Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


757 8 0
By isaballerina89

Two days after the family of four sailing adventure, Snow White was watching Hope for Emma while she slept in. Killian was keeping Snow White and Hope company. "Killian how was the first weekend with Henry and Hope together?"
"We all went on a family sailing trip. Little Hope here loved the ocean. Emma and Hope watched Henry and I steered the Jolly Roger."
"Hope, did you have fun on you Daddy's ship?" Hope happily gurgled.
Killian fixed Hope's play mat. "Hope, your play mat is fixed, little lass."
Snow White placed Hope on her play mat. Snow White tried Hope to do some tummy time. "Just for a minutes sweetie...keep your head up. You are listening to Grandma, Hope." Killian took a few pictures of Hope doing tummy time and Snow White with Hope. Hope began to cry. "Hope are you hungry? Let me take you to your Mommy?"
Emma woke up hearing Hope's cries. Snow White brought Hope to Emma, "Hope, Mommy is awake."
Emma reaches her arms out to Hope. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Hope." Snow White hands Hope to her daughter. "Hope, what's the matter are you hungry?" Emma quickly preps to breastfeed and Hope quickly eats. Emma kisses Hope on the forehead as she eats. Snow White sits on Emma's bed. "Killian told me that you went sailing this weekend."
"Yes, we did. Hope loved watching the ocean. Hope had a little poop explosion but it was taken cared of. Henry improved on his sailing skills so much. Mom, can you keep an eye on Henry in school?"
"Of course, Emma. Can you explain why?"
"I cannot say too much, because Henry told me in confidence and he only told me."
"Not even Regina?"
"Yes. Can you just keep an eye on him in the halls?"
"Sure, sweetheart."
"I will let you know when I can, I do not want to break Henry's trust."
"Of course, Emma. I will keep an eye on him and keep it a secret."
"I cannot tell what it is."
"I know I won't ask more."
"I am looking forward to the art show on Friday night."
"Oh, your wedding anniversary is next week?"
"Yes, it is. I have no idea what Killian and I are doing yet to celebrate it."
"Emma, you have been married for one year, you have to do something special."
"Yes, what about Hope? I do not want to leave her. I will miss her too much." Hope puts her hand on Emma's chest. Emma giggles. "I love you too sweetie." She takes her little hand and kisses it.
"I can watch her with Henry for the evening, you and Killian can go out for an anniversary dinner."
"I will let you know. It will be the first time, I will leave Hope for a few hours." Emma bends her head down to Hope, "Who I will miss very very much."
"Emma, Henry will be here to help me watch her."
"I know. I will think about it."
"I know, Hope is very attached to you."
"Oh, yes she is." Emma burps Hope. Hope sleeps on her chest.
"Emma, I have to go to work, I will keep an eye on Henry."
"Thank you, Mom."
In the afternoon, Hope was sleeping in her bedroom. Killian was in the kitchen. Emma was on the couch reading a book when Henry came home from school. Henry slammed the door and ran upstairs to his room and slammed the bedroom door. The loud sound woke up Hope and she began to cry. "Henry?"
"Emma, I will go take care of Hope, you talk to Henry." Killian goes to calm down Hope.
Emma slowly ran up to Henry's room. "Henry, can I come in." She opens the door and the room was dark. "Henry." She turns the lights on and Henry was in tears. "Henry." She hugs him tightly as he cried into her until he calms down not showing his face. She rubbed his back to calm him down. "Let me, look at your face." She gently touched his face. "Henry, you have bruises on your face? Who did this?"
"Mom, they beat me up on the way home."
"Are they the ones who have been bullying you?"
"Yes, they are from the land of untold stories." Emma took a picture of his bruises. She used her magic to lessen them.
"Henry, you know I have to tell Regina."
"Yes, can I stay over the night, please? I feel safe here."
