Chapter 54

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Once Juliet, Erika, Aaron and Phoebe had left the head offices building, they had gone straight to Hyde Park to explore. Phoebe had absolutely adored it and had Aaron getting a second work out of the day, due to chasing after her every few minutes to ensure she didn't get lost or run into a stranger.

After much exhaustion had fulfilled all of them, they stopped off at a café nearby to get some well-earned food. They were sat outside, watching the many Londoners rush by, soaked up in this busy lifestyle.

Aaron had felt guilty at first because he really wanted to be doing this with Sophie. It would be their first time together as a family in London and it should have been special. However, she had put herself into the position of remaining back at work due to the awful mood he had left her in. Therefore, he didn't feel so guilty due to knowing it was her decision and not his.

"So what's the plan now? Do you have any other jobs lined up?" Aaron asked Erika out of politeness, not quite expecting the reaction he was going to get in return.

She looked back at him for a few moments before biting on her lip and turning away.

He wasn't sure if she had heard him at first due to the fact she wasn't answering but when she turned back around with tears in her eyes, he knew she most definitely had.

"Shit sorry, I..." He began to spit out an apology, not realising his words would lead her to tears.

"What's wrong?" Juliet instantly grabbed her hand as she tried to get the brunette to look at her.

"It's nothing, it's okay, it's just-" Erika began before attempting to wipe the tears from her face as they fell. "I thought I was finally getting my life together, that I was finally getting somewhere I wanted. But now that's all gone down the drain and I'm back to square one. Useless and jobless."

Aaron was watching the whole exchange between the girls feeling seriously awkward due to the circumstances. This girl was crying because she had just been turned down from a job and his girlfriend had been the one to do it.

"You're not useless Erika at all. Don't ever say that." Juliet pulled her in for a hug, trying to calm the loud sobs exploding from her.

She had walked into that office today with pure hope of changing her current job status but had walked out with that same label that made her lack the belonging and identity a job could give you.

"I just tried to be nice to her and give us a fresh start. I wanted to start over and try to get along but she threw it back in my face. She was horrible and I wish I would have stood up for myself better." Erika continued as she wiped the tissue Juliet had given her under her eyes. "I may not have any experience or have the qualifications but I wanted to work for it. I just wish she could have given me that chance."

When the tears continued and Juliet was watching Erika feeling upset for her and helpless, unable to fix it, Aaron awkwardly ran his hand across his face.

"Hey, um." He spoke up, grasping both of their attentions. "Let me speak to her. I might be able to change her mind. She was probably having a shit morning or something."

Aaron felt as though it was his job out of politeness to offer his help. It was his girlfriend after all who had caused this girl to sob outside of some quiet cafe. He couldn't exactly sit back and do nothing.

"No, no." Erika instantly began shaking her head. "Don't do that. Thank you, it is sweet but you really don't need to. She made her point and I don't want to cause anymore drama. I will find something else; this isn't the end of the world."

Nodding his head, Aaron accepted her words. He had been the decent guy he was and offered out of kindness and that was all he could do.

She seemed extremely upset but clearly did not want the help or fuss so once Erika had finally stopped crying, both Juliet and Aaron allowed her some peace as she went to tidy herself up in the toilets.

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