Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday

Growing Up

195 4 0
By isaballerina89

The month of April was going to be a busy month for the Swan-Jones family, Hope's birthday was coming up and Emma was getting further into her pregnancy. Emma and Killian were at the hospital in the OBGYN office waiting for Emma's 16-week sonogram. Killian has been making sure his wife was happy, besides being hormonal from her pregnancy and from her other being her unusual crazy self. He had his arm wrapped around his two loves. Emma was writing down ideas for Hope's 3rd birthday, cupcake designs, cake designs, party decorations. "Swan, I never seen you write so fast."Emma chuckles. "I am just writing down party decorations list and ideas on how to make pirate theme food for the party. I just want Hope to love her 3rd birthday, her last one as the baby of the family." She began crying. Killian hugs his swan. "Damn, my hormones.""It is okay, love. You are an amazing Mommy, love. Hope is going to love her birthday party. I can help with the party, love since it is a pirate theme after all."Emma smiles. "We can plan this party together for our daughter.""Yes, we are. That is why we are team Swan-Jones."Emma rubs her baby bump. "By this time next year, we are going to be raising two daughters. I just hope that Hope does not feel of being replaced when the baby joins our family. I hate that feeling as a child in the foster system. I don't want Hope to feel that when her sister arrives.""Emma, we are going to give all three of our children the equal amount of love and care as we are now with Henry and Hope. When our littlest pirate princess arrives, she is going to get the same amount and love and care as her big brother and big sister does. I can imagine you holding our little lass and at the same time Hope sitting on your lap giving you hugs and have your girl talk." Emma smiles. "Whenever you need to have Mommy and Hope time with our little lass, I can have Dada and little love time with our littlest pirate." "You are an amazing Daddy and my amazing husband.""Aye, I love being a Daddy. I love being your husband. I love my beautiful wife." They kiss."Emma Swan-Jones."Killian helped his wife up. "Now, let's go see our littlest pirate of our crew."Emma smiles. "Yes, our daughter." They walk together to the examination room. Back at home, Allison was watching Hope that morning. They were playing dress-up in Hope's room. Hope was wearing her Rapunzel princess dress. Allison was working on Hope's hair. "Auntie?""Yes, Hope?"Hope hugs her. "Mommy luv me baby sister?""Yes, Mommy will still love you Hope when your baby sister comes. She loves you and Henry the same. When your baby sister comes, Mommy will still love you as much as she loves you now." Hope hugs Allison. "Hope, do you know that I am your God-Mommy?""Two mommy's?"Mommys is your Mommy because you grew inside of her tummy. When Mommy met me, she asked me to be your god mommy. A god Mommy talk to her goddaughter and play when Mommy is busy.""Girl talk!""Yes, girl talk. We can call this Auntie and Hope time.""Auntie time!" Hope hugs Allison, making her smile.In the examination room, Emma lowers her maternity jeans and looked down at her baby bump. "Baby girl, Mommy, and Dada are going to see you today on the sonogram. We are going to see how big you are getting. You are getting so big inside of me, baby girl." Killian smiles at his swan so happy talking to their unborn daughter. He helps his swan up onto the table. "Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek. "Anytime, love." He hugs his wife. "In a few minutes, we are going to see our daughter." "Aye, we are going to see how big she is getting.""Yes, so far our baby girl is my biggest baby I am carrying. I am bigger than I was with Henry and Hope at 16 weeks." They both rub her baby bump. Dr. Claire enters the room. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Killian.""Hi, Dr. Claire.""How are you feeling Emma?""Just heartburn and starting to feel more pregnant.""That is normal.""Yes.""Where are Henry and Hope?""Henry has online school and Hope is with Allison. Only Killian with me today.""Swan, I would not miss seeing our little lass on the sonogram." He hugs his swan."You are always there for me.""You know, I am always there for you, love." They kiss. "Emma, do you want a 3-D ultrasound?""Yes, but can I have the 3-D ultrasound in my next appointment? I want Henry and Hope to be here to see their sister in 3-D."Dr.Claire smiles. "3-D sonogram for your next appointment. I will write it down in your chart. Now, let's hear your baby's heartbeat." Dr.Claire sets up the