Sophie waited for Todd to finish, yet she was burning up with anger and it was taking everything in her not to bite back.

"Your career still means so fucking much to you, that you're not prepared to make sacrifices. Therefore, you're definitely trying to settle down too early."

Todd's tone was so simplistic as though he had it all figured out while Sophie was just full of frustration. Part of her knew he was right, her career was still a huge part of her life yet to her, that didn't mean she wasn't ready to settle down. Instead, it just meant she had to be incredibly good at juggling her motherhood life with her businesswoman life, something she liked to think her mum had tried.

"You're wrong. I'm making it work with both." Sophie insisted, frustrated that he was doubting her.

"Like when you were pregnant the last time. With our baby? Todd asked, causing Sophie to suddenly freeze on the spot. "Oh wait no, you were going to put it up for adoption..."

The mention of 'our baby' made her feel a little uncomfortable yet it also filled her with so much guilt.

Since their conversation at the club when he had found out, they had just completely avoided bringing it up. Neither of them knew what to say so it was just easier to pretend it had never happened. However, it was clear that Todd hadn't forgotten and it was something that was still playing on his mind, as much as it was Sophie's. Of course it would be, they had lost a baby.

"It's not like that. I was scared. I was on my own." Sophie replied cautiously; her voice had turned into practically a whisper.

Stopping what he was doing, Todd made his way over to her desk and leaned himself against it. His eyes trained on her in a way that could make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"Right, of course." He then nodded and the sadness in his voice was unmissable yet it was so strange coming from him.

He was the least sensitive guy Sophie knew, he was usually just full of so much sarcasm however, this was a completely new side.

"Look, I'm so sorry Todd... about everything." Sophie began as she took the few steps necessary to be a little closer to him. She wanted him to know she was serious and would forever feel guilty for how she approached the whole thing.

"At the time I had been so scared. I was pregnant and not even in a relationship. I didn't know what to do!"

She remembered freaking out the moment she realised it was Todd's as she knew the type of guy he was and had wished it was Aaron's. It was her own fault for sleeping with him but it had been caused by one too many drunken mistakes that she had always promised not to do again.

"You could have just told me." He sighed, looking down to his hands as he did so.

He looked so sad and it was heart-breaking.

"You would have just walked away. You would have hated it and you know that." Sophie stressed, not believing that this Todd would have existed back then. He was so consumed in his dark side; he could never have stepped up.

"I would have freaked the fuck out but I wouldn't have walked away."

Although it was hard to believe, he seemed genuine and that made this conversation even more difficult.

"Do you realise how much it hurt hearing the truth from Kye that night? In front of everyone, Soph? I was fucking mortified."

Sophie didn't know what to say. She had not expected this reaction from him at all.

"You may have been devastated because you lost a baby but I'd lost one too and I don't think you took that into account."

Since the moment he found out that night at the club, it had not left Todd's mind and it had been one of the reasons he had left the gang. He hadn't been able to focus on anything and instead his mind had been consumed with the thoughts of this baby he never got to meet. He hadn't even known it existed until it had passed away and he couldn't seem to get his head around the whole situation. A part of him felt so empty and as though something was missing. He felt like he needed closure but he didn't know how to get it.

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