Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


206 4 0
By isaballerina89

Since Hope had diarrhea most of the night Emma and Killian were both up with Hope taking care of her. Emma ending up having Hope sleeping on her skin to skin. Killian wakes up seeing Emma sleeping with Hope passes out on her Mommy's chest. He kisses baby Hope on the head. "Little Hope I hope you are feeling better than yesterday. Daddy and Mommy know you had a rough night." He rubs Hope's back. He makes breakfast for his family. Henry comes downstairs. "Good morning, Dad."
"Good morning, lad." "I know Hope had a rough night."
"Aye. Her diarrhea was really bad."
"Yes, she was probably in a lot of pain. "
"Aye, she was crying most of the night from the pain. Your mom was comforting her the whole night while I cleaned her many dirty diapers."
Killian and Henry had breakfast together. Henry brought up his Mom's his breakfast, Hope was awake. "Hi, little sis." He puts the tray on the side and picks up his little sister. "Hope, are you feeling better?" Henry kisses Hope on the head. "You can come to my room for a little while." Henry takes Hope to his room to read to her on his bed as he held her. "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella..." Hope was awake for storytime with her big brother. "Did you like the story, Hope?" Hope happily gurgled. He put the book on the side and laid down on his bed with Hope on his chest. "You know, little sis. This Cinderella in the story lives in Storybrooke. You just have not met her yet. She had a baby named Alexandra and she is 6 years old now. Our Mommy helped her keep her daughter by making a deal with my Grandpa Rumplestiltskin. Cinderella was able to keep her daughter, which was Mommy's first mission as the savior, to give their happy endings. Mommy gave many people here their happy endings. Now Mommy has us, her family and this is her happy ending being able to have us in her life. You were born which made Mommy a Mommy from the beginning. She could not raise me now she has you and me together." He kisses Hope on the head. "Is your tummy still hurt Hope?" Hope looks like she was about to cry. Henry sits up holding her."Hope, I did not mean for you to get sad little sis." He kisses her and bounced Hope to calm her down. Hope makes her poop face. "Uh-oh." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, I will change you, little sis." He takes Hope to her room to change her. "Shh..shh..your big brother will change you little Hope. Do not cry." Henry changed Hope, it was very messy. "Hope you are all cleaned little Hope." He picks Hope up from the changing table and kisses her on the head until she stopped crying. Emma wakes up hearing Henry with Hope in the nursery. She smiled as she watched Henry calming down Hope by the doorway. "Hope, Henry got you, little sis. Do not cry." He takes her to the rocking chair to calm her down. She slowly calmed down in Henry's arms. "Good little Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. He gently places Hope in her crib. He turns around the leave and sees his Mom. "Mom, how long were you watching?'
"Oh. since she was crying and you were calming her down."
"I changed her diaper, I am pretty sure she still has diarrhea."
"Yes, but her medicine is working." She hugs her son. "You are a great big brother."
"Yes, I know. I love Hope."
"Since, Hope is sleeping. Today is the first day of summer. You want to splatter paint in the backyard?"
"Let me eat and then we set it up in the backyard!" Henry hugs his Mom.
"I will get my swimsuit on."
Emma gets the baby monitor, she wears a bathing suit with old clothes on top. She sees Killian in the kitchen. SHe goes up to kiss him on his scruffy cheek. "Morning."
"Morning love."
"I am going to eat and feed Hope when is done with her nap before Henry and I paint."
"I will watch Hope while you and Henry have time together." They kiss. As Emma ate her breakfast, Henry checked on his baby sister who was awake in her crib. "Hope you are awake. Come with me." He picks her up and kisses her on the head. He brings her to their Mom. "Mom, Hope is awake."
Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Hi, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you hungry?" She preps to feed Hope and Hope latches on very quickly. "Hope, your milk is not going anywhere sweetie." She rubs Hope's head as she was eating.
"How are you, Mom?"
"A little tired but got enough rest with your help Henry."
"Yes, Hope loves storytime with me."
