Happy Beginning Captain Swan

Galing kay isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... Higit pa

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Teething & More

473 4 0
Galing kay isaballerina89

After Zelena threatened Emma's family, Hope was extra clingy to her parents and Henry, especially Emma. It is November now, a few weeks later after the Zelena incident. In the morning, Hope was doing tummy time, while her Mommy was watching her. When Hope did not want to do tummy time anymore, Emma got Hope's soft colorful block to play with Hope, "Hope, look what mommy has sweetie." She gets her daughter from the playmat and puts her on her lap and shows Hope the block. "Hope, this color is red." She lets Hope chew on it. She turns the block around a few times showing Hope the different colors, "This color is green...this is blue...and this is yellow." Hope babbled. She lets Hope play with the block. "Let's learn the letter os the alphabet so you can understand the words in Henry's storybook. A,B,C, D....Now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me." Emma clapped Hope's hands and said yay, which made her smile. Emma loves teaching about colors and the alphabet, she loves how Hope is learning from her. Hope began to cry. "Hope, what is the matter?" She lifts Hope up and down which makes Hope laugh. "You just wanted to play more." After Emma played with Hope, she put Hope down for her morning nap. A few hours later, Hope woke up crying. Emma gets her daughter. "Hope, Mommy is here." She takes Hope out of her crib. "Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Hope continued to cry. Emma let Hope snuggle her. "We can snuggle in my room, sweetie." They lay together on the bed, Hope was still crying and all she wanted was to be held by her Mommy. "Hope, you just want Mommy?" Hope whimpered. "You get to be with mommy, Hope." Emma nursed her and it did not calm Hope down.
Emma was getting ready for work, Hope was still crying. "Hope, I know you want Mommy." She picks up her daughter from her bed and snuggles her. Hope hugs her and Emma kisses her daughter on the head."Hope, mommy has to be sheriff sweetie. You will have fun with Daddy."
Hope cried louder. "Mommy."
"Hopey, my little duck." She knows her daughter wants to be with her and she is still coping from Zelena attacking their family. "Hope. You just want to be with mommy little duck?" Hope gripped her mommy. "Yes. you do." She knows she has to help Hope cope from the incident and be there for her especially when she is afraid. She had no one there for her when she was afraid and she is going to be there for her little girl when Hope needed her. She puts Hope on her hip and faces Hope with eye contact. "Hope, do you want to be Mommy's little sheriff? You want to come to work with me?" Hope smiled. "Are you going to be a good girl for Mommy?" Hope smiled. "You can be my little sheriff." Emma let Hope play on her bed doing tummy time while she got Hope's diaper bag packed with her needs, her quilt and a few of her toys. Hope was playing with one of her light up toys that played with music, Hope was babbling and grabbing the toy. Emma watched her daughter playing, sitting on the bed. "Hope, are you having fun?" Hope babbled. Emma smiled and kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope. After Hope was finished, Emma burped her and Hope spit up over her Mommy's shoulder and began to cry. "Hope, it is alright." She bounces Hope up and down. Even though Hope was clingy she knew something was wrong with Hope, all day she wanted her Mommy. "Hope, you are okay. You are with Mommy. Mommy is not mad at you for spitting up." She rubs Hope's back. "Mommy loves you, Hope." She bounces her until she calmed down. She puts Hope on her bed and changes into a new shirt. "Hope, are you ready to be Mommy's little sheriff?" Hope smiled. Emma puts on the carrier on and dresses Hope in her fall coat and puts Hope in her carrier. Emma decides to walk to work, knowing her and Hope needed fresh air. "Isn't it nice out Hope?" Hope cooed. "You are just happy you are with Mommy right?" Hope babbled which Emma smiled, her daughter was happy being with her. Emma and Hope entered the station seeing her Dad and Killian. "Hi, Dad. Hi, Killian." Charming turns around surprised to see Hope while Killian was happy to see his wife and daughter.
"Hello, love. Hi, Little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Let me guess, Hope is extra clingy today?"
"You got that right. Hope has been crying all day and only happy being held by me. She is going to be my little sheriff today."
"Little Hope, are you happy to be with Mommy at work little love." Hope babbled. He kisses Hope on the cheek making Hope laugh.
"Killian, you can play with her while I do paperwork. I brought a few of Hope's toys with me. Hope, are you going to play with daddy in my office?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled.
"Love, Hope will have fun with me." Killian helped Emma get Hope settled down in her office, Emma magically appeared a playmat by her desk."Swan, you thought of everything?"
"Yes, I did. I want to make Hope happy and you and she can have fun while I work." Hope began to cry. "Hope. Are you hungry?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy will feed you, sweetie." Emma nurses Hope while sitting at her desk as Killian closed the blinds and sets up Hope's toys on the play mat. "She has been crying most of the day. I am just hoping our baby girl is not sick."
"Emma, Hope is happy with you. If she is unwell we will help her."
"I know...I am just worried that the former witch attack scared her...she is still extra clingy to me and to you and Henry."
"Love, Hope is happy with us. She will get through this. Hope is just happy that she gets to be with you at work."
"You are right...I am just nervous...."
Killian hugs his wife. "You are here mommy. You will always be constantly worried over our little love. Hope loves you so much and wants to be with you all the time. When you are working, Hope and I will be right here playing." After Hope was nursed, Killian played with Hope as she was doing tummy time on her playmat and holding toy. A little while later, Killian was playing with Hope who was sitting on his lap. "Hope look who I have with me...Pluto." He tickles her with her Pluto doll and makes her laugh. As Emma did paperwork, she glanced up at her family and smiled as her husband was loving his time with their daughter. "Little love, are you having fun with dada?" Hope smiled. "Aye, my little pirate, you love your time with your da-da." He tickles her some more. "Killian, Hope loves it when I lift her up and down that will make her happy."
"You do not say, love. I will try that." He lifted Hope up and down. "Hope...you are going up and....down....up...and down...." Hope laughed more. He held Hope in his arms. "You love playing with dada. Right, little love, you love da-da?"
"Da-da." Hope smiled. Emma and Killian can't believe that they just heard and they both smiled at their little girl. Emma sat next to her family on the floor.
Killian smiled with tears in his eyes. "Hope, say that again? Da-da..."
"Yes, you said my name! He hugs his little love."Hope, my little pirate you said da-da your second word, little love. Daddy is so proud of you!" "Hope, you can say Mommy and Da-da. Mommy is proud of you sweetie." She kisses Hope on the cheek as she was crying. "Killian, Hope can say both our names now."
"Aye, I am so proud of our little lass. She loves both of us."
"Yes, you are right captain. I have a feeling her next word is going to be Henry." Hope hugged her daddy and looked at her Mommy. "Hope, Mommy is proud of you sweetie. You are my smart baby girl."
Charming sees Emma, Killian, and Hope on the floor. "Emma, what is going on in here?"
Emma wiped away her tears. "Killian, you want to tell him?"
"Aye, Hope and I can show him." They stood up. "Hope...say it again little love...Da-da."