sonogram machine. Emma lies down on the table and rolls her shirt up . Killian holds his swan's hand knowing she was nervous. "I am right here, Emma." Dr.Claire squirted the gel onto Emma's baby bump and places the fetal monitor on the baby bump and looked for the heartbeat. Emma was squeezing Killian's hand. Then there was the loud heartbeat. She loosened her squeeze and smiles happily hearing her daughter's strong heartbeat. Emma and Killian smiled happy with tears. "The heartbeat is 150, Emma. Your baby girl is healthy." The lights were dimmed. "Now, let's get a good look at your baby girl." She turns buttons around on the machine and moved the doppler around until they got a picture of Emma's womb. "There is your baby girl. There is her eyes....her lips..." Emma smiles so big seeing her daughter growing inside other seeing her little face, of her eyes, lips."My baby girl." Killian was smiling and crying. "My daughter." He rubs Emma's hand. "Our daughter." Killian kisses Emma on the forehead. "I think our daughter looks like her Mommy.""We can tell who she looks like in my next ultrasound. I think she looks like me." They continue to look at their baby girl. Emma wonders who their baby girl will look like and who she will take after. "Dr.Claire, can we have three copies of my sonogram pictures?""Yes, you can." Dr.Claire leaves the room to give the couple privacy. "Emma, our baby is getting so big.""Yes, our daughter is getting bigger inside of me." She rubs her baby bump. "My sweet baby girl, Mommy saw you on the sonogram today. You are getting so big inside of me. I love you so much."Killian kneels down to Emma's baby bump. "Littlest love, Dada saw you on the sonogram inside of your Mommy's tummy. We love seeing you on the sonogram. We love you so much, littlest love." He kisses her baby bump and hugs his swan around. Emma hugs Killian's head and began crying, she has an amazing husband who loves her and their children. "Hey, how about after this we have our one on one time?""Sounds like a plan, love." Emma gets ready.Dr.Claire returns with the sonograms. "Here they are, Emma." She gives Emma the sonogram photos."Thank you, Dr.Claire. Hope wants a picture of her baby sister.""She is getting excited?""Yes, she is very excited.I am just worried that she will get neglected.""I have two girls of my own. They are around Henry's age and a few years apart from each other. My advice is to make sure Hope is part of preparing for the baby's arrival. It worked with my two girls and they are still very close sisters.""Thank you Dr.Claire for the advice.""You are welcome, Emma. I will see you at your next appointment." Before they left, Emma needed to use the bathroom. Killian waited for his swan in the hallway. He makes a phone call. "Hi, Allison.""Hi, Killian. How was the appointment?"Killian smiles. "Our daughter is very healthy and getting bigger. How is everything at home?""Hope and I are having a lot of fun. We are doing art.""I want to take Emma out...""I can stay here a little longer with Hope. Henry is busy with his school work. I helped him with his science part of the online school. I am having fun with my little niece.""Thanks, Allison. We will be home a little later.""You are welcome, Killian. I know once your daughter arrives, you two will not get enough alone time." They ended their phone conversation. "Auntie, Dada on phone?""Yes, Hope. He told me that they saw the baby on the sonogram today. They are bringing you a picture of baby sis for you."Hope began crying. "Mommy home..."Allison holds Hope. "Hope, your Mommy is coming home, soon. Since we are doing artwork. How about we make artwork for your mommy?""Yes! Make artwork for Mommy!" Allison and Hope continue to do art.Emma returns to the hallway. "Are you ready, swan?""Yes, I am." They walked together out of the hospital."What does my swan want to do? Are you hungry?""When I am not hungry. I am very hungry.""Aye, granny's?""Yes, I am in the mood for grilled cheese, onion ring and a chocolate milkshake.""Aye, my two loves want Granny's. I am going to drive, swan." They enter the car, Killian drove his two loves to Maine Street. He glances at his swan who was rubbing her baby bump and smiling. He loves seeing his swan happy. "My swan is glowing.""I am not ...""Yes, you are.""You are making my blush, Killian Jones." He gives her a look. "I am happy because we got to our baby girl today.""Me too, love."Emma looks at her sonogram. "Our daughter is so cute.""Yes, she is, love. I know she is going to be so cute, like Hope." "Yes. she will." Killian parks the car. Emma goes to the front of the car to wait for her pirate. "Swan?"Emma