Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

91.9K 1.4K 306

After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Hope Swan-Jones

2.5K 19 1
By isaballerina89

Henry comes into the room, "Mom are you okay?"
"You are going to be a big brother really soon kid."
Henry smiles and got serious. "Mom, what do you need me to do?"
"I am not leaving until my water is broken, so far it just contractions. Can you get my hospital bag out of the closet downstairs and put it in the car. Once, my water breaks we have to leave quickly.
"I am on it, Mom."
Emma walks around their room while Killian times her contractions. Emma slowly was having stronger contractions. On one of her big contractions, "Killian, I need you." Killian rushes to her side. She holds his hands on a big contraction. She breathes in and out slowly. Emma had tears,"Please do not leave my side."
He puts his head on her head, "I will never leave your side. I promise you, Emma, you are not alone this time. I know that you are scared. Look at me" She looks at him. "You can do this. I am going to be with you the whole way." They kiss.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too, my dear Swan."
As she got up from kneeling down from her recent contractions, she felt like she was leaking. "Killian...my water broke."
Killian had happiness and fear in his eyes. "Emma, let's get ready to have our little lass." He brings her to the bathroom and helps her get her clothes on. He grabbed her purse. Henry helped Killian bringing Emma downstairs, they stopped when she had a contraction. "Whoa....that is a strong one baby girl." She breathes in and out very slowly for the contraction pain. Henry opens Emma's car door. Killian drives all three of them to the hospital. "Lad, call your grandparents and tell your grandmother that your mom is in labor."
"I am on it Dad, I also called Mom's doctor already that she is in labor."
"Thank you, son. Emma, you are going to be alright."
"I know. I just cannot believe that she is coming now. Ahh." She breathes in and out slowly, "Contraction." He gives her his hook hand to hold onto during the contraction.
Henry calls his grandparents. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Gramps. Is grandma awake?"
"I can wake her up."
"Please do, Mom is in labor. She wants grandma to be with her. We are on the way to the hospital now." In the background, "Killian, it hurts." "Emma we are almost there."
"Your grandma and I will be there soon. Do not worry Henry, your mom is in great hands."
"I know."
Henry and Killian help Emma out of the car. Henry got Emma's hospital bag. Killian got Emma a wheelchair and once the nurses saw the savior in labor, they brought her up to labor and delivery. Henry waited in the hallway. Killian did not let go of Emma's hand. Dr.Claire enters Emma's hospital room.
"Hello, Emma. How are you?"
"Very much in pain but happy to have my little girl soon."
"Let me do an examination....you are four centimeters dilated. You are definitely in labor. You are going to have your baby today."
"Killian, we are going to meet our little girl today."
"Aye, I heard Swan, I am going to tell Henry that he is going to be a big brother today. I will be right back, Emma."
Emma rubs her baby belly, "Mommy cannot wait for you to come today baby girl. Hope mommy loves you." Emma gets a contraction. "Yep, you are excited to see your Mommy."
Henry sees Killian out of Emma's room. "Dad, how is Mom?"
"You are going to be a big brother today."
"Hope is coming today?"
"Yes, she is." They hug.
"Can I see Mom now? Before the labor pain gets worst?
"Yes, lad." They entered Emma's hospital room. Emma was hooked up with an IV and the baby heart monitor on her bare baby belly. "Mom!"
"Henry." He hugs her as best as he can. "Hope is coming today. Are you excited to meet her?"
"Yes!!" He bends down and kisses Emma's baby bump for the last time. "Hope, I am going to be the first one to meet you baby sister. Henry is excited for you to come." He kisses the baby bump again.
"Lad, can you check if your grandparents are here?"
"Sure, once I see Grandma, I will send her right here. Mom, I love you."
"I love you too Henry. The next time you see me, Hope is going to be here."
Henry smiles. "Oh, I got one more gift for Hope." He hands her a small gift bag. Emma opens it, "Hope" pink onesies with ducks and pirate ships. "Aww. Henry. This is going to be her first outfit." Emma hugs Henry. "Thanks, kid."