"Da-da." He smiles at his little lass. "That is right, Hope. Dada loves you." He kisses Hope on the head.
Charming smiles hearing Hope talk. "Hope, you already saying Daddy. Grandpa is so proud of you." He kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, how has Hope been?"
"Still extra clingy. I am not sure if it was Leo incident or the former witch incident or both... Hope does not like being away from either of us or Henry..."
"Emma, you and Killian are doing the best as parents to Hope. Hope knows you both are there for her. Hope is so happy with you and Killian."
Hope began to cry. "Swan, Hope wants you." He hands her over their daughter.
"Hope, mommy got you, sweetie....mommy is here..." She bounces Hope to calm her down and rubs her back. Hope stopped crying and gripped her Mommy. "You just wanted your Mommy." She gives Hope multiple kisses on her head.
"See, Emma. Hope loves you. She is so happy to be held by you."
"Dad, I am her Mommy. She knows that she can come to me for anything especially when she is upset. I had no one as a child. I have her with me, I am always going to be there for her." Hope babbled. "That is right, Hope. You are my little girl." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy.
"Emma, I can hold her so you can finish your work."
"Are you sure Dad?"
"Sure, I can." Emma quietly hands over hope to her Dad. Hope realized she was not with her Mommy anymore and began to cry loudly.
"Hope." Charming hands over Hope back to his daughter. "Hope, you are with Mommy sweetie...you are with Mommy..." She rubs Hope's back and calmly spoke to her. "Hope, you are with Mommy. Grandpa only wanted to spend time with you...Mommy and Daddy are not going to leave you, sweetie." Hope stopped crying and gripped her Mommy. "Hope, you can be with Mommy while I work. You can be my little sheriff. Killian, can you give me her carrier?"
He helps sets up Hope's carrier and got Hope in it. "There you go little love, you can be with Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma did more paperwork with Hope on her happily babbling away.
"Yes, Hope Mommy is going paperwork. You are helping me, little sheriff." She kisses Hope on the head and continued to do her work. Killian watched his love do work as the sheriff and at the same time being Mommy to Hope. He goes to Charming's desk. "Killian, Emma looks exhausted. Has she been getting enough sleep?"
"We take turns up at night with Hope. She does not sleep through the night yet and she mostly sleeps with Emma or in between us. With Hope being afraid of Zelena she is extra clingy."
"Emma needs a break."
"I know, I know. I want to take her out on a date night but with Hope extra clingy...maybe we can try. Allison and I have been planning when she can come over to babysit and she knows what happened. She is one of the people that Hope is comfortable with besides, Emma, Henry and I. Charming, I.."
"It is okay, Killian. When Hope is a little older she will love her time with me and Snow. First, we have Hope be around Leo."
"Aye, I know my little love is stubborn like her mother it will take her a while to be around Leo."
Charming smiles. "Hope definitely takes after my daughter."
"Aye, Hope does."
Emma walks to her Dad's desk, carrying sleeping Hope in her carrier. "Dad, I am done for today. Hope just fell asleep and I got a little work done."
"Emma, are you okay?'
"Yes, just tired from constantly worrying about Hope...I just need some extra rest. This little girl...Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, I will drive us home after I pack hope's diaper bag."
"Thank you." He kisses Emma on the head and goes to her office.
"Emma, if you need me or your Mom to watch Hope..."
"Dad, I know how much you and Mom love Hope, just with Leo; I know Hope would have a meltdown if she sees him again anytime soon." Emma sighs. " I know that I need a break. Just with Hope..." Emma began to cry and Charming hugs her.
"Dad, I love my baby girl so much. I am just afraid if something is wrong with her...or whenever she is not herself...I just..."
"Emma, you are her mom who cares for her so so much. She loves you so much which is why she is attached to you. I have never ever seen you so happy until you met Killian and now how you are with Hope...It is great to see how you are with her and always being there for her. You need to rest up. Take time off and be with your family."
Killian approaches his wife and father in law and puts his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Love, listen to your Dad. I know you been extra stressed over Hope. I am getting concerned about you love."
"Killian, I am always going to be concerned about hope, you and Henry
"I know, love. I am always going to be concerned about our whole our family. You need a break love."
"I do need a break...I just thinking about going on a date night with you and then I think of Hope upset."
"Love, if Allison babysits Hope, I know Hope will be happy to see her auntie."
"Dad and Killian. You both are right, I need a break."
"Love, that is why we have Lily for."
" Killian, is our date night for my birthday included during my break from work?"
Killian smiles. "Love, we can have your birthday date night." He kisses Emma on the head. Killian drove Emma and Hope home. Hope was still fast asleep in her car seat.
"Yes, love?"
"Are you mad I did not tell you that I needed a break?"
"Swan, I knew you needed a break from work and being worried about Hope. I am not mad at you. I was just waiting for you to tell me."
"I told my Dad first.."
"It is okay, love. I am just happy you are expressing your feelings." Emma hugs her husband.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Emma." They kiss.
"We need to get inside. It is cold out here." Emma gets Hope from her car seat. "Hope, we are home." Killian carries Hope's diaper bag and they entered inside the house. Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope makes her poop face. "You need a change sweetie." Emma brings Hope upstairs to her room and changed Hope's diaper and played their special game. Henry comes in, "hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. How was your day?"
"Good. I am done with my homework. Can I play with Hope?"
"Yes, you can Henry. If she gets hungry bring her to me."
"Mom, I will." He takes Hope from the changing table. "Hi, little sis. Did you went to work with mommy today?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you did. Did you have fun?" Hope smiled. "I missed you today." Hope hugs her brother. "Mom, she loves me so much."
"Yes, she does Henry. She loves her big brother. Your Dad and I are planning a date night soon, Aunt Allison is going to babysit."
Emma giggled. "I know you are going to be excited."
"Mom, where is Dad?"
"He is cooking dinner."
"I will let you know when dinner is ready. Hope and I will be playing downstairs."
"Mom you look like you need a nap."
"Kid, I do need extra sleep. I am just worried about Hope how she been more extra clingy she was crying a lot before I took her to work with me..."
"Mom, Hope loves you and loves being with you all the time. Of course, she gets upset. I know my little sister loves her time with me, Dad and Aunt Allison too. Hope knows that you will do anything for her when she needs you. Like I do, you are always there for me when I need you. I know when you need me to help with Hope. I love spending time with her."
"Henry." She hugs her son with Hope in the middle.
"You are our Mom. We both love you so much."
"I love you both so much." Hope babbled.
"Yes, we both love Mommy, little sis. Are you ready to play with me?" Hope moved around and babbled, which made Emma laugh.
"Henry, Hope took a long nap. I know Hope will be full of energy when you play with her." Henry takes Hope downstairs to play and Emma takes a needed nap in her bedroom. Henry brings Hope into the kitchen. "Hi, Dad. What is for dinner?"
"We are having meatloaf with mash potatoes and green beans on the side. How was school?"
"It was good. How was work?"
Killian smiled."It was interesting."
"How so Dad?"
"Hope, can you say the word Da-da?"
