Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

New York Part 2

232 4 0
By isaballerina89

The next morning, Emma got ready for the day then she woke up Henry. "Henry...." Henry woke up. "What do you want to do today? It is just you and me today. "

"I was thinking we can go to the Museum of Natural History?"
"We can go there. We can also go to art exhibits."
"We have never been to Museum of Natural History before."
"We can go there today. Just you and me."
Henry smiles. "I will get ready." Hope was crying in the next room. Emma gets Hope from their bed. "Hi, baby girl. Are you hungry for your breakfast?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy will feed you, sweetie." Emma brings Hope to the kitchen seeing Killian.
"Morning, love."
"Morning, honey." They kiss. Emma puts her in the high chair. Hope cried. "Hope, Mommy is going to make your oatmeal." Killian plays with Hope on his lap to keep her distracted while Emma makes oatmeal. "Are you sure you can be with Hope today?"
"Emma, I always want to spend one on one time with our little pirate. Little love, you want to play with Dada today?" Hope holds onto her Daddy's hook. "Aye, we can play pirates all day. We can read, play and listen to music." Killian kisses Hope on the head and Emma smiles happily seeing her family together. "I know our little girl will have fun with her dada today." Hope began to cry again. "Hopey, Mommy has your num-nums for you." Emma spoon feeds Hope her oatmeal. Hope cried and pushed the spoon away which landed on the floor. "Hope." Killian tries to calm Hope down as Emma picked up the spoon. "Little love, Mommy was only feeding you."
"Let me try nursing her. I think" Killian hands over Hope to his wife and Emma nurses Hope. She kisses Hope on the head."You just want Mommy's milk." Hope tugged her Mommy's shirt. "I am right here, baby girl. You are with Mommy baby girl." She rubs Hope's little hand. Emma burps Hope after she was fed. Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Killian, are you sure you can be with Hope today?"
"Love, Hope is going to be with her Dada today. You can go have fun with Henry."
"Okay. Just let me make a few bottles for Hope just in case she doesn't let you feed her food." As Emma using the breast pump, Hope was sleeping on her Daddy's chest. "Love, I have a feeling Hope and I will stay inside today. I know Hope had a long busy few days."
"I think Hope needs a day to have fun but a calm day with you. We have been very busy traveling here and site seeing. Our little girl needs a day to relax."
"Aye, Hope and I will be having daddy-daughter time, reading books, playing and crawling around the apartment."
Emma giggles. "Just keep a close eye on her, Killian. You know how much our little pirate loves to crawl around."
Killian smiled. "Aye, she likes to discover new places." Hope woke up squirming and wailing. "Little love, are you having a bad morning?"
"She sure is cranky today."
"Aye, it is unlike her to be very cranky." Emma gets Hope from Killian and bounces her up and down to calm her down. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. What is the matter baby girl?" Hope gripped her Mommy. Hope cried louder."Hopey, are you still hungry?" She takes Hope to their room, to nurse her. Hope stopped crying once she was being nursed again. "You love eating from Mommy's boobs." She kisses Hope on the head.
"She sure is hungry swan."
"Yes, she is Killian. I think Hope is going through another growth spurt. She just ate, crying, fussy and she is clean. She is eating again. "
"Aye, it looks like Hope is having another growth spurt. Our little is not her happy self."
"That is right. I just want to make her happy and not be in growing pain." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope. Mommy got you, sweetie. You are with Mommy baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "I know you are having a growth spurt sweetie. If you want to be with Mommy. You can be with Mommy." After Hope ate a while, Hope was still fussy. "Hopey, we are snuggling, just you and me..." She gave Hope kisses and rubbed her back. "I do not like it when you are upset sweetie." Hope was still crying. "I want you to be happy, Hope. I know you are in pain baby girl." Hope moved around and got comfortable by hugging her Mommy. Emma smiled at Hope. "You and I cuddle all day if you need me to, sweetie. I love my Hope hugs"
"Mommy." She gave Hope kisses on the head and watched Hope fall asleep.
"Swan, let me try."
"Killian, Hope just wants to hug and sleep on me. She just stopped crying."
"Aye, nevermind. Our little love wants to be with you, she will be with you."
"That is right, she calmed down once she hugged me...I love our baby girl's hugs."
"Aye, she just wants to be with her Mommy." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "You are with your Mommy little love. Dada loves you, Hope."
"You are with Mommy, Hopey. I know you are growing and you just want snuggles and being fed by me." Hope gripped her Mommy. "I am doing my job as your Mommy being there for you when you need me. You need me baby girl, I am right here. I am not going anywhere. I am with you. " She kisses Hope on her little blonde head and rubs her head. Killian takes a picture of Emma's moment with their little lass and smiles. "Even though Hope is upset she wants you only, love."
"That is right. Hope needs me. I am there for her when she needs her Mommy." Killian gives Emma Hope's quilt and she got Hope comfortable. Emma remembers her promise to Henry. "Henry...I just remembered I told him we are going out today just the two of us."
Killin rubs his wife's back. "Love, I can watch Hope."
"Killian...Hope is having growing pains and all she wants to be held by me and be nursed by me...now Henry was really looking forward to the museum with me...I am torn to be with both of them. I want to be there for both of them at the same time...."
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Love, you are there Mommy. You cannot do everything at once love. Henry and Hope both love you so much. Hope needs her Mommy, she is only happy with you love, especially during a growth spurt."
Henry knows Hope has been crying. "Mom, is Hope alright?"
"No, Henry. Hope is going through another growth spurt. She is in pain, wants to be held by me and being breastfed."
Henry sits next to his Mom and little sister. He talks to his sister. "Hope, Henry is here little sis. My job is to make you happy." Henry kisses Hope on the head and rubs her cheek. Hope woke up and cried more and gripped on their mommy and cried into her. "Mom, I am sorry for waking up, Hope."
"Hope, mommy got you. Shh...shh...You are okay, sweetie." Emma walked with Hope and got her to stop crying and fall asleep.
"Mom, I am sorry that I woke up Hope."
"You were only trying to be there for your sister, I am not mad at you Henry."
"We can go to the museum another day. Hope needs you, Mom."
"Henry, I want to be with you and Hope at the same time."
"I know, Mom. Hope is having a bad day and she needs you. Hope knows you are there for her and she is in a lot of pain. I do not want to take you away from Hope when she needs you the most. I do not want to be the reason you are away from her especially when Hope is not happy. I want Hope to be happy."
"I am sorry to disappoint you, Henry. I hate letting you down." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "Mom, you are being an amazing Mom to both Hope and I. You are not letting me down. Hope needs you. We still have a few days in New York that we can do something together. Hope has the best Mom who will hold her all day to make her happy and will anything for her especially when she needs you, which is you, Mom. You are our Mom, you and never let Hope and me down."
"I do have the best son." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you, too. Mom" He kisses his Mom on the head. "Hope, I love you so much, little sis." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"Lad, let's go in the other room so Hope can sleep."
"Yes, love?"
"Can you make me something to eat? With Hope wanting to be nursed more, I know that I do need to have more fluids and food to breastfeed her."
"Aye, I can make you breakfast, love."
"Dad, we can get some bake goods in Union Square Market."
"Aye, lad, we can buy some baked goods. I need to make sure your Mom eats enough to feed your sister." Killian heads to the kitchen.
"Henry, sit with us."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I am not mad at you. Please do not think that I am mad at you."