"I love you both so much mom, I will be right outside if you need anything."
Henry hugs Killian, "Dad, protect Mom and Hope."
" Aye, I am going to protect them forever you know that."
"I know, I just wanted to make sure." Henry leaves the room.
"I cannot believe he got her a cute onesie."
"I know." He puts the onesie in her hospital bag. "Are you excited to have little Hope?"
"Yes, I am really excited. I cannot wait to have her in my arms."
"I cannot wait to see that."
Emma groans. Killian holds her hand. "I am not going anywhere, Emma. Just breath in and out. "
Henry returns to the waiting room, with Snow White, David, and Regina there. "Mom, your here?"
He hugs her. "Yes, I am Henry. Your grandpa called me as soon as he got off the phone with you."
"I am a little nervous about mom and my baby sister."
"Hey, your mom is in labor and it is supposed to be really painful."
"Oh, grandma. Mom and Dad want you in there. They are in room 228."
Charming, "Tell Emma I love her." They kiss.
"I will. I cannot wait to meet our next grandbaby." Snow White rushes into Emma's hospital room.
Snow White enters, Emma's hospital room seeing Emma in pain with Killian holding her hand. "Sweetie, I am here."
"Mommy!" Snow White rushes to comfort Emma. "It hurts so much."
"I know, sweetie. Just think after all of this awful pain your baby girl is going to be here." She continues to comfort her. Emma had one of her hands out to hold to Killian. "Thank you for being here."
"Your welcome, sweetie. Are they going to give you an epidural?"
"I do not know, the last time they checked I was only 4 centimeters."
"I will go and ask someone."
"Killian, hold me."
"Anything for you Emma, I am so sorry I feel so helpless."
"You are here, that is all I care about. I want you here and I want our Hope here."
"I know, she is on her way. She is going to be so attached to you."
"You are sure about that?"
"Yes, you are her Mommy. She is going to take after you." Emma grabs his hand and breaths in and out..."Why do contractions hurt so much!!" Killian massages her back as long as she let him while his hook hand Emma used for contraction pain.
Dr.Claire comes in the examine Emma, you are at 6 centimeters since the last I check you. If you want we can get you an epidural."
"Yes, I need it, please." Dr.Claire arranged the epidural.
"What is an epidural?"
"It is a medicine that goes through a needle into my spine to numb the pain."
Epidural came quick. Killian held both of Emma's hands very tightly when they put the needle in her back. "That hurts."
"I can tell love, I can see it on your face. Your an open book love."
"You know me so much."
"Aye, I love you so much, Emma."
Emma sleeps so she can get some rest before pushing her baby out.
Snow White and Killian whisper. "She does not feel the contraction?"
"Yup, the epidural helps her not feel the pain. She needs to rest before your baby girl comes."
"Aye, once our little lass comes, we will not get any sleep. I promised her that I won't leave her side ever. She was so afraid when we were at home when she was having contractions. I reminded her that she is not alone and I am going to be with her the whole way."
"You are with her, which makes a huge difference from her last experience. She is just happy she has someone that loves her and with her in every step of the way."
"I know, if I had known of what that ass has done to her before he died, I would have hurt him."
"Same here. We named her brother after him. I do not mind calling him by his middle name."
Emma wakes up, "Are you, okay love?"
"I will go get you ice chips."
"How are you feeling love?" He goes close to her.
"Numb, weirdly the only way to take the pain away is a needle on my spine. Baby Hope, Mommy, Daddy and Henry are waiting for you to come." They both rub her baby belly.
While Snow White was getting ice chips, she updates Charming, Regina and Henry. "Is my baby sister here yet?"
"Not yet, Henry. It is going to be a while until she comes."
"I am staying her until she comes."
"She has an epidural to help her with the labor pain. Henry your Dad has not left your mom side."
"Good. Dad and I promised her that we won't leave her alone."
"Henry, she will be here soon."