Henry was surprised. "Hope, you said da-da! Your second-word little sis!" He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope can you say, Henry...Henry..."
"Lad, she will say your name next I have a feeling. What is your Mom up to?"
"I knew she looked tired. She is taking a nap. I promised Hope to play with her!" He tickles his sister and makes her laugh.
"Aye, her Dad and I know she needs a break from work and she listened to us."
"Mom told me about the break and how she is worried about Hope. I just told her that we love her no matter what. I knew she needed a break. I do not like it when Mom is stressed."
"Me too, Henry. We are both are there to help her when she needs us."
"She has us, Dad."
"That is right, son. Let me finish dinner and have fun with Hope." Killian cooks dinner as Henry plays with Hope in the living room. Henry helped Hope stand up. "You are getting stronger little sis." Hope lied on the playmat and play with her foot in her mouth. "Hope, is your foot in your mouth?" Hope looked at her brother. Henry took a picture of Hope with her foot in her mouth. "Dad!"
Killian rushes in the living room "What is the matter?"
"Check out what Hope is doing?"
Killian looks at his little lass putting her foot in her mouth. "Hope, are you eating your foot little love?" Hope cooed. "Lad, Hope is looking like she is having fun with you."
"Yes, she is. I was trying to help Hope stand up and making it into a game for her. Is Hope going to try solid food tonight?"
"Aye, since Hope is trying to eat food from your Mom, your mom decided for Hope to try Gerber baby food. I know Hope is having fun with you, Henry."
"Yes, she is Dad." He takes Hope from her playmat. "Hope, are you having fun with me, little sis?" Hope grabbed her brother's face and smiles which made Henry smile. "Yes, Hope you have the best big brother ever." Hope babbled. He gives Hope kisses on her cheeks and makes her laugh. Emma wakes up around dinner time with a little more rested. She goes downstairs hearing Hope laughing and sees Henry tickling Hope on the playmat. Emma smiles at her two kids were playing with each other. "What is going on in here?" She sits on the couch
"Hope and I are just playing. Hope, show Mommy your feet little sis." Hope rolls over. "Hope." Emma giggles. "You silly pirate." He takes out his iPhone and hands it to his Mom. "This is what I wanted to show you. This is what Hope did while you took a nap."
"Henry...Hope was playing with her feet."
"Yes, mom did she did."She gives Henry his iPhone back and gets her daughter. Emma, Henry, and Killian ate dinner while Hope was in her swing. Hope began to cry.
Emma gets Hope from her swing. "Hope, you are going to try food tonight. Mommy will feed you. Henry, can you please set up Hope's Bumbo chair?"
"Sure, Mom and put it on the table."
"You got it, kid." Killian cleared the table as Henry sets up Hope's Bumbo chair with a tray as Emma puts a bib on her daughter. "Killian, Hope is going to try her first food tonight."
"Aye, you think she is ready?"
"Well, Hope has been trying to eat my food. I am pretty sure she is ready." Emma goes to the refrigerator to get puree bananas. Hope continued to cry. "Hope, your food is right here sweetie." She places Hope in her Bumbo chair and straps her in. Emma spoon feeds Hope her puree bananas. "Hope, open your mouth for your bananas." Hope lets her Mom fed her while Killian and Henry watched and took pictures. Hope tasted it and began to cry and spits it out. Emma puts the food down. "Aww, Hope." She takes Hope out of her Bumbo chair. "You do not like it, sweetie?" She kisses Hope on the head. Killian takes a whiff of the bananas.
"Swan, this food stinks. Can we let Hope try other food? Not these bloody bananas."
"Killian, no cursing around Hope. Hope, you want to try something else?" She bounces her daughter.
Henry looks in the fridge, "Mom, we have pureed peaches for her to try."
"Henry, we can let try Hope that."
"Little Hope, I have a feeling you will like the peaches, little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, do you want to sit on Daddy's lap while I feed you?"Hope smiled. "Yes, you want your Daddy."
"Come here, little love." Emma hands over Hope to Killian. "You can sit on Da-da's lap and you can try peaches." He sits with Hope and gives her kisses on her head. Emma opens the puree peaches, "Hope, open up sweetie." Emma spoonfed her daughter puree peaches and Hope ate it, as Henry took pictures. Hope ate some and she spat some of it out and she smiles. "Killian, she is smiling." They both smiled at each other.
"Hope, you like peaches." Hope babbled. "Swan, I think she wants more."
Emma giggled. "Here you go, Hope." She spoon feeds Hope more puree peaches. Some peaches went into her mouth and some landed on her bib. "You like peaches?" Hope babbled as peaches fell out of her mouth. "Hope, you want some more?" Emma spoonfed Hope more peaches until Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you full? You ate so much sweetie." She puts down the jar of puree peaches.
"Little love, you need a bubble bath, my messy pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Killian, Hope needs to be burped first."
"Aye, sorry little love. Dada forgot." He got a burp towel and burped Hope.
"Henry, the peaches were a good idea. Hope loves them."
"I had a feeling that Hope will like them, Mom."
Hope began to cry. "Little love, it is okay for spitting up on Da-da. Da-da is not mad." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope continued to cry.
Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Hope, it is okay sweetie. You were just full." She kisses Hope on the head and rubbed her back until she stopped. "Hope, you need a bubble bath."
"Mom, can I play with Hope in her bubble bath?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, you can Henry. Just let me wash her first."
"Deal." Henry goes up to run Hope 's bath.
"Love, Henry is going to take a bath with Hope?"
"Not a bath. I am pretty sure, Henry just wants to play with Hope."
"How was feeding Hope? I saw you tearing up."
"I was not..."
"You got me. Yes, I was tearing up. Hope is getting so big. She is starting to eat real food."
"Love, Hope still be fed by you most of the time."
"Yes, I know. Breastfeeding is still her main source of food. I am not sure how long I will breastfeed her, maybe she is a year or two years old. After that, she won't need me as much."
"Swan, Hope will always need you. Even when she is older, Hope will always need you. She loves you her Mommy."
"You are right. I know when Hope is older, I will do Hope's hair, we will play a lot more and we will get out nails done."
"See love."
"But I will miss carrying her around and having my Hope snuggles."
"Love, I know Hope will be attached with you when she is older." He kisses Emma on the head. "Hope, you love your time with your Mommy little love?"
They both smiled at their little girl. "Hope, you know when to make Mommy so happy sweetie." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Hope. I love you so much, you are my little Hopey." She gives Hope multiple kisses on her head. "After your bathtime with Henry, you and I will have snuggle time." Hope babbled, which made Emma and Killian smile.
"Swan, I think that is a yes from our Hope."
"That is a yes from our baby girl." Emma brings up Hope and gets Hope ready for her bath time and sets up her pajamas, lotions, brush and clean diaper on her changing table. She undresses Hope. "Hope, you are ready for your bath time sweetie." Emma wraps Hope in her duck towel and brings her in the bathroom and sees Henry in his swim trunks. Emma smiles. "Hope, your brother is ready to take a bath with you." Hope smiled. "Yes, you get to play with your big brother in bath time." Henry gets in the bathtub and has Hope's bath toys in the tub as Emma puts Hope in her bath chair. She washes Hope with Gerber shampoo and soap, the whole entire time Hope was being washed, she was smiling and babbling.
