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Connor began to tear up as he held himself. "I-I'm so sorry...I'm so fucking disgusting...I--" Connor was cut off by Rin hugging him. Connor stared into space before tearing up more and hug her back, everyone joining them soon after. After a bit, Akira ends her hug as she went onto scanning Flare's brain, about to erase Flare's memory, she notice something on her body. She looked and tested it to identify it as Connor's semen. "Connor...why is your semen in her?" Asked Akira. They look at Connor. "Two reasons...one...she raped me due to the drug and two...she was..." Connor muttered with a sigh.

They realised. "Connor..." Izumi muttered. Connor looks at her and then down, ashamed of what he did. "Wait, Connor I wanted to ask...how did you get out and find the cure for the drug? Assuming that your cured." Said Zero. "The old man...he gave me a temporarily drug that made the lust one not affective and I use it as a opportunity to look for the cure...but..." Connor muttered.

Flashback to a few hours ago, Connor is seen panting while looking down, semen dripping from his mouth. "Good doggie~ Here's your reward." Said Flare. She chucked the bottle of the drugs but Connor catch it and open it, drinking it before passing out. "Pig..." Flare muttered. She left. Once she was out of the dungeon, someone went to lock the door but the moment Flare was out of sight, the person came in and put something into Connor's mouth, making Connor drink it and the moment he swallow, Connor jolt awake and didn't feel lust. "W-What the..." Connor muttered, coughing.

Connor turns to the man and move from him, about to fight him. "Its alright, I won't hurt you...I wanna help." Said the man. Connor looks at him for a moment before calming down. "Why? Why so you wanna help me?" Asked Connor. The person took a moment before revealing their face to reveal a old man who looked frail and about to die. Connor looks in surprise as he slowly fell but Connor catched him, slowly putting him down. "I-I've been here for many, many years...when I heard you were here, I wanted to help you...your a young man...you deserve to be free and be with your loved ones...since I'm reaching my end I knew I had to do something...so I tricked a guard into thinking I had a heart attack and knock him out to escape, using his robe and mask to hide my identity until I found you..." Said the old man. "What was it you gave me?" Asked Connor. "It...is a drug I stole that...cancel out the lust drug but it doesn't last long...so hurry and fine the cure...if I'm right it should be in Flare's room...h-here's a map..." Said the old man, lifting his his old, boney, scarred and shaking hand, revealing a small map.

He was about to drop his hand but Connor catch it in a gentle, yet tight squeeze. "I...overheard Dino...and the other girl and most of the guards are out...Flare is home cause she was asked to watch you and the mansion while their away..." Said the old man. Connor nods. "Thank you very much...I promise when I get the cure for the drug, I'll kill them all and bring you with me...I don't know where your family is but I'll burry you somewhere quiet and peaceful and bring flowers...I won't leave you here." Said Connor. He teared up. "Dino...murdered my whole family the day he took me..." Said the old man. Connor looks at him before growling. "Then...maybe I can't today...but I'll kill him too and avenge you and your family for what he did." Said Connor. He smiles. "Thank you...young man..." Said the old man, before he dies in Connor's arms.

Connor then took off the robe from the old man and use it to wrap around the old man's body and walked to the stairs and walked up. While looking around, Connor notice a guard with a machine gun. Connor sneak behind him and snap his neck, making him fall and Connor grabs the gun. As Connor walk through the hallway, he killed more and more of the guards as he continue searching while also using the map to help.

Connor eventually got to the bedroom and about to open the door when Connor felt this thump in his head and body as the drug is wearing off. Connor open the door, revealing Flare on her bed, reading a book before looking in shock and anger. "What are you doing here?! Guards!" Yelled Flare. Connor aim the gun at her. "Their...dead...now give me...the fucking antidote and live..." Said Connor. Connor pant while holding his chest since the thumps were hurting his body. "No! You are my slave! My pig! You aren't gonna get away with this!" Yelled Flare. Connor pants before growling and walked to her, gripping her by her night gown and yank her off the bed, practically throwing her towards the book shelf as her gown ripped revealing her breasts. She yelps from the sudden attack and also pain since the throw was hard and she fell to the ground looking at Connor in anger. Connor pants again but then felt another thump in his head and this time it hurt to the point where he drop the gun and held his head in pain.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now