"I just feel guilty, I got you excited and now we are not going out together. I want to be with you and Hope and be in two places at once.."
"Mom, you are just being our Mom. Hope needs you. I am not taking you away from my little sister who needs you. I am happy to help. I want to make Hope happy as much as you and Dad are. Hope needs us."
"Are you sure Henry?"
"Yes, Mom. Hope needs all of us mostly you Mom. She is happy being held by you and not letting you go."
Emma smiled. "Since our plans got changed, what do you want to do today? I know Hope just wants to be held by me."
"I know you are going to need Dad's help with Hope. I can help, I want to see Hope happy as much as you and Dad are. She is my baby sister. I love her." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Henry is here little sis. I am going to make you happy. I love you, Hope." Hope smiled in her sleep. "Mom, I got Hope to smile." Emma smiled at her sleeping daughter.
"Yes, you did, Henry. You always make Hope happy."
"Mom, Hope makes us all happy." Hope makes poop. "I get her a clean diaper." Emma got Hope changed. "Hope, you are all clean baby girl." Hope babbled. "You like being clean." She tickles Hope's belly and gave her kisses everywhere. Hope smiles. "I got you to smile, my little duckling."
"Hi, Hope. I am right here little sis. Do you want to play with me?" Hope grabbed Henry's thumb. "You have a strong grip little sis, you get that from our Mommy." Henry gets Hope on his lap. "I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henwy." Emma smiled at her two children.
"You are with Henry, little sis. Do you want to play in the living room?" Hope fussed and squirmed in Henry's lap. "Hope, we can stay here, little sis." Henry lays down with Hope on his chest. "You want to talk with me? Mommy is next to us. Okay?" Hope reached her hand out to her Mommy and Emma let her daughter hold her finger. "I am right here, sweetie with you and Henry."
Killian brings in Emma's breakfast and smiles. "Little love, are you happy to be with Henry and Mommy?"
"Mommy." They all smile at Hope.
"Yes, little duck. You are with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "You are going to have storytime with Henry while I eat my breakfast."
"Hope, I have my storybook. Once upon a time..." As Henry read to Hope, Emma ate the breakfast that Killian made for her. "Thank you."
"Your welcome, love. You need to eat."
"I know, Hope..."
"She has all of us love. We are all here for her now and if you need a break let me know."
"Knowing our Hope, she takes after my stubbornness."
"Aye, I know. I can hold her and cuddle with her near you.
"You are so sweet."
"Our little love wants to be near her Mommy, I can spend time with our little love and my wife."
"You get to be with us."
"That is right, love." They kiss.
Hope cried louder. "Hope you want Mommy?" Emma takes Hope from her son. "Hope, Henry wants to spend time with you."
"Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"I know you are not feeling well, Henry just wants to make you happy. Did you like the story?"
"Mom, Hope liked the story. She just started crying."
"Her growth spurt is causing her to be extra clingy and fussy."
Henry puts his book away. "Hope, you can be with mommy and we can talk." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy is with us, little sis. Do not cry." He kisses Hope on her cheeks. "Hope, do you want to know why I bring my storybook everywhere?" Hope looked at her big brother with her ocean blue eyes. "Well, I began to bring it everywhere to show our Mommy the truth of our family and friends were in a curse and separated from their loved ones. My job was to get our Mommy to believe in magic which was hard." Hope babbled. "That is right, little sis. I got Mommy to believe in magic and she had a home in Storybrooke, with Dada, you and me." Hope cried.
"Hopey, Mommy got you. You can sleep on me, baby girl." Emma massages Hope's back. "You are with Mommy baby girl. Mommy is with you, Dada and Henry are all with you. We want you to be happy, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry got Hope's quilt and wrap his sister. "Henwy."
"I am right here little sis. We can talk and play later little sis. I love you, Hope." Henry kisses Hope on the head and watches her fall asleep. "Mom, she is asleep."
"Thank you, Henry.I know Hope loves you here with us."
"I love being with you and Hope, Mom. I love making my little sis happy. I do not like it when Hope is not happy."
"Henry, she has you and me and your Dad to make her happy and there for her when she is not feeling well."
"Hope is very lucky to have you as her Mom. You are always there for her and hold her and protect her when she needs you."
"Henry, I am..."
"Mom you are my Mom. Hope is just very lucky to have you all the time."
"I did have practice protecting my child when I knew you were in danger Henry. You made me a Mom and I am always going to be there for you and Hope."
"I know." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "Hope has you now and she knows that you are there for her always." Henry looks at his baby sister who was passed out on their Mom. "Hope, we have the best Mommy ever, little sis. I know you know that." Henry kisses Hope on the head. Emma smiles at her two children who love each other and love being together. "Henry, we need to let your sister sleep."
"Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am Henry. You helped me make your sister happy." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, Henry. We will talk later when Hope is awake." Henry leaves the room.
"Yes, lad."
"I am going to go out for a little bit. I know Hope needs you and Mom."
"Aye, where are you going to?"
"Since we are in New York and Hope's birthday is coming up soon, I want to get Hope a few birthday presents from me. I want to spoil my baby sister on her birthday. I figured Hope is not feeling well, I am taking this opportunity to buy her birthday presents."
Killian smiles. "I know whatever you get Hope for her birthday, she is going to love your gifts from you."
"I know. I am also going to get something from the farmers market."
"Aye just be careful lad."
"I will."
Killian enters the bedroom. "Yes, love?"
"Can you hold Hope? I really have to use the bathroom."
"Yes, I can." She puts Hope in her Daddy's arms. "Little love, you are with Dada..." He kisses Hope on the head as Emma uses the bathroom. Hope fussed. "Hope, you are with Daddy...shh...shh..." Emma changes into a long sleeve shirt and leggings and puts her hair up in a high ponytail. She returns seeing Hope sleeping in her Daddy's arms and her husband smiling down at their little girl. She takes a picture of Killian enjoying his daddy-daughter moment with their little lass. She hugs Killian around his waist and kisses him on his cheek. "How is our baby girl?"
"She is sound asleep and happy in my arms."
"Our little girl looks happy being with her daddy."
"Aye, I love my little love. Get some sleep love while you can I can hold Hope."
"Since you holding Hope." Emma uses her light magic to make a rocking chair with pirate ships on them. "You and Hope can sit there."
"Swan, are those pirate ships on them?"
"Yes, you are right captain. I know my two pirates will enjoy a pirate theme rocking chair."
"You are the best love."
"I love my two pirates."
"You are a pirate too, love."
"I know." They kiss.
"Sleep, love. Hope and I will be right here." Emma gets back into bed and falls asleep as soon as she gets into the covers before she falls asleep she sees Killian sitting in the rocking chair with Hope loving his one on one time with their little girl. Henry sees his Mom sleeping and his Dad with his sister. Henry leaves the apartment and goes to the comic book store to get himself a few comics. He takes the N train and heads uptown to Times Square and took so many pictures of the tall buildings and wide screens. Henry dodges the crowds of people on the streets to get to the store he wanted to go to. Henry went into the huge Disney store and looked all over the store. He knows he needs to bring his sister here when he babysits her when their parents on out on their date night. Henry buys few gifts for his sister for her birthday is coming up in a few months and he wanted to get Hope a lot of presents that she will like. After he went shopping for his baby sister, Henry walked back to his apartment. He got lunch for himself at Shake Shack and got lunch for his parents who will need something to eat when he arrives back.