"Mom, Hope loves the water like Dad. She definitely takes after him."
"Yes, you are right, Henry. She loves the water like your Dad." Emma cleans her daughter more. "Hope, you are all clean. Now you get to play with Henry."
"Hope, look who I have, your bath toys." He shows them to her, Which one do you want? Mickey.. Minnie...Pluto... " Hope grabs Pluto. "I knew you were going to choose Pluto Hope!" Emma giggled and watched sitting down by the bathtub. Hope splashed her bath toys around and Henry squirted Hope with other bath toys to her. Henry gathered bubbled blew it to Hope.
"Henry, be careful of bubbled into Hope's eyes."
"Mom, I will be careful."
Emma gathered bubbles into her hands and places in front of her daughter. "Hope, blow the bubbles at Henry." She shows Hope how to blow out bubbles, and Hope tried to copy her Mommy, Emma blow bubbles to help Hope.
Henry acts surprised as his baby sister and Mom were blowing bubbles at them. "Hope, you got me with your bubbles." Hope splashes Henry and Henry splashes Hope back. Emma laughed as she was getting wet and enjoying her watching and playing with her two kids. Killian was watching his swan having fun with their two kids and not being stressed. He took pictures of his iPhone of his family playing together during bathtime.
Hope, we are getting Mommy wet with us. She is playing with us." He tickles his sister.
"Hope, is Henry tickling you?" Hope babbled. Emma placed bubbles on Hope's head.
"Hope, Mommy put bubbles on your head." Hope fusses.
"Okay, Mommy will take the bubbles off." She takes the bubbles off by blowing them off. "They are all gone, Hope." Hope smiled.
"Mom, Hope smiled when you blew the bubbles off. I think she likes the bubbles flying."
"I think you are right, Henry." She scooped up bubbles, "Look Hope bubbles." She blows them. Hope smiled. "You like bubbles, Hope?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you like bubbles." She kisses Hope on the cheeks. Henry played with Hope more until she began to fuss. "Hope, bath time is over for you little duck." Emma gets Hope her bath towel and takes her daughter out of her baht chair and wraps her up. "You are nice and warm."
"Mom, do you think Hope had fun with the both of us?"
"Yes, I know Hope was having so much fun getting wet and love the bubbles. Did I ruin your one on one time with Hope?"
"Mom, no way. Hope and I had so much fun with you. I had fun with you and Hope. Can we spend time together more?"
"Yes, we can Henry. Hope loves her fun time with the both of us." Hope began to cry. "Okay, sweetie. Mommy will get you ready for bed, baby."
"Mom, I will clean up and take a shower."
"Thanks, Henry." She takes Hope to her room and changes Hope into a clean diaper, lotioned her up and put her pajamas on and combed her hair. "You are my baby girl are all ready for bedtime." Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want a story?" She let Hope snuggle on her and gets a book from her bookcase, "Winnie the Pooh." She sits on the rocking chair and sets Hope on her lap and Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want to snuggle?" She positioned Hope to snuggle on her. "There you go comfy?" Hope babbled. "Deep in the hundred acre woods, where Christopher Robin played..." Hope stopped crying as her Mommy was reading to her. Hope was still awake when her Mom finished her story. "Hope, are you still awake?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Do you want Daddy to tell you a pirate story?" Hope smiled. "Yes, let's go ask him." Emma takes her daughter to check on Henry. "Henry are you ready for bed?"
"Yes, I am. Did you read Hope a story?"
"Yes, I did. Your sister is awake."
"Mom, I can read to her."
"Henry, don't you have school in the morning?"
"Yes, Mom. Can I say good night for Hope?"
"Yes, you can." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Hope, I love you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Tomorrow you and I can paint in the afternoon, would you like to do an art project with me?" Hope babbled and hugs her brother.
"Henry, I think that is a yes from your sister."
"Hope, when I come home from school. You and I are going to paint together." He kisses Hope on the head. "I had so much fun with you today, playing with you before dinner. Seeing your foot in your mouth, which was pretty awesome. You are so flexible, little sis. I got to see you eat your first solid food. I had so much fun with you and Mommy in bath time." Hope hugs Henry. "I love you too, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Good night Hope. See you tomorrow. Henry loves you." He hands over Hope to their Mom and he hugs her. "Mom, I love you so much."
"I love you too, Henry. I was thinking, after school tomorrow before you come home from school we can get milkshakes at Granny's?"
"Just you and me?"
"I am pretty sure Hope will love her one on one time but Henry...if Hope is extra clingy."
"Mom, I love my baby sister. Hope can join us. I know in the evening when Hope goes to bed, we can watch a Marvel movie."
"That sounds like a plan." Hope began to cry.
"Yes, Henry."
"Thank you for being you and giving me this normal life." He hugs his Mom. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much, Henry. Having this normal life I always dreamt of. You helped me get my happy beginning. You helped me, which is the best thing ever. I never would have met your Dad, have Hope and met my parents. You are really important in my life. I gave you up because I could not provide you that life when I was in jail..." Hope hugs her Mommy and Henry hugs his Mom. "Now, I have you and our whole family in my life and we are having a normal life together." Hope began to wail. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you. Henry do not go to bed too late."
"Mom, I won't." Henry hugs his Mom. "Good night, Hope." he kisses Hope on the head. Henry goes to bed and Emma takes Hope into her room to be nursed. Killian was in bed already. Emma got ready for Hope to be nursed and Hope latched on quickly. "Baby, your milk is going nowhere."
"Love, I saw you joining their bath time."
Emma smiled."Yes, I got to play with the both of them during bath time. Hope loves watching the bubbles flying around not on her. They were splashing each other and we had a bubble war, us against Henry." Emma chuckled it was fun.
"Love, I saw you playing with them. I have not seen you so relaxed and happy since your birthday."
"I have not felt that happy since the former witch attack and being constantly worried about Hope. she has never experienced the curses..."
"Love just seeing how much all three of you have fun together, is making Hope happy and not worried about the former witch."
"Well, since I am off from work, Henry, Hope and I are going to get milkshakes at granny's tomorrow after school."
"Love, I can watch Hope."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, I would love to have my one on one time with our little lass. Hope do you want to go to da-da's ship tomorrow?" Hope stopped eating and grabs her Daddy's hook. "Aye, that is a yes Hope."
"Hope, you have to finish eating sweetie." She got Hope to nurse again with Hope holding her Daddy's hook. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter enjoying their time together with their daughter.
The next morning, Hope woke up wailing. "Hope what is the matter baby girl?" She checks her diaper, clean. "Hope. Mommy got you. Shh...shh..."
"Love, what is wrong with Hope?"
"I do not know. I fed her a few hours ago and I changed her."