"Kid, of course, you can." She hugs him. "Regina and I will work together to put the bullies in jail for their punishment. I do not want you to be beaten up and bullied in school. I know how you feel. I was bullied most of my life, foster siblings and classmates because they knew I was in the system, it happened every time when I have changed foster families. I did not have any adult to lean on every time I was hurt. Now, you are hurt and I am going to help you okay?" Emma hugs him tighter.
"I told you only because I knew that you experienced a rough childhood and you are easier to talk too. Starting high school is so hard to fit in, art class, sailing, and Hope is the best part of my day."
"Hey, you can talk to me anytime." Henry hugs her tight for a long time. "I love you, mom."
"I love you too, Henry. You do not mind me telling Regina about it? Do you want to talk more?"
"You can tell her. I can tell Dad."
"You're sure?"
"I want to tell Dad myself."
"Okay, Henry. If you want to talk later, you can okay?"
"Yes." Henry hugs Emma again. "I feel better now, can I spend time with Hope?"
"Yes, you can." Henry goes to Hope's room, where Killian was holding Hope. "Hi, Dad. Can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, lad." Killian hands over Hope to him.
"Little Sis, I am so happy to see you. I am sorry that I woke you up from your nap." He kisses her on the head. " I love you so much, little sis."
"Yes, son. I need to tell you something."
"Do not panic, I was beaten up on the way home today. I have been bullied in school."
"Henry, why you did not tell me any sooner?"
"I thought if I ignored them then it got worse. My only escape was my art class, sailing, and Hope."
"Henry, being bullied is awful. I was beaten up daily by my owners and had these awful scars as a child. Is there any way that I can help."
"I only told Mom and she told me that she will put them in jail for a few days as their punishment. Only she knows and now you. Mom is going to tell my other mom."
"Aye, I will help both of your two powerful moms."
"Yes, son."
" Can you teach me how to sword fight?"
"Yes, I am glad that I can teach you that, your mom has a few tricks too."
"I know. I can learn from the best." Henry bends down to Hope. "Hope, when you are older, I am going to fight all of the bullies who hurt you okay, little sis."
Killian leaves Henry and Hope in the nursery and went to find his wife. "Emma." He finds Emma on the living room couch."
"Emma, is this what you were talking about with Henry on the ship?"
"Yes, I did not want to tell anyone about it, I did not want to betray his trust."
"Aye. He told me just now."
"He wanted me to tell Regina, and he wanted to tell you himself. He trusts you, Killian." Emma showed him the pictures of the bruises on her phone. "I meant it when I told him that I will put them in jail for a few days as their punishment."
"Aye, I will be glad to help to keep the time in jail as miserable as possible."
"I am going to call Regina, to come over. I have to tell her."
"Aye, I will keep Henry company. He is with Hope now."
"He told me that he wants to stay over the night because he feels safe here. I said yes. My baby got hurt and I want to be there for him especially now I did not have him most of his life, and he is asking for my help."
"You are doing the best with him, Emma. You are there for him now when he needs you the most. He can stay over. He is happy and he feels safe here that is alright with me. He also asked me to teach him to sword fight."
"Hey, I can sword fight too."
"I know. He told Hope that he will fight the bullies if they hurt her."
Emma put her hands on her head" Now I remember."
"Remember what swan?"
"On the day of the gender reveal appointment. He told me he wants a baby sister because he wants to fight off the bullies. Maybe he was trying to tell me that he was being hurt? How come I did not think of this before?"
"Emma, Henry told you first, when he was ready. The lad probably was not ready to tell you before."
"Do you think my pregnancy was the reason why he did not tell me?"
"Hey, hey, Emma. Henry being bullied got worse more recently. Do not be too hard on yourself, love." He hugs Emma.
"Now, I got call Regina to ask her to come over." Emma makes a phone call. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma. How is Hope?"
"She is doing good and happy. Can you come over? I need to talk to you about Henry."
"Sure, are you free now?"
"Yes, I am."
"I will be right over."
