Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

94.6K 1.4K 306

After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


167 5 0
By isaballerina89

Emma was exposing her baby belly in a maternity photo shoot. Her belly dropped a few weeks ago but at 37 weeks she was having a maternity photoshoot. She and Killian chose her outfits for her photoshoot. The photographer was telling Emma to pose holding her baby belly, looking down at her baby belly, while Emma was smiling. Killian was in photos hugging Emma, kneeling down to his swan's baby bump, hugging the baby bump. Emma smiling down at Killian smiling at their baby belly at their daughter. They did a heart, Emma's hand, and Killian's hook, making the captain swan heart over her baby belly. They kiss. Emma was enjoying her photoshoot knowing this will the first and last time having a maternity photoshoot. Allison was playing with Hope during the photo shoot. She and Killian have been busy attending weekly doctor appointments, working, and Killian letting Emma rest as much as she can before a newborn arrives. He also has been spoiling his swan by surprising her with spa-style bubble baths and many foot massages.

Emma also has been having a lot more one-on-one time with Hope since she was the only child in the house before her sister arrives. They played ice cream shop, kitchen, house, lot of talking and cuddles. She was soaking up Hope being the only daughter while she can. Whenever Emma was resting Killian would take Hope out to the backyard to play in the playground, or to the Jolly Roger for knot lessons. Allison watched Hope so Emma and Killian had some alone time before Leia arrives. They walked on the shore of the beach and cuddled while watching the sunset.
Henry was getting adjusted to college, attended a weekend orientation, his new class schedules, and his dorm life. He has been facetiming Ava and his family and his other Mom, every day. Hope was of course talking to him the most whenever he Facetime his Mom on her iPhone.

It was September 3rd, it was Hope's first day of preschool. Emma has been cleaning the house nonstop and organizing the nursery all over again. Even though Emma can go into labor any minute, she was not going to miss bringing Hope to her first day of preschool. She packed Hope's lunch and waddled back upstairs to her daughter's room. Henry arrived home a day, early to be with his sister on her first day of preschool and because of Labor Day weekend. Hope was wearing an Ariel dress. 

"Little sis, you look great."

"Thank you, bro!" She hugs her brother.

