Happy Beginning Captain Swan

Von isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... Mehr

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


353 5 0
Von isaballerina89

Over the next few days, Emma gave Killian directions on how to cook sweet potatoes and green beans. Emma cleaned the turkey and Killian watched and making with Emma. They were doing the cooking at night when both children were asleep. When they heard Hope crying through the baby monitor, Killian got their little love and sat with her pointing out what Emma was doing, cleaning the turkey. "Look, Hope, Mommy is cleaning the turkey. We have to clean it in a certain way and we are going to cook it all day tomorrow. We are going to have Auntie Allison, Lizzie, Connor, Ted, Regina and Grandma, and Grandpa all over and we are going to have a big family dinner. What do you think of that little love?" Hope babbled. "You are excited to see auntie and Lizzie tomorrow." Hope smiled. "Love, there must be a book on Thanksgiving holiday right?"

"Yes, I think Henry borrowed one from the library to read to Hope tomorrow. He is so excited about this holiday since he never celebrated."
"I am also very excited too. I never heard of this holiday until a few weeks ago."
"This holiday is about how the pilgrims found America and survived the cold winter and had a meal with the Native Americans, with turkey, corn and mash potatoes, celebrating harvest after harsh winter."
"Aye, I think Hope will like storytime tomorrow with Henry."
"I have Hope's outfit ready for tomorrow's holiday. Hope, are you excited for Thanksgiving?" Hope smiled. Emma gave her multiple kisses on her cheek which made Hope laugh.
"Yes, sweetie. Mommy. I love you, baby."
Emma finished up cleaning the turkey and wrapped the turkey with foil. She washed her hands. "Killian, can you put the turkey in the refrigerator?"
"Sure, love." He puts Hope in her Bumbo chair. Emma opens the refrigerator door and Killian puts the turkey inside. Hope began to cry.
"Hopey. Mommy is coming." She takes Hope from her Bumbo chair. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. You want storytime from Mommy?" HOpe babbled. "Yes, Hope you get a storytime from Mommy."
"Love, I will clean up?"
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, you cleaned the turkey. I will clean up the kitchen."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, love." They kiss.' Hope have fun storytime with Mommy, little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma brings Hope to her room. Emma got the library book, "My First Thanksgiving." "Hope, Henry got you a new book to read to you. Are you excited?" Hope smiled. "Do not tell Henry. That I am reading you the book first. You get to hear this story twice okay?" Hope smiled. "My first Thanksgiving..." After Killian cleaned up, he checked on his two loves, Emma reading to their Hope, he loves how Emma is an amazing Mommy to Hope. He knew Emma would be loving caring Mommy to Hope and she loves their little lass. The next morning, was Thanksgiving day. Killian got up early, as usual, seeing Hope sleeping with Emma. He gets dressed for the day and began to cook the turkey early. Henry got up a few hours later, "Morning, Dad."
"Morning, son. I just put the turkey in. Your Mom said that the Macy's Thanksgiving parade is on television this morning."
"I know you, Mom, Hope and I will all watch it together."
"Aye lad you are right. We can start this as a tradition."
"Yes, I know Mom had horrible experiences during the holidays in the system. I want her to have happy holidays not sad and bad ones."
"Aye, she told me about her few experiences in the foster families during holiday show the foster children were mistreated by the foster parents and siblings on the holidays..they were awful. I want your Mom to enjoy the holidays."
"Me too Dad. We are going to make the Thanksgiving holiday one of the many new traditions of the Swan-Jones family."
"That is right, my boy." He ruffles Henry's hair.
Emma woke up with Hope doing tummy time by her Mommy. Hope babbled. "Good morning baby. Are you ready to wear a new outfit that Mommy got you for thanksgiving outfit." Hope babbled. "Yes. We are going to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade together." Emma changed Hope into a clean diaper and dressed Hope into a long sleeve onesie that said "My First Thanksgiving Day," with a turkey on it. She also put Hope in a bow. "Hope, you are so cute in your little outfit>" She plays their special game making Hope laugh.
Henry comes upstairs to see his Mom and sister. "Morning, Mom. Morning, Hope."
"Good morning, Henry. Check out Hope's outfit for today."
"Hope, you are so cute in your outfit little sis." He tickles Hope's belly. "Mom, Dad put the turkey in the oven an hour ago. The parade is starting in television."