Killian gently kisses Emma and hugs her. "I am going to check on Henry and Hope before she comes over." She goes upstairs to find Hope and Henry in his room. Henry was holding Hope on his lap on the bed with his storybook in front of them. "Henry, are you having fun with Hope?"
"Yes, I am explaining to her how the book is magically made with all of the fairy tales. I am showing her the pictures."
"I am just letting you know, that Regina is coming over so I can talk to her about what is going on and telling that you are sleeping over, ok?"
"Sounds good. Thank you, mom."
"Your welcome, Henry."
"Hope, we have a brave mommy who will fight for us." Emma goes and kisses Henry and Hope on their head. "I will always fight for the both of you. Hope have fun with Henry."
Regina comes in after Killian opens the door. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. Henry told me you went sailing on Saturday."
"Aye, yes we did. Hope love the ocean."
"Now, I see who she takes after." Emma comes down. "I will be upstairs if you need me."He kisses Emma and heads upstairs.
"Hi, Emma. What do we need to talk about?"
"Let's talk in the living room." They sat in the living room. "Listen, I do not know how to tell you this but.. Henry has being bullied in school."
"What? I had no idea." Regina looks concerned
"He told me over the weekend. I told him if they hurt them, I would punish them by locking them up in jail. He came home slamming doors. I knew something was wrong, he did not look me in the eye and I looked at his face he has bruises."
"I took pictures of them and healed him with my magic." Emma shows Regina the pics.
"Do you know who did this to him?"
"He just told me they are from the land of untold stories. I told him that you and I are going to work together to punish them."
"We are going to punish them. Why he told you not me?"
"I do not know Regina. Maybe he was embarrassed or ashamed. He told me he wants to stay over the night, which I allowed."
"He can stay over. I am going to talk to him."
"He is in his room with Hope."
Regina goes upstairs to find Henry and Hope together in his room. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom."
"I was telling Hope stories until she fell asleep on me."
"Henry, I spoke to Emma. She told me what was going on."
"I know, I asked her to tell you."
"Why you could not tell me?"
"Mom, I love you. Knowing you, you will rip their hearts out. I told my other mom because she went through it in the foster system with no adult for help. Mom, I wanted her to tell you so you can work together."
"Henry, we are going to work together on the bullies, do not worry."
"Thanks, Mom. Ever since I been bullied, art, sailing, and Hope here, is the best way to distractions from being tripped, knocked against lockers and today beaten up. It sucks."
"Hey, we are going to help Henry do not worry. Hope sure does love you."
"I know, I love her too." He gives Hope a kiss who was sleeping on his shoulder.
"I am going to plan with Emma on what to do with those bullies."
After Regina went back downstairs, Killian went to talk to Henry. "Lad, I know mother's day is coming up. I am wondering since Hope is here, we can do something special for her."
"I have an idea what Hope and I can make her."
"We can make Hope's footprints markings into clay and write down "To Mommy, Love, Hope." We can paint it too."
"We can go to the pottery store to create it."
"I also want to make a mug for her. Dad, you and Mom's wedding anniversary is this coming Monday. Do you have any plans?"
"I am thinking of taking your mother out to the Italian place where we had our very first date. I know she does not want to be away from Hope too long."
"I can watch her next Monday night."
" Yes you can lad but your Grandma is going to be with you too."
"That sounds like a good plan."
"We can do the art projects, but we have to get hope away from your mom for a few hours."
"I want to help Hope on her first art project."
"Lad, we can give your mom a break from baby duty, we can take her to the pottery store."
Hope moves around in her sleep. "Hope loves you."
"I know, she been sleeping on me for almost an hour."
From downstairs, "Henry, can you please come down here!"
"Looks like your moms need to talk to you." Henry gives Hope to Killian. "I will be back Hope."
Henry comes downstairs, "Mom and Mom, Hope was sleeping in my arms."
"Kid, sit down. You have to tell me who has been bullying you, so we can punish them. Regina, don't we have to go the principal?"
"Yes, but I am mayor of this town, I will get the principal to listen to us."