"Mom, I am just excited."
"I know, you can get some sleep too."
"I am not tired." Charming, Regina, and Snow all laughed.
"Well, you can lean on me, Henry. Regina or I will wake you when your baby sister comes."
"Fine." He falls asleep on Charming.
"I will come back later, with any news."
Dr. Claire comes in to check on Emma, "You are dilated at 8 centimeters, Emma. You are almost there."
"Yes, you have been in labor for the past 7 hours."
"9 hours if you include contractions at home."
Finally, Emma was at ten centimeters. They prepped Emma to go to the delivery room. Killian and Snow White get their scrubs on. Killian holds Emma's hand as they were wheeling her in the delivery room. "Are you ready to be a Mommy?"
"Yes, I am. I am ready to her meet my daughter."
"Aye, I am so ready to be a Daddy to our little lass."
"Even though I am numb, I can still feel her. I am going to feel everything."
"I will not let you go, I am right here."
"I am right here to sweetie."
"Mom.." She hugs her. "You are going to be great Emma."
Dr.Claire, "Emma on your next contraction, I need you to push." With Killian on one side and her Mom on the other, Emma felt that she can do anything. She pushes really hard. On every contraction, she pushes with all of her might. She pushed for two long hours. "Killian, I cannot do it anymore, I am so tired. I want her out."
"Love, look at me she is so close to being here. You can do it, do it for my love. Do it for our little girl."
"Emma, a few more pushes, your daughter will be here."
On her next contraction, she pushed. "Emma I can see her head. On your next contraction push with all of your might."
Emma screamed with all of her might making the lights flicker.
Meanwhile Regina and Charming in the waiting room they see the lights go on and off, "Henry, wake up. I think your sister is almost here."
"Why would you say that?"
"Because the whole hospital lights just went on and off."
"That is my daughter for sure."
Back in the delivery room, "Emma I can see her head. One more big push and your daughter will be here."
Emma pushed in pain with all of her might, the lights flickered on and off again. Emma felt relieved. They hear a big cry. "Emma you baby girl is here. April 20th, 2018, 11:09 am." Killian and Emma kiss.
Dr.Claire hands Hope to Emma and clean her off."My baby girl..." She started crying. When Hope was on her Mommy she stopped crying."Hi, sweetie. I am your Mommy. I love you so much." She kisses her and smiling. Snow White took pictures.
"Does Daddy want to cut the cord?"
Killian in tears, "Aye." He cuts the cord.
"Emma you did great sweetheart. I will go tell everyone else."
"Killian, look at what we made."
Killian reaches over to touch Hope, " She is beautiful Emma. She takes after her Mommy. Hi Hope. I am your Daddy."
Dr.Claire, "You can do skin to skin."
Killian helps Emma open her hospital gown and Emma gently puts Hope on her chest. "Hi, Hope. do you remember your Mommy? I sure am different from you being inside of me." She rubs Hope's back and kisses her head. "I cannot believe you were just inside of me baby girl. I love you so much."
Killian touches Hope's arm with his hook. Hope grabs his hook with her tiny fingers.
"Killian, she knows her Daddy."
"Aye, she knows her Mommy too. She stopped crying once she was in your arms."
"Killian, she has my blonde hair and she has your eyes."
"Well, she has your chin and nose. She has my bright blue eyes."
Nurse, "We have to measure her and see if she is healthy. We will bring to her right back."
Once Hope was out of Emma's chest, she started to wail. "Do not cry, baby. Killian, please go with her."
Dr.Claire, "We have to get the placenta out then you are in recovery."
Killian, cannot stop looking at their beautiful baby girl who continues to cry. The nurse who examines Hope, "She is healthy and weighs 7 pounds and 5 ounces 18 inches long." She wraps up Hope in a blanket and hands her to Killian. Hope stops crying once she was in her Daddy's arms. "Hope, Daddy loves you so much." The nurses take a picture of Killian holding Hope for the first time. "You are a pirate princess little Hope. Let's get back to Mommy."