"Great, let's go watch it." Emma brings Hope down with her. Killian had the television on and waited for his family to join him. Emma sat in between her two boys with Hope snuggling her. They watched the parade together and took turns holding Hope, they tell her what balloon was, the performers from Broadway and television shows. Hope began to fuss. "Henry, Hope needs to be fed." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom and she nursed her. Killian would check on the turkey every so often. After Hope was fed, she had her morning nap on her mommy. Emma and Henry talked while Hope was napping. When Hope needed to be changed, Emma changed her and Henry played with Hope in the living room as she was getting dressed for the day. Hope was playing on her playmat and he lied down next to her and read her a book. Killian took pictures of Henry playing and reading to Hope. A few hours later, their guest was arriving, Allison and her family were the first to arrive. "Hope, Auntie Allison is here." Hope babbled.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Henry, and Hope." Hope fussed in her brother's arms. "Hope, sweetie. I will hold you in a minute. I brought for our meal."
"Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Lizzie. Hope say hi to Lizzie."
"Henry, can I play with Hope?"
" Of course you can."
"I brought her over my toys to play with." Allison returns.
"Lizzie be careful with your toys. Hope can eat them. Henry, give me my goddaughter."Henry hands over Hope. "Hi, Hope." Hope gives Allison a hug. "I love your outfit. Your Mommy picked a cute outfit to wear."
"Yes, I did Allison."
"Hi, Emma. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving." They hugged.
"Auntie Emma. I made you something." Lizzie hands over a drawing of a turkey, saying gobble, gobble."
"Lizzie, I love it thank you." She hugs Lizzie.
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Connor. Want to play video games?"
"Yes, we can play in my room." Henry and Connor go upstairs.
"Auntie Emma, can I play with Hope?"
"Sure, you can. You and Hope can play in her room." Allison and Emma watched Lizzie play with Hope. "Allison, Lizzie loves Hope."
"She certainly does. I have a feeling when Hope can walk she will follow Lizzie everywhere."
"Yes, Hope will follow her all over the place. Our sons get along too."
"Yes, Connor love video games and sports."
"Yes, Henry is not into sports but he loves the comic and video games besides art." Hope began to cry. "Hope." She takes Hoe from her rug. "Hope, is it your nap time?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Lizzie, Hope will play with you later. She needs her nap first." Hope continued to cry. "I know you need your rest." She gets Hope's quilt and rocks Hope to see.
"Lizzie, go see what Henry and Connor are up to."
"Yes, Mommy." Allison goes downstairs to see Killian and Ted watching the football game. She joins them as her best friend gets Hope to nap. Emma got Hope to sleep in her crib. "Have a good nap baby." She goes downstairs to see her husband and best friend. "Allison, want to hat in the kitchen?"
Allison and Emma began to talk and organized to food on the table counter. The doorbell rang. Killian answers the door, it was Regina. "Hello, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. Happy Thanksgiving. I brought grain pie and pumpkin pie."
"Aye, they look delicious. You can put them in the kitchen." Regina goes into the kitchen and sees Emma and Allison laughing. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Regina."
"I brought dessert."
"Thank you. You can put them on the counter."
"Where is Henry?"
"He is upstairs in his room playing with Allison two kids."
"Have you visited your sister in prison?"
"I did once, let's just say she is back to green again."
Allison looked confused. "Green?"
"Yes, since she is the wicked witch and whenever she gets jealous, green with envy she turns green."
"You mean her whole body?"
"Exactly, Allison."
"Wow, when you hired me for the job position you weren't kidding when every storybook character lives here."
"You do not even want to know how Henry took me to believe that every fairytale character exists. I did not believe him until he ate that apple turn over and it all came to me."
"Yes, Emma, I am still sorry about that.."
"I was too stubborn to believe him and he took the risk to get me to believe. He got me to believe in magic." The doorbell rings.
Killian answers the door, it was his in-laws with Leo. "Hi, Charming, Snow and Leo."
"Killy, where is Henry?'
"Upstairs in his room." Leo went upstairs. "Charming, I thought he was going to be with Belle."
"I wanted Leo to be here."
"Snow, your daughter did not want him to be here especially her had hurt our lass twice."
"I want him here." Snow White goes to the kitchen.
"Aye." Killian rushes into the kitchen before Snow White gets there. "Love." He pulled Emma to the side. "Leo is here."
"Shit. Where is he?"