"I am sheriff too, I can put the boys in jail as their punishment."
"I like the way you think, swan."
"Henry, who is bullying you in school?"
"Jasper Jr, Cruella Devil's henchman's son, Horace Jr, the other Cruella Devil's henchmen and Jack from the land of untold stories, they are all from the land of untold stories. Can I stay home tomorrow? I really do want to face them Or them seeing me with you both. I do not want to be beaten again."
"Henry." Emma hugs him and Regina hugs him. "Regina, what do you think?"
"Henry, you can have one day off. You are never absent anyway."
"Thanks, mom. Thank you both." Henry runs upstairs to tell Killian and Hope.
"So we go to the principal in the morning and get the boys."
"Sounds good. I know she will listen to the both of us."
"I need to make a few calls to my parents, to ask my mom to point them out for us and my dad to watch them in jail."
"Emma, I will see you tomorrow. Please keep an eye on Henry."
"Of course Regina. I won't let anything happen to him. Trust me when he first told me, I wanted to punch them."
"I know the feeling. See you tomorrow."
Back upstairs, Henry finds Killian and Hope in Hope's room. "Dad, my moms told me that I can have the day off tomorrow. I told them how I was feeling about facing the bullies. we can go to the pottery store to create mom's mother day presents."
"Great, lad." Killian hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hope, tomorrow we are making Mommy's mother's day presents. You will love art just like Mommy and me." He kisses her on the head. Hope begins to cry. "Hope are you hungry?"
"Lad, I will bring Hope to your mom. You can finish your homework." Henry went to his room to do his homework. Killian brought down Hope and a burp towel. Emma was on the phone, "Mom....yes they must have found out which why he was beaten up...he was...Regina and I are going down to the school and have the bullies arrested...I need Dad to help supervise...can you point them out to me tomorrow?...thanks, mom. I have to go I have to feed Hope." Emma turns to Hope and Killian. "Hi, baby are you hungry? Come to mommy." Emma breastfeeds Hope and Killian sat next to Emma.
"What is the plan tomorrow?"
"I just called my mom, I asked her to keep an eye on Henry at school without telling her the reason. She thinks that the bullies saw her watching Henry, which caused them to hurt Henry. I told her that Regina and I are going to the principal's office tomorrow and have them punished."
"For them being at home, no way. They are going to be in jail not being at home suspended for 2 or 3 days. They hurt my baby, they are going to get the punishment they deserve."
"Aye, is there any way that I can help?"
"Well, Henry is staying home tomorrow and I need you to watch Hope."
"I can do that. I can cheer Henry up and Hope will be very helpful to make her brother happy."
"Hope, Mommy is going to help Henry with the mean boys at his school by being sheriff tomorrow, are you going to be a good girl for daddy?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"I am looking forward to spending time with both of them."
"Great, I will feed Hope right before I go."
"Do you want to try the bottle just in case your not in time for her next feeding."
"We can try. If not call me." Emma dressed Hope for bed. "Hope, you are going to have fun with Daddy and Henry tomorrow, baby girl." Emma and Hope played their kissing game until Hope was tired out. Emma rocked her to sleep and put her in the cradle. "Sweet dreams, my little buttercup." She gently kisses sleeping Hope and tiptoed out of the room. Emma went to check up on Henry. "Hey, kid. What are you up to?"
"I am just drawing."
"Can I join?"
"Sure." They draw together. "Mom, thank you for being here for me, I really needed you today."
"I am here for you anytime, kid."
"I have been bullied most of the year."
"Henry, is there a reason why that you did not tell me? Was it because of pregnancy?"
"Mom, no it was not because of your pregnancy. The bullying got worse most recently. I figured not to worry you when it was minor."
"Minor or not you should have told me, Henry. Now you are hurt."
"Mom, I did come to you today. I ran home after I got beat up."
"You should have called."
"I was not thinking straight all I could think of is to run home to show you, I could not wait to go home." Emma hugged him so tight. "You did the right thing to come home. I am happy that you did."
