Part 3 - an ever growing support system

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"What is it?" Jess asked as she pushed open the bathroom door, as Jack was already stood waiting for her with a smile over his face.

"You told me to get ready."

"Yeah, well that can wait 5 seconds! What is this big news?"

"I really need to have a shower. We don't have long." Jack was mocking Jess' previous comment, only causing her to become more desperate.

"Is he having another baby?" She asked and Jack shook his head.

"Jack, please just tell me and then you can have a shower! I'll just worry if not."

Reaching into the shower to start the water, Jack finally turned back around to face an impatiently waiting Jess.

"He proposed last night." He replied simply as Jess' face fell into complete shock.

"What?! No way! Oh my God!" She exasperated as her hands literally flew into the air.

"He was going to tell us when he got here but he text just now as he wasn't sure how we'd react." Jack laughed considering it was a strange concern for him to have when he and Jess had done everything incredibly early too. They couldn't exactly judge.

Kian's situation with Leah had been very similar to theirs. Brooks had come around due to a one night stand and from there, the pair had figured things out. They had made an agreement to bring up the little boy together and that had quickly blossomed into a relationship.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it!" Jess' hand then flew to her mouth. "I'm so happy for him but all of the kids are growing up so fast, it makes me sad."

Looking over at Jess, Jack couldn't help but grin. He agreed, it was crazy watching their kids grow up so fast however, Jess was definitely a lot more sentimental than him. He was just eagerly waiting for more grandkids to come along.

"It only feels like yesterday that we got married and now two of our kids have babies and Kian is getting married!"

"Harv will be next. Him and Lottie have lasted longer than we all thought." Jack teased causing Jess' mouth to fall open.


"I mean because of Harvey, not Lottie!" He quickly saved himself. "Harv can be a little shit."

"True but I really hope he waits. I love Lottie but I don't think he's ready. He needs to make the most of being young first." Jess muttered as she knew what her son was like. He would jump into things head first without truly considering what he was doing.

"What, like we did?" Jack mocked, considering that had been so far from their situation at his age. They had Ellie and were pregnant with Harvey so he was doing pretty good at keeping things slow, as of yet.

"Do you ever regret it?" Jess asked causing Jack's expression to fall into shock. "Not the kids but like us going so quickly and not enjoying being young."

"I don't regret it but I'm curious what would have happened if we didn't do everything so young."

"Anything could have happened, we might not have even met. That's scary."

"You might have still been in the gang." Jack suggested causing Jess' stomach to twist in uncertainty.

"I hope I would have made better choices than that, but I don't know... I was so soaked up in that life."

"Well I'm glad we met because as fucking cheesy as this sounds, I wouldn't have been able to marry the only woman I can imagine loving."

As Jack spoke those words, Jess felt her whole body fill with those strange nerves that only he could ever cause. It was crazy to think that after 23 years they were still together and that they had been through so much in that time.

Watching their kids now grow up into the mature and incredible adults they were, was beautiful. However, at the same time it was an emotional experience.

So much had happened during those years, including their rocky relationship at times yet they had managed to hold it together. The pair of them had managed to fight through the hard times and bring up 6 beautiful children who were now going on to creating their own families.

Love was a crazy thing and it was amazing that the love and trust Jess and Jack had for each other, had caused the growth of an even bigger family that would continue to expand and provide an ever growing support system.

"I-" Jess began, before her response was cut off by the sound of small footsteps coming down the hallway, followed by a loud knock on their bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Jess called out, expecting one of their kids to shout something back but it remained silent.

She and Jack just frowned at each for a moment due to the lack of communication. But when there was still no movement, Jack threw some clothes on before making his way over to open the door.

As he did so, his eyes drifted from the blank space in front of him and down to the floor where two much smaller figures were stood.

Looking up at him with the biggest grins on their faces were Tyler and Brooks side by side. They couldn't have looked more excited if they tried, as their chubby cheeks made their eyes squint due to how big they were smiling.

"Look who it is!" Jack shouted, mimicking their genuine happiness as he was faced with the two little guys who brought him so much joy.

From then it was only a matter of seconds before they both charged at Jack, giving him the biggest hug before going over to Jess and doing the same.

These little boys had added so much happiness to the family since their arrival and for Jess and Jack, it felt just like having their own babies all over again.


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