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I woke up to quiet chatter and more continuous beeps. I smiled at Courtney and cuddle up to Damien who pulls me closer to him. "Court" Shayne calls his bitch and he immediately turns over and talks to him. "ONLY TWO HOURS LEFT!" Joe calls out "Thank you pappi Joe" Courtney yells "Thanks Joe!" I speak loud enough for him to hear. He chuckles and turns on some radio music.

Before long we stop at a McDonald's and get some food before getting back into the road.

We finally arrive at the Smoffice and we are all so tried of traveling we just crash there, Joven in a separate area as he's thrown up waayyyy too much.

I get comfy on my beanbag and pull my blanket closer to my freezing body. I close my eyes and the black abyss over clouds my vision, semdomg me away to a dream land.

Poke poke
Poke poke
"You've forced me to do this"

Suddenly my warmth is ripped away and my body begins to shake, as if I was drowning in the ice cold Atlantic ocean. My eyes shoot open and I see a smiling Damien who quickly notices my cold and wraps me back up into the blanket like a sushi roll. He picks me up and takes me into on a of the rooms nearby.

As he opens the door my eyes land on a big TV hooked up to an Xbox one (or if you're THAT type of person a PS4) and he hands me a controller "Choose your demise!" He laughed I chose super smash and we began to play.

(Now you can't have super smash with out Smosh's smash bros song. So here we go!)

We played for a few hours, Damien beating me by ONE POINT so we had another round. Much to his dis pleasure....But he still won.


Sorry for the late and short chapter I've been swapped with College and stuff. I'll try update when I can but they may be tiny ass chapters dotted around randomly. Sorry!!!

Just Friends?•Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now