"Upstairs with Henry."
"Hope." Emma rushes upstairs, Allison and Regina followed with Killian, "Henry get Leo in Hope's room." Henry rushes to Hope's room across the hall and sees that he has his truck and he was hitting Hope and she was crying. "Mom! He is hurting Hope with his toy truck!" Henry was mad. "Leo get away from my sister now!"
"NO! She got me into trouble the last time I was here."
"You do not hurt her for her getting you into trouble, you do not hurt her ever again. Is that clear? Do you understand?"
"NO." All of the adults were staring at Henry yelling at Leo while Emma and Killian get Hope. Ted went to Henry's room to keep his kids distracted. While Regina and the Charmings were mad at Leo
"Hope, Mommy is here."
Allison walks up to Henry. "Henry, what did you see?"
"I heard my mom telling me that Leo was here and I went in here and... and see Leo standing over hitting Hope with his toy truck on her body. She was crying. Is Hope hurt?"
"I have to examine her. Emma, I can examine her in your room."
"Thank you, Allison."
Love, I will meet you in our room love." He kisses Emma on the head. "Hope, you will be alright little love.' He kisses Hope on the head. Emma was mad at her parents. "Mom, I told Dad for a reason to not bring Leo here. Dad, you told me that he was not behaving and Mom you let him come? As soon as he comes here, he hurts my daughter again!" Emma takes Hope into her room and begins to cry and comforting Hope.
"Grandma you may have just ruined our thanksgiving. Now Hope might be hurt. This holiday was very important to Mom." Henry goes out to his backyard.
"Ted, can you get my doctor bag in my car?"
"Yes, anything else?"
"That is what I need for now." Ted goes to their car. Allison goes into the bedroom.
"Emma, it is me." She sees Emma crying holding Hope.
"Is Hope injured?"
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright." She hugs Emma. "Lay Hope on your bed." Allison takes Hope's clothes off. "Hope, auntie Allison is going to see if you have hurt sweetie. I know that you are scared of what happened. You are going to be alright, little niece." She kisses Hope on the head.
Outside in the hall. "Killian, I will talk to Henry. I have a feeling you need to talk to .."
"Aye, he needs one of his mom's now. I will talk to Henry later. He might be in the backyard." Regina goes to find Henry. She finds Henry on the hammock. "Henry."
"Mom is Hope okay?"
"Allison is examining Hope."
"I am just so so mad seeing Hope getting hurt from Leo. Just hate seeing my baby sister in pain."
"Henry, you are her big brother of crouse you are furious. You got him to stop which helped Hope not to be as injured id she is now."
"Even though Hope got hurt, I still helped her."
"Yes, you did Henry. I saw Emma in you when you stopped Leo from hurting Hope more. You take after her." Henry gets a phone call from his Dad.
"Lad, we need you upstairs in our room."
"Coming. My parents need me." They go back upstairs
Killian was left with his in-laws. "Killian, I told Emma that I will bring Leo to Belle's house. Snow did not want him to miss out on a family dinner."
"He is family no matter what."
"Snow, I do not think you understand how much stress that Hope and Emma have under since Emma 's birthday when Leo pushing Hope and then Zelena. Hope was having extra clinginess to both situations. Hope was recently recovering from what happened. Now Hope might be hurt by your son. Who clearly has no good intentions and wants revenge on my daughter, which we all saw. Emma was looking forward to this holiday I know how important it was to your daughter." Ted brought up the doctor bag.
"Killian, here." He hands over the doctor bag.
"Thank you mate. Can you keep an eye on the turkey?"
"Sure, Killian."
"Thank you mate." He goes into his bedroom to his family and Allison. Killian enters the room. Allison, I got you your bag."
"Thank you, Killian." She goes through her bag and gets her supplies out as Killian sits next to wife and hugs her. "Hope will be alright love."
"I do not want her to be injured."
"So do I love...our little love is a fighter like the both of us love." He kisses Hope on the head. Allison kisses Hope on the head, to calm her down. "Hope you are such a good girl for auntie." She examined Hope's legs first. She slowly moves her hands around to see if there were any injuries on her legs. "So far it is normal." She flexes Hope's knees and feet to see if she cried out in pain. She examines Hope's belly. Her organs are normal." Killian, can you get Henry? I need to ask him a few questions?'
"Sure, Allison."
In the hall, "Connor, Lizzie come downstairs."
"Daddy is Hope going to be okay?"
"Lizzie your mom is going to make Hope happy again real soon."
"Can I draw Hope a picture?"
"Yes, you can. I know Hope will love it. Connor the football game is on. You and Lizzie go ahead." They go downstairs ahead. "From what I saw Leo said to Henry, you need to punish him or teach him how to behave. He hurt my daughter once and now Hope a few times."
"Ted, we know. We are working on it."
"I wanted Leo to be included."
"I understand that he could have missed one dinner and come over when she was behaving not when he was not behaving and getting Hope hurt." Snow gets her son.
"Leo, you said that to Henry that you wanted to hurt Hope for you getting in trouble."
"Yes. I do not like Hope. She got me into trouble."
"Yes, after you pushed her. You are in trouble now. Charming we need to take him home."
"Yes, but you need to apologize to Emma."
"You are right. I feel so bad."
"I know, we can take Leo home after you apologize to Emma." They see Henry rushing into the bedroom with Regina waiting outside.
"Regina, what is it?"
"Charming, Killian called Henry to tell him he was needed. Leo, revenge on your niece is not a good sign. You need to be nice to Hope not to mean to her. You do not want to be evil?"
"No, I do not like Hope."
"You need to be nice to your niece. She is your sister's baby."
Henry enters his parent's room. "Aunt Allison is Hope okay?"
"Can you tell me where Hope was being hit?"
"On her stomach, hard by Leo's truck."
Allison examined Hope's ribs, Hope began to cry. "Emma, Killian. I have to get Hope to a chest x-ray now. She might have injured her rib." Allison calls the hospital to get an emergency chest x-ray.
"Henry, get her diaper bag." Henry rushes out to the nursery and grabs her diaper bag and quilt.
"Henry." He gives Dad the diaper bag.
"Lad, stay here."
"I want to come."
"I know lad. Hope is getting a chest x-ray. We want you to stay here. You are the host besides your Mom and me."
"Dad. I.."
"Henry, we need you to man the house. Ted will help you prepare the meal with your other mom. Your Mom, Hope and Allison and I will be back very soon."
"Killian, I will help Henry."
"Thank you, Regina."
Henry hugs his Dad. "Dad, promise Hope will be alright?"
"Henry, Hope is a fighter like your Mom and I. It runs in the family. I will call you about the x-ray. From what I saw you in there yelling at Leo. You were like your Mom protecting your loved ones."
"I did not want Hope to get hurt."
"Aye, you prevented Hope getting hurt more, son." Emma carrying Hope.
"Mom. Hope is going to be okay."
"I am just hoping she did not get too injured."
"If you need help at all call me."
"Thank you, Henry."
"Love, I will meet you in the car." Emma brings Hope downstairs and seeing her parents.
"Hope is getting a chest x-ray done. She might break or fractured her rib thanks to Leo." Snow White was in shock.
"Emma I...."
"Dad and I agreed on terms for a reason Mom." Emma was mad and worried about Hope.
Hope continued to cry. "Hope...shhh..shh. You are going to be okay sweetie. Mommy is going to get you better soon." She takes Hope out to the car. Killian and Allison rushed out of the house to get Hope to her chest x-ray.
"Charming, I really made a mistake."
Henry arrives downstairs with Regina/ "Yes, you did Grandma. My mom was hesitating on inviting you to come over because of him. Mom and Gramps agreed to not let Leo over here until he got behavioral issues worked out. You do not know how much this holiday means to my mom...you might have just ruined it." Henry goes into the kitchen.
"I will talk to him." Regina follows her son.
Ted was in the kitchen with Henry. "Ted, how do we set up Thanksgiving?"
"Henry everyone sets up dinner differently. You are in charge and you can tell me and Regina what to do."
"I want my Mom, Hope, and Dad to come home to dinner ready."
"Henry, your Mom will be very happy about setting up Thanksgiving dinner."
"I know Mom. I do not like how Hope is hurt."
Regina hugs her son. "Hope is going to be alright. I heard you said that he will keep you updated."
"Henry, your sister in my wife's best care. She is going to get Hope better very soon. When they come back, we will have Thanksgiving dinner together." Henry thought of how to lay out all of the food out.
"I got an idea." Henry goes into the living room seeing Lizzie and Connor playing. "Lizzie and Connor I need you both help."
"How can we help?"
"Connor, I need you to help me your Dad and Regina to organize the food."
"Henry, can I help?"
"Lizzie, can you draw turkeys on paper with everyone name on it as a nameplate."
"I can do that Henry. Is Hope going to be okay?"
"Your Mommy is going to get Hope better really soon."
Allison got Hope into the chest x-ray as soon as the Swan-Jones arrived there. Emma dressed Hope into a hospital gown. "Hope, you are so cute in your gown." Hope fussed.
"Love, let me talk to our little love." Emma smiles and hands over Hope to him. "Hope, Daddy is here. You are with daddy, mommy, and auntie. We love you. We want to see if you injured from the inside. We do not want you in pain or injured little love. I know that you are afraid. You are my little pirate. You are part pirate and part savior. You are brave little love."
"Your Daddy is right, Hope. You are a little fighter like Mommy and Daddy. You are going to be okay sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, is Hope ready?'
"Yes, we just gave Hope a pep talk." Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Hope be a good girl to auntie Allison. We will be right here waiting for you." She hands over Hope to Allison.
"Hope, an x-ray machine is a like a big camera. It may look scary but I promise you it is not scary and you won't get hurt." Allison takes Hope into the x-ray machine room and gets her prepped. She sets Hope on the machine and pressed button. SHe sits to the x-ray tech and watched Hope chest x-ray happened. "She has one fractured rib."
"How did she get injured?"
"Emma's younger brother hit her with toy truck hard. I am her pediatrician. She is going to get the best care." Allison goes to Emma and Killian who were waiting very nervously.
"Emma and Killian, Hope has one fractured rib." Killian held onto his wife.
"It is not broken. Her recovery will be for a few weeks. Her rib bone will heal, Emma. It is not permanently damaged. I am going to wrap Hope in a cast then Hope will be able to come home with my instructions on how to take care of her."
"Can I see her?"
"Emma, you can get Hope." Emma rushes in.
Emma gets her daughter from the machine. "Hi, Hope. you listened to auntie Allison so well. Mommy and Daddy will take care of you until your rib heals sweetie. Mommy is here."
Outside of the room, "Allison, how is Hope going to be in recovery?"
"Hope is going to be in pain and crying more since it is a fractured rib. She cannot move around as much. She will be in a cast and on medicine for the pain. With yours, Emma and Henry help Hope will make a good recovery."
"Emma is furious."
"Killian, I know. I can see it in her eyes. Emma is not going to let Hope go after this."
"Aye, she will do anything for our little love." Emma brings Hope out of the room.
"Hope Daddy is here."
"Hi, little love. I heard you were a good lass for auntie." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma and Killian, Hope is going to be in pain for a while, her rib pain will affect when she is breathing and crying. She will be on medicine and she cannot move around too much. Emma when you change her after I wrap a cast on her, you have to be extra gentle with Hope."
"Allison, we will follow all of your directions to get Hope better." Allison gets Hope wrapped in a bandage cast on her. "Hope, you will get better very soon sweetie. You have your Mommy and Daddy to be there with you."
Emma gets Hope dressed. "You are my little Hopey are ready to go home, with Mommy and Daddy," Killian calls Henry to update him about his little sister.
"Love, Hope is going to be alright."
"I do not let seeing my baby injured." He hugs her.
"I know, love. So do I. She has you me and Henry and her family to look after her."
"You are right, Hope is very lucky to have us all."
"Emma, I am going to come by often to check on Hope's recovery."
"I will call you if I need your advice. I have no idea about the medical field."
"Hope has us all to help her in her recovery. It is just a fracture, not a broken rib."
"Hope, you are ready to go home." They all arrived home together. "Henry, we are home."
"Mom. Hope has fractured her rib?"
"Yes, Henry. Hope is going to be in a cast and recovery for a while but we will help her. She cannot move around too much and she will be in pain for a while."
Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Henry is here. I love you, little sis. Later you and I will have Henry and Hope time." Hope babbled.
"Henry, you got to Hope just in time. SHe could have had a broken rib which could have lead to health issues. You saved Hope."
"I did?"
"Yes, you did."
"Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can." She gently hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hope, your big brother is here. Mom, the turkey is ready."
"Great." Her parents came up to her. "Henry take Hope into the kitchen."
"Yes, Mom. hope Lizzie and Connor are in the kitchen." He takes Hope into the kitchen.
"Emma, I am so so sorry. I should have listened to your Dad."
"Yes, you should have. Now Hope has a fractured rib. If Henry did not catch Leo in time, Hope could have more serious injuries."
"Emma, I am so sorry for hurting Hope." Emma bends down to her brother.
"Are you really sorry? From the sound of how you wanted to get revenge on my daughter does not make me believe you. You got Hope injured into a cast. If Henry did not Hope in time, you could have really injured her affecting her health." She stands up talk to her Mom.
"Mom,I told dad that Hope was not ready and clearly Leo has not changed. You do not know how much I was looking forward to this holiday to have the best one yet because all of the ones I had in the past were horrible. Now that I have my family and this one of the worst ones ever because my daughter is injured." Emma rushes up to her room and slams the door.
"Emma has told me about her past Thanksgiving they were really awful the ones in the system. She wanted a family holiday not that Hope is injured I do not know." Henry brings Hope to his grandparents, auntie Allison and Dad. "Dad, can Hope and I talk to Mom?"
"Henry, I can talk to your Mom first then you and Hope alright?"
"Yes, Dad."
"Charming, I am going to take Leo home."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I caused enough issues. Emma cannot look at me in the eye without hate. Hope will freak out when she sees Leo."
"Snow, Emma will come around to you."
"I know. For now, Leo is punished."
"I will see you home later." Killian heads upstairs.
"Aunt Allison, we made a surprise for Mom while you were in the hospital. I know how much this holiday means to my mom. Hope are we going to make Mommy happy?" Hope babbled. "Yes, we are." Henry shows Aunt Allison what Ted, Connor, Lizzie, and Regina were all up to when they were out of the house. "Henry, you did all of this?"
"Yes, I did. Dad told me that I was in charge of Thanksgiving dinner preparation. I used my artwork skills with help of my team."
"Henry your Mom is going to love it."
"I will do anything for my mom to make her happy."
Killian finds Emma crying in their room. He sits next to her and hugs her. "Love, Hope is going to be alright."
"Thanksgiving is ruined."
"Emma, it may not be perfect love. It is still thanksgiving with our family."
"Hope is injured and has a fractured rib. If my mom listened to my dad."
"I know love...I know. I am mad at your Mom as much as you are. Henry got to Hope in time from her being injured even more serious. Hope has you, me, Allison and Henry to help Hope in her recovery. She will recovery fast love."
"She is very lucky to have all of us."
"Aye, love. Our little lass has us all." They kiss and hug. Henry and Hope come entered their parents' bedroom.
"Henry, Hope come to join us." They sit on the bed.
"Mom, Hope is going to be alright. Even though Hope is in a cast, Hope is still very happy right Hope?" Hope smiled. "I promised Hope that I will be there for her right Hope? I helped you not get hurt even more?" He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled.
"Henry, Hope is going to be not able to move around for a while."
"Mom it is okay, Hope and I will snuggle or I can take her to the library to read books."
"She will be in more pain. We will take it day by day."
"Aye love that right."
"Mom, Ted has been keeping an eye on the turkey for us. The turkey is ready."
"Love let's have our first family Thanksgiving dinner together."
Emma smiles. "Yes, let's." They kiss. Henry and Hope go-ahead from their parents. Allison had her iPhone out ready to Emma's surprise. Emma enters the kitchen seeing all of her family not including her mom and brother and kitchen all decorated up for Thanksgiving with fall leaves on the table, Lizzie's nameplates. All of their food was set up on the table Emma was surprised with happiness and began to cry. "Henry.. You did all of this?"
'Yes, with the help from my team."
"Emma, we all pitched in."
"Auntie Emma is Hope okay?"
"Lizzie, hope will be better soon. She is in a cast."
"I made hope a drawing." She shows Emma the drawing. "Lizzie, Hope is going to love it. Thank you." She hugs Lizzie.
"Mom. I wanted you to be happy on Thanksgiving, I know how much you wanted this holiday to be a great day. I want you to make you and our whole family happy"
"Henry, you did. You have no idea how much you made my day." She hugs her son.
Love, are you hungry now?"
"Yes, I am. Is everyone else hungry?
"Yes!" Everyone said together. Emma sat down in between, Henry and Killian while holding Hope. Allison sat across from her next to Ted. Regina sat next to Henry's other side. Connor and Lizzie were sitting by their parents with Charming in the middle. Everyone went around telling what they were thankful for. "I am thankful for everyone here. All of my loved ones. If Henry did not found me when he was ten years old, I would not have this white picket family life with you all."
"Love, we love you so much. You brought Thanksgiving to all of us here in Storybrooke. I am grateful for you, Henry and Hope."
"Aye you are right Hope, Da-da loves you." he lets Hope grab his hook hand. Everyone ate, talked and had fun. Even though Hope was injured she was still her happy self. Emma nursed her as she was eating. Emma was enjoying with her loved ones all together on one table, happy and enjoying family time. Even though her daughter was injured she is going to do whatever it takes to get Hope better and she is her Mommy. Everyone had dessert in the living room. The adults talked, Hope was being held by her auntie while Henry, Connor, and Lizzie were upstairs in his room getting a drawing lesson from Henry. Allison helped Emma and Killian what to do for Hope since she is injured, while Regina and Charming were in her kitchen cleaning up. Emma enters the kitchen. "Regina, how was Henry when we were out?"
"He was mad at Leo. Then once Killian told him to be in charge, he got creative and wanted to make this holiday especially for you."
"Emma, your Mom took Leo home."
"I am still mad at her."
"I know, Emma. your mom and I need to know why he has behavioral issues."
"Yes, I do not feel comfortable having Leo over until he does. Hope has fractured a rib because of him."
"Your mom and I will figure it out."
"Dad, you can bring leftovers for Mom. I do feel bad that she could not join us."
"I will bring home food for your Mom." Allison brings in crying, Hope.
"Emma. Hope wants her Mommy." She hands over Hope to her Mom
"Hi, baby. Did you have fun with Auntie Allison?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you had fun with your auntie and she took so good care of you in the hospital today."
"Hi, Hope. Your grandpa here. I am sorry you got hurt, little princess. I told your grandma not bring Leo here. I promise to make Leo be nice to you." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dad, I know you did not want to bring Leo."
"Emma, I told your Mom not bring him."
"I know. You did not want to get Hope hurt."
"Yes, Hopey. You are with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "You and I are going to have a lot of snuggle time together. Just you and me." Hope smiled. "Allison, how many times do we need to give Hope her medicine?"
"I wrote directions down on a paper for you and Killian to read, that paper includes what not to do with Hope when he is recovery and how to make her comfortable. It is on the medicine container. Just keep Hope as comfortable as possible."
"I know we will keep Hope happy as possible. Thank you, Allison, for helping Hope today."
"You are welcome. I love helping my little goddaughter." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, it is okay sweetie. Mommy will give you your medicine." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, can you help me to give Hope her medicine?"
"Aye, love. I will feed Hope her medicine."
"Regina, thank you for being here with Henry today."
"You are welcome, Emma. Hope needed you. Henry needed one of us. I am sorry that Hope had fractured her rib."
"Hope takes after me. She was very brave in her chest x-ray and her auntie wrapped her in a cast."
"I have a feeling Henry will write his name on it."
"Me too." They laughed. "Regina, you can bring leftovers for Robin and the kids."
"I already packed a few containers." Killian brought Hope her medicine.
"Little love, Daddy got you your medicine." Emma got Hope to sit up on her lap. Hope fussed.
"Hope I know that you are in pain. Daddy is going to feed your medicine to you." He wrapped a bib on his little love and got Hope's medicine pour. "Hope, the jolly roger needs a place to land." Hope opened her mouth knowing this is her favorite game that she plays with him. He feeds her daughter her medicine. "That is a good little love. You drink your medicine." He kisses hope on the head. Emma nurses Hope. "Killian, Hope knows your special game."
"Aye, Hope loves the Jolly Roger game. This is how I get her to eat her food."
" Captain swan guyliner. Jolly Roger?"
"Aye, Hope loves our game. She loves her Daddy's ship. We call it the Jolly Roger, that is how I feed her her food. She knows our daddy-daughter game and it gets her to eat her puree food."
"Yes, Henry chooses her puree food and Killian feeds her the food or I. We take turns." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep in her Mommy's arms.
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright. Just keep Hope comfortable."
"I will." Killian wrapped his arm around Emma.
"Aye, we both will. Thank you so much for your help today Allison."
"You are welcome, Killian. If you both have concerns or help with Hope you can both call me anytime."
"Allison, thank you." Emma hugs her best friend/ family friend.
