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Connor awoke to beeping to his side. Connor sits up as he looked down, seeing that he was in a hospital gown and in a hospital bed. Connor looks up and around him, obviously in a hospital, before getting up off the bed and walked to the bathroom, entering and saw his reflection. Connor stares at his reflection, before stripping down to check his body, to see his wounds were indeed healed. Sighing, Connor looked down and then remembered what happened. "Jim...what did you do?" Asked Connor. Connor got dressed into the gown again since he didn't know were his clothes were and walked his way to the exit of the hospital room, wanting to find a nurse to tell him how long he was out. 

Exiting the room, Connor walked down the hall, when something caught his eye. Connor saw a nurse walking his way, to only stop when seeing Connor. Rushing to Connor, the nurse spoke. "You shouldn't be up! You were in a coma for a week!" Said the nurse. "A week? Shit..." Connor mutters. Connor then noticed someone coming his way. Connor turns to them, to see a doctor, who was shocked Connor was already up spite most people needing help walking after being in a coma. "Your up sooner then you should...how do you feel?" Asked the doctor. "Fine...I heal fast." Said Connor. "That I've noticed...your records say your wounds got closer to healing during the week." Said the doctor. "Mind telling me what happened?" Asked Connor. 

Due to Connor wanting to know what happened while out, Connor needed to act like he doesn't remember as to not give away anything that puts Jim in danger. "You were found in front of the "Scottish home" bar after falling from the third floor...they caught