Emma reached over for Hope. Killian put her back in Emma's arms. "Hope, my baby girl. Are you only happy in Mommy and Daddy's arms...Yes, we love you, little girl." Killian kisses Emma and Hope both on the heads, "You two are my loves."
"Her name is Hope Marie Swan-Jones, the pirate princess."
"That is a perfect name for her." They kiss and look at their baby girl.
Snow White rushes to the waiting room, Henry runs up to his grandma. "Did Mom have the baby?"
"Yes. Henry. How did you know?"
Regina, "We saw the lights flickering on and off twice and we know who is powerful to do that, which is Emma."
"So, did my mom have the baby?"
"Yes, Henry. You are now a big brother!"
'Yes!! When I can go see her?"
"Your Dad will come, they are settling down. She is beautiful." Henry hugs Regina. Charming hugs Snow White, "We have two grandchildren, now one of each."
"How did Emma do?"
"She did amazing and she is very happy."
Emma was wheeled back to the recovery room with Hope in her arms. "Hope, I love you so much baby girl." She kisses her on the head. Hope grabs her Mommy's finger. "Hope you have a very strong grip baby girl." Emma and Hope were put into the recovery room."Emma, do you feel comfortable to have visitors?"
"Can you just bring Henry?"
"Sure, love." He kisses her on the forehead and kisses Hope. "Be good to Mommy little lass." Emma giggles.
Killian goes to the waiting room, Henry running to him. "Dad!" He hugs him.
"Lad, someone wants to meet you."
"She is really here?" "Yes, son, Come on, your sister is waiting to meet you."
Henry enters the room seeing his Mom in full of baby bliss. "Hi, Mom."
Emma in a low voice" Hi, Henry. Come here. Someone wants to her big brother."
"Hope, this is your big brother Henry. Henry this is Hope."
"It is so nice to meet you, Hope. Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can." Henry sat on a chair and Killian gives him a pillow. "Hope do not cry, you are going to be held by Henry." Killian takes Hope out of her arms and hands her over to Henry. "Lad, make sure you hold her head."
"Mom, she looks just like you, with Dad's eyes."
Killian took a picture of Henry and Hope."We know." Killian holds Emma as they watch Henry interacting with Hope. "Hi, Hope. I am Henry. I am so happy to finally meet you. I love you so much." He kisses her on the head. Hopes moves her arm to Henry's face. Emma cries during their interaction. "Hope, I am going to read to you all the time and teach you how to draw like Mommy and I do." Hope starts to fuss, "What is wrong Hope? Mom, I did not do anything."
"Henry, she is probably just hungry." Killian takes Hope from Henry and hands her back to Emma. "Are you hungry baby girl?" She preps to nurse Hope, little Hope latches on instantly.
"Wow, Mom you were right. Hope knew what to do."
"Swan, she knows her Mommy has the food."
"You got that right." She gently kisses Hope on the head while she nurses. "She's eating so much." "Aye, our little lass loves to eat." "As long I am feeding her correctly. I don't mind her eating for a long time." "Mom, Hope can eat." "Yes, Henry your sister was very hungry." She kisses Hope on the head. br /> After Hope was full, Killian gave Emma a burp towel and Emma burped her. "Killian, can you get me her onesie, I want to put it on her so when she meets everyone else, they will know her name."
"Mom, what is her middle name?"
"Hope Marie Swan-Jones."
With Killian's help, Emma put Hope's first outfit and swaddled her back into a blanket as best as she could. Killian took a picture of Hope in her first outfit with Emma holding her. "Baby girl, Henry gave you, your first outfit." She gives her multiple kisses. "Henry, what do you think of Hope's first outfit."
"It fits her very well. Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can. Come to sit on the bed." He sits on her bed. Emma hands him over, Hope. "Hi, Hope. I got your first outfit especially for you. Later on, I can read you a story. Would you like that? I bought it in my backpack." Killian took pictures of all three of them together, Emma and her two kids together. Another picture of Henry and Hope together.
