diaper and into her pajamas. Emma and Hope play their kissing game until Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you tired? Or in pain?" She scoops up Hope into her arms. "We can cuddle in Mommy and Daddy's bed." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma got on the bed with Hope and Killian helped his lasses by elevating Hope's legs. "There you go, little love." Henry brings in ice packs and his storybook. "Mom, Hope needs ice packs.""Thank you, Henry." Killian put the packs on Hope's cast covered legs."Little sis, do you want a story?" Hope gripped on their Mommy and continued to cry. "I think she is hungry, kid. Killian, can you..""Aye, little love Mommy is going to feed you." Killian help positions Hope onto Emma. She pulls up her shirt and nurses Hope. Henry sits next to his Mom and sister, and helps elevate Hope's legs.. "Henry after she eats, I know Hope wants a story from you. She was just hungry." "I just hate seeing Hope upset.""Your Dad and I do not like seeing Hope in pain and upset too. Hope has all of us to help her in recovery."'That is right, Henry." Hope was full."Hope, are you full?" She burps Hope. "Little Sis, you are going to be alright. I know you are in pain but you have, Mommy, Daddy and me to help you and there for you when you need us. You are lucky Hope, our Mommy is the best, she fought for you today and taking care of you." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope we have the best Mommy ever. I know you are in pain but you have all of us who are going to take care of you until you get better." Hope babbled. "Yes, you want a story?" Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I will read you a story." Henry got his book as their Mom positions Hope in her arms as their Dad propped pillows by his little love's legs. Killian sat next to his two loves and wrapped his arm around them. "Hope, Henry has his storybook. You know what that means?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Storytime by Henry! Yay!" She clapped Hope's hands, which made Hope laugh and smile. "Hope, it is story time." Henry opens the book, "Once upon a time there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest.." "Mommy." Emma kisses Hope on the head."Yes, Hope. Mommy is the long lost princess. There was a curse coming to the Enchanted Forest..." Killian rubbed his wife's shoulders and kisses her blonde head. Emma was watching her children together, happen and together which all she can ever imagine. Even though Hope was injured they are all together as a family. "Killian..""Yes, love?""Hope is going to get through this with us.""Aye, we are going to get through together love as family." Emma smiled."Yes, we are. Team Swan-Jones?"Killian smiled back. "Team Swan-Jones." They kiss."Mom, Dad we can hear you." Emma and Killian both laughed."Sorry, Hope. Mommy and Dad will be quiet during story time." She kisses Hope on the head "Hope, where were we?" Hope babbled. "That is right, we are up to the part when Mommy was transported to our world in magical tree wardrobe...." Emma and Killian cannot help but smile at their little family so close than usual especially during a rough time for one of their family members. As Henry read Hope the story, Killian kept holding onto his two loves and gave Emma kisses and hugs which she enjoyed. After a long stressful day, they are all together, happy, loving each other, helping one another and loving family time. They know Hope is going to have a rough couple of weeks, they are just going to enjoy the good moments during through time ahead, together as a family.

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