Hope woke up seeing her Daddy. "Dada."
"Hello, little love. How is my favorite little pirate?" Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Aye, you are my strong little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head as she was gripping his hook. Hope fussed and began to cry. "Hope." He checks her diaper. "You need a change, little love." Killian changes Hope's diaper. Hope began to wail and Emma woke up. "Baby, are you okay?"
"Love, she wants to hold my hook while I was changing her."
"Hopey, Dada will hold you after he is done cleaning up." Hope reached her arms out to her Mommy. "Hope, you want Mommy?" Emma takes Hope from the bed and puts Hope on her chest. "You are with Mommy, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope. "You are very hungry, baby girl. I love you, Hope." Killian sits next to his two loves. "How is our little love?"
"She is very hungry. She is a good eater. How long was I was napping?"
"Two hours."
"Where is Henry?"
"He went out doing some shopping?"
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, he is. He is actually buying Hope's birthday present. He wants to spoil Hope on his birthday."
"Aww. Henry really loves Hope."
"Aye, Henry really loves his sister."
"Yes, he does. I am just happy Hope and Henry are very close." She talks to Hope. "Hope, your big brother loves you so much, sweetie." Hope continued to eat. "You are eating Mommy's milk."
"How long is her growth spurt will last?"
"A few days. When we arrive back to Maine, Hope will be ten months old."
"Our little pirate is getting so big."
"Yes, she is. I cannot believe Hope will be one year old soon. A whole year of being her parents."
Killian smiles. "Aye, a whole fast year with you on my side raising our little love."
"I would not have this normal life without you, you know that?"
"Aye, I would not have a family without you, love." Hope fussed. Emma switched Hope to her other boob to be fed. "There you go, sweetie." Emma leans onto her husband. "I would not have changed any of this year with you, Hope and Henry."
"Aye, you are my whole world love. I love my life with you and our children." He lets Hope hold his hook. "Dada is right next to you and Mommy little love." Emma smiles at Killian who loves their little girl and love being her Daddy.
"You do know she might be fussy and cranky for the next few days."
"Aye, I think of it as more time for us to cuddle her."
"Yes but your not the one feeding her." Hope stopped eating and Emma burped her daughter. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Even though she is more cranky and hungry, I do get more hugs from our little pirate princess." Hope babbled. "Yes, you give me the best hugs, Hopey." Hope falls asleep on her Mommy.
Henry returns back to the apartment seeing Mom at the kitchen. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. I heard from your Dad that you went shopping?"
"Yes, I did. I got Hope's birthday presents already."
Emma chuckles. "By the amount of bags you have, I can tell you are going to spoil Hope on her birthday."
"Yes, I am. I walked from Times Square back here."
"Wow, Henry. You walked all the way back?"
"Yes, I did. I took many pictures on the way back. I also brought you and Dad Shake Shack.
"You brought Dad and I lunch?"
"Yes, I did."
"Thank you."
"Mom, I know Hope is giving you a rough time. I just want to help you any way I can."
"Henry, you are so sweet." Emma hugs her son. "Thank you. You are being so helpful today. I am sorry for canceling our plans."
"Mom, I knew Hope needed you today."
"Hope's growth spurt is going to be a few days."
"Mom, Hope is growing, I love my sister very much." He hugs his Mom. "I just want to be there for my family when I am needed."
"You are there for us and you are being so helpful." She kisses Henry on the head. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom." They hear Hope crying.
"Your sister is awake." Killian carries crying Hope.
"Aye, Hope. Henry is talking to Mommy. He is back from shopping."
"Yes, I am Dad. Hope, I got you something." Henry takes one of his bags and brings it to his sister as Emma brought Henry other shopping bags to his room and put them in the closet. Henry takes out a pink t-shirt with Pluto on it. Emma saw her son giving his gift to his sister. "Hope, who is that little love? Pluto?" Hope stopped crying and smiled. Emma approaches her family. "Hope, did Henry got you a Pluto shirt?" Hope babbled. Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Henry, I know your sister wants to wear her new shirt. Right Hope? You want Mommy to put your new Pluto shirt on you?"
Emma giggled. "Henry, you are making Hope's day."
"I told you, Mom. I want to make my little sis, happy." Emma gets Hope changed into her new t-shirt. "Hope, you are wearing a t-shirt. Your first one ever." Hope babbled. "Yes. You have the best big brother ever!" Emma takes a picture of her daughter smiling in her new Pluto t-shirt.
Hope rolled onto her tummy and crawled to the edge of the bed. "Henwy." Emma giggled.
"Henry, your sister is calling you." Henry enters the room smiling seeing his sister wearing the shirt he got her for and looking for him."Hope, I am here little sis." He kneels to the bed. "Did you want to show me your t-shirt?" Hope babbled. Henry picks up his sister and she hugs him. Emma was in awe. "Hope, are you saying thank you to Henry for getting you the shirt?" Hope babbled.
"You are welcome, little sis. Do you want to have Henry and Hope time in my room?" Hope gripped her brother. "Mom, Hope and I will be in my room."
"First, picture." Emma takes a picture of Henry and Hope smiling with her iPhone. "Perfect." Killian sees Emma taking the photo from the doorway. "Little love, the shirt fits you perfectly." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Aye, you have the best big brother." Henry takes Hope to his room. "Swan. Hope, loves the shirt."
"Yes, she loves it especially it is from Henry." Emma smiled and hugs Killian."Hope was so excited after I changed her into the shirt she crawled away and calling for Henry to see her wearing new shirt."
Killian smiled. "Our little love wanted to show her brother how much she loves her new shirt."
"I have a feeling that Hope is going to be wearing that shirt a lot?"
"You don't say."
"Yes, captain. Like I wear your shirts all of the time."
"Aye, you do like wearing my shirts?"
Emma hugs her husband. "Yes, I wear them during the day when you go to work. Hope wears your pajama shirt because she misses her dada and I let her."
"You and Hope can wear my shirts anytime." They kiss.
"Henry brought us lunch."
"Our son is being very helpful today."
"Yes, he is. Let's eat, while he is with Hope."
"Aye." They eat their lunch. Killian checks on his children. He opens the door and sees Henry talking to Hope who was crawling around the bed and smiles. He returns to the living room who was watching Netflix and snuggling with Emma on the couch and kisses her on the head. "What are they up to in there?"
"Henry is talking to Hope while she crawls around his bed."
"He loves his sister and just wants to help to make her happy."
"Henry is watching her now and he made her happy with her new t-shirt."
"Yes, she loves it. I am just happy they are really close."
"Yes, they are, Emma. Our children are very close." Emma laid down on her husband and hugs him and drifts asleep on him as he played with her blonde hair. "I love you, swan." Emma wakes up later, hearing Hope wailing. Henry was holding his very upset sister. "Mom. Hope started crying. I cannot calm her down."
"Hope, come to Mommy baby." Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Hopey, I know you had fun with Henry. You have the best big brother." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Mom, I changed her diaper about an hour ago, she made a lot of poop."
"She must be hungry or in pain..."
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Love, if you need help, I am right here."
"Me too, Mom. I am right here. If you need a break, I can watch Hope." Hope fussed.
"Hope, are you hungry?" She kisses hope on the head and nurses Hope. "You were just very hungry, sweetie. Mommy is feeding you." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian gets Emma a bottle of water and Emma takes a sip of it. "Killian and Henry you both are really helpful today with Hope growth spurt, I have you two helping me without asking for you to help. Thank you."
