Chapter 3

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3 months later -

"It's funny how expected this was." The vile voice of Jazmine spoke as she hovered outside the door.

Her visit had not been expected, firstly because she had been living in Vegas for the past year and secondly because Jess wasn't quite sure how she even knew where she lived. However, she had randomly showed up on her doorstep, dressed in her usual dark attire and her dark hair cascading down her back.

"The big house, the nice cars... what a fucking fairytale." She rolled her eyes, attempting to make it appear as though she thought it was pathetic however, it was quite obvious she felt envious.

It wasn't exactly the belongings that she was envy of but more the family side of things that Jess had. Jazmine was on her own in many ways, she didn't have the social and loving support that Jess had. She wasn't able to bring herself to step out of the dangerous life and into something much more rewarding.

"What do you want, Jazmine?" Jess bit back, wanting her to leave. She had the kids inside and with Jack at work, she was the only one currently watching them.

Looking down at her nails, Jazmine then took a moment to just examine them before running them through her long hair. She always did this when she wanted to act like she didn't care, when her attitude appeared more important than anything else.

"I missed you, I genuinely missed my little sister. I couldn't wait to see how her perfect life was going."

"No seriously, Jazmine." Jess retored, not up for listening to her games.

Taking a moment to stall, just to be awkward, Jazmine finally spoke up once again.

"I heard that you finally found out about Dad." She responded with a smug expression over her face.

Jazmine's words left Jess speechless for a moment as this was most definitely not what she had expected it to be about. She didn't know that her sister was aware their dad had been alive this whole time. She thought Jazmine had been just as clueless as she had been but it was clear that she hadn't.

"What? You knew?" Jess looked back at her in shock. "You knew he was alive all this time?"

Shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing, Jazmine nodded her head.

"Yeah, I knew. We kept in touch."

Jess couldn't understand why this was happening. She didn't know why this had been kept a secret from her when Jazmine had been aware this whole time. This wasn't something small, this was a huge deal, this was her thinking her dad had been dead all of these years and her sister forgetting to mention the fact that he was actually alive.

While she had been devastated by the whole thing, Jazmine had kept the truth to herself and not said a word.

"What the fuck, Jazmine?! Why would you do that? Why would you keep something like that from me?"

By this point Jess was clinging onto the front door with one hand, needing to keep her balance before she broke down with anger. She knew her relationship with her sister wasn't great but she didn't think she would ever keep something like this a secret.

"You didn't know because we don't trust you. You were never on our side so how could we be sure that you would keep quiet?" She finally answered yet Jess couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.

"What do you mean, I wasn't on your side? What game are you playing here?"

"The gang... you were working with Buddy and he was the enemy. Why would I tell you when you were working with the man who wanted Dad dead?"

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