wrapped her arms around his neck. "You and I make cute babies.""Aye, that because I love my swan, so much.""I love you, Killian.""I love you, Emma." They kiss. Killian lifted his swan into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist. After their make-out session, they went to Granny's to their family booth. Granny sees the husband and wife. "Hi, Killian. Hi, Emma. How are you feeling?""I am feeling good since I am in my second trimester. Thank you for keeping our secret.""You are welcome, Emma." "We are going to have our usuals. With mine, I am going to have a chocolate milkshake with my grilled cheese." "You got it." She goes to the window. The diner bell rings. Granny sees Hope, Henry and Allison. "Hi, Hope.""Hi, Granny!" "Granny we will have our usuals. Aunt Allison?""I will have my usuals too.""You got it.""Swan, I think we have company.""I love our company."Killian moves over to make room for Hope. Hope sees her parents. "Auntie, Mommy here.""Hi, Allison. You, Henry and Hope, are joining us for brunch.""Yes, we are." Allison slides into the booth on the opposite side of Emma and Killian. "Mommy!" Hope climbs onto the booth and hugs her Mommy. "Miss you.""You missed me?""Yes.""Mommy was at the doctor to check on the baby.""Baby sis okay?""Yes, your sister is okay. We got pictures of baby sister.""Henwy pictuwes!""Little love, sit down. So Mommy can show you the pictures of your baby sister.""Dada!" "Hope...""Yes, Dada." Henry puts the booster seat next to their parents. He sits next to Allison. "Mom, you saw baby sis today?""Yes, we did." She shows the sonograms to her children. Henry smiles. "Awesome! She is getting so big.""Yes, she is." She gives Hope a sonogram picture."Baby sister!" Hope smiles as she looks at the sonogram photos."My little niece on the way is so cute!""She is so cute!" Emma smiles. "On my next check up with my doctor, you and Henry get to come with me. We are getting a different camera to see more details of her eyes and her face.""Her hair?"Emma smiles. "Maybe but we will see who she looks like""Little sis, we will see who she will look like. When you were in Mommy's tummy, we saw you look like Mommy.""I am Mommy's mini-me.""Yes, you are. Maybe your baby sis will be more like our Dad.""Aye, two swans are enough. Three will be a takeover." Emma gives her husband a look. He looks at his swan who was giving him a look. Everyone laughs. After lunch, Emma was holding Hope and talking to Allison outside of Granny's. "Allison, thank you for watching Hope.""You are very welcome. Hope and I had so much fun.""Auntie and Hope time!""Hope, we are going to have more fun again soon!" She tickles Hope making her laugh. August sees Emma. "Emma.""Hi, August.""Hi!""Hi, Hope! I heard you are turning 3 years old soon!""Yes, I am!""Em, I will see you soon!"They hug. "Yes! We need to meet up soon. Your birthday and Hope's birthday are coming up.""Yes, they both are. I have to go to work now!""Bye, auntie.""Bye, Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek and leaves. "Emma, I was about to find you.""August you are always finding me."August chuckles. "How are you?" He looks at the baby bump. "I know you are expecting another baby."Emma smiles, "Yes, I am. I am 4 months along.""I am happy for you Emma. My papa is finished with Hope's bed frame. He is wondering when we can bring it over.""Oh.." They hear the door from Granny and Emma turns around to Killian and Henry. "Killian, August just told me that Hope's bedframe is ready.""Yes! The lad and I can get the bed mattress.""Killian, I can bring over Hope's bedframe later.""Aye, swan. August can you show me the bed frame so I can get the right size.""Killian, make sure it is not too big.""Yes, love. Henry and I can rearrange Hope's room.""Little sis, you are getting a big girl bed!" Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy."Hope, we can snuggle on your new big girl bed, little duckling." Hope looks sad. "Killian, I am taking Hope with me to the sheriff's station. I am going to do some paperwork." "Aye, love. If you need me, call me.""Thank you, honey." They kiss."Mom, I will make sure Dad does the bedframe right.""Thanks, kid. August, I will see you around.""See you around, Emma.""Bye, August!""Bye, Hope." Emma carried Hope to the sheriff's station. August lead Henry and Killian to Geppetto's shop. "Papa. I have Henry and Killian.""Oh good. Hello, Killian and Henry.""Hi, Geppetto. We would like to see Hope's bedframe.""Come, I will show you." He leads him to his workroom. "What do you think?""Lad, what do you think?""Hope is going to love it.""Aye, you are right,lad." Killian pays for the bedframe. Henry