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 Lilly looks at Connor before speaking. "Speaking of friends...the people I saw you with, were are they?" Asked Connor. "Huh? Oh...Billy is in town and Mia and Mike are...I don't know...we moved towns not too long after meeting you and thought we wouldn't see you again and presumably, Mia and Mike are consolers to a camp or something." Said Lilly. "That so." Said Connor. Connor and Lilly sit in silence for a while. After a bit, Connor notice Lilly looked as if...something was bothering her. "Hey, something wrong Lilly?" Asked Connor. 

Lilly looks at Connor before speaking. "What do you mean?" Asked Lilly. "I don't know...you seem angry or upset about something...has something happened today?" Asked Connor. Lilly stays silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. "No, it's just..." Lilly mutters. Connor looks at her, waiting for her to speak. With a sigh, Lilly spoke. "I...I guess its been a long day...sometimes it's a bit hard to spend so many hours alone in the store...and then the friend I mentioned? We...got into an argument." Said Lilly. Connor silently listens to Lilly. Connor then spoke. "Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Connor. "No, no need...besides I'm sure she's not mad at me or anything." Said Lilly. "But are you?" Asked Connor. Lilly was silent before speaking, "Yes, because she was right..." Said Lilly. 

"But are you fine?" Asked Connor. "Look Connor, I already told you—" Lilly was cut off. "I know, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want Lilly, but I'm your friend aren't I? So please, if you want to talk, talk to me." Said Connor. Lilly was silent for a moment before speaking "Yes, I'm ok." Said Lilly. "Ok, but if you aren't, you can talk to me...ok?" Asked Connor. Lilly was silent but nods. Connor then hands her his number. "Huh? What are—" Lilly was cut off. "My number...if you want to call and hang out some time or just want to talk about anything...I'll listen." Said Connor. Lily looks at Connor and then the number as she took it. "Sure...thanks Connor." Said Lilly. "No problem." Said Connor. Lilly then got up. "I got to go...I'll see you later." Said Lilly. "Right, see you later." Said Connor. Lilly then walked off. Connor sighs as he got up, walking his way to the house.

Connor was currently in the shower, leaning himself, when something caught his eye. Connor saw a figure by the sink, undressing, "Um, occupied." Said Connor. "I know~." A voice spoke. "Wait, I know that voice...damn it." Connor mutters. The curtain opens, revealing a naked Rina. "Hello~ mind if I join~?" Asked Rina. Connor looks at her with a blank face before speaking. "My brain says no but my dick says yes...I don't know what to do." Said Connor. Rina then enters the shower, pressing her hands onto Connor's chest, shoving him to the wall. "Well, are you going to listen to your dick, you pervert~?" Asked Rina. "Hehe, I'm the pervert? Your the one in the shower when I was here first." Said Connor, smirking.

"Hehe, you got me~." Said Rina. Connor smiles before noticing Rina looking down. Seeing the sadden look on her face, Connor spoke. "Hey, something wrong?" Asked Connor. Rina looks down before speaking. "Connor...I know your going to leave soon..." Rina mutters. Connor looks at Rina, surprised, but stays silent. "So...I want to spend as much time with you as I can...knowing you won't come back." Said Rina. Connor looks down at her before wrapping his arms around her. "Rina, I'm not leaving for good...I just can't stay...I'll of course stay in contact and visit when I can, I just can't stay forever cause if big bro finds out, you and Hana will be in danger plus others who ether know me or don't even know me in this town, just to get to me...I don't want to leave, I really don't, but I don't have a choice....the only way to protect you." Said Connor.

Rina hugs Connor's tight as she felt his warmth. Connor then puts his fingers to Rina's chin, making her look up. "I promise it's not permanent and I ain't even leaving yet...so you don't need to always be around me as if I'm going to leave the moment you let go...ok?" Asked Connor. Rina nods her head. "Good...anyway, we should finish here and get out before wasting all the water." Said Connor. Rina nods and Connor and Rina began cleaning themselves. At one point, Connor suddenly felt Rina's hands on his back. "Huh? What's up?" Asked Connor. "Well, I wanted to wash your back...why? Don't like it~?" Asked Rina. "Nah, just surprised me.." Said Connor. Connor then felt Rina runs her hands and fingers through his back, neck and hair. When finished, Connor turns around.

Connor: Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant