Chapter 83

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"Jess?" A familiar voice caught her attention as she sat up the bar.

She had a water placed in front of her, knowing that if she hadn't have been pregnant, alcohol would have been the thing to help her through right now.

Still facing forward, the presence of Jay's body was made known as he sat beside her, resting his arms on the wood in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

He was unable to hold back from chuckling due to this all seeming so out of place. Back track many years ago and it would be a usual sight to see however, with the place Jess was in now, seeing her in a run down bar alone didn't make sense.

"Having a drink." She remarked, holding her water up in front of him.

She wasn't ready to talk to anyone, little lone Jay after what Jazmine had said, so she hoped he would get the hint and leave. However, she should have known better as he did the opposite and ordered his own drink before making himself comfortable.

"I'll wait this out if I have to. What's wrong?"

Tapping her nails against the wooden bar, she was trying to think of a polite way to tell him to 'fuck off' however, nothing nice enough came to mind so she just said nothing at all.

"I'm going to take a wise guess." Jay continued when he realised he was going to get nothing from her. "Is this Jazmine related? Possibly Kian."

It was obvious by the tone in Jay's voice that he already knew. News travelled fast in this gang and it was obvious Jazmine had been delighted to share the news with her fellow members when she got the confirmation.

"Can you please just leave me alone, Jay." Jess stressed, finally turning to look at him.

He was dressed in his usual gang attire showing he was clearly on business and this so happened to be one of his pit stops.

"I'm not in the mood to discuss it, especially not with you."

Remaining silent for a few minutes, Jay took the drink that was being passed to him from the barman.

"You can leave now." Jess ordered, glaring at Jay in hope to look somewhat threatening but it didn't work.

"I'm guessing you're pissed at me over whatever Jazmine has said to you." Jay began and he captured Jess's eye contact in a knowing look. "But I'm also certain that it's the least of your problems right now."

As much as it annoyed her to admit, Jay was right and she probably could do with a bit of company even if it was his. After opening those DNA results she had tried to just go about their day and deal with it. They had gone to Jack's parents and she had acted as if everything was okay but when they arrived home, she couldn't do it anymore.

She had to get out. She had to get away from her thoughts that were consuming her mind while shut up in their home. She knew it wasn't Jack's fault that Jazmine had lied to him for all of these years but she didn't know what to say to him because she was hurt.

"I bet she's fucking loving it." Jess replied with a bitter tone. "And I'm guessing she's the one who told you right?"

Nodding his head, Jay took a sip of his drink before placing it back down on the bar.

"She was smug but what did you expect?"

Removing her gaze from Jay, Jess was back to facing forward while she tried to comprehend what all of this meant and how things were going to change.

"You have every right to be pissed off and upset." Jay began and it sounded as though he was about to try and give some award winning advice. This was a first. "But dealing with that in this old bar, full of worthless twats doing nothing with their life, probably isn't the best decision you've ever made."

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