Snow White and Charming enter Emma's Hospital room. "Can we come in?"
"Yes. you can."
"Henry, you are taking your role as big brother very seriously."
"Yes, gramps. Mom, you want to hold her?"
"Yes." Henry gives Hope back to their mom. "Mom, Dad, we would like you to meet our daughter, Hope Marie Swan-Jones."
"Emma, she is so beautiful." Emma lets her mom hold Hope. "Hi, Hope. I am your grandma, Snow White. It is so nice to meet you. Look, Charming she looks so much like Emma but with Killian's eyes." Snow hands Hope to Charming, "Hi, little Hope. I am your grandpa." Regina enters the hospital room. "Mom!" He hugs Regina. "I am a big brother now. You want to meet her?"
"Yes, Henry." Charming hands over Hope to Regina. Henry, "Hope, this is my other Mom, Regina."
"Her name is Hope?"
"I can see it on her onesies. Is this the one you got online Henry?"
"Yes, and also the quilt too."
"Wait, you knew her name for how long?" The Charmings to were surprised too.
Emma and Killian were laughing. "Yes, Mom told me one night when I asked her about our relationship."
Regina looks down at sleeping, Hope. "It is nice to meet you, Hope. She looks like Emma."
Killian takes Hope from Regina and hands her back to Emma. "Yes, she is a mini-me but with Killian's eyes."
"Oh really."
"Yup, I was hoping she was getting his eyes."
"Congratulations, Emma. She is beautiful. Henry your mom needs to rest. You need to sleep."
"I do need some sleep. Can I come back later?"
"Sure, you can."
Henry walks to Emma, "Mom, I will come back, do not worry." He hugs Mom.
"Kid, your dad is with me, do not worry. I know I am not alone this time. And your sister is waking up...Hope say bye- bye to Henry." Henry holds Hope. "Hope, I will come back later to read you a story. I love you, little sister." He kisses her on the head and gives her back to Emma. All of the adults were in awe of Henry talking to Hope.
"Lad, they will be right here later. Hope will love to read to her."
"That is good to know. Dad is here anything from the house you need me to bring for you?"
"Yes, an extra pair of clothes would be nice."
"We will bring you clothes, Killian. We can drive to your house on the way back."
"Thank you, Regina." Regina and Henry left.
Snow White and Charming decided to leave as well. "Honey, we will let you rest. Killian let me know when we can bring Leo."
"Sure love."
Snow gently hugs Emma. "Emma, I am so happy for you and Killian. You did so great in there."
"Thank you, Mom. I was really happy and felt supported you being in the delivery room with us."
"Hey, it is what mother's do. Little Hope, grandma is going to bring Leo later."
Charming, hugs Emma next. "You did great, Emma. She looks so much like you already. I am so happy you have your happy ending."
"Aww, thank you, Dad."
Snow White hugs Killian, "You did amazing with Emma the whole labor."
"Aye, I could not leave me swan, when she was in so much pain. Thank you for being there with us."
"Your welcome. It was my first time ever assisting a birth, plus I could not resist helping Emma."
Charming hugs Killian, "Congratulations, on becoming a Dad."
"Thank you, Charming." After the Charmings left, Killian sat next to Emma holding Hope. Emma leans on Killian. "She is so beautiful, I cannot believe we made her."
"She already has changed me." "You can hold her."
"Aye, Emma, are you sure?"
Hope was awake. "Yes, she is yours as much as mine. Hope, Daddy wants to hold you." She hands her to Killian."Little love, Daddy loves so much, Hope." He kisses her a few times. "You really are my little duckling." Emma falls asleep. Killian kisses Emma on the forehead. "Love you did one of the best things in the world today, giving birth to our Hope. You need to rest as much as you can love." He takes Hope to a chair and looks at her. "You have your Mommy's hair, chin, and nose. You have my eyes, little lass. We love you so much." He kisses her on the cheek and Hope grabs his finger.

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