"Yes, she sure does kid." She burps Hope when Hope was finished eating.
"Love, it is my turn to have time with the little lass." She kisses Hope on the head and hands over Hope to her Daddy.
"Kid, where are the supplies?"
"In the backyard."
"Let's set up." They go out in the backyard. "Little lass, do you know what your Mommy is up to?" She looks at her Daddy with her big blue eyes. "I didn't think so. You and I can have Daddy daughter time in the living room." Killian watched Hope as she did tummy time.
Outside in the backyard, Emma set up the canvas, tying it between two trees while Henry set up the paints. "Henry, how do you want to do this?"
"Well, we can start like this." He picks up a paintbrush and dips it into a blue paint can and begins throwing it on the canvas. Emma followed him they both used all of the colors, blue, red, green, yellow and orange. It took them a short time to cover the canvas."
"Kid, I am pretty sure that we used most of the paint."
Henry looks at the paint cans still filled with paint. "Mom we still have paint leftover."
"We should not waste the paint." Emma uses her hands to get orange paint and throws it at Henry that left a small paint spit and she smiles.
Henry smiles. "You want to use paint like that?" He picks up the yellow paint can.
"Henry?" He throws the paint from the paint can at his Mom! Emma is covered with yellow paint. Emma and Henry both laugh. "I see how this is going. You want to play dirty?" She picks up the blue paint can and throws leftover blue paint on Henry. "Mom." He quickly gets the green paint can and throws it at his Mom. They both laughed. They continue their paint flight. Meanwhile, Killian with Hope, heard them laughing and screaming. He went to see what they were up to. He sees the canvas covered with paint. He smiles seeing Emma and Henry having fun covered in paint having a paint fight. "Hope, Mommy and Henry are having a fun time painting, more than the canvas." He takes photos of Emma and Henry paint fight. He takes Hope outside, "Henry and Emma what are you two up to?" Emma and Henry were having a huge laugh attack. Emma comes up to them covered the whole rainbow. "Hi, honey. Hope baby Mommy is really colorful. We are having a paint fight."
"I can tell. You two are having fun?'
"Yes, we are." She talks to Hope. "Hope, Mommy and Henry are covered in paint." She taps Hope's nose with her painted covered finger. Hope smiles. "She likes it. How is she?"
"I changed her diaper and it is not as bad during the night."
"The medicine is working." The doorbell rings.
"Love, Hope and I will get the door. "Hope, Mommy, and Henry are being very silly. You will join in the fun when you older."
Emma and Henry continue their paint fight.
Killian opens the door. "Regina."
"Hi, Killian. Hi, Hope."
"How is she?"
"She had a very rough night with diarrhea. Her medicine is slowly getting her better."
"Why does Hope have paint on your nose?"
"It will be easier to show you." Killian and Hope bring Regina to the backyard. Henry and Emma were still in their paint fight they were still throwing paint at each other and having laugh attacks. Regina was in shock her jaw drops. "Wow... I did not expect this to happen."
"Aye, me too. I knew they were going to paint that is all. I heard them laughing and screaming, the next thing I saw is this."
Regina smiles. "It looks like they are having fun."
"Aye, they are having fun."
"Mom!" He rushes over to Regina. "Hi, Mom!"
"Hi. You are covered in paint."
"Yes, yes I am. Mom started it."
Emma walks over, "Henry, you were the one who threw the blue paint can at me."
"Okay, I started the paint war. Mom, can Hope join us?"
"Henry we cannot get her too messy. Killian, how is she?"
"Her medicine has kicked in. I am pretty sure she needs some fun." He takes off Hope's onesie."Hope, have fun with Mommy and Henry." He kisses Hope on the head.
"We will not be too rough with her, Dad."
"Aye, I know." He hands over Hope to Henry. Henry and Emma take Hope with them to the canvas. As Henry held Hope, Emma gently puts paint on her daughter, both mom and daughter were smiling.
"Are you taking pictures?'
"Aye, I have a few now got to take more with Hope."
"Are you going to join?'