"Love, let me hold Hope. Hope, come to daddy little love." He bounces Hope up and down in his arms. "There...there...Hope Daddy got you, little love." He rocks Hope in her rocking chair. He sang her a song which did not help. Killian wraps Hope in her quilt. "Hope, you are in your quilt that Henry got you."
Henry wakes up hearing Hope wailing. He sees his Mom in her bed looking worried. "Mom."
"Hi, Henry." He gives his Mom a big. "Henry, I really needed your hugs."
Henry sits next to his Mom. "Mom, what is wrong with Hope?"
"I do not know. It either that she is sick or going through another growth spurt."
"I know you and Dad will figure it out."
"We will Henry."
"When you both figure it out, I know Hope will be happy. If you and Dad need help with Hope I can help."
"Henry." she hugs her son. "You are my sweet son. I know you will help us if we need to."
"Mom, I am Hope's big brother, my job is to make her happy."
"Seeing you with Hope reading to her, playing with her when you are to busy with your school work, I love seeing you and Hope together, which makes me so happy. You are a teenager, Henry."
"Mom, I told you I have a few friends, like Violet."
"All I am saying his you can have fun with your friends."
"Yes, Mom. I know that. I love playing with my little sister. I want to be there as much as I can now. We are 15 years apart. I want to enjoy the moments with her before I go to college."
Henry, if you want to, you can apply to art colleges."
"Awesome! But Mom... those schools are far away from here from you and Hope and Dad."
"Henry, I want you to go to college no matter what. I could not go to college I want you, my son, to get a college degree. I want you and Hope to get more than a high school diploma, in my case a GED. I want you to both have what I could not have a normal life and an education."
"Mom, I am not going to let you down."
"Henry, you are my very smart son who loves his whole family. You do not have to be perfect, just be yourself."
"I am Mom. I just want to make you proud of me."
"Henry, you are my baby boy who is smart, kind, caring, the author of the storybook, with the heart of the true believer, how I am not proud of you now. You are you and I am proud of you every single day." She hugs her son.
"Mom, I love you so much."
"I love you. I always will love you. I will always be proud of you. You are my son." She kisses him on the head.
"I just want to make you proud of me."
She looks at him eye to eye. "Henry you are my son and I am proud of you every single day. We are all proud you, me, your dad and Hope. We all love you so much." He hugs his Mom tight. They hear Hope crying. Killian brought in Hope. "Speaking of family."
"Yes, Mom. Dad, can I hold Hope?"
"Aye, lad. Maybe you can make Hope happy." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"Hope, Henry got you, little sis. Why are you crying? Are you sad? Are you not feeling well?" Both of their parents watched Henry interacting with his baby sister. He bounces Hope up and down. "Hope, I do not like it when you are sad. I want you to be happy. When I come home from school you and I can play and read together. We can also talk and snuggle whatever makes you happy okay?" He kisses Hope on the head as she continued to cry.
"Killian, I think Hope is teething."
"How do you know love?"
"Hope has been drooling more which is a sign of teething, Allison told me. Henry, give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Hope, are the gums inside of mouth in pain baby?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Killian, can you get me Hope's teething ring in the freezer? I put it in there when Allison told me that something cool will help Hope when she began teething."
"Aye, anything else?"
"For now, the cold teething ring? If I am right, we will need her baby Tylenol."
"I know sweetie. You are hurting. Mommy will give you a lot of snuggle time and make you feel better." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, can I help Hope?"
"Henry, yes you can after school. If Hope feels better in the afternoon, I know she wants to play with you."
"Can we get milkshakes?"
"If Hope is better, your Dad can watch her and you and I can have one on one time. I know I am going to be with Hope all morning who is very upset." Killian finds the teething ring in the freezer and gets Hope's Tylenol just in case was needed. Killian returns with the cold teething ring.
"Little love, Daddy got you a toy." He hands it over to Hope and she puts it in her mouth and she slowly stopped crying. "Hope is that helping your pain little love?" She smiled. "Aye, your mommy was right little love."
"Hope, you are in good care, our Mommy's care. She knows that you were in pain little sis. Our mommy is going to take good care of you today." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, Hope will not be her happy self for a while but we will get through her teething stage we will manage."
"Mom we will make Hope happy."
"Aye, we will make Hope comfortable."
"Yes, we will. Hope you are very lucky to have all of us who love you and want to make you happy." Hope was chewing her cold chew toy.
"Lad, you missed your bus. I will drop you off at school before heading to the station."
"I will get ready quick." Henry gets ready for school.
"Love, are you going to be alright with Hope today?"
"Killian, I will call you if I need you to come home early. Can you buy more of these chewy rings and more bibs?I know our little girl will need more of both now that she is teething."
"Aye, I will love on the way home. You can call me and I will come home."
"I want to take Henry out just him and me for one on one time."
"Love, I can have one on one time with our little lass. I know you will need a break from our little love."
"I want to have equal time with them."
"I know, Emma. You get to have one on one time with Henry while I spend time with Hope. I want to be there for Hope when she is upset or in pain too."
"I know you, that is why I am asking you to be with Hope. I trust you with Hope, she is ours and she trusts us to be there for her when she needs us."
"You know that I will always be there for you, Hope and Henry."
"I know."
"Love are you okay?" He was still concerned for Emma's stressing out.
"Killian, I am fine. I am a little tired but when my baby girl needs me I will always be there for her, like now. She is happy being held by me. I do not know what to do with her teething. I will call Allison to ask her."
"Love, you seem to know what to do, you knew Hope was in pain and already had a chew toy in the freezer already for Hope. You are doing great love."
Emma leaned her head on her husband's chest. "I have you with me on my side helping me."
"Love, you are my family. I will always help my family."
"Dad, I am ready."
"Lad, I am ready too. Love, call me when you need me. I will bring home Hope's chew toys and bibs."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, Emma." They kiss. "Hope, you are with Mommy little love. Daddy will see you later." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma waved Hope's hand. "Hope, say bye-bye to Henry and Daddy."
"Little Sis, I will play with you later and read to you. I promise." Henry kisses Hope on the head and leaves with their Dad.
"Hope, it is just you and me today. Do you want to snuggle or read a book? Snuggle?" Hope puts her head on her Mommy's shoulder. "You just want to snuggle with Mommy. I know you are in pain. I am going to make you feel better and happy sweetie, this is my job of your Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma takes Hope to bed with her, she held Hope in her arms. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you have a chew toy in your mouth, I do not want you to choke."
Hope began to cry. "Hope.." She lets Hope have her chew toy and let her snuggle on her and watched Hope carefully. Emma needs Allison's advice and calls her as she watches Hope. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. Is Hope okay?"
"Hope just began teething this morning. Can you give me tips? She wants to snuggle but she has a cold chew toy in her mouth."
"Sure, I can give you tips. I can come by during my lunch break."
"Thank you. I just have one chew toy for her a cold one to use and now she wants to snuggle."
"Emma, just keep Hope happy and comfortable. She will be extra clingy more than usual since she will be in pain. For now, if Hope wants to be snuggle, let her snuggle. To keep her distracted from her pain, breastfeeding her, bubble baths, and cold pacifiers will help her. Also, dry the drool."