and Killian go to another store to buy a mattress. They were able to fit it in the family car after lowering the seats. When they arrived home, August and Geppetto were there with the bed frame. The men took turns helping each other bringing the bedframe up and mattress upstairs to Hope's room. August helped Killian put the baby's crib into the baby's room next door. The bedding was set aside ready for Hope's big girl bed. August sees the progress of the baby's walls murals. "Killian, Henry did these paintings?""Yes. He designed the walls specifically in nautical theme for his baby sister's nursery.""He is so talented.""Yes, my son is very talented." Killian covers the crib. "The new baby is going to use the same crib?""Aye, yes. I designed this specifically for my children. They will use the same crib." "Dad!" They went to Hope's room. "Which way should we position Hope's bed frame?" Killian thinks and decides where to position the bed frame.Emma carried Hope into the sheriff's station. "Hope, you are going to be my little sheriff.""Mini-shewiff." Emma sees her Dad and Mulan. "Hi, Mulan.""Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope.""Hi!" "I am here to do paperwork. Hope is going to be with me in my office."Charming approaches his daughter. "Where is Killian?""Killian and Henry are working on a project at home.""My new bed."Charming smiles. "Hope, you are getting a big girl bed?""Yes!" "Emma, are you and Killian getting ready for the baby?""Yes, we are. We are getting the baby's room ready. Henry is painting the murals in the baby's room.""Potty, Mommy.""Dad, I have to take her to the bathroom." Emma takes Hope to the bathroom. After Hope was done in the bathroom, they went into her office. She does her paperwork as Hope was playing with her toys. Geppetto and August delivered the bedframe. The doorbell rings, Killian answers it was Charming. "Hi, Charming.""Hi, Killian. Emma told me that you and Henry were building the bed frame.I thought you need a hand.""Aye, Henry and I need a hand. August and Geppetto left us with the bedframe not together.""I can help." He lets Charming in and leads him upstairs. Charming sees the pie of the bed frame. "Killian, are there directions?""Yes."Henry enters the room. "Dad? Hi, Gramps.""Hi, Henry. I am here to help build Hope's bedframe.""Awesome.""Lad, you read the directions while your grandpa and I build the bed frame.""Okay." Henry reads the directions as his Dad and gramps followed them putting the frame together. Henry placed the mat on the bed. Henry fixed Hope's bedding, blanket, pillows and Hope's favorite plush dolls on her bed. "Killian, this looks like a princess will sleep in.""Aye, I designed for Hope. I just hope that this will Hope sleep in here. Our little lass is afraid to sleep in here because she was kidnapped in here multiple times. The last time was with Henry to Neverland.""Killian, Hope has you and Emma making sure that she feels safe. I am sorry my wife is causing her to be afraid. It really hurts my heart that my own wife hurts our granddaughter and our daughter.""If Snow White stops blaming my wife and trying to attack her.""I am still figuring out why Snow has changed. She is just angry all the time.""We need to find out but under Emma's order she is staying in the psych ward."Henry returns to his sister's room. "Dad, Hope is going to love her bed.""Aye, I hope your Mom approves.""She will, Dad. Your design the bed frame. Mom and Hope are going to love it." "Charming, would you like to see the nursery?"Charming was surprised."You and Emma already started the nursery?"Killian smiles."Aye, yes we did. Henry began painting the murals already. We moved a lot of the baby furniture into the baby's room.""Gramps, I will show you." Henry leads Charming to his baby sister's room. "I am almost done with the murals.""Wow! I can tell it is a pirate theme.""Mom and Dad wanted a pirate theme for the baby. Dad helped me with ideas for each wall.""These are amazing, Henry. This room style can be for a baby boy or girl?""Yes." Killian was cooking dinner when his two loves returns home. Emma was exhausted and Hope was getting cranky. "Dada.""Little love." He scoops Hope into his arms. "Mommy tiwed. I am tiwed too.""I had to keep Hope up so she will go to bed on time tonight." She yawns. "You look like you need to sleep, love.""The baby and I are tired.""I made dinner, love. You and our littlest lass need to eat first."Charming comes from upstairs. "Killian, the bed frame is sturdy.""Aye, thank you for your help Charming. Henry and I really needed an extra pair of hands." "I am happy to help.""Dad.""Emma." They hug. "How