Courtney FREAKIN Miller's Back

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A week later and things were back to normal. F/N had disappeared again, hopefully for good. Dan and Phil had flown to their next tour spot and the other 'Dan' was 'taken care of'.

Damien had cooled off about the whole thing and things were just becoming awesome again. Ian had another crazy idea to do a Smosh and Order but with Courtney FREAKING Miller. So naturally Shayne was walking around the office, as CFM for a week before the shoot. So, we all had a lot of fun with that.

"What's up guys, today we are getting back into GTS. Today we have Wes, Damien, Y/N, Myself and, of course, Courtney FREAKING Miller" Mari introduced the video "YEAH YOU KNOW I'M BACK!" Courtney yelled.

Suddenly, out of the blue, a freshly dyed orange haired Lasercorn entered the building, sat down, logged on and yelled "OFFICER CORN IS BACK IN TOWN!!!"

"Wes list time!" Wes called out, dragging us all into a 2v2v2. Mari and Wes were a team, Lasercorn and I were a team and Damien was teamed with Courtney FREAKIN Miller. Truely, the best team mate. To have ever teamed. Amen Courtney Freakin Miller.

"COURTNEY!" Damien cried, she, him, Courtney shot him instead of Wes. This continued for a good 5 minutes until the end of the video.

Courtney left and we filmed some Maricraft and some multiplayer horror games.

After a good 4 hours of recording, we went out for lunch. We went to Taco Bell and ordered out favourites then went back to the office and had a chat, not needing to film anything else for today, we messed around the the SG and SS offices then just messed around in the building, getting into silly costumes, and made an extra vlog about it.

Timeskip brought to you by an author who's trying to upload this while talking on the phone, texting a group chat and also trying to get sleep.

Once Courtney and I were back home, she immediately said this "I might move in with Shayne soon. Would you be alright here if I did?" I looked at her, and she looked at me, as if she knew my answer. "Yeah, you basically live there already. If that's what you wanna do then I'll help with the packing and the moving. But only do it if you're sure'' she just laughed at me "Course I'm sure. Anyway that means there would be room here...nudge nudge....wink wink." I rolled my eyes. She was hinting to Damien moving in.

"I've already spoken to him N/N!" She yelled at me "But not me?" I questioned "It was going to be a suprise!" She defended I rolled my eyes

"Well whatever. No I won't mind. It means you and Shayne will be able to fuck every night without disturbing my sleep anymore so as long as I don't have to listen to you screaming "Oh shayne oh yes yes give it to me aaahhhhhh DADDY DEEPER FUCK I'M GOING TO CUM ON YOUR COCK DADDY MMMMMMMMMM" then I'm over the moon"

She looked at me, embarrassed "You hear all that?" She asked "And more" she looked at me "I am so sorry" 

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