"I am happy to be home for your day of preschool."
"I am excited!"
"I can tell!" He tickles his sister, making her laugh.
Emma waddles upstairs to Hope's room."Teeth brush?"
"Your pink Ariel dress is so cute on you."
"Bwaid, Mommy. Pwease."
Emma smiles. "Yes, sweetie. Sit on your bed so I can braid your hair." Emma sits on the bed and braids Hope's hair.
She hugs her Mom's huge baby belly. "Leia hair."
"Yes, Hope. When Leia's hair is as long as yours, I am going to braid her hair." Hope hugs her Mommy. "When Leia comes. We are still going to have Mommy and Hope time."
"Help wif Leia."
"Yes, you will because you are going to be the best big sister ever." She hugs her daughter.
"Mom, Hope keeps asking me questions about school."
Emma chuckles. "She knows who to ask."
"Henwy!" Henry smiles at his sister. "Pwe-school."
"Yes, I am coming with you, little sis."
Killian sees his swan and ducklings having one on one time while they can and takes a picture on his iPhone. "Now, it is time to go to school."
Hope holds her medium size Pluto doll. "You can bring Pluto with you, sweetheart."Hope smiles.
"Little sis, remember to put Pluto in your backpack in school. "
"Not going to lose Pluto, bro."
"Little love, you look pretty for the best day of preschool."
"Thank you, Dada." Hope hugs her daddy. He helped his swan down the stairs. Henry takes pictures of Hope with their parents with a colorful chalkboard sign, Hope's 1st Day of Preschool, September 3,2021. Emma and Killian took pictures of Hope holding the sign.
"Henwy, picture." Henry kneels down next to his sister so their parents can take pictures. Emma smiles two of her three babies are both in school. Henry brings Hope to the car as Killian walked with his swan. She paused and got a Braxton hicks contraction, gripping Killian hook."Emma?"
"I am okay, I have two weeks to go. " He helped his wife onto the passenger seat and makes sure Hope was buckled in correctly. Killian began driving. "Hope, you will have fun in preschool, you are going to have fun playing with toys, reading, and coloring."
"No lek-tuwes, like you?" Emma and Killian both chuckle.
Henry smiles."No, Hope. That is for college students only. Preschool is really fun."
"Art wif you."
"We can do art this weekend, little sis. Maybe Leia will come this weekend?"
Emma smiles. "Henry, I have two weeks to go!"
"Maybe, Leia will come since her big brother is home." Emma smiles, her son wants to meet his baby sister.
Killian drove his family to the pre-school which is a new building in town. He got the closest spot to the school so Emma does not have to waddle too far. He helped his swan out of the car after he got Hope out of her car seat. "We are at your school, little love."
"Pweschool." Hope hugs her Mommy's legs. "Mommy want to stay wif you and Leia."
"You are going to have so much fun today. It is only a few hours, sweetie. Then you will be home with me later. Dada, Henry, I are going walk you in."
Henry kneels down to his sister. "I know you are nervous, little sis but you will make friends right away." Hope smiles.
Emma smiles as her son is cheering her daughter up. "You can hold my hand, sweetie." She held her hand as they walked in. Killian carries Hope's Ariel backpack and the family walked in together. Henry takes pictures of Hope outside of her classroom and with their parents. Hope was holding Henry's hand as they entered the room.
Ashley is her teacher. "Hi, Hope."
"Hi." Hope hides behind her Mommy's legs.
"Sorry, Ashley. Hope is a little nervous."
"Mommy stay wif you and baby sis..."
Killian kneels to his daughter. "You are going to have fun here, Hope. Ashley is very nice. She is Mommy and Daddy's friend."
"Little sis, you are going to have fun here. After school, you are going to be with Mommy and me."
Hope turns around and sees Melody in a light blue dress and bow in her hair. "Mel-Mel!" Hope runs and hugs her best friend. Killian takes a picture of Hope and Melody.
Ariel goes to Emma."Ariel, I had a feeling we will see you here."
"Yes, I know our girls will be happy to go to school together a few days a week."
Henry looks at Ashley. "Ashley, I am pretty sure Hope will be alright with her best friend here."
"I know Melody is your sister's best friend."
"They are always playing together." She kneels to the girls. "Hope, Melody, you two get to sit together and play."
"Yay!!" Both Hope and Melody said. Emma, Killian, and Ariel were smiling at their daughters.
"Ariel, Hope was just nervous coming here. I know my little sis happy that Melody is in the same class."
"They are ocean princess best friends after all."
Ashley goes to Emma. "Hope is going to be alright here, Emma. How are you doing?"
"Feeling very very huge and tired. I can have her any time now."
Ashley smiles. "I am very happy for you, Emma. You are having another baby girl. If you need anything, I can help. You did help me keep Alexandra."
"I am very excited to have another daughter again. I just want to make sure that our emergency numbers are on the list?"
"Of course." She lead Emma to her desk. Ariel and Killian go to the girls. He took pictures of Hope and Melody with their backpacks on his iPhone.
"The ones who can pick Hope up are only me, Killian, Henry, Ava, Allison, or Ariel. Not my parents. Hope is still terrified of my Mom. I do not want my dad coming and my Mom will be coming with him.."
Ashley looks at her list."I understand, Emma. She is going to be okay here. I am not going to let her be taken by anyone else but the people on your list."
