Chapter 18

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Walking into the garage Jess should have expected the conversation of a night out to be happening. These guys lived off them and it was well past just being a weekend occurrence now.

"Trying to make the most of your nights out before parenthood hits you then?" Jess questioned as she approached them, with her eyes on Zaiden.

"Ay, Mrs Lawrence, how nice to see you." Zaiden teased in response in his usual manner. He very rarely used her actual name and instead found his method of directing her much more amusing. "And yeah, I've got to get as many in as possible. However, a baby does not mean they will stop."

"I don't doubt that." Jess began to chuckle, knowing every single guy in this garage would do anything to get around that happening when the time came.

"Alexis and I have already discussed a plan on how we are going to work it. We'll all get the best of both worlds."

"Yeah, I look forward to seeing how that works out."

"Don't doubt it, Mrs Lawrence. I need some hope things won't change too much." Zaiden chuckled.

"Well, you have a bunch of potential babysitters surrounding you right now; I think you will be okay." Jess replied knowing the reactions she was going to get.

A few of the guys had girlfriends in this room but Jack and Zaiden were the only ones of the group to have taken things a step further. The rest of them were clinging onto as much freedom as they could to prevent from losing their favourite part of life.

"No way, count me out." Alex held his hands up with a dissatisfied look across his face causing Jess to laugh.

"Don't worry, I don't need them. Jack has already offered." Zaiden smirked as Jess' eyes widened.

"Oh he has, has he?"

Four kids was already a lot to keep your eye on and entertain, adding another into the mix to babysit would most definitely load on the pressure. However, it also didn't surprise Jess that Jack had suggested it.

With the memory loss, one of the quickest things to come back to him was his love for kids and his irrational mind set when it came to them. He was always up for playing babysitter for their friends and families children at any point but was always shocked with how much work it actually took when they all arrived. Nevertheless, he continued to throw out the offers and involve Jess in the fun and games of it too.

"Yeah, so quickly moving on." Zaiden laughed. "What are you doing here?"

It was a very rare occurrence for Jess to show up unless she was visiting Jack and the fact that Jack wasn't here made him slightly suspicious.

"To check up on us all." Aaron appeared from behind with a teasing expression across his face.

"And to kick your arses if you are not working." Jess finished his sentence with a smile causing all attention to be drawn on her by the employees.

With Jack out of work for a while due to the PTSD, Aaron, Zaiden and Corey had all been chipping in to keep the garage up and running. Jack's dad had stopped by also to ensure everything was going smoothly but Jack had also asked Jess to.

With her now being more included in the business, he was actually able to rely on her help with it a bit more. He trusted the guys one hundred percent but it was more to do with making sure they weren't struggling alone and giving them the support.

"Oh shit, so husband Jack Lawrence sent you."

"Yep, husband Jack Lawrence sent me to check on you." Jess mocked, making her way over to the office.

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