"I'll be home around 7ish, depending on how busy it is." He said so casually but everyone in that room knew it was going to be much more challenging than that.

He first had to get through the drive to work and then ensure he was in the right mind frame to make it through the day. However, they all had faith that he would be capable of doing it. With the surprise they had lined up alongside the support of the guys, it wasn't possible for Jack to fail.

"I love you." Jess reached out for his hand to urge him closer.

"I love you, too." He breathed as his free hand cupped her cheek and his lips pressed to hers.


"Knew you could do it man!" Aaron said the moment Jack reached the garage.

The whole journey Jack had progressed from a panicked mess back into the confidence he used to hold while in a car. It just took getting over that initial fear for him to realise that the cars were not the issue; it was all just in his mind.

"You don't realise how fucking good this feels." He breathed as he brought the car to a stop and fell back against the seat.

Being away from his car for so long had been beyond difficult. Cars were his life and always had been since he was a child; he had been brought up around them.

His job also meant the world to him too and as much as he had enjoyed being home with his family more, he had missed the garage too much. He wanted to be back at work and back in control of something he loved and the fact he was finally doing that gave him nothing to complain about.

As both he and Aaron got out the car, Aaron held back and walked a little behind Jack to prevent him from getting distracted from what the spotlight needed to be on.

As Jack entered the garage not only were all the employee's stood there with a badly made banner that said 'welcome back', but two boys stood off to the side beside one of Jack's cars.

"No way." Jack's hand flew to his mouth as he began to laugh and his body felt with love.

Harvey was stood there, dressed mimicking Jack's usual attire with a cap on his head while he held a pair of keys in his hand. Then beside him stood a boy he had not seen in so long, a boy he had built a bond with only for it to be torn down when the truth was revealed.

Stood beside Harvey was Kian. Jazmine's son that had spent so much time with Jack and Jess when Jazmine had lied and claimed he was Jack's son.

He was stood beside Harvey mimicking the same grin that the five year old held and waved as Jack's eyes met with his.

"No way." Jack repeated once again before crouching down and holding out his arms towards both boys.

Watching the grins spread over their faces, Harvey and Kian both ran to him before they were enveloped into a hug. In this moment no words needed to be spoken, every emotion was expressed though the warm embrace they were all sharing.

Jack had been excited to come back to work to actually get back into the routine he loved however, coming back to be faced with not only his employee's but Harvey and Kian waiting for him just topped it off. He could not find the words to describe his happiness in this moment.

"How?" Jack then turned to look back at Aaron is reference to Kian.

"Jess managed to persuade Jazmine to help get him over here. She may be a bitch but she agreed, for Jess' and your sake."

Aaron's words left Jack completely stunned for a moment. He could not quite believe that Jazmine would have agreed to help. After all she had done and her awful relationship with Jess he didn't think it was possible for her to do something that didn't benefit herself.

Therefore, it gave Jack every more reason to cherish this moment and make the most of every second he was going to get with Kian today.

Having Harvey and him together again was something he never thought he would experience however, it was now happening and it felt like a dream. Even though Kian wasn't his son he had built up a strong bond that made it difficult to just forget about him. Also seeing him with Harvey and seeing how well the two got on despite not understanding what they were to one another was yet another beautiful sight to see.

"How have you been, man?" Jack then asked Kian and he grinned.

"Good. I missed you though." He replied and Jack's heart filled with love at his words.

"Me and Kian made your car look cool." Harvey then spoke up as he grabbed Jack's hand and began guiding him over to the car they had been stood beside.

Following him over Jack stood back and peering at a car he recognised yet one that had polished with a new look. The guys from the garage had helped Harvey and Kian spray paint over the vehicle and make it look brand new however, they had also allowed the boys to add their own touch. Over the matte black was an area along the side of the car where Harvey and Kian had taken over with gold to sign it off as their own job.

The amount of love he felt for these two boys alongside everyone in this garage right now and his family was indescribable. It had taken time but with everyone's help he had fought through the memory loss and even though he was still battling with the PTSD, he was kicking its arse and pushing himself through the challenges.

Growing up Jack had always wanted to be the strong, masculine guy who had the job of both the protector and provider of his family. However, it had taken the traumatic experience for him to realise that wasn't all he had to be. He could be vulnerable at times and rely on both Jess and others around him to help him out and it was clear now how easy it was to do due to the love each and every single one of them showed.


1 more chapter and then this part of the fast forward is done! 

Bad Desire: New Beginnings - Fast ForwardWhere stories live. Discover now