"Mom, Hope is my baby sister. I love helping her and I do not like that Hope is not herself."
"Love, we both do not like seeing Hope unhappy. We just want to Hope to be her happy self and help you with her."
"Hope and I are very lucky that we have you two carrying men who always help us when we need you both." Hope stopped eating and began to cry. "Hopey." Emma pats her back and Hope pukes over her Mommy's shoulder. "Hope, do not cry..shh...shh...Mommy is not mad...you are not in trouble..." Emma bounces Hope up and down. "Hopey, you are okay...shh...shh...Hope you are with Mommy who loves you so much, loves hugging you and holding you and I am not mad at you sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I am right here, Hope. We are having Mommy and Hope time." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian returns with Hope's quilt and a clean shirt for his wife. "Love, I thought you need these."
"Thank you. You can wrap the quilt on her. I do not need the shirt."
"Are you sure love?"
"Yes, I just Hope to calm down and stop crying." Killian wrapped the quilt around his little love.
"Hope, you have the best Mommy ever little love. Enjoy your special time with Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. The boys went to Henry's room to give Emma and Hope quiet time.
"You love our special time, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her head.
Emma smiles. "You are with Mommy baby girl. I am with you and I am not going anywhere." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I love you, Hope."
A few days later, during the night Hope was wailing at 3:00 am, Emma and Killian were up with Hope doing their best to calm down their baby girl. Henry wanted to help and goes to his parents' room. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Henry...she has been crying for hours."
"Mom, I know." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "You and Dad need a break. Hope and I need one on one time."
"Thank you, Henry."
"You are welcome, Mom. You and Dad need to get rest. I can be with Hope." Hope cried. "Hopey, you are with Henry little sis." Henry kisses his sister on the head and takes Hope to his room. "Hope, we are having Henry and Hope time. Do you want a story?" Hope cried and gripped on her brother. "You just want to be held." Henry walks Hope to the living room and back to his room. "Hope, you can just listen to me, little sis. When I was a little kid, I was lonely I had no friends, no one to play with. Mommy was not around, I had my other Mommy. When I brought Mommy home to Storybrooke, she changed my whole life around. Do you know how?" Hope stopped crying. Emma was at the bedroom doorway, watching Henry talking to his sister. "Mommy gave me hope and happiness. She broke the curse and met Daddy. Daddy made Mommy happy. I knew Daddy was the right man for Mommy because he cared for her and put her first before anyone else. Mommy did not have anyone at her side and there for her no matter what until Daddy came." Henry stopped pacing and sat on the couch. "When Daddy and Mommy began getting to know each even with so many villains in town, I saw their love for each other grow. When they were getting married, I was screaming in my head finally! I knew they were perfect for each other. I knew that Mommy was not going to be alone ever again. You know how I know Hope?" Hope looked at her brother with her ocean blue eyes. "Because Daddy and I were never going to leave her. When Mommy told me that she was pregnant with you it was the best news in the world. I was going to have somebody to play with, somebody that is going to be related to me and Mommy was going to have a baby to raise from the beginning. I was so happy to be your big brother from the moment that I found out. That is why I love making you happy all the time, and you make me happy all the time." Hope babbled. "Yes, little Hope. I love you so much too. Can I have a hug?" Hope hugs her brother. Henry smiles. "You give the best hugs, little sis. I love them because they are from you." Emma was in so much awe watching Henry's conversation with Hope and Killian hugged her. "Killian..."
"I heard everything swan." He kisses Emma on the head.
"I love them both so much."
"Me too, love. They are our children."
"Yes, they are." They kiss and Killian holds Emma in his arms.
"We should get some rest while we can."
"Yes." Emma takes a picture of her two children. Killian leads Emma back to their bed and they fall asleep. Henry stayed up for the rest of the night talking to Hope, he knew that his sister wanted to be with him.
The next day, Emma and Killian woke up, finding Henry and Hope sleeping together on the couch. She hugs Killian. "They are so cute together sleeping."
"Aye, yes they are."
Emma puts a blanket on both of them and kisses them on their head. "I love you both so much. Henry, you are an amazing big brother. Hope you love being with Henry."
Killian and Emma got ready quietly in their bedroom. "Swan?"
"Since our plans got canceled on Valentines Day. I was thinking we can have our Valentines Day celebration today."
"Oh really? You have plans?"
"Aye, yes, I do."
"Killian what about Hope?"
"We can see how our little love is, and if she is alright in the evening. We can go out on a date."
"What does my pirate have plans?"
"Aye, I have dinner reservations for you and me tonight. Henry has plans to watch Hope."
"After what he has done to get Hope happy last night, I know Hope is going to have fun with him." Hope wakes up Henry by crawling on him.
"Hope, are you waking me up?"
"Henwy." Henry smiles and kisses his sister on the head. Henry carries Hope to their parents' room. "Morning, Mom and Dad."
"Morning, son and little love. DId you give your brother a hard time last night?" Hope babbled.
"Morning, Henry. Morning, Hope."
Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "Mommy."
Emma smiles and takes her daughter from her son. 'Hope,I heard you and Henry had a long talk last night." Hope babbled. "Oh, really? Henry said all of that to you?" Hope fussed. "Are you hungry?" Hope began to cry. "Killian, can you heat up some baby oatmeal?"
"Coming right up, love."
"Just make sure you use my breastmilk."
"Yes, love." They kiss. Killian leaves the room. Emma got Hope to calm down. "Duckling, you are with Mommy. DId you have a good sleep on Henry?" Hope smiled. "Henry, thank you for helping us last night. You really made Hope happy."
"I did tell her our family story which helped her calmed down. I told you, Mom, I love my baby sister. I want to help to get her happy even at 3:00 am."
"You definitely made Hope happy. What do you want to do today? I know we have been busy with your sister."
"I know you and Dad are going on your date tonight. I was wondering if we can go to a museum together? All of us."
"Hope do you want to go to a museum?" hope smiled.
"Mom, that is a yes from Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, are you going to have a fun day with all of us?" Hope gripped their Mommy. "You are going to be with Mommy little sis." Emma gets Hope set up to be fed. "Hope, Dada made you oatmeal with bananas." Emma spoonfeeds Hope her food. "Is it yummy?"Hope spat it out and cried. Emma looks at the oatmeal. "Killian, did you heated it up?"
"Aye, yes, I did."
Emma tastes the oatmeal and spits it out into a napkin. "The oatmeal is expired."
"Love, can Hope to try pancakes?"
"Yes, I can cut them up for her and she can try them. I can get blueberries for her to eat on the side." Emma takes Hope from the high chair. "Hope, no more yucky oatmeal. Dada is making pancakes and blueberries. Now that will be yummy." Hope cried more and makes poop. Emma changes Hope's diaper. "You are all clean, Hopey." Hope rolls on her belly and crawls to her Mommy. "You want to sit on Mommy's lap?" She puts Hope on her lap and kisses her on the head. Henry enters the room and sits next to his Mom and sister. He kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, I been thinking.."
"About what?"
"Even though Hope has been having a growth spurt this week, we have a lot of family time...I can tell you anything right?"
"Yes, Henry. You can tell me anything." Hope was chewing on her Mommy's fingers.
"I mean normal family time...can we have normal family time at home?"
"Henry, we do have normal family time at home."
