Chapter 101

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"No fucking way, it's my first ever gun." Matt was full of excitement as he pulled the item out of one of the boxes. He was admiring it as though he had just found gold and not a weapon that could kill.

"Better not leave that lying around here. You might as well take it." Jay laughed, watching him stare at it with pure love.

There was something about the gun that filled Matt with so much happiness, as it was the first one he had ever owned. He remembered so clearly being given it and at first, not feeling brave enough to actually use it.

"I will, I'm definitely not letting this go again." He laughed before his phone began buzzing on the coffee table.

Before Matt got chance to reach out for it, Jay did exactly that and looked at the name displayed across the screen.

"Juliet?" He raised his eyebrows in question.

"Give it Gibson."

It didn't matter how much Matt tried to reach out for the phone, Jay wasn't going to give in and instead answered it himself.

"Hello sister."

"Hey-" Juliet began before she realised it wasn't Matt. "Wait, Jay?"

She was obviously shocked to not only hear him answering Matt's phone but at the fact, it meant he was with him. The pair hadn't spoken for ages so it didn't make a lot of sense.

"Good guess."

"What the hell are doing with Matt's phone?"

"I don't even get a 'how are you'?" Jay faked a disappointed tone, knowing Juliet was probably rolling her eyes at his comment.

"How are you?" She asked with no emotion behind her words.

She and Jay didn't have the best relationship however, she was secretly glad to hear his voice. They may not be anywhere near close, but he was still her brother and she wanted to make sure he was doing okay.

"Great, so why are you calling Russle?"

"Give me the phone, Jay." Matt was practically ordering at this point but Jay seemed to have more fun throwing questions at Juliet.

"I... er, I just needed to speak to him."

"You... er... what about?" Jay mocked, finding himself hilarious while Juliet didn't so much.

"Just pass it over to him, Jay." She insisted and Jay finally did as they were both practically demanding and handed it to Matt.

"Fuck, you are back in Brighton for a few weeks and you're already hooking up with your ex." He teased as the phone was placed in Matt's hand.

"A lot like you then." Steph's voice spoke up causing Jay to look at her.

He was worried at the expression he was going to get with the comment, as he knew exactly what she was talking about. However, he was surprised when he was met with a teasing look before Steph began to laugh.

"Chill, I'm not going to give you a lecture or throw a fit." She replied and she was being truthful. She actually wanted to give him some genuine advice. "Even though things didn't work out as you'd have liked, don't block her out. Don't lose her the same way you did over these past few years."

Steph knew exactly what Jay was like and knew by doing that, he would just make himself miserable. It had all happened before and she wasn't prepared to let it happen again.

"Just try and contain yourself around her." Steph teased and the light humour she was bringing to the situation made Jay smile.

Steph could have so easily been mad at him or Jess but she wasn't. Hers and Jay's relationship was kind of messed up in itself and she knew where Jess stood in Jay's heart. Therefore, it just made life so much easier when they were all open and honest, it was the main reason the three of them had always remained so close.

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