
"So what about you and Soph? I don't remember everything but I do remember you had a thing that was complicated."

"I fucked it up. I ended it with her and now it's impossible to get her back." Aaron sighed and the regret was clear across his face.

He missed her, that went without saying and it wasn't just a 'missing' that you felt when a family member went a way for a week or so, it was intense. He missed every single aspect of their relationship and hated the fact that he had been so stupid.

He missed coming in from a stressful Sunday at work and having her there and waiting; ready to cheer him up in whatever way she could.

He missed being able to play chef for his biggest cooking fan and being able to place pretty much anything in front of her and she would eat it.

He missed just being able to sleep beside her and know that out of anyone else, he had been lucky enough to be with her and experience the love she put into a relationship.

And he even missed her attitude and the way she could piss him off beyond what words could explain. It would cause them to fall into the most unbearable raging arguments but he missed them because at the end of it, they would always make up and it would be the part that reminded him why they were together in the first place.

"You can't get her back because you actually can't or just because she's living in London?"

"Because I actually can't. She's been acting so distant. I don't know what's going on in her mind but Brighton is not it. She's done with this place."

He knew how he still felt about Sophie but he was worried she didn't feel the same. He had ended things with her and she was had caught herself up in her work and living in London that she had built a new life away from Brighton.

She had made new friends, was meeting new guys; Aaron didn't know if he even fit into her life plans anymore.

"And also she's been seeing Corey, I think. As much as I can't stand him, I wouldn't try and come between something that already exists."

"But you do want her back?" Jack asked the question that wasn't necessary. He knew the answer already.

"Of course I fucking do. I have never felt this way about some girl before. As cliché and lame as it sounds, it's different with Soph."

"No, I get it." Jack nodded before leaning forward to tickle Harvey as he passed him. "It's exactly how I feel about Jess and that's how you know that you can't give up trying."

"She has no time for here at the moment though, unless she needs to come back. It's impossible to see her." Aaron argued back and Jack shook his head.

"Then just let her do her thing with work first. She has New York and that coming up and then speak to her and tell her what you told me. The worst that can happen is she'll say she's not interested anymore but that's unlikely... I mean, look at you." Jack playfully slapped a hand against Aaron's chest.

"Well, what can I say?" Aaron then raised stretched his arms out in a cocky manner.

"Girls don't like that." Ellie's voice was suddenly heard as her hand was placed on her hip. "Showing off."

"They don't?" Aaron looked back at her with a grin.

"No." Ellie shook her head. "They like roses and a hug. That's what my mum likes."

"Does your dad give your mum roses and hugs Ellie?"

Ellie looked from Aaron to her dad with a loving expression across her face before she stood to her feet. She absolutely loved romance for a six-year old and after the awful breakup Jack and Jess had previously gone through, she treasured every loving moment between them.

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