"Yes, we do but without the fighting."
"I know it has been really rough with our family feud and I have been constantly worrying about you and Hope. That is why I wanted to go on this vacation to get a break and have fun with you, Hope and your Dad. I needed a break from the fighting. Even though we have a family feud, we are having a lot of family time, like we always do."
"You and Dad are giving Hope and I a lot of family time and a normal life." Hope grabbed Henry's hand. "Yes, Hope. that is right, Mommy and Daddy are giving us a normal life."
"Henwy." Emma smiles.
"Hopey." Henry gave his sister kisses. Killian sees his two children having a moment.
"Swan, breakfast is ready."
"Henry, Hope breakfast is ready." She carries Hope into the kitchen. Emma cut up pancakes for Hope in small pieces for her to eat on and had blueberry mashed up on the side. Killian puts a bib on Hope."Little love, I am sorry I made yucky oatmeal. I know you are going to like pancakes." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, you can try pancakes today." Hope smile as her Mommy placed cut up pancakes and smashed berries onto the high chair table.
"Mom, you forgot something." Henry put maple syrup on Hope's table. "Hope, you dunk the syrup, like this." He shows his sister how to eat pancakes with syrup.
Emma smiles. "Let Hope try pancakes without syrup first." Emma gives Hope a piece of pancakes and Hope tried her first pancake and smiled. Her whole family used their iPhone of Hope trying pancakes. "Hope you like the pancake?" Hope got another piece of pancakes in her hands with syrup and ate syrup and pancakes. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you do not like syrup? Is it too sweet?" Emma takes Hope and washes her hands as Killian wipes off the syrup from the high chair. "There you go little duck. Your hands are all clean. Now you can finish your breakfast." Hope ate most of her pancakes and blueberries and played with her hands and got covered with her food, while her family ate their pancakes. "Mom, Hope is covered with her food."
"She ate most of her food even though some of it is on her." Killian takes Hope from the high chair. "Little love, did you like your pancakes?" Hope clapped her hands. Emma and Killian smiled. "Hope, you like Daddy's pancakes?" Hope smiled.
"Hope, Mom and Dad love making pancakes."
"Sorry, Mom."
"Hope, Daddy can make you pancakes for breakfast." Killian kisses Hope on the head.
"Little duck, you need a bubble bath. You are covered with breakfast."
Killian holds Hope as Emma runs Hope a bath. Killian tickles Hope. "You are my sticky little pirate." Hope laughed. "Yes, you are...yes you are..." He kisses Hope on her belly.
"Dada." She grabs her Daddy's hook.
"You can hold Dada's hook anytime, little love." Hope babbled. "Hope, bath time little love." Emma and Killian gave Hope a bath. Emma smiled at her husband. "What is it, love?" He smiles back at her. "You are amazing you know that?"
"Aye, I know. What is it, love?"
"I am just happy. Being here with you, Hope and Henry and having more family time and seeing them together...I am just so happy and grateful." Killian hugs his wife.
"We are happy to love, we are enjoying our family vacation." They kiss.
"Mommy." Emma smile.
"Hopey, you want Mommy to play with you." Hope reached out her arms. "Are you done playing in the water?" Emma gets a towel and got Hope out of the tub. "You smell so good little Hopey." She gave Hope kisses and dressed Hope back in their room. "Are you ready for the museum?" Hope kicked around and reached for her Mommy. Emma lifts her daughter. "When we are out today, you are going to be held by me. Okay? Will, that make you happy?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "You are going to be with Mommy, sweetie. You do not like being away from Mommy?" Hope fussed. "Hey, you are with me baby girl. Mommy. I am with you now and I am going to be there for you always." She rubs Hope's back and talked to her softly until Hope fell asleep. She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Killian sees Emma with Hope, holding their daughter. "Is Hope alright love?"
"When I mentioned her about going out she got upset. She thought I was leaving her. I told her that I am going to be holding her the entire time."
"She just wants to be with her Mommy."
Emma smiled. "Yes, Hope just wants to be with her Mommy and Hope will get her time with her Mommy." Killian helps Emma put the carrier on and Hope stayed asleep in the carrier. They rode the F train to the Museum of Natural History. Emma bought the family tickets, they went to the fossil exhibit, Henry went ahead and took pictures while Killian walked hand in hand with his wife. "Mom, these fossils are huge."
"Yes, they are Henry."
"How is our little love?" He looks down at Hope.
"She is still sleeping. Hope did have a long night last night."
"Aye, she did have a rough night last night but she seems better today."
"Yes, she is not as cranky." Killian rubs his hook to Hope's cheek and she smiles. "Hope loves her Daddy's hook."
"She certainly does, love like you."
"Yes, you are right captain." They kiss.
"Dad, check these fossils out."
"Lad, you can teach me." Henry drags his Dad to the fossils, Emma smiles.
"Hope, you are sleeping away while we are in the museum." She kisses Hope on the head. They went to the next big room which was an animal exhibit with a gigantic elephant statue. Henry took pictures of his parents and sister standing underneath the statue. Killian took pictures of Emma, Henry, and Hope underneath the elephant statue. Hope woke up seeing a giant elephant and began to wail. "Hopey, it is okay sweetie. It is not real."
"Hope, it looks scary but it is fake little sis." Hope gripped their Mommy and continued to cry. "Love, let's take Hope somewhere far away from this giant elephant. Lad, can you use the mao to find a less scary exhibit." Henry guided them to the mammal exhibit full of ocean animals, Hope was gripping her Mommy as Emma was talking softly to her.
"Look where we are little love, Henry brought us to see the ocean animals," Killian told his family all about the ocean life he saw while he lived on the Jolly Roger. They looked at whales, narwhals, walruses, polar bears, octopuses, and more. Emma enjoyed seeing Killian teaching their children of the ocean life. They went to the gift shop. "Hope, look at the ocean life plush dolls. Do you want a souvenir?" Emma carried Hope in the carrier facing the front and she showed Hope all of the water life animals to let Hope choose her own souvenir, Hope grabbed a blue narwhal, with blue eyes and pink horn. "Hope, you like the narwhal?" Hope smiled which made her Mom smile. "That is your souvenir!" Hope chewed on it. "Killian..."
"Yes, love?"
"Hope chose her own souvenir."
Killian smiled big as he saw his little lass holding and chewing on a narwhal plush. "Little love, you got your souvenir?" Hope smile. "Aye, I know we cannot put it back on the shelf."
Emma giggled. "Our little pirate loves her narwhal." Emma bought the narwhal plush for her daughter. The register lady let Hope hold the narwhal as she checked out the narwhal. "Your daughter is very cute."
"Thank you. Hope say thank you to the kind lady." Hope babbled. They went to a few more exhibits. "Mom, Hope loves her narwhal."
"Yes, she does. She chose it herself. She grabbed it and chewed on it."
"Hope, you have a blue narwhal." Hope babbled. "Yes, that is a blue narwhal." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Killian, I have to feed Hope."
"By breast or soft food."
"Soft food."
"I can feed her."
"Sure. We have to find a place to feed Hope."
"Mom, there is a cafeteria." Henry guided his family to the cafeteria. Killian found his family a table. "Mom, I can get us lunch while you both are feeding Hope."
"If there is pizza? Can you get me two slices of pepperoni?'
