Looking up at Jazmine, Jess just nodded her head causing her to chuckle.

"Only you would join something so cruel for such a selfless reason." Jazmine rolled her eyes through aggravation, seeing her sister as the pure angel out of them both, something Jess would have never seen herself as many years ago.

"Someone has to look out for him and it's obvious that isn't going to be you." Jess bit, aggravated that Jazmine saw this as a complete joke.

"No but that's the thing..." She tutted, while pausing from her current pacing and turning to look at them both. "Kian is not in danger, this whole thing is just a bunch of lies to make you re-join."

Jazmine's words caused Jess' mouth drop open in both confusion and shock. She didn't''t understand where her sister was going with this but she didn't like it.

"Now before you pounce at me." She held out a warning finger towards Jess as if she was a child. "It was Jay's idea, not mine. He wants you back in this gang so he made me lie about Kian. He knows your weakness and knew that you would jump at the chance to join if it meant protecting your dear nephew slash step-son."

Pursing her bright red lips, Jazmine flicked her hair off her shoulder.

"Kian is fine. He is with Carly and I am offended that you'd think I'd put my own son in danger."

"Jay made you lie?" Jess finally managed to speak and you could hear the anger laced in her voice.

"Yeah and now I regret doing it because I don't want you back in this gang. I'm finally the main Montague." Jazmine retorted with disgust over her face.

It wasn't the loveable reason for telling Jess that she could have hoped for but at least Jazmine had said something. Otherwise, Jess could have very easily joined the gang for absolutely no reason other than to please Jay.

"Why the hell would he do that?!"

Jess couldn't quite believe what was happening. She knew there was something up with Jay but she never expected this from him. He had never been this deceiving with her, he would have never messed her around like this in the past so why was he doing it now?

"Oh God, you really are stupid aren't you?" Jazmine rolled her eyes, unbelieving that Jess was actually asking this.

While most would be offended by her comment, Jess just shrugged it off and waited for an explanation.

"Well firstly..." Jazmine held up one finger as she began to pace once again. "His gang has fallen into fucking disaster. Their reputation is on the line after their failed attempt at killing Buddy so he wants this gang stronger than ever and apparently it'll help if you're involved." Jazmin shrugged off her last comment as though she didn't see the connection herself.

"So he-" Jess began before Jazmine silenced her with her hand before continuing herself.

"Then secondly, you're even more stupid than I thought if you didn't realise this but Mr Jay Gibson; the cold-hearted, no feelings, tough guy is hopelessly in love with Jessica Montague. He always has been and it's obvious that he still is. He wants you as close as he can get you and to play hero with you in the gang. He knew this whole gang shit would cause arguments between you and Jack, he was expecting it to create a chance for him."

Jazmine could see the frustration building up on Jack's face from the corner of her eye while Jess just looked back at her dumbfounded.

She hadn't expected this, at all. She never thought that Jay would act in such a stupid way. This wasn't some innocent game, he could have potentially been messing with her marriage and her life.

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