"No, I am not. Someone has to keep the house clean."
Regina laughs. "That is for sure. I came by to see how you all are. We need to rearrange dinner."
"Aye, we should."
"Emma looks so happy to be with both of them."
"Aye, she is happy. She got upset yesterday thinking she made a mistake then she realized Hope was sick. It was a very rough day yesterday and so far today is better." They both watched Emma and Henry having fun Hope.
"Henry your sister is smiling." He covers Hope with more paint.
"Yes. I think Hope likes to paint."
"Hope, are you having fun getting messy with Henry and Mommy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are!" Henry, Emma, and Hope were all covered with mixed colors of the rainbow. Emma did a few butterfly kisses with Hope. "You know Dad is taking pictures?"
"Yes, I have a feeling he is." Emma laughs. They stopped once the paint was gone. "We are done." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, sweetie we will get messy again baby." Hope makes her poop face. "Or you are in pain." Emma takes Hope to her Daddy. Killian and Regina were still talking and had towels. "Killian, Hope needs a change."
"Aye. First pictures of my very colorful messy family." He takes a few photos of his paint-covered family together. He gives Emma a towel to cover Hope. "Before I give Hope a bubble bath, I need to do something." He went to the water hose and sprays Henry first.
"Regina, can you hold Hope?'
Regina smiles. "Little Hope you better not get paint on me." Emma hands over Hope to Regina who was wrapped in a towel. "You sure are stinky little swan-jones." Killian sprays Emma.
"This is the easiest way to clean you two off! Hope is the easiest to clean in the bathtub." He sprays Henry and Emma.
"Dad, my turn." Killian hands Henry the water hose.
Killian rushes to Regina and Hope, Regina hands him, Hope. "I do not want to get wet."
Hope begins to cry. "Hope, I know you need a change and a bath little love."
"Go, Hope needs a bath badly."
"Aye, she does, a mixture of diarrhea and paint." Killian talks to Hope, "Hope it is your bath time. Daddy is going to give you a bath now." He takes Hope inside. Regina watched Emma and Henry having fun.
"Henry?" Henry sprays Emma! Emma goes into a huge laugh attack and rushes to get the hose from Henry. "Your turn." She sprays him with the water hose. They were soaked to the bone with some of the paint off and were lying on the grass out of breath.
"Are you too tired?"
"Yes, Mom. It was so much fun." Regina throws towels at Henry and Emma to dry off.
"Regina are you mad?"
"No, I am not mad."
"Because we had to cancel last night."
"Hope was sick. I would not want Hope to be miserable at my house. It is okay, Emma. We can reschedule."
"Mom, Dr.Cameron made a house call."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes. The one you hired that can be my twin by the way. Allison and I are friends now."
"Hiring your twin was the best part of hiring her. Are you two are friends? Wait, Allison?"
"She asked us to call her by her first name out of the office."
"Oh, yes they are friends Mom. They got along very quickly. Mom, Allison offered me a summer job?'
"Oh really?"
"Yes. Once she found out I did the murals in Hope's room, she offered me a job to paint her two children's room. Mom can I take the job?"
"Sure you can."
"Yes! Thank you, Mom." He hugs her.
"Henry, you got me wet."
"Sorry, Mom."
"It is okay Henry."
Emma gets a phone call. "Killian?" She hears crying in the background. "Hope is pooping in the bathtub."
"Killian, does she still have paint?"
"Most of the paint is off love. I cannot get her to stop crying."
" I am on my way up." She rubs her head. Regina looks at Emma.
"Is everything okay?"
"Hope pooped in the tub. Her diarrhea is pretty bad. Killian cannot clean her and comfort her at the same time."
"Go, Henry and I will clean up."
"Thanks, Regina." She goes inside.
"How was here last night?"
"Rough for Mom and Dad. Hope diarrhea was bad last night."
"Let's clean up. I know you and your Mom had fun but she looks exhausted."
"Mom was up most of the night with her doing skin to skin, Dad changed her dirty diapers. I helped this morning, by watching Hope as Mom slept in. I changed her diaper."