"Yes, I can. I will be right back." Emma sits down and gets Hope out of her carrier as Killian gets Hope's baby food out of the diaper bag. "Little love, Daddy is going to feed you." Emma sets Hope on her lap and put a bib on her. Emma plays with Hope with the narwhal until Killian was ready to feed their little lass. "Little love, the Jolly Roger needs a land." Killian made waves with his spoon and feeds Hope. Hope ate her food. "Hope is it good?" Hope spat some of it out. "What are you feeding her?"
Killian looks at the jar. "Apricots."
"Hope seems to like it." Henry returned with his Mom's food. After Hope ate all of her apricots, Emma burped her. "You ate all of your apricots, sweetie." Hope fussed. "You are still hungry." Killian gives Emma the nursing cover and Emma nurses Hope. "Love, do you need anything?"
"Can you get me water?"
"Sure, love." Emma held Hope in one arm, while she ate using her other hand.
"Mom, are you having fun?"
"Yes, I am. Hope loved the mammal exhibit, it was a good choice. Your Dad taught you and Hope all about the sea animals"
"I know, knowing we have two ocean lovers in the family, I have a feeling the mammal exhibit will calm Hope down."
"You were right, Henry. Now Hope got a new plush doll of a sea animal." Emma and Henry ate their pizza by the time Killian returned to the table with his lunch and Emma's water bottle.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome, love. How is our little love?" Emma peaks at Hope who was still nursing under the cover. "She is still eating." Emma burps Hope when she was finished.
"Mom, can I play with Hope?"
"Yes, you can. Come sit next to us." Henry takes his sister from their Mom.
"Hopey, Mommy is right here. Henry wants to play with you." As Henry played with Hope, he was tickling her and making funny faces which Hope tried to copy. Emma took pictures of them playing. "Mom, Hope needs a change."
"Lad, give me your sister. I can change her." Henry hands over Hope to their Dad and he sniffs Hope. "Little love, you really need a change." Emma hands him the diaper bag.
"Killian, we can wait outside."
"Aye, Henry we can go to one more exhibit."
"I can find one more." Killian takes Hope to the bathroom.
"Little love, let's see what you got yourself into." Killian opens the dirty diaper and Hope was covered with poop. "You love being a dirty pirate." Killian cleans up Hope and got her into a new set of clothes. "You are ready to have more fun with Daddy, Mommy, and Henry."
"Yes, little love we are going back to Mommy." Killian returns with his family. Emma gets Hope from her husband."Hopey, did you give Daddy a hard time?"
"She had a poop explosion that is all."
Henry gives Hope her narwhal. "Hope, look who I have?" Hope grabbed her new stuff animal. "Mom, Hope loves it."
"I know. One more exhibit Henry?"
"Yes, we can go to the hall of science." Henry leads his family to the last exhibit, Emma carried Hope on her hip. Killian saw a star exhibit. "Little love, it is time Daddy teach you about stars." Killian gets Hope from Emma and gives her a lesson about the stars and how he navigated the stars on his Jolly Roger adventures, Emma took pictures of Killian and Hope one on one time. "Mom, can we look at the planets?"
"Yes, we can." Emma and Henry learned about the planets. They hear Hope crying.
"Little love, Mommy and Henry are learning about the planets."
"Hopey. Come to Mommy." She takes Hope and her plush narwhal and held Hope on her. "Did Daddy teach you about the stars?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope hugs her Mommy and dropped the narwhal. Henry picks up the narwhal. "I have your narwhal, Hope."
"She wanted you, love. Hope noticed you weren't with us, she began to cry."
"Hopey, Mommy is with you. Don't cry. Did Dada give you a star lesson?"
"I told her that when we get back to our second home, Hope and I will have a navigation lesson."
"Dad, can I get a star navigation lesson?"
"Aye, we can have a family star navigation lesson when we get home." Hope babbled. "That is right little pirate, we are going to sleep on the Jolly Roger and watch the stars." He kisses Hope on the head. They headed back to the apartment on the train Hope was sitting on her Mommy's lap and Henry was playing with his sister tickling her with the narwhal. When they arrived back to the apartment Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" She sniffs her daughter. "You need a change and be fed."
"Love, after you feed her I can change her so you can get ready."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma nurses Hope in the bedroom. "You are such a good little eater." She burps Hope and Killian changes Hope's diaper and into another outfit. "You are all dressed, little love." Emma got dressed in a red dress with black heels and with her hair up in a ponytail. "My Swan..."Killian kisses Emma on her neck which makes her smile. "Killian."
"You are my hot wife."
"You are my hot husband." They kiss. Hope babbled. They both chuckled.
"Our little love is learning from her big brother."
Emma laughed. "We will kiss more later." She gets Hope from the bed. "Hope, are you going to have fun with Henry tonight?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you are going to have so much fun with Henry tonight." Hope hugged her Mommy. Emma takes Hope with her, "Henry."
"Yes, Mom."
"There are extra baby food jars in the fridge, there are berries for you to put in her paci in case she wants something sweet, and extra breastmilk in the fridge for her. You know where are the diapers and clothes are."
"Mom, Hope and I are going to have fun tonight. You and Dad need kid-free time. Do you know where you are going?"
"I have no idea your Dad planned this date. He has been full of surprises this whole trip." Hope babbled. "Hope, do you know what Dada planned for my date night with him?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "You are keeping secrets like Henry."
"Mommy." Emma hugs her daughter.
"I love your hugs." Hope babbled. "Henry, just keep a close eye on your sister she is going want to crawl everywhere."
"Mom, I will keep a close eye on Hope. If anything happens I will call." Killian was ready.
"Love, are you ready to go?"
"Yes, I am. Henry, there are emergency numbers on the fridge. If you need us to call us."
"Mom, Hope and I are going to have fun tonight." He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, you are going to have fun with me tonight?" Hope babbled. He kisses Hope on the head. Emma hugs her children. "Hope, listen to your big brother tonight." She kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's face and Emma smiles. "You are so sweet. When I get home later I can tell you all about my date with dada."
"Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Henry and gave her a few snuggles.
"Lad, thank you for watching Hope tonight."
"You and Mom need a break from Hope tonight, especially mom, who was with Hope most of the growth spurt. I also want one on one time with Hope."
"Just call us if anything happens."
"I will Dad."
"Little love, have fun with Henry tonight. Do not cause too much trouble, little pirate."
"Aye. You are my little love." He gave Hope kisses on the cheek. "Be a good little lass for Henry." Emma hugs Hope one more time. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will see you later. Have fun with Henry." Henry takes his sister from his Mom. "Mom, Hope is going to have fun with me." Henry waved Hope's hand as their parents left the apartment. Killian walked with Emma on the streets on New York, he wrapped around his hook arm around his wife, which she grabs his hook. "Where are we going tonight captain?"
"It is a surprise love."
"You and your surprises this vacation. You love surprising me."
"Aye, it is a good surprise love. I know you hate surprises. I just want to make you happy."
Emma hugs her husband."You are making me happy."
"Aye, that is my job. You make me happy, and I make you happy."
"Do you think Hope is okay? She has been in her growth spurt for three days?"
"Love, Hope has been not as clingy all day."
"You are right, Hope is less clingy and less fed than the last few days." Killian leads his wife to Max Brenner's restaurant on 13th street. "Killian, we are eating at a chocolate restaurant?"
"Yes, we are love." Once they were in the restaurant, Emma can smell the chocolate.
"I can already smell chocolate."
"Aye, I know what you love, swan."
"How did you know that I will love the place?'
