Part 19 - closure

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A few days later...

Slowly pushing a sleeping Amiya off her body, while trying not to wake her, Sophie crept towards the front door. With everyone out, she was hoping her daughter could finally get a peaceful sleep without being disturbed, but that no longer seemed likely to happen.

"What are you doing here?" Sophie tried to hide her shock when Aaron stood the other side of the door, but it was clear on her face.

"Kaden told me Amiya wasn't well."

"So you came over to check to see if I was lying?" Sophie challenged, making light of the Amiya situation which had caused them many arguments before.

"No, I actually wanted to see how you were both doing. I know you probably want to be catching up with everyone and saying goodbye, so being stuck in isn't ideal. "Aaron defended himself yet it was obvious he had other motives.

There was no reason why he needed to be wasting his time here when he could be spending it with his other three children.

"I'm fine. I just want her to get some sleep as she didn't get any all night."

"So neither did you, I'm guessing."

"Why, do I look exhausted or something?"

Sophie knew for a fact that she probably did, she hadn't slept longer than an hour all night. Although Jace had offered to take a shift in looking after Amiya, she had refused his help considering he had an early start and a whole day planned with her dad and brother. She didn't want to ruin that.

However, even though she was insistent last night that she was fine, Sophie definitely felt like she was suffering now.

"No..." Aaron trailed off with a smile on his face causing Sophie to mirror his expression.

"Good answer."

"Mummy!" A little voice began calling out in panic, suddenly capturing Sophie's attention.

She knew it wouldn't be long until the noise woke the little girl. She was always woken up by the smallest things, which was incredibly frustrating when she was sick and needed this sleep badly.

"Shit, that's my fault." Aaron muttered as Amiya continued to call out for her mum. However, before Sophie had chance to turn around and begin heading for the living room, Aaron passed her first.

Entering the room, he took note of his little girl sprawled out on the sofa. She was no longer asleep and her big eyes were looking up at him as he entered. Her face was paled and she really did look exhausted yet she still managed to gain the energy to reach her hands out towards him.

"Daddy." She whimpered as she scrunched her hands as he neared closer.

"Hey baby girl." Aaron breathed as he took a seat beside her on the sofa and urged her into his arms.

Running his thumb under her eye, he could immediately feel the burning of her skin. She seemed to relax at his touch though and let her little body sink into his hold as her eyes began to flicker shut before reopening again.

"I heard that you're feeling a bit sick."

Amiya began shaking her head.


"You don't feel sick? You feel okay?" Aaron asked with a forced shocked tone to his voice. He knew she was trying to put on an act just for fun, so he was going to play along.

"Yep!" Amiya repeated as she rested her head against his chest.

She hated feeling as though she was missing out on having lots of fun. Even when she was feeling poorly this little girl would try everything to prevent from having to stay stuck inside and sleep it off.

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