"I have a feeling, she has been drooling so much. I asked Killian on his way home to get Hope more bibs and teething rings for Hope."
"Emma, I will drop by later. Do you need anything?"
"Sure, I can get you lunch. I know Hope is keeping you busy."
"Oh, yes. Hope just wants her Mommy."
"I will see you two later." They ended their conversation. Emma cleaned Hope up by drying off her drool. Emma used her magic to make appear a frozen cold pacifier. Emma takes the chew toy out of her mouth and Hope began to cry. "Hope look what I have for you." She puts the pink cold pacifier into Hope's mouth which made her daughter stop crying. "You can sleep on Mommy with a cold paci in your mouth. I am sorry I took your cold chew toy away sweetie. I did not want you to choke, that is why I took your chew toy away so you won't choke during snuggle time." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Hope took a nap on her Mommy by snuggling on her. "I love my special time with you my baby girl, even though you are in pain, I will always help you when you need me." She gave Hope massages and watch her little girl sleep happily on her with a cold paci that is helping Hope with her teething. Hope slept for a few hours and woke up.
"Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are so happy you slept so well." Emma kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to fuss. "Are you hungry? Mommy will feed you." She nurses her daughter which made Hope stopped crying. Emma hears the door open and closes. "Emma."
"Allison, we are up here."
Allison goes up to find Emma nursing Hope in her room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison."
"How is Hope?"
"I used my light magic to appear a cold paci, which worked when she was sleeping. I did not want her to snuggle on me and choke on her chew toy."
"After, she eats I can examine her." She sits on the bed with her best friend. "How you been? I have not seen you in a while."
"Since Hope almost got hurt on my birthday to the day after the former witch threatening my family... I have been stressed out for being overprotective Mom to Hope."
"How so Emma?"
"Hope, never experienced the town's curses or villains attack, not the serious ones...I am just worried if Hope is worried. Ever since the whole witch attack, Hope has been extra clingy to Henry, Killian and me, especially. I am afraid to leave her and she will just cry."
"Emma, us as mothers will always worry about our children. I can see that you are really tired and need a break."
"Techniquely, I am on break now. My dad and Killian knew I needed a break and told me to take time off. I am now and Hope is teething...I am here for my daughter which I care about. I had no one as a child when I was in pain, hurt sad or afraid no one to comfort me...I have Hope now who needs me. I will always be there for her." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, I know you were alone. I see every time I see you with Hope and Henry, they love you tremendously. You are their mother and they will always need you."
"How are Connor and Lizzie?"
"They are good. Connor is on the soccer team. He loves sports. Lizzie is in dance classes, she is taking ballet. Ted and I take turns driving her and Connor to their after-school activities." Hope was full and Emma burped her. "Hope, you want to say hi, to auntie Allison?" She hands over Hope to Allison. "Hi, Hope. I came to visit you today, sweetie." Hope hugs her. Allison chuckled. "I missed you so much too."
"Hope loves you, Allison."
"She loves her auntie. I am going to examine her mouth." She lets Hope sit on her lap as she put gloves on. "Emma."
Emma takes Hope and places Hope on her lap. "Open your mouth, Hope." She examined her mouth and gums...Hope began to cry. "I know, Hope. I am sorry little niece. I have to see what is causing you pain." She found where the tooth was growing. "Emma, Hope is only the beginning of getting her first tooth on her top left side."
"What can Killian and I do to help soothe her?" Hope began to cry. "Hope, here is your paci sweetie." She puts Hope's paci in her mouth and kisses her on the head as she held her in her arms.
"Emma, you are doing the right thing now, just giving her cold pacifier and cleaning up her drool and making her comfortable as possible. As I said before, you can breastfeed her, or freeze your breast milk and let her drink it as a smoothie. You can give her bubble baths, use a cold washcloth against her cheek, frozen spoons for her to release the pain. The most important to do is dry her drool, clean her gums and make her comfortable as possible." She looks at Hope, "Which you are doing now."
"We started Hope feeding solid food, puree peaches last night and Hope loved them. RIght Hope? Henry chose you a good food for you to eat."
"That is a start. Just a few "meals" of puree food."
"How about now since she is teething?"
"Hope can try smoothies of your breast milk, fruits, and hard food just to chew on like frozen carrots and celery."
"I am not comfortable on her trying hard food yet but Killian and I will make her smoothies for her. Hope do you want to try a smoothie tonight?" Hope tugged her Mommy's hair. "Hope, are you being my silly girl." She tickles her daughter on her tummy and makes Hope laugh. "Allison!"
"Yes, Emma?"
"I took Hope to work yesterday since she did not want me to leave her. While Killian was playing with Hope in my office, Hope said da-da!"
"Her second word!"
"Yes! We have a feeling Henry name is going to her next word."
"Emma, I went to Granny's and got your usual."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
"We can eat in the living room." Emma carries Hope in the living room and Allison got their lunches. They ate on the couch. Hope reached to Allison.
"Hope, you want to spend time with me?" Emma hands over Hope to her best friend. "Hi, Hope. Are you happy to see me?" Hope hugs her auntie. "Yes, I know I missed you so much, sweetie. I am here on my lunch break to see you and Mommy."
"Allison, Killian and I are planning a date night soon. We do need Hope's favorite babysitter."
"Emma, I will love to watch Hope and Henry. Henry and I talk so much as we are watching a movie or playing with Hope."
Emma smiles. "I know, my kids love their favorite aunt."
"I do not mind watching them the night if you need a night off."
"Are you sure? With Hope teething and her being extra clingy. I am not sure about a night away from her..."
"Emma, if you are not comfortable yet with me..."
"No..no I trust you with my two kids, besides Killian, I do not let my parents watch Hope. It is just that I will be nervous being away from Hope too long when she is in much pain. I want to be the one to be there for her."
'EMma, I understand. All I am saying when Hope is not in teething, you can let me stay overnight with Hope and Henry to give you a very needed break."
"I will definitely let you know when you can watch them overnight. I know Henry and Hope love having you over. Do you want coffee?"
"Yes, please."
"I will be right back." As Hope was having fun with Allison, Emma made coffee for Allison. She knows that Hope trusts Allison and having one night away from her baby girl won't be so bad not until Hope is not teething not when her baby is in pain. For now, a night out with her Killian can happen when Hope is teething and she trusts her best friend/sister knowing that Hope is in the best care her pediatrician. She hears Hope crying. "Emma, I am going to change Hope's diaper." Emma returns back with Allison coffee hot. Allison brings down Hope. "Hope, you are all clean, my little niece." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, thank you for the coffee."
"You are welcome. I know you have a busy day with patients. It is the least that I can do since you came here on your lunch hour to help me with Hope."
"Emma, you are like my sister, we are best friends I love helping you out and I love our girl chats. I love seeing my little Hope." They heard the door open, Killian was home from work early, for being worried about their little lass. He sees Emma and Allison talking.
"Swan, I am home."
"Killian." Emma gets up and hugs him.
"You are happy to see me, love?"