"You are my wife and best friend and you love chocolate." They got to their table, with their dinner, Killian ordered the pub steak and potatoes with green beans on the side and Emma ordered the bacon avocado lettuce and tomato sandwich with spicy french fries on the side and of course a chocolate milkshake. "Love, how is your milkshake?"
"It is good. How is your blue moon?"
"It is good, love. Do you want a sip?"
"No thank you. I am still breastfeeding Hope. I do not want to drink until I wean Hope from breastfeeding." Emma looked sad. Killian holds his wife's hand. "What is wrong love?"
"I feel that...Hope is too attached to me."
"You are her mother, she is going to be attached to you all her life. She loves being with her Mommy and I know you love being with our little lass."
"I love my special time with our little girl, I love being her Mom but once I stop nursing her...I just think she is going not need me anymore. She is growing up so fast..." Emma began to tear up. "I am sorry..it is our date night."
Love, Hope is going to be attached to you not just from the breast anymore. She is going to be wanting you to hold her, hug her and kiss her and she will always come to you when she needs you." Killian sits next to his wife, who was in the booth. He hugs his wife. "Emma, Hope is going to be wanting to you hold her, play with her, follow you around and be with you because you love her so much. She looks up to you, Emma. I know she is going to help and care for others with a heart full of love and a good person just like her Mommy."
Emma smiles. "She is a little pirate just like her Daddy. I can already imagine you and Hope playing in our house and your ship playing pirates with her."
"Aye, I can already imagine Hope playing with you all the time, reading to her, baking with her and having your one on one time with her. I know this because I see it happen all the time in our home. Our little love is going to be with you and me all the time and Henry, of course, being with her loved ones as she gets bigger." Emma hugs her husband.
"You always know what to say to cheer me up."
"That is what I do." They kiss.
"You are the best."
"Aye, am I?" Emma giggled. They get their orders and enjoy their dinner.
As soon as the door closed, Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want to play? We can play." Henry lets Hope crawl around the living room, Henry used Hope's plush dolls her Pluto dolls and narwhal doll to use to get Hope crawling. Hope began to cry. Henry gets Hope and hugged her. "Hopey, Henry is here." He checks her diaper and she was clean. "Hope, I have an idea." He takes Hope and her plush dolls to their parents' room, Hope was gripping on her brother. "Hope, Henry is here. Do not cry. You are okay, little sis." He puts the plush dolls on the bed. "You have me, your two Plutos and your new narwhal doll with you." Hope gripped her brother. "You just want to be with me."
"Henwy." Henry smiles and kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, do you want to go outside with me? We can call it operation baby cobra." Hope smiled. Henry got Hope ready and carried her in the carrier and the diaper bag and headed out of the apartment. Henry takes Hope on the subway on the N train. Hope was looking around. "You like seeing so many people, Hope?" Hope babbled. He gave Hope her paci and Hope played with her brother's fingers. "Hope, are you eating my fingers?" Henry takes his sister out of the subway to Times Square with the crowds full of people with bright lights of billboards and large television screens. "Hope, what do you think of Times Square?" Hope fussed. "Hope, we are almost there little sis." Henry takes Hope inside the big Disney Store. 'Hope, look where we are, we are inside the Disney Store." Hope smiled and fussed. "Hopey, do you want to go to the plush dolls? I know you love the plush dolls." Henry took Hope to the Disney plush dolls section where there were huge Disney plushies of Monsters' inc, Big Hero 6, the Lion King, Duck tales, the Aristocats, Winnie the Pooh, Tangled and Disney Princess dolls. Hope got excited. Henry lets Hope crawl around and showed her the big plush dolls and Hope kept grabbing them and before Henry knew it Hope had a pile of Disney plush that she was climbing on. He took a lot of pictures of Hope playing with toys and mostly climbing on them. Whenever Henry tried to put them away Hope will begin to cry. "Hope, we have to clean up." Hope hugged the toys. Henry was at his wits ends. "She loves Disney plushies, Mom and Aunt Allison got Hope into Disney. Henry calls his Mom.
Meanwhile, at Max Brenner's, Emma and Killian were having a dessert, make your own smores and they were talking. "Killian, Henry calling me." She answers her iPhone. "Hi, Henry. How is it going with Hope?"
"We have a little situation?"
Emma got a concerned look on her face. "Henry, what is going on?"
"Well, I took Hope out...."
Before Henry can answer, the Disney Store announced, "In the next ten minutes there will be another Disney sing along from your favorite Disney movie songs."
Emma smiled big "Henry, did you take Hope to the Disney Store?"
"Yes and ...there is a situation?"
"What is the situation?"
"Hope is playing with a big pile of Disney plushies and not letting me or the staff put them away. She will cry if we touch them..."
Emma smiled and thought to herself, "Hope definitely is a mini version of me."
"Henry, your Dad and I will be there soon. Is Hope having fun?"
Henry smiles. "Yes, Mom. Hope is living the Disney dream, Hope is crawling on a pile of Disney plushies."
Emma giggled. "Henry, let Hope enjoy her Disney plush dolls. Your Dad and I will be there soon to pick you and Hope up." Emma ends their conversation. "Hope definitely takes after me."
"Love, where are Hope and Henry?"
"Henry took Hope to the Disney Store in Times Square. Our little Hope is causing some issues."
Killian smiled. "What is our little pirate up to?"
"She is having fun crawling on a pile of Disney plushies and she is not letting Henry or the staff put them back."
"I told you, love, she takes after you."
"We have to see this for ourselves." They paid for their meal and took the N train to Times Square and rush to the Disney Store. They found a crowd of Disney Store worker crowding around Henry and Hope. "They are our children." Emma and Killian see Hope crawling around on many big and gigantic different Disney plushies with Henry talking to her and making sure she does not get hurt. Emma and Killian both smiled both of joy and in shock by the mountain of plush dolls that Hope was playing on. "Mom, Dad. Hope is being stubborn."
"I can see that. Is Hope having fun?"
"Yes, she is Mom. She is not letting me or the staff put the plushies away."
"Henry, let me try." Emma kneels down to her daughter. "Hopey. Are you having fun crawling and hugging plushies?"
Emma giggled. "Yes, Mommy and Daddy are here watching you have playtime. Henry told me all about your playing." She takes Hope from the pile of Disney plushies and Hope began to cry. "I know, Hopey. I know, you want to play with them but we have to go bye bye." Hope reached down. "No, sweetie."
"Love, can we buy all of the Disney plushies?"
"Dad that is a no."
"Hope can have one plushie doll to bring home not all of them."
"Dada." Killian takes Hope from Emma.
"Hi, little love. Did you have fun crawling on Disney plushies with Henry?" Hope babbled and grabbed her Daddy's hook. "Little love, you can pick one plush doll to bring back home." He let Hope crawled back on the pile of plush dolls and grabbed a plush doll. Killian lifts up Hope. "Little love what plush doll did you choose?" Hope was holding a Captain Hook plush doll, by the hook hand which made Emma and Henry laughed.
"Yes, little love Dada. Let's see another plush doll." He takes the plush doll away from his little lass sand Hope began to cry. He saw how much Hope loved the cartoon version of him. "Hope. As long it is not the little green devil, you can have the dada plushie doll." Hope smiled and grabbed her Daddy's hook. "Killian, you are Hope's favorite Disney movie character."