"Mom, you are the best."
"I do have the best son in the world. Now, do not go to bed too late, even though you are not going to school tomorrow."
"I am going to bed soon, I know Hope is going to keep us up all night."
Emma and Killian cuddled in the living room. "Are you okay being away from Hope tomorrow for the first time?"
"Yes, I know that you and Henry are going to be with her. I am still going to miss her."
"Aye, she is going to have a fun time with me and her big brother."
"Oh, she will. I cannot take her to work tomorrow, going to the high school, arresting three students as their suspension. My parents are going to help me when you call if anything goes wrong with Hope or she is hungry I can leave right away."
"We will call if anything is wrong, but she will be happy with me and the lad."
"I am pretty sure she will miss me."
"Of course Hope will miss you, you are her mommy and she is attached to you the most."
"That is why I am worried."
"She loves me and Henry too. If she is around people she does not know that is another story."
"Yes, that was my whole childhood. I am helping Henry with bullies, no one helped me as a child, I am doing it for my first baby."
"I am not surprised. You always fight for others in need especially to those who you love, which is one of the things I love about you Emma." They kiss. "I love you too." They sleep on the couch until Hope woke up. Hope gave Killian and Emma another long night. In the very early morning of Hope's feeding, "Hope, you are going to be a very good girl for Daddy and Henry today? I need you to be a good girl for them, when I come home we will cuddle a lot baby." She kisses Hope on the forehead and Hope put her hand onto Emma's chest and looked at her mom. "Mommy, has to help Henry. You do not want your big brother to be sad. You will have a fun time Daddy and Henry." Hope moved when Henry's name was mention. "I know baby girl, that you love Henry." She kisses her on the head as Hope fell asleep.
Killian purposely stayed in bed to watch Hope while Emma left early when Regina picked her up, luckily Hope was asleep. He packed Hope's diaper bag in the yellow bug car. "Hope, do you want to come down with Daddy to cook breakfast, we have to go wait for Henry to wake up before we go the pottery store."
Henry woke up to the smell breakfast. He goes downstairs to the kitchen seeing Hope on her bouncy chair next to Killian eating breakfast. "Morning Lad."
"Morning, Dad. Morning Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Are you looking forward to doing art today little sis?" Hope gurgled happily. "Don't worry Hope, I will help you with your art project." Killian got Hope dressed, Emma set up Hope's outfit for him. Henry made sure they have everything for Hope. Henry put Hope in her car seat and sat next to her while Killian drove them to the pottery store.
Henry helped Hope with her project for their mommy's mother's day gift. Hope cried when Henry put her feet in plaster like clay. Killian took photos of Henry helping Hope. "Hope, we are making it for Mommy." Henry wrote on the top, "To Mommy" on the bottom, "Love, Hope." "Mommy is going to love it, little sis. Killian cleaned up Hope's feet. "Hope, you are done with your first art project, little love." Hope fell asleep on his chest. Killian watched Henry making his mug for his mom. He painted and glazed both of the art projects. They had to pick up the projects, in a week.
Meanwhile, at Storybrooke High School, Regina, Emma and Snow White were talking to the Principal about the bullies. Emma, " My son got beaten up by these three boys yesterday coming home with bruises on his face." She shows the principal the pictures. "He has been bullied by these same boys all year."
"How come you are reporting it now?"
"My son came home upset because he was beaten by older boys."
"I may be Henry's mother but I am the sheriff and the savior."
"I am also Mayor of this town and I do not want a fire you and get a replacement if you do not help our son. These three boys need to be punished."
"I am his grandmother and I witnessed him yesterday getting pushed against lockers and being tripped. I do not want my grandson being hurt in school. Especially being beaten up after school"
"I think, I should suspend them?"
Regina,"You think, the sheriff and I have our own punishment."
Emma,"We need to show them bullies gets punished, I have the whole station prepared to lock them up in jail for two days. That will teach them a lesson that children who are bullying others get consequences for their actions."