"Yes, I am. Allison came by to give us tips on how to help Hope. Are you supposed to be at work?"
"I left work early because all day I think about our little lass. Allison, how is Hope?"
"She is only at the beginning of her teeth coming in. No tooth is out just yet. As I told Emma, you can use cold pacifiers, smoothies, cold cloth, cold spoons, and hard food for her to chew on. Give her bubble baths, for Emma to breastfeed her, dry her drool and clean her gums every day. Most of all keep Hope happy." Hope hugs Allison. "Hope, I love you too sweetie. I will come to play with you soon. You have your Mommy and Daddy to make you feel better. Emma, thank you for letting me come by."
"Allison, you are amazing. Thank you so much for helping us with Hope."
"You are welcome, Emma. Call me if you have any questions or concerns. Let me know when I can babysit this cutie." She tickles Hope.
"Aye, Allison. We will let you babysit Hope very soon. Swan, I was thinking, Friday night we can have a date night."
"Sure. Allison are you free to babysit Hope that night?"
"I am free Friday night. I get to spend time with my niece and nephew. Hope you and I are going to play on Friday night!" Hope moved around excitedly, which made all of the three adults laugh. "Emma, I have to go back to work." She hands over Hope to Emma.
"Thank you for coming by."
"Your welcome, Emma. We need to have out girl chats soon."
"Definitely." They hug.
Allison, thank you for helping our little lass."
"You are welcome. I will see you Friday night." Allison leaves. Hope began to cry.
"Swan, it is my turn with our little lass. You look like you need to rest." He takes Hope from his wife. "Hi, Hope. Daddy is home little love. I know you are in pain." He kisses Hope on the head.
"I used my magic to make a cold paci appear."
"Aye, I brought us more bibs for our little love and pacifiers."
"Hope, look what Mommy has for you, sweetie." She shows Hope her light magic to appear a purple cold paci on Emma's palm of her hand. Hope babbled. "Yes, Mommy created it just for you." She puts the paci in Hope's mouth.
"Little love, you want storytime? Daddy will tell you a story. Swan."
"Thank you, Killian." They kiss. "Hope, have fun with daddy in storytime." She kisses Hope and goes back upstairs to take a shower and a nap. Killian takes Hope up to her room. "Little love, let's read a story." Killian held Hope in his arm as he read a book from her book self while sitting on the rocking chair, " Once upon a time, there was a little duck..." Hope loved storytime with her Daddy and falls asleep after he finished reading the book. He loved his one on one time with his little love. A few hours later, Emma woke up well rested and checked on Killian and Hope and found them in her room. Hope was sleeping on her Daddy and Killian rocked her. "Love, she is alright. She loves sleeping on me."
"Can you watch her while I take Henry out?"
"Aye, love. Have fun with Henry."
"Thank you. Just call me if you need...."
"Love, we will be fine."
"Just to remember to dry her drool and the extra breast milk is in the fridge."
"Emma, Hope is happy with me and Hope will be alright with me. Have fun with our son."
Emma smiles at her husband. "Hope has the best daddy in the world."
"Hope has the best mommy in the world." They kiss. Emma gets her car keys and goes to the high school to pick up her son. Emma waited for Henry. When Henry saw his Mom's yellow bug car, he got excited. "Mom."
"Hey, kid. Come in." Henry hugs her after he gets in the car. Emma drove her car to town. "How was your day?
"Good. How is Hope?"
"Your sister is starting to teething. Aunt Allison came by to give me and Dad tips on how to sooth Hope while she is teething, like cold pacis, for me breastfeeding her, giving her bubble baths..."
"Yes, I will love to play with her to help her forget her pain.'
"I know as her big brother you will make your sister very happy. We just have to keep Hope happy and comfortable when she is in pain."
"Mom, we all will make Hope happy. I do not like it when Hope is crying."
"Me too, kid. Oh, Aunt Allison is babysitting on Friday."
"Yes!" Emma chuckled.
Emma and Henry went to Granny's and have milkshakes. Emma and Henry both order chocolate milkshakes. "Tell me about what is going on. I know that I been busy with Hope. If you are jealous or are you still sad about the incident with Zelena."
"Mom, Hope and I love you much. I know you love us equally. I just know Hope needs you now, she knows that you are there for her like you are there for me. You are there for the both of us when Zelena threatened our family, you and Dad are heroes. Hope relies on you and Dad. I am her big brother and she knows that I am there for her too. She has all of us."
"She is very lucky that she all of us caring for her."
"Mom, I know you need a break. Over the weekend, I was thinking after your date with Dad. Can I take Hope to the park or to the library? I want to babysit Hope and have one on one time with my baby sister, please."
Emma smiles big. "Kid, every time I think of you saying please is I think back as a ten-year-old kid when you asked me to take you back home. Now, I am with you all the time, you living with me..you have grown up so much and Hope adores you her big brother. I cannot say no to a babysitter."
"You mean I can babysit?"
"Yes, instead of Saturday. I do need a break...can you babysit after school on Thursday instead?"
"Sure, I can. If Hope is in pain I can stay home with her. You and Dad can teach me how to soothe her. I can learn, please."
Emma smiles big. "Henry." She hugs her son. "Hope has the best big brother ever. I know you will do your best to take care of her."
"I know that you need a break and I want to spend more time with my baby sister."
"I know, Henry. Hope loves playing with you."
"I am looking forward when Hope starts to crawl."
Emma laughed. "That is when we have to watch her so she won't get hurt."
"I know Mom and also keep the ground clean so she won't pick up objects in her mouth and choke."
"That is right." Emma and Henry continued to talk enjoying their one on one time together. Henry knew his mom is happy to have her special time with him and stress-free. While Emma and Henry are having their bonding time, Killian was with Hope. When Hope woke up from her nap crying. "Little love, Daddy is here. Daddy is with you." He sniffs her diaper. "Aye, you need a change, little pirate." As Killian changes Hope's diaper, Hope made more poop which splattered on her Daddy's shirt. "Hope, are you being a dirty pirate." He tickles his daughter. "You are my favorite pirate little love." He kisses Hope everywhere and makes her laugh. He was happy to make his little love happy. Killian takes off his poop covered shirt and changes Hope into a new outfit and he put a new bib, a bandana style with hooks on them. He dries up her drool. "Little love, you are all clean. You want to play?" Hope smiled. "Aye, we can have daddy and Hope time." He takes Hope downstairs and let her play with her toys while doing tummy time. "Da-da."
"You want me to play with you, little love? I will join you." He lies down on the playmat with his little lass and read her a soft book. He read to her stories and played with her and talked to her. "Hope, are you having fun with Daddy?" Hope babbled. He smiled. "Aye,I love playing with my little pirate. Yes, you are my little pirate." He tickles Hope and makes her laugh. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" He takes Hope to the kitchen and places Hope on her Bumbo chair. He gets puree peaches from the fridge and spoonfeeds his daughter. "Hope, here is the Jolly Roger looking for a place to land." He moved the spoon around like waves. "Open your mouth for the Jolly Roger to land." She opened her mouth and ate most of it and some landed on her bib. "Good little love, you are eating your peaches. Daddy is so proud of you little pirate." Hope smiled. He kisses her on the cheek. He continued to play with her "Jolly Roger." Emma and Henry return home to find Killian and Hope in the kitchen, Killian with no shirt on and feeding Hope puree peaches, "Hope, the Jolly Roger is sailing and needs a place to land." Hope knew what to do to open her mouth. "Yes, little pirate the Jolly Roger landed." Some landed not in her mouth. "Well, most of it." Emma giggled and Killian turned around seeing Emma watching them and Henry with his iPhone recording his special time with Hope.