"You did?"
"Yes, I did. Diarrhea on a newborn is nasty."
"Yes, it is." They cleaned up the backyard. Emma goes upstairs, hearing Hope crying. "Whoa." She sees the bathtub covered in dirty water. She takes a towel and gets Hope from the baby holder. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. I know your tummy hurts sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs and bounces Hope. "Killian, drain the water and start a new bath."
"Aye, my love." He drains the water.
"We have a lot to clean."
"Yes, love. We have a lot of laundries too. Are you mostly dry?"
"Yes, I am going to need a shower later."
"Aye, luckily we have two bathrooms."
"Yes." She talks to Hope. "Hope, you are going to have a nice bath then you will be all clean sweetie. You and I will have snuggle time. You like the sound of that?" Hope coos. Emma gives Hope her second bath. She dries off Hope and put lotion on her little body with a fresh diaper. "Killian, can you give me her medicines'?
"I am on it, love." Killian drains the water from the bath and gets the medicines. Emma holds Hope as Killian spoonfed both medicines to Hope. "Good little lass." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian can you hold her for a few minutes. I need to take a very quick shower before feeding her."
"Aye, love." Emma takes a quick shower and dries off hearing Hope's hungry cry. "Little love, Mommy needs to be clean before she feeds you little Hope." He kisses her and bounces her. Emma enters their room. "Hope, Mommy is back little love." He hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, Mommy has your milk sweetie." She kisses her and feeds Hope. "Mommy had fun with you and Henry today."
"Love, you had so much with Henry."
"Yes, yes I did. I had fun with both of them."
Regina comes up to Emma and Killian's bedroom and knocks.
"Regina, you are still here?"
"Yes, I am. I helped Henry clean up the backyard. He is taking a very needed shower in the bathroom downstairs. Who idea was it to splatter paint?"
"Mine. I had a feeling it would get very messy."
"You definitely cheered Henry up."
"Yes, I did. Hope did too. During the week he was so worried for the math exam results. Most of the time he held Hope and talked to her. I do not know what he was talking about with her maybe venting?"
Regina smiles. "Hope, Henry loves you so much." Hope fusses.
"Hope, are you still hungry?" Emma changes Hope to her other boob to continue to eat. Hope continues to eat.
"How is she?"
"Hope had to have two baths from the poop explosion before and during the bath and the paint."
"Did she give your trouble?"
"Aye, she was upset but when Emma came she calmed our little lass down."
"We just gave her her medicines, hoping her tummy feels better soon." She talks to Hope. "Mommy does not like it when you are sick sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"She seems content and happy now."
"Yes. She loves snuggling with me and skin to skin. It does wonders with her." Hope was full and burped. Hope slept on top of Emma's chest.
"Henry is looking forward to the paint job."
"Yes, he is. Regina, I am going to go with him to Allison's house while he works."
"Yes, since Allison is new in town."
"Yes, I just want our son to be safe."
"Exactly. When do you want to come over for dinner?"
"About that. Did Robin or Henry told you what happened at the park with Hope and Rowand?"
"Yes, they both told me. Your Hope has her power of sensing danger."
"Maybe she does." She looks down at her sleeping daughter.
"Emma, Hope will be fine at my house since she will be held by you, Henry or Killian."
"Yes, our son will not let Hope be afraid. He did an amazing job with Hope at the park."
'Yes, Robin told me."
"We can have dinner tomorrow at your house."
"Great. I am looking forward to having you all over tomorrow."
Henry enters the room. "Mom, how is Hope?"
"She is cleaned, fed and now napping."
"Henry you are coming over tomorrow for dinner."
"Mom, what about Hope?"
"Henry, Robin told me what happened at the park. I have a feeling that Hope will be with one of you the whole time. She will be fine."
"Mom. Are you sure Hope will be fine?"
"Kid, Hope will be fine as long she is with one of us." Hope wakes up.