The principal nervously, "Well, I will talk to the boys now. Then tell them of their punishment."
"We will be in the room. I am the sheriff and Regina is the mayor. They bullied the wrong kid who has connections to the whole town."
"I will talk to them alone first then you two can come in and have them arrested as their punishment slash suspension."
As the waited in the office, "Emma, we had girl power in that room."
"Yes, we did. Mom, thank you for being here."
"You are welcome. I cannot let the bullies harm my grandson. Your Dad called me, he is waiting in the police car outside waiting for you to arrest them. I can help to arrest them."
"Mom, you are their teacher, it will look bad on both ends trust me, from my own experience."
"Call me to let me know how it goes."
"I will." Snow White leaves the principal office. "Emma I had no idea you can be that tough, I seen you fight villains, threatening people in custody but this is totally different."
"Yes, when someone is hurting one of my kids, I get extra tough. Thanks for your help in there, with your mayor power."
"Henry is my son too, I do not want him to get hurt either."
Emma checked the time. "I have to call to check on Hope. She is still not taking the bottle."
"Killian, how is everything at home?"
"Emma, Henry and I are playing video games and Hope is napping."
"Is she hungry?"
"Not yet. I am pretty sure soon though."
"I will be home as soon as possible." She hangs up. "Regina, after I arrest them, can you drive me back home? I need to feed Hope soon."
"Emma, do not worry, Hope will not starve."
"She is not taken the bottle."
"Emma, she will be okay." The three boys came in and passed by them. Regina whispered "Emma, I recognized them when they came to town last year. I cannot believe they are the ones who are hurting our son."
"I know, I just want to hurt them."
"I know. Regina, can you bring them to the station with my Dad after we arrest them? I need to get back to Hope."
"Sure, here are my keys to my car. I will walk back to your house and update." Charming came in the office, "Emma, I am here to help."
"Thanks, Dad. Regina is going to ride with you to the station after we arrest them. I have to get back to Hope."
"Emma, we are going to make sure they get the punishment slash suspension they deserve."
The principal came out, "They are all yours Sheriff Jones and Mayor Mills. I explain to them of their suspension." Emma, Charming, and Regina enter the room, Emma, "Jasper Jr. Horace Jr. and Jack, you are all under arrest for bullying Henry Mills." Emma handcuffed Jack and Jasper Jr. and Charming handcuffed Horace Jr. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." The three boys started to flip. The principal said, "This is your suspension instead of 2 days at home, it will be 2 days in sheriff station." Emma and Regina lead the boys out, and Charming was in the back, the whole student body watched them being escorted out of the school. Regina turned around, "THis is the punishment if a person non-stop bullies a person to a point where they injure somebody else, two days in sheriff station as their suspension."
Emma and Charming put the boys in the back of the police car. "Emma, go back to Hope. Regina and I it has from here."
"Thanks, Dad. If you need any more help."
"Emma we have the dwarfs assigned shifts beside me."
"Killian can help."
"He is needed more at home with Hope and Henry from what your mom has told me last night."
"Thank you, Dad."
"Your welcome, I will do anything to help my grandson. Mom and I will drop by later."
Regina comes to the police car, "Emma I will come by later."
"Thank you, Regina."
"Emma he is our son, we both fight for him. Go to Hope."
Emma gets a call from Killian, "Emma, Hope is getting hungry. We are at Granny's."
" I just finished up at the high school. I will meet you there." Emma texts Regina that the car is parked at Granny's and Granny has the keys.
Killian in the car with Hope and Henry. "Do you think she suspects that we are up to something?"
"No, Hope's feet are clean so she will not know of our mother's day surprise. I told her that we were playing video games at home. We are meeting her at Granny's."
"Sounds good." Henry bends down at sleeping Hope. "I hope you had fun in your first art project little sis." They arrived before Emma and sat at their usual table.
Granny held Hope after she met Hope, "Hope you are so adorable. You look so much like Emma."