"Aye, you are right, love." Killian and Henry head to the register. Emma saw the faculty cleaning up Henry and mostly Hope's mess. "I am so sorry. Hope she never did anything like this. I know it is late, and my two kids made a big mess."
"That is alright. We get children here playing all the time. Of all the children that I have ever seen your daughter is the most stubborn and loves to play. Her brother tried his best to clean up but she just wanted to play."
Emma smiles. "My daughter takes the stubbornness from me. I am so sorry that she caused all of this happen."
"It is no problem. She was very happy and your son he is great with her."
"Yes, they are really close brother and sister." Killian brings back Hope.
"Love, I bought the cartoon version of me. Hope is getting cranky, it is way past her bedtime."
"Hope, are you ready for bedtime?" Emma takes Hope and lets her daughter sleep on her. "Hope, it is way past your bedtime little duckling." Killian, Emma, and Henry walked back to the subway and took the N train downtown. Killian carried the diaper bag and the Disney Store bag and sit next to his wife and son and Hope was sleeping on her Mommy. "Love, she is passed out."
"Yes, she is tired out from all of her crawling on the mountain of Disney plush dolls that she and Henry created."
"Mom. I am so sorry. Hope would not let me put the plush dolls back and the pile got bigger and bigger and she would not listen to me or the workers. I had to call you..." Emma wrapped her arm around her son. "Henry, I am not mad at you. You did nothing wrong. You wanted to keep your sister happy and you knew when to call me and your Dad for help. You are Hope's big brother you are supposed to spoil her and have fun with her. You made the right decision and called me when you needed us, which is our job as your parents to be there for you and Hope when you needed us. Your sister needed me and your Dad to get her out of the pile of Disney plushies."
"I am having fun with Hope but I want to teach her from right and wrong."
Emma smiled. "I understand that Henry. Hope is almost 10 months old in a few days, she is a baby. She is going to learn right and wrong when she is older. For now, Hope is having fun and she got you to play with her. Your Dad and I saw how big that pile of plush dolls you made for her and we have not seen Hope that happy in days before her growth spurt. Now, Hope has two new toys and one of them is the cartoon version of your Dad."
"Yes, Hope loves Captain Hook and mostly Dad. I just feel bad..."
"You have nothing to feel bad about."
"Yes, I caused a mess and a scene at the Disney Store."
"Henry, your sister was the one who caused the scene at the Disney Store, she was being stubborn just like me. You and Hope were making a lot of fun memories there. The staff enjoyed watching Hope crawling. How did Hope not fall off the mountain of plush?"
"I watched her and made sure she did not fall. It was hard trying to put them back, make Hope stop crying and making sure she did not get hurt."
"Henry, you did amazing kid. You kept Hope very happy and have fun. You are teaching Hope how to have fun."
"That is my job as her big brother letting Hope have fun and having new experiences."
You are helping your Dad and me to raise Hope, to teach her new things, to learn how to play and have fun and have new experiences. You are being a great big brother to Hope."
"I do have the best little sister. I love her and want her to make her happy just as she makes me happy."
"Exactly, Henry. I love seeing you and Hope's relationship as brother and sister getting closer every single day."
He kisses Hope on the head. "Operation baby cobra is complete."
"Another operation?"
"yes, it was a brother and sister operation. Emma giggled. "Dad and Mom. I am sorry for interrupting your date night. Hope plush addiction got out of control..."
"Henry, we knew that you needed our help lad. Hope knows you love playing with her and it is your Mom and my job to tell her playtime is over. You are just being her fun caring older brother. You did nothing wrong, Henry. You were being a great big brother and made sure she was having fun and safe."
"Killian, you were willing to buy all of those plush dolls."
"Dad. That was way too many dolls for anybody to buy."
"Killian, I was the one to tell you only one toy. I know you love spoiling our little girl but each plush doll cost between $30.00 or more per doll."
"Aye, I did not think of that."
"Yes, and also where are we going to put them at the apartment, the airplane and at home."
"Aye, I just want to make our little love happy."
"I know but we cannot spoil our little girl that much or she will be a brat."
"I do not want Hope to be a spoiled brat."
"Me too, I want to give Hope everything that I did not have but I do not want to spoil her too much. I want Hope to be a kind, caring person, not a mean selfish one."
"Hope is not going to be a selfish mean person. We are not going to spoil her that much."
"We are going to spoil her soon on her birthday."
"That is right."
"Dad, I bought Hope birthday gifts already. We are going to spoil Hope on her birthday. I want Hope to have a great birthday."
"Yes, lad. Your Mom and I are planned your sister's birthday party already." When they arrived back to the apartment. "Killian, I am going to put Hope to bed."
"I can help you change." Emma smiled.
"After I get Hope ready for bed." Henry changed and went to bed he was exhausted from their very busy day at the Museum of Natural History and his adventure at the Disney Store with his baby sister. Killian watched Hope as Emma got ready for bed. He unstrapped her dress. "You look, sexy love."
"Thank you, captain." They make out.
"Love, Hope."
"Right." They kiss. Killian got ready for bed. Emma got Hope sleeping on her and Killian cuddling her. "Some date night."
"Aye a fun and eventful date night."
I will take the Disney Store situation any day than our date interrupted by a villain or curse."
"Aye, Hope and her Disney plush dolls is a much easier situation than fighting off the town's villain." He rubs Hope's cheek. "Our little love did have a lot of fun tonight with Henry."
"Yes, she did. Henry had fun too. I have a feeling his next time babysitting Hope won't be too extreme as it was tonight."
Killian chuckled. "Aye, our little pirate was being stubborn and having fun."
"Yes, Hope takes after me."
"She is your mini you, love. Even though she is getting older she is always going to want to be with you, have fun with you and run to you if anything is wrong. I see it every day, you being an amazing Mommy to her and son. When Hope saw you, I saw her eye full of happiness seeing you today at the Disney Store. I know Hope is going to have that happiness in her eyes when she is with you always."
"Killian, I love our life together with you, Henry and Hope...I am always grateful..and I am grateful every single day that I am with you and our children..our family. I cannot wait for more Swan-Jones family adventures."
"Aye, I will go anywhere with you love and our children. I was thinking of a family sailing adventure after we return back to Storybrooke."
"Yes, and your star navigation lesson and we can sleep on our..your ship, which I know Henry and Hope will love."
"Ours." Emma looked up at her husband eye to eye. "Emma, the Jolly Roger is our family second home. Once I married you, everything we have is that we share, including the Jolly Roger. Our second home belongs to you and I and to our children."
"I knew when you traded your ship for me, you were a kind caring person with a good heart."
"You changed me, Emma. I never ever regret it, I have you, Henry and Hope, a family and a life with our family every day. I have been so happy since I met you."
"You have broken my walls, being there for me and love me for who I am and you make me happy, safe and loved every day since we met. We have our family together and raising our children together...I never thought I have all of this until I met you..." Emma began to cry.
"No need to cry love, I am always going to here for you, our children and help you fight off anyone who tries to hurt our family and you love." He hugs wife.
"Family sailing adventure after we get back home with a navigation lesson?"
"That is a deal Emma." They kiss.
"I love you, Killian."
"I love you Emma." He kisses his wife on the head. Emma falls asleep in Killian arms. "I love you, Emma. We are always going to be together as family, you, me Henry and Hope." He kisses Emma and Hope on the heads. "I love you both so much. I will always be there for my family. To more Swan-Jones family adventures."

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