"You are welcome, Emma." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Auntie Allison loves you, sweetie. I will come by to check you up in the morning." Ted and Allison get their leftovers and their children. Henry comes down to say goodbye to his aunt.
Henry hugs his aunt. "Aunt Allison, thank you for saving Hope."
"You are very welcome. I did my job as a doctor and your aunt. You are the one that stopped him from preventing Leo hurting your sister more. You are Hope's hero,"
"We both are Aunt Allison."
"I will see you tomorrow." Allison leaves with her family. Regina stays with Henry for a little longer, while Emma and Killian cuddle and watched Hope sleep on Emma. "Killian, what are you thankful for?"
"You are my gorgeous wife and best friend, our home, our son Henry and our little Hope. I am very grateful for our whole family. You created our family love and changed me for the better. If I have not met you, I would not have been the changed man that I am now and have this family. I would be still out for revenge and alone."
"Well, you opened me up and broke my walls down. You got me to trust a man. You took a lot of patience with me. You are my true love with me no "
"Love, I saw the good in you with a bad past which you did not deserve that horrible past. Out of the bad foster system and a runaway, you are the bravest, kindest caring human being ever."
"You are my kindest brave husband who is a loving Daddy to our two kids who love and adore as much as I do, captain. You are my true love."
"Aye, you are mine."
"I am very grateful for you, my handsome captain, our new life together as parents to our baby girl. I am grateful for having Henry in my life for the rest of my life and our little baby Hope who has made me a mommy from the beginning. I know that Hope is injured, just when we came back from the hospital with Hope, Henry surprising me with our Thanksgiving dinner. It has shown me that our family will be each other no matter what in good times and bad times."
"Are you saying love, that we will have this holiday every year?"
"Yes, the holiday with our family, not Hope getting injured like that ever again."
"Aye, Hope should not have gotten hurt in the first place."
"Yes, I went mama bear mode on my mom today and Leo..Henry too."
"Aye, he went brother mode on Leo and your mom."
"You got that right." Henry entered their room. "Hi, Henry come to join us."
"How is Hope?"
"She is sleeping after we gave her her medicine."
"Mom, Dad, I want to help Hope especially that Hope is injured."
"Henry, you are going to help us with Hope in her recovery."
"Yes, I am. I saved Hope today."
"Henry, yes you did. I saw me in you today as a hero, you got that from me."
Henry smiled. "You really saw yourself in me today?"
"Yes, I did Henry." Hope began to cry.
"Love, I can hold our little love." He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, you are with Daddy little love." He kisses her and she fell asleep in his arms.
"Henry, come here." She moves closer to Killian. Henry sat next to his Mom. She hugs him. "Henry, I am so proud of you today. You saved your sister from getting hurt even more. I saw a lot of me in you, a kind-hearted caring person who was very brave."
"I am Hope's big brother, it is my job to protect her."
"Aye, you did Henry."
"Hope is very lucky to have you as her brother. I saw you go into your big brother mode on Leo today. I have never seen that side of you until today. I am so proud of you Henry. You are my son who takes up after me." Emma hugs her son. "I am so proud of you and I love you so so much."
"I love you too Mom. I will always be there for my family just like you."
"Yes, Henry just like me."
"I knew that I am like you. You are Mom."
"You are my son." She kisses him on the head.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too Henry." he hugs her and falls asleep on her. "He is asleep."
"Aye, both of them are."
"I am grateful for them, our two children."
"Aye, love me too. I love them both so much, Our family. " He kisses Hope on the head.
"I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Killian. You really like Thanksgiving?"
"Aye, I like that holiday that we can show how much we are thankful for. I cannot wait to celebrate it every year as a family."
"Me too, with our two children and our loved ones."
"Aye, I love that sound of that."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Killian."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Emma." Killian moves closer to Emma they kiss. "Good night, Emma."
"Good night Killian." Emma leaned on her husband with her son wrapped around him sound asleep and her daughter sleeping in her husband's arms where she is safe. She and her two boys are going to help Hope in her recovery. She is very grateful for her whole family, they are together and celebrating the holidays a whole family in the way she always dreamt of. They were going to be there for each other always. "Good night, love." He kisses Emma on the head. He watches Hope sleeping in his arms. "You are safe Hope. You are very lucky to have a caring Mommy and Daddy that is going to take care of you until you are better little love. You have all of us who care for you and love you so much little Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and Hope smiles in her sleep. Killian is so grateful for his whole family and will be there for them always.


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