Chapter 5

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Over an hour later after visiting Corey with Zaiden, Sophie finally got permission to see Aaron after all the fuss that had been caused.

Carefully walking into his hospital room, she felt a wave of awkwardness fall over her at the sight she was faced with.

Aaron was not alone in his hospital bed but instead Carla was laid beside him, cuddled in his embrace.

"Sorry, I was just checking to see if you were okay..." Sophie trailed off and her voice captured Aaron's attention.

Looking over at him, he gave her a tired smile.

"You look like absolute shit." Was the next thing she said causing him to instantly laugh.

"Thanks... Soph. Just what I needed to hear."

"You're welcome." She grinned back at him before making her way over to his side.

As Sophie approached to pull him into a hug, Carla finally moved, clearly not wanting to step foot near Sophie after what had happened.

"How are the other two?" Aaron then asked as they pulled apart and Sophie took a seat on the side of the bed.

"Corey's alright... he got out the least hurt I think." Sophie looked at Aaron's broken arm alongside his bandaged head.

"No fucking surprise." Aaron remarked, a comment which Sophie purposely ignored.

"But Jack... I don't know. I can't get in touch with Jess and I've been bugging the nurses but they can't tell me anything."

"He got hit pretty hard." Aaron now sounded worried, remembering how his car had done many flips before landing on the roof. "But he's a strong twat, he trusts those cars more than most people, so I'm sure they've got his back too." He tried to lighten the mood causing Sophie to smile.

Drifting her attention over to his small table where some food was laid out, she pulled a face of disgust.

"Do you want me to get you more food? This hospital stuff is shit." She began picking at what was on the table. "And what the hell is this? It looks..." Sophie was suddenly cut off by Carla.

"I got that." She responded sounding bitter.

"Oh... shit, sorry." Sophie bit down on her bottom lip and not even daring to look at Aaron. "Maybe I'll leave you both to it. I interrupted anyway. I'm glad you're okay."

Finally turning her attention to Aaron, she was pulled into yet another hug before hovering in his arms for a few moments.

"I'll speak to you later." Aaron smiled back at her as she got up and began making her way to the door.

"Yeah, get some rest." Was the last thing Sophie said before leaving the room and making her way down the corridor trying to forget everything she had seen the moment she walked into that hospital room.

Hovering outside the rooms for a little while longer she continued to try and call Jess over and over but still had no response. She then moved on to pester the nurses for a while longer before doing laps around the hospital before finally being stopped by Zaiden who was leaving.

"If I hear anything, I'll let you know. Okay?" He placed his hands reassuringly on her shoulders.

"Okay." She nodded her head, yet still feeling sick with worry.

Not only was she worried about Jack, she was also worried about Jess being alone.

"And don't kill Carla while I'm gone. Please?"

Zaiden's warning eyes caused Sophie to respond with a mischievous grin.

"Seriously Soph, be nice and go and see Corey. He needs your company."

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