Chapter 22

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Charging away from Corey as quickly as possible while he was left in his stunned state, Sophie headed straight back over to where she had previously been stood.

However, her escape hadn't been all that successful because she was faced with something else that made her want the ground to swallow her up.

One of Aaron's friends had gotten extremely drunk and as he stumbled around in a complete state, his hand knocked into her bag that was sat on the side. Then in one swift movement, it was knocked to the floor and all its contents spilled out.

As Aaron and a few others had reached to pick it up before she returned, Aaron paused as his hand fell over something he couldn't comprehend.

Picking it up, all eyes were on him and the scan photo in his hand. No one knew what to say or what to do and as eyes turned to look at her, Sophie felt the most embarrassed she had ever felt in her whole life.

It took a lot to cause her embarrassment but right now she was humiliated and felt completely sick.

Rushing over, she grabbed her bag from Nate's hands and the scan from Aaron's, not even giving him eye contact before walking off.

As she walked away, she felt completely mortified. The previously loud and buzzing room had fallen quiet as no one knew what to say or what to do.

She had managed to keep this pregnancy quiet for so long however it had now been revealed and at the worst time.

"Soph." Sophie heard Jack's voice as he quickly hurried after her.

He had noticed Aaron's stunned state and had a feeling he was in no way to go after her, so was about to do it instead. However, Aaron was quickly knocked back down to reality and placed a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"It's alright, man, I've got it." He reassured before following after her.

In that moment Jack was then in pure desperation of getting the party back to what it was and drawing the attention away from Sophie's situation. So passing out drinks, the music was turned up even more while he, Jess, Alexis and Zaiden urged everyone back into party mode.

However, with Corey back in the room the news of the pregnancy was back to being the hot topic when the talk of the miscarriage suddenly became known. Usually gossip was unable to spread about Sophie due to her ability to stand up for herself, meaning every piece of gossip was always shut down. But right now she was so far from feeling the same strength she usually did. With everything that had happened with the baby, she felt vulnerable and it proved in this moment that even Sophie was no 'miss perfect' as everyone viewed her as.

She may be living a life in terms of her career that many would dream of. She may have men dropping at her feet to just have her talk to them. However, she had also struggled her whole life with something that was natural to many women. Something that women took for granted but her inability made her feel useless.


"Soph, what is going on?" Aaron asked the moment they had some privacy in one of the spare rooms.

Looking down at the scan in her hand, admiring the figure that had begun to resemble the shape of a baby, Sophie fought back the tears.

Then holding out the photo towards Aaron, he paused for a moment before taking it from her.

"I was pregnant and that's the last scan I got before I found out I was having a miscarriage." She began to speak with her voice barely a whisper.

Aaron's eyes were on the scan and she could see the intensity behind them. He was taking every single feature of the baby in and appreciating every aspect of what the scan represented but he was also still so confused.

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