is my princess? How is the baby?"Emma smiles. "The baby is healthy. I am just tired. I had a long day." "You need to rest sweetheart.""Dad, I am going to bed early tonight. I had a feeling you came here after I told you about the boys' project here."Charming smiles. "I had a feeling Killian and Henry needed my help building the bed frame.""Amps my bed.""Yes, your big girl bed!" He tickles Hope making her laugh. "Killian before dinner, Hope needs to see her new big girl bed. I am curious what you and Henry were working on the whole day.""Dada. Big girl bed?""Yes, your big girl bed is all ready for you." Hope runs upstairs to her bedroom. Henry sees his sister in her bedroom and joins her in the room seeing her so happy. "My new bed!"Killian walked with swan upstairs followed by Charming. "I did a lot of paperwork and kept our almost-three-year-old entertained. I am going to bed early tonight." "Mommy! My big girl bed!" Hope takes her Mommy's hand. Emma sees Hope's bedframe of white wooden swan bed frame on every four ends and on the sides, with a pink canopy on top are ocean with ships, two baby rails on the sides. The bookshelf is still there and artwork beside Hope's toys and photos. Emma began crying her husband created this bedframe for their daughter and their daughter's room is for a big girl. "Killian, you designed the bed frame for Hope?""Yes, love. I know what Hope loves.I thought the swan represents you, a little princess style and her pirate side on the side and there is also a pull-out drawer to keep Hope's special possessions." She kisses Killian on the cheek. "It is beautiful. Hope loves it already. Her room changed so much. Her room is not a baby's room anymore it is a big girls' room. She is growing up.""Aye, Hope is growing up. But we are going to have another baby in the house in a few months.""Yes, another daughter we get to spoil." They both place their hands on her baby bump. "Do you think this will help her sleep here?""Yes, but I have a feeling one of us will sleep in here with her. Hope will want to sneak into her bed.""Aye, I do not mind. I love Hope sleeping with us.""Yes, I will enjoy it while I can until she gets bigger..." Killian hugs his swan. Hope goes on the bed and jumps on her bed. "Big bed to jump!" She hugs her husband. "The perfect Daddy.""You are the perfect, Mommy. You designed her bedroom, I only did the bed frame.""The bed is the main part of the room.""Which is why we are the perfect team, Emma." They kiss. "Hope, say thank you to Grandpa. He helped Daddy and Henry with your big girl bed." Hope stops jumping and goes to her grandpa. "Thank you, Grandpa.""You are welcome, little princess." Hope hugs Charming.Henry knees down to the drawer. "Little sis, look at this." He opens the drawer. "Ooh!" Hope goes to her brother. "This is where you can put anything special in here.""Mommy book!" Hope puts The Ugly Duckling in the drawer."Good choice, Hope!""Mommy, book in here!"Emma gives Hope a surprise face as she kneels down to her daughter."Is this where our book going to be in?""Yes. Luv you weading to me." Hope hugs her Mommy. Charming and Killian both smile at the mother and daughter. "I love reading to you, my little duckling." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henwy, baby sister wead.""Hope, I love reading to you. I am going to read to our baby sis. How about after dinner, I can read to you?""Yes, stowytime! H& H time!"Henry holds Hope. "Yes, H&H time." Emma and Killian smile at their children. She rubs her baby bump looking forward to her daughter on the way be close with Henry and Hope.Emma saw her Dad smiling knowing he knows. "Dad, please keep the gender of your next granddaughter a secret?"Charming smiles. "I am so happy for you all. Yes, I will keep the gender of my next granddaughter a secret.""Henry and Hope wanted a baby sister. I had a feeling I was having another girl. My two girls will grow up close sisters. Henry and Hope are so close already. I just can't wait to see them with their sister." "Swan, they are going to be close with our little pirate princess on the way." He rubs her baby bump. Charming smiles seeing his daughter happy with her caring loving husband.Emma walks downstairs with her Dad to the door. "Thank you for helping Kilian and Henry with the bed frame.""I am happy to help.I miss being around you."Emma hugs her Dad. "You are welcome here, Dad. I miss you too. How is being home with Leo?'"He is much calmer at home without Mom. He is still causing trouble in school but I tell him what he was doing was wrong. He is causing less trouble in school.""Would you like to stay for dinner? Killian made taco