"Do you have a problem with Emma breastfeeding Hope? Hope does not use the bottle. Emma had to deal with an issue at work, where Emma fed her early and Hope is getting hungry."
"No problem at all. Henry, how is being a big brother?"
"It is awesome, Granny. Hope and I get along very quickly. I read to her and play with her." Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, mommy is coming with your milk very soon lass."
"Dad here is her pacifier, this will help." Killian hands Granny the pacifier and put it in Hope's mouth, which calmed down Hope.
"Since, Emma was out what did all three of you do?"
"We had an art project, but do not tell Emma it is a surprise."
"Ah, mother's day gift perhaps?"
"Aye, it is. Hope did her very first art project with Henry's help. She slept most of the time afterward."
The bell of the diner opened, it was Emma. "Hope, mommy is here."
Granny hands over Hope to Emma. "She is adorable Emma."
Emma was out of breath. "Thank you, Granny." She bends down to Hope, "Mommy missed you so much, my sweet girl. Did you have had fun with Henry and Daddy?" She kissed her on the head."Oh, Granny. Before I forget. Regina is going to drop by to pick her car. I used it to get here, Regina went to the station with my Dad. I figured her walking here is closer than to our house." Emma hands the car keys to Granny.
"No problem, Emma. Congratulations on Hope."
"Thank you. She loves the blanket you made for her."
"Your usual orders?"
"Yes, thank you, Granny."
Emma sat next to Killian holding Hope. "Mom, how did it go?"
"Lad, let your Mom feed your sister before she has a meltdown. Emma, Granny allowed you to breastfeed her here."
"Thanks, for asking." Emma quickly prepped to breastfeeds Hope. Hope latched on instantly.
"Henry, your mom, grandma and I talked to the principal about the situation. Your grandma was a witness to your bullying yesterday in between classes." She smiled. Regina threatened her that she would have her fired her if she did not listen to us about them bullying you not having consequences. We had to remind her that I am the sheriff and she was the mayor and we are both of your moms. Your principal got nervous and listened to our plan of their suspension in jail. Your grandpa helped Regina and I arrested them. The whole school saw them being taken to the police car. Regina gave everyone a lecture if bullies are bullying others to the point of any injury that the bullies would spend their suspension in prison. Regina and Grandpa drove them to the station."
"Wow, Mom you and my other Mom all did this for me?"
"Yes, Henry. Your whole family pitched in to help. Your grandparents helped. Family always help each other in need."
Killian wrapped his arms around Emma"Aye, lad. Family helps everyone who needs it. No one wants to see you hurt Henry."
"Yes, I reminded the principle that these bullies messed with the wrong kid who had higher up connections throughout the whole town. Your mom, on the other hand, did not expect me to be tougher than my usual self-fighting self, more of a mama bear protecting her cubs than fighting a villain or savior." Emma switched Hope to the other boob.
"Whoa, you were tougher than defeating a villain or a dark one?"
"Yes, on the villain maybe less on the dark one."
"Mom, you rock."
"Thank you, Henry. No one hurts my kids."
Granny came with their meals. "I could not help myself from overhearing your conversation, you really did that this morning and it is only 10:30 am?"
Emma chuckled."Yes, Granny. I had to do it to prevent Henry from getting hurt more. Also, show students the consequences of bullying."
"For further issues, if you and Killian are both needed I can watch Hope."
"Thank you, Granny." Hope stopped eating. "Hope, are you full baby?" She kisses her on the head. Henry passed Emma the burp towel. "Thanks, Henry." She burped Hope.
"Emma, let me hold Hope while you eat. You have not eaten all day."
"Killian, I can eat with one hand and hold her. I just missed her the whole morning."
Emma ate her grilled cheese and onion rings with one hand while holding Hope, who was content in her mommy's arm asleep.
After their meal at Granny's the family went to the park and enjoyed the sunny day at the park as the family of four.
To Be Continued....

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