Hope goes to her Mommy. "Mommy, backpack."
Ashley kneels to Hope. "You can put your backpack in your cubby, that says Hope."
"Yes, it is dere. Want show Mommy." Ashley smiles.
"You can show me, baby girl." Emma waddles following her daughter.
"Awesome, baby girl. You are going to have fun here with Melody."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Luv you."
"I love you so much, Hope."
"Hope, pway."
"Melody, you and Hope are going to have fun here with Ashley."
"Yes, Em-Em."
"Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"You are going to have so much fun today."
"Baby sis." She kisses her Mommy's belly. "Baby sister."
"Mommy, Daddy and Henry are going bye-bye. I will see you later, baby girl." She hugs her daughter as best as she could. "You are going to have fun!"
"I will pick you up when it is time to go home."
"Hope, pway." Melody takes Hope to a toy area.
Killian hugs his wife who was crying. "Our baby girl is growing up."
"Yes, our little Hope is growing up. We will see her in a few hours."
"I know. I am so happy she starting preschool." They walked to the car.
"Mom, I have a feeling Hope will be alright."
Emma hugs her son. "I am so happy that you are home this weekend to see Hope's first day."
"I wouldn't miss it. I have a feeling I won't miss meeting Leia."
"You are going to meet Leia first with Hope, kid. When she arrives."
"I am not giving up hope that Leia is going to come when I am still here." Emma smiles, her son always has hope since he found her.
Killian chuckles. "You might be right, lad. I bet $20 Leia is coming on September 4th."
"I bet $40, Leia is coming September 6th."
Emma rolled her eyes her two boys are betting when Leia will be born. "Boys, Leia will come when she is ready." She rubs her baby belly, where her daughter was growing inside.
"We are just joking, Mom."
"Aye, swan. We are not rushing Leia, love." He kisses her on the head.
"We need to get to work. I need to do paperwork"
"Yes, swan."
"Mom, you are not on maternity relief?"
"Maternity relief is after I give birth to your baby sister."
"I was wondering if we can get Granny's?"
Emma hugs her son. "Yes, we can."
"Swan, I will drop you two off at Granny's before I do patrol." Killian drove his swan and son to Granny's. He helped his swan out of the yellow bug. "There you go."
"Thank you for driving us."
"You are welcome, love." They kiss.
"Dad, Mom is going to be with me." He walked with his Mom into Granny's. They see granny.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Granny."
"Henry, you are home!"
Henry smiles. "Yes, I am, Granny. I have a long weekend. Plus, I couldn't miss bringing Hope to preschool for her first day."
Emma shows Granny a picture of Hope. "Aw, Hope is growing up."
"Yes,she is."
"Pretty soon, you will have another baby girl."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am very excited. Killian and Henry are taking bets when the baby arrives." They sat in their booth. Emma set herself laying her legs across the booth seat so she can rest her swollen legs, Henry sat on the other side. "Tell me all about your college experience so far."
"Does that include me telling you about college parties?"
Emma chuckles. "Yes! I want to know everything." She listens to Henry telling her all about his college experience so far. He told her about orientation, classes in large studios, how dorm life was going, and the parties and his friends he met. "Some classes are hard. I am in classes with other amazing artists."
"I know you are the best artist in all of Storybrooke, kid."
"I can show you what I am working on in my painting class." He gives his Mom his iPhone. Emma was impressed by the paintings and drawings his been working on so far.
"They are really good, Henry."
"Thank you, mom. I have to get into a new routine for college, waking up early, getting to my classes on time, and where to work on my projects."
"You've only been in college for 2 weeks, kid. You will get used to it."
"It is very different from high school and homeschool. I am getting into a new routine. There is something I wanted to ask you..."
"What do you want to ask me?"
"Well, I was given pot at school..."
"Pot?" She was thinking, Oh no, is my son going to be a drug addict? "Did you try it?"
"No, I did not. I was smelling it on some of my classmates and passing by their dorms. It smells disgusting. I am wondering why adults in college like pot?"
Emma sighs in relief and smiles her son did not try pot. "When young adults go into college, they like to experiment. Pot is one of them, besides drinking beer or other drugs."
"I tried beer, it was okay."
"Your Dad can let you try good beers and rum."
Henry smiles."Awesome! I know Dad will teach me."
"He will,kid. He got me into drinking rum."
"If I ever drink, I will never drink and drive drunk. My friend Trevor, his brother, died last year from drunk driving. I know you and Dad bought me the car, which you trust me with. I am responsible for my car now, I am not going to break it by drunk driving."
"You are making the right choices, kid. Becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol can have harsh consequences and addictions where you cannot stop and end up ruining your life..."
"I do not want to screw up my life. I even see people smoking cigarettes so much walking around the city, just the smell of it is awful."
"Smoking is not good, kid. I tried it once on the streets, I gagged and never did cigarettes ever again."
"Have you tried drugs?"
"No, I have not. I saw other foster children, the teenagers were trying the drugs in group homes, I had seen what side effects of becoming an addict. I just knew it was a bad path. Even if I had no parents telling me from right or wrong..."
"Mom, you are teaching me right." He held his Mom's hand. Granny brought their meals. They continue to talk, Emma told her what was going on when he was not at home while he was in school. She was happy her son was being open about asking questions about drugs and telling her the truth. "I am happy to be home for the long weekend."
"I am happy that my son is home." Henry hugs his Mom.
Regina enters the diner. "Henry!"
"Mom!" Henry hugs his other Mom.
"What are you doing here?"
"I am home for the long weekend."
"He came home last night, madam mayor."
"Miss Swan, you look like you are about to pop."
Emma rolled her eyes knowing Regina was jealous that she knew Henry was coming home and she did not. "Nice seeing you too, Regina."
"Mom, stop being mean to my other Mom." He looks at his Mom. "I am going to spend time with Ava."
"Okay, kid. Have fun." Henry leaves Granny's.
Ava parks her car. "Henry!"
"Ava!" They hug. "I missed you so much."
"I miss you too." The kiss.
Emma smiles seeing her son reunited with his girlfriend. She smiles seeing her son happy and paid for their meal. Ava drove Henry to her house. "You had no idea he was coming home for the weekend? Did you?"
"No, not at all. You?"
"Yes, I did. He told me on Facetime last week he was coming home." Emma gets a text. "I have to go." Emma waddles over to her yellow bug and drove home. She just wanted to go home after she spent her morning with her son. She waddles to the living room takes a nap on the couch. "I may not be able to get up from this couch later." She is almost 39 weeks pregnant, feeling enormous as a house and so tired. She falls asleep on the couch and wakes up from her alarm on her iPhone, reminding her to pick up Hope soon from pre-school. "Leia, it is time for you and me to pick up Hope at preschool." She drove into town in her yellow bug. She placed her hand on her baby belly. "Leia, do you think your big sister had a good first day of preschool?" Leia kicks. "I think she had a good day too." She waddles over to the school, seeing Ariel with the other parents.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Ariel."
"I have been worrying about Melody all day."
"I have a feeling Hope had fun in school."
"Knowing our daughters, they will be playing with each other the whole time."
The door was opening, Ashley lead out the toddlers. Hope runs to her Mommy. "Mommy!!" She hugs her Mommy's legs.
Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Hi, Hope, did you have a good first day?"
"Yes! We color, sing, pway, and wead."
"You did! That sounds like so much fun."
"Art too Mommy!"
"You made art today?"
"Yes." She shows her Mommy a painting of Jolly Roger.
"Your dad is going to love the Jolly Roger painting."
"Going give to him."
Ashley goes over to the mother and daughter. "Emma, Hope got a little bit upset when she realized you left. But a little while later she felt better." She looks at Hope. "You are happy you are with your Mommy, Hope."
"Yes, Ashley. Mommy and baby sis."
Ashley smiles. "Hope, I will see you on Monday."
"Bye, Ashley."
"You two are going to have a playdate soon."
"Emma, Melody, and I are going back home for the weekend. We will see you two Monday." Emma carried Hope into her yellow bug. Hope sits in her car seat and buckles herself in. She checks Hope's buckles. "Hope, we are going to see Dada at work."
"Little shewiff?"
"Yes, Hope." As she drove to the sheriff's station, Hope was telling her about her day at preschool. Emma parks at her parking spot.
Hope runs ahead inside the sheriff's station. "Dada!!"
"Hi, Hope." He scooped Hope into his arms. "How was preschool?"
Emma waddles in. "Ashley said Hope had a good first day."
Killian smiles. "That is great." He rubs Emma's baby belly. "How is the littlest pirate?"
"She is still getting heavier to carry and loves kicking my bladder."
"She will be here soon, love."
"I know." They both rubbed her baby belly.
Hope tugs her Daddy's leg."Dada, art!"
Killian sees the artwork. "Hope is that the Jolly Roger?"
"yes! I paint in pwe-school."
"I love it, Hope."
"For you!"
"For me!" Killian hugs his little pirate princess. I am going to hang it on my wall."
"Yay! He tapes the painting on the wall by his desk. "Dada,pway."
"Sheriff swan? Permission to play?"
Emma chuckles. "You can play with Hope, captain." They kiss. "I will be in the office finishing up paperwork." Emma waddles into her office.
"You want a cookie?"
"Yes, dada. Pwease."
Killian pulled out a chocolate cookie from his drawer, which he hides for his daughter. "Here you go, little pirate."
Hope takes the cookie from her Daddy. "Thank you, Dada."
"You are welcome, little pirate." He sets Hope on his lap. "Tell me about preschool." Emma smiles seeing Killian being so sweet to their daughter and Hope telling him about her first day. Her baby girl is in pre-school now. Pretty soon, she will have another baby girl at home with her when Hope is in school. She will have two daughters soon and her son Henry who is a great big brother to his sisters. Emma cannot wait for Leia to join their family.

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