"Mom, I will take her." He takes Hope from his mom's arms. "Hope, did you like getting messy with Henry and Mommy?" Hope coos. "Yes, I know you get pretty colors on you. Let's read a book in my room." Emma and Regina both smile. He takes her to his room.
"Hope and Henry are so close."
"Yes, they are. Henry is amazing with her and he babysits her when I need sleep. How is Henry usually at your house?"
"He plays with Roland and Rowand. Henry with Hope he is a totally different person."
"Let's see what Henry and Hope are up to?" They walk to his room and listen in with Henry's door slightly open and watch Henry playing Hope. He was tickling her.
"Hope, I am the tickle monster. I am going to get you...I am going to get you." Hope kicks her legs and smiles as Henry tickling her and kissing her belly. "Yes, I made you smile! I love you, Hope!" He kisses Hope more and tickles her. Regina took a video and pictures of Hope and Henry playing together. "He is not like this at my house. He is quieter and not as active playing with Roland and Rowand than he is with Hope."
"He is really happy to have a biological sibling and he loves Hope. It is different to have a biological sibling than a sibling from a marriage."
"Yes. I can see that."
I will see you all tomorrow," Emma goes down with Regina and talks to Killian.
"Love, I just ran the first load of laundry."
"Thank you. Killian, we are having dinner at Regina's tomorrow evening."
"What about Hope?
"If she is still sick we can take her still. If Hope goes hysterical crying because of Rowand we have an excuse to leave."
"Aye, I love the way you think swan." They kiss and enjoyed some quiet time together as Henry was playing with Hope. They cuddled on the couch and took a needed nap together.
The next day, Hope was a little better. Killian and Emma both got more sleep. Henry took Hope from her cradle who was wide awake. "Good morning, little Hope." He takes her to her room as he let their parents sleep in longer. He sat with Hope in the rocking chair. "Hope, today I will show you my other house. You might be scared today if you see someone you do not like. Hope you have Mommy, Daddy and me that will look out for you and help you when you are afraid. You come from a family full of brave people. When one of us is sad or scared we help each other Okay sis?" Hope coos. He kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Killian were both awake listening to Henry's talk to Hope. They held hands. "Our son is telling hope that everything will be alright."
"Aye, love. He gets the bravery from you and he is showing it to our little love."
"Yes, he is captain." They kiss and fall back to sleep, with Killian wrapped Emma in his arms. Henry brings down Hope to the kitchen so he can have breakfast. He puts Hope on her bouncy chair. Henry had cereal for breakfast. He takes Hope to the living room to let Hope do tummy time. Emma and Killian woke up at 10:00 am. "Wow, Hope is still with Henry?"
"I will go check on them." Emma finds Henry with Hope watching television. "Hey, kid."
"Hi, Mom. I took Hope from your room around 7:30 am to let you both sleep. She is napping now, she and played together and talked. She just fell asleep."
"Henry Hope does love you."
"I know. I told her she will be safe at my other mom's house tonight."
"She will be safe, Henry. She has us." For the rest of the day, Hope was sleeping or with one of her family members. Emma and Killian took turns watching and holding Hope and spend time with Henry. Emma got Hope dressed for the dinner at Regina's while Killian and Henry played video games. "Hope, daddy and Henry love to play video games." Hope coos. "Yes. when you are older you and I are going to have girl time, shop, more playing and we can paint our nails." Hope smiles. "Yes, you and I are going to have so much fun together. Like we do now." She plays her kissing game with Hope. Hope and Emma both smile at each other. Henry comes up Hope's room. "Mom, are you and Hope almost ready?"
"Yes, we both are, Henry." She lifts up Hope and held her to her chest. Henry carries the diaper bag. Killian waits for them by the stairs.
"Are you ready love?"
"Yes, I am." They kiss. Emma puts Hope in her car seat. Henry sits next to Hope. Killian sits next to Emma. She looks in the mirror at Hope who was smiling with Henry talking to her. She smiles and Killian held her hand and gives her a look telling her Hope will be alright at Regina's house. She drove them to Regina's house. To Be Continued...

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