soup for dinner."Charming smiles. "I would love too." Killian goes downstairs,"Killian, we need one extra bowl for tonight. My Dad is joining us for dinner.""Aye, love. I would add another bowl." She helps Killian set the table, adding sour cream, and chips in the center of the table for their meal. Emma goes to the steps, "Henry, Hope, dinner is ready." She sits at her spot after making herself a bowl. "Killian, this smells so good.""Thank you, love. I made it extra delicious for my swan. You need to provide nutrients to the babe." Emma smiles at her husband cares for her and their daughter on the way, making sure that she eats. "Killian, I had no idea you can cook.""Aye, I learned how to cook as a lad on the sea during servitude.""You are not a slave anymore. You are my husband, an amazing daddy ad a great cook.""Aye, I love cooking healthy.""You get my daughter to eat healthy." Emma laughs.Killian puts a water bottle by his swan's bowl. "Swan, I do not want you to faint.""You are right. You are just making sure I am drinking a lot of water." Charming sees how much Killian taking care of his daughter. Hope and Henry arrive downstairs. "Amps!""Hi, little princess. I am staying for dinner.""Yay!" Charming puts Hope into her booster seat. The family ate."Little love, do you want to tell Grandpa about your birthday party theme?""Piwate theme.""Oh really? Did your Daddy give your party theme idea?""No! On my own! Piwate theme! Olly Wawa.""Hope, remember we are having a treasure hunt in the backyard, not on the Jolly Roger.""Toy olly wawa.""Yes, little pirate." "Sorry, Dad, Hope is a little pirate just like the rest of us." "You did marry a pirate.""Dad.""Charming, I knew your daughter was a pirate when I first met her in the Enchanted Forest during our beanstalk adventure.""That was the first of our many adventures." They held hands. Henry tells Charming about school and art. After dinner, Charming heads home. Emma gave Hope a bubble bath before she took her own shower. Emma was lying down in her bed snuggling with Killian while Henry was reading his book to Hope in her new big girl bed. "The pirate helped the princess back in time. The princess chose prince Charles..." "Dada!""The princess wanted another name, for herself, Princess Leia.""Leia!"Henry smiles big his sister gave him the name idea for the baby. "Mom! Dad!" Killian rushed in and Emma right behind him."Kid?""Hope and I have a baby name idea for baby sis." They join Henry and Hope on her bed."My idea Henwy.""I gave you the idea! It is both our idea."Emma sits next to her children. "Hope,what is your baby name for your sister?""Leia!" Hope shows them their picture of Prince Charles and Princess Leia, in Henry's storybook. "Mommy, Leia. Your name in past."Emma began crying. Hope chose the name she chose when she was in the past with Killian. She looks at her husband who was smiling, they both love the name. Killian places his hands on his wife's baby bump. "Leia.""I love the name, Emma. Your code name when we traveled back in time.""That's what I was thinking. Henry and Hope chose my codename from the past. The name is perfect." They both look at her baby bump. "Leia Swan-Jones." She rubs her baby bump. "Leia, that is your name, baby girl.""We have a name for our baby girl." He kisses his swan's baby bump. "Leia, is your name, littlest love. Your big sister and big brother helped us choose your name." Henry hugs his sister. "Good name choice, little sis.""You helped too, bro!" Emma hugs Hope. "Hope, you helped us choose your baby's sister's name. Leia.""Leia!" Hope hugs her Mommy's baby bump. "Baby Leia." Henry kisses his Mom's baby bump. "Hi, Leia. Hope and I were reading our Mommy and Daddy's story in my book. Hope said your name is Leia. Mom and Dad love the name like we did.""Your big brother and big sister are the best. They chose the perfect name for you." She hugs her son. "Henry? How?""We were reading you and Dad's story about your trip in the past. I was reading about the ballroom scene and mentioned your different names. She said Leia." Emma hugs them both. "You two choose a perfect name for your baby sister." Ema began crying. "Henry, you chose Hope's name. Now, you and Hope chose your sister's name.""We did, Mom. I love my two sixers, Hope and Leia.""Dada!"Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "You chose Leia's name!""Yes with Henwy." Hope yawns. "Hope, it is time for bed, little pirate.""Not tiwed." "How about I finish telling you the story of the pirate and princess adventure back in time?""Yes, Dada." Killian tucks Hope in and told her the tale. Hope hugs her Daddy. Henry goes to his room.Emma goes to the hallway watching Killian reading to Hope. She places her on her hand on her baby bump. "Leia your Daddy is going to read to you bedtime stories , too just like he is reading to your big sister." She smiles, her daughter on the way has her name. Her husband and son turned Hope's room into a big girl room. Hope is going to be three years old very soon. She goes to Henry's room. "Henry." She hugs her son. "Thank you for helping your Dad fix Hope's room.""You are welcome, Mom. I am happy to help out. It is part of my job as Hope's big brother to make her happy.""You are an amazing big brother, Henry. Hope and Leia are so lucky to have the best big brother ever.""I love Hope and Leia, Mom." He places his hand on his Mom's baby bump. "Leia, Henry loves you, baby sis.""Leia is going to have you in her life, kid. She is going to love her big brother. I know you are preparing her nursery.""I am almost done with Leia's murals. Do you want to see them?""Yes!" Killian finished telling the story to Hope who was fast asleep. "Little pirate princess. Dada loves you so much." He quietly got out of the bed and places her medium Pluto doll to hold. "Night, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and turns off the light and closes the door. Mother and son went to Leia's bedroom. Henry turns on the lights. Emma sees the murals, the light gray base walls with each wall represented a nautical theme, on the right wall, it was anchors and hooks theme, the center wall is the Jolly Roger theme, on the left was under the sea with fishes and other sea creatures. The last wall was their home on land with the storybook. Emma was in awe walking around. "Leia, your room is so pretty. Your big brother painted it all just for you." She looks at her son. "Henry. These are amazing!" She hugs her son. "You are so talented. Leia is going to love her room." Killian sees his swan and son so happy. He takes a photo of the mother and son. "Lad, I told you that your Mom is going to love it.""Killian, did you help him?""Aye, the painting of the base and gave him a few ideas of nautical theme." Emma wraps her arms around her husband. "Hope and Leia have the best Daddy. You and Henry designed both of our daughter's rooms. Hope's room is now a big girl's room. Leia's room has most of her needs already.""We have time to get more baby supplies for Leia." He rubs his wife's baby bump. "Leia, dada is going to help Mommy prepare your bedroom just like dada. Mommy, Dada Henry worked together on your big sister's room."Emma smiles. "Hope is asleep?""Yes, she fell asleep when I was telling her about when we returned back from the past.""Do you think she will sleep in her room?""Kid, your sister was asking me the whole time at the sheriff's station about her big girl bed. She was very excited to sleep in her big girl bed."Henry went to his room. Emma and Killian went to their bedroom. Emma was lying down as Killian was talking to Leia. "Leia...Dada loves you. Mommy loves you.""Leia, we love you so much baby girl."A little while later, Hope wakes up knowing that she was alone. She went to her parent's room who were sleeping. "Mommy."Emma wakes up hearing Hope and turns on the light. "Little duckling. Did you wake up not seeing Dada or Mommy?""Yes."Emma picks up her daughter and hugs her. "I am going to sleep with you in your new big girl bed." She carried Hope to her room and tucks her in, lowers one side of the rails, and turns off the light. "I am right here, Hope." She lies in Hope's bed. "Your new bed is so comfy to sleep in.""Dada is the best. Mommy is the best." Hope hugs her Mommy."You give me the best hugs." She kisses Hope on the head."Luv you, Mommy.""I love you, Hope." She rubs Hope's back. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope falls asleep. "Good night, my little buttercup. I love you so much." Emma smiles she knows Hope was feeling safe and knowing she will be doing this with Leia too. She looks up and smiles seeing the glow in the dark stars at the canopy, Killian's touch. She loves how her husband put a little more pirate side of the star navigating touch to Hope's room. Emma fell asleep with her two girls one hugging her and one growing inside of her. Killian wakes up not feeling his swan on her side of their bed. He sees Henry fast asleep in his bed. "Night, son." He finds his wife sleeping with Hope in her bed. Killian smiles knowing Emma is going to be an amazing Mom of two little lasses with him on her side. He puts a blanket on his swan. "Night, Emma. I love you so much." He kisses her on the head and heads back to their room.

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