"Hi, honey."
"Hello, love. Hope mommy and Henry are home."
She hugs her husband. "Kilian, where is your shirt?"
"After Hope napped, I changed her diaper and she pooped on me. I had no time to get a shirt, I was changing Hope's outfit and got her a new bib on her. We were playing in the living room....we got very busy. Now I am feeding her calling it "The Jolly Roger." Some of the food landed on me."
Emma giggles. "You are my an amazing Daddy to our little girl. I have not had seen Hope so happy since last night."
"Aye, I know love." Hope babbled. "Hope, are you still hungry little love?" Hope smiled. "Aye, we will continue our game." He gets another spoonful of peaches, "We can show Mommy and Henry our game." he moved the spoon around in waves, "Hope, the Jolly Roger needs to land somewhere, open your mouth for it to land..." Hope ate most of the peaches. "That is my Daddy's little pirate. You ate all of your peaches." He kisses her on the cheek. Hope spat up her peaches. "Well, I should have seen that coming." Emma and Henry laughed and took many pictures of Killian feeding Hope peaches. Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, Mommy is home." She burps Hope and Hope fell asleep on her Mommy. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can Henry. If she is in pain bring her to me."
"Yes, Mom, I will."
"Just make sure to dry her drool."
"I will Mom. Hope and I will be in my room."
"Have fun with Hope Henry."
"Hope and I will." He takes his sleeping sister to his room to give his parents a break.
"Killian, I love Hope's bandana bib."
"Thank you, love, I got a whole set at the baby store. There are a few that reminds me of you and me."
"Oh, really like this one? You?"
"Aye. That is right. I also put the pacifiers and chew toys in the fridge for our little lass."
"Killian...you are the best. Hope is so lucky to have you as her Daddy. You got her what she needed to soothe her, you fed her puree food you were having so much fun with Hope."
"Aye, Hope and I had tummy time. I read with her on her playmat played with her."
"Yes, she loves you so much and she is so happy with you."
"Love, she loves you and me. We both make her happy."
"Aye, we do."
"Since it is November, a holiday is coming up."
"What holiday is coming up love?"
"Thanksgiving. It is a time where we have a big family meal together and say what we are thankful for with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce."
"Aye, I like the sound of this holiday. Why we did not do it last year?" She hugs him.
"I was pregnant Hope. I wanted to have our first official family Thanksgiving when our family was completed. I have not had a good Thanksgiving in the system ever.."
"Love, we will have the best Thanksgiving ever with our whole family."
"Yay!" She hugs him tight and they kiss. She gave him a look, "You know..." She used her hands up and down her shirtless hot husband. "I do like seeing you naked more..."
He flirted her back, "Even with baby food on me."
She whispered in his ear, "Yes, it makes you sexier."
"Aye, I know where this is going...I do need a shower"
"What are you waiting for captain?" They make out and Killian brings Emma up to their room they get naked as they were kissing and have sex as quietly as possible in the shower not too loud since their kids were nearby. While Henry was watching Hope, he knew that his parents were having sex, he heard his parents making noises and talking going up the stairs. Henry was happy to have one on one time with his sister. He made sure her drool was dry. Hope woke up needing to change. "Hope, Henry will change you." Henry changes her diaper. 'You are all clean." He changes Hope's bib, into a pink bandana one. "Hope you want a story?" Hope began to cry. "Hope." He Hope bounces up and down to soothe her. Once, Emma and Killian heard Hope crying, they stopped having sex in their bedroom and changed into clothes. "Hope, I will bring you to Mommy. She always knows what to do." Henry brings in Hope into their room."Mom."
"Is Hope okay?"
"She needs you." He brings Hope to their Mom.
"Hope, did you have fun with Henry? He changed your bib!" Hope continued to cry. "Are you in pain again?"
"Swan, she was fine for a long time."
"I know." She magically appears another pacifier, a cold yellow one and placed it in Hope's mouth. "Here you go, sweetie." Hope spat it out. "Hope."
"Emma, I have an idea. Let me try. Hope." He lets Hope grab his hook hand and she chews on it and stops crying.
"Dad, you made Hope stopped crying."
"Aye, I did lad."
"Where did you get the idea, dad?"
"Allison told your Mom and I are that certain hard objects make her feel better. So I thought how about my hand and she loves her Daddy's hand."Hope snuggled on her Mommy and had her daddy's hook hand in her mouth making her teething pain go away.
"Killian, I think your hand is going to be Hope's favorite soothing toy."
"Aye, I have a feeling that will happen." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope are you happy that Daddy is making your pain go away?" Hope smiled. "Daddy loves helping his little love.
"Mom, Dad, can I read Hope a story?"
"Yes, you can Henry." He goes to get his book.
"How was your one on one time with our son?"
Emma smiled. "It was fun. We talked a lot. He asked me to babysit Hope. He is babysitting her after school on Thursday."
"You mean you and I can have one on one time together?"
"Yes, captain. At your captain quarters?'
"It is a deal love." They kiss. "You, Henry and I are making Hope so happy when our little lass is in pain. You magically appearing cold pacis, me with my hook and Henry with his storytime."
"Yes, we have many ways to make our little girl happy." Henry returned to his parents' bedroom and joined them on the bed. "Hope, here is the story. Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Emma loved her family time together, especially when her children needed her. She loves being mommy to Henry and Hope. She has her amazing husband supporting her and being there for their little girl as much as she was there for Hope. They both take turns with their little love, making her happy and comfort her when she is in pain or upset. They learn from each other on how to make Hope happy, like Killian's "Jolly Roger" feeding game. Emma and Killian have Henry to watch Hope and loves her as much as a big brother does, playing with her and reading to her and making her happy. They have Allison too, Emma's best friend/sister and is the family go to babysitter. Emma is so lucky to have her family together and love being with each other especially one of them needed all of their attention. For a long time, Killian's hook was in Hope's mouth. He did not mind his little love needed it to make her not in pain, he loves his little lass so much he is willing to do anything for her especially when she is in pain. After Henry read their true love story, Hope fell asleep. "Thank you, Henry."
"Your welcome, Mom." He goes into his room to let his sister sleep.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Emma." They kiss. Emma fell asleep while her husband's arm wrapped around her feeling safe while his other hand, hook and was in Hope's mouth. Killian loves his family and loving being there for his two loves. He know Emma is stress, with the help from him and Henry, Emma won't be as stressed out with their little love, who is extra clingy and began teething. As a family, they will get through Hope's teething together.

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