Part 24 - I messed up

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Juliet never thought that when she finally travelled to New York City to visit Sophie, that it would be under these circumstances. She had considered making this trip so many times, but things had always got in the way. The cost was always an issue, but Sophie's busy schedule was almost impossible to fit in with. However, now she felt an intense guilt for not trying harder to make it work. Sophie had been living out here for almost 4 years and she had not once stepped foot into this city.

After visiting Sophie's unresponsive state in the hospital, Juliet had then been to see Jace, who was doing much better. Although she was incredibly happy for him and his family, she couldn't help but feel incredibly frustrated at how different the situation was for Sophie.

The doctors had her in a coma. They had warned that there was a high chance she wouldn't come around as she wasn't capable of breathing on her own. Every part of her was giving up, and her friends and family had been told that they needed to prepare their goodbyes.

Jace wasn't in any right mind to cope with it all. He was struggling, understandably, yet he was also filled with so much guilt. He was finding it difficult to face Sophie's family and hadn't known what to say to the kids.

One thing he had done though, at Juliet's request, was given her the key to Sophie's workplace. It had appeared as an odd request to most people there, but Juliet felt like she needed to see it. She knew this building was where Sophie's heart truly was. If she wanted to fully understand the life that Sophie had been living out here, she had to step foot in this building and see what she had achieved.


Taking the lift up several floors of a sky-high building, Juliet composed herself as she reached Sophie's floor and the doors came open. She hadn't known what to expect but she knew that whatever she was about to be presented with, would have been created with so much passion and love.

She hadn't been disappointed either.

The three floors of this building that Sophie owned were stunning. Offices and workplaces were not meant to be described in that way. They were supposed to be boring and standard, a place where people had to go to make enough money to put food on their plates.

These offices were nothing like that and Juliet could immediately pick up every piece of Sophie's personality shining through.

It was decorated beautifully and there was such a warm and welcoming feel to it all. The offices were structured in an open and sociable manner. The photoshoot studios had large windows taking up every wall, letting in natural light and allowing the details of Sophie's designs to be truly appreciated.

Then finally approaching to the floor that Juliet imagined Sophie spent the majority of her time, she stood back in awe. The design floor was filled with creativity and colour. All the beautiful fabrics were out on show, alongside the genius sketches from Sophie and her team of upcoming collections. In addition to that, there were finished pieces displayed in glass cabinets around the room. Each cabinet was full of twinkling lights, displaying the masterpieces in the most incredible way.

Although Juliet was looking at this floor in pure admiration, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. She could see the incredible effort that had been put into its design however, something still didn't feel right.

The building felt slightly cold and empty. It had lost all off its life and joy because that one person who gave it the love and passion wasn't there.

She knew that if Sophie had been the one stood in here showing Juliet around, it would have felt different. The building wouldn't have just looked beautiful, it would have felt alive too. She would have been able to feel the passion rather just imagining it.

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