Does This Mean Anything?

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UPDATED: August 2022

We get to the restaurant and sit in a booth Courtney and Shayne sat in front of me and Damien, being cutesy and flirty with each-other. They didn't even notice Damien and I were there. We ordered our food, and I just decided to try and make the most out of it, it wasn't like I frequently went on dates anyway. After we had finished our meals, Courtney and Shayne were practically sitting on each other and eating each other's faces for desert.

Throughout the dinner, Damien and I had been talking, but it just felt awkward as hell. I started thinking about leaving the restaurant. Courtney didn't need me here, she was more then happy and plenty confident enough, plus she didn't even notice I was there. As if he had read my mind, Damien took my arm and lead me out, leaving the two people who were actually on a date alone. We started walking down the street. "So er, that was fun huh?" He asked, chuckling slightly. I answered jokingly, "Oh yeah, so much fun I never wanted to leave." We both laugh as we walk into a little park area. We sit on a bench and have a nice conversation, without the pressure of it being a date situation.

We were having a good time, talking and laughing together when my phone went off, Courtney was texting me. Seems like they finally noticed we were gone. I tell Damien who chuckles, saying that it took them long enough. We head back to the restaurant, all the awkwardness had melted away and it made for a really nice stroll back. Sitting back in the booth we all order some real desert before we went back to Shayne and Damien's apartment.

We played games, talked and watched some anime for hours before realising that the time had flew past us. I ordered an Uber for Courtney and I to come pick us up, while she and Shayne made out. I assume that their part of this double date went well, which was the most important part at the end of the day. Courtney and I said goodbye to the guys as we went to leave, but just before I left, Damien pulled me to the side, "Hey Y/N?" He asked, looking slightly awkward again. I smiled and nodded, waiting for him to continue. He asked me if this was a date for us. His question took be aback a little as I thought. "Only if you want it to be" I said with a smile as I left their place and hopped in the back of the Uber with Court.

What if it was a date though? Did that mean he wanted to go on a date with me? We hadn't known each other long, but I guess you could say there was a connection there. We had spent the past few weeks of my time at Smosh getting to know each other, and because of Shayne and Courtney, and also both of us being on Games, we had spent a lot of time together. And then there was the kiss at the party... I shook the swirling thoughts out of my head. I shouldn't worry about this. Not yet anyway. I mean I liked him, but that wasn't my main priority right now. My main focus had to be on the Summer Games, which was starting within the net few days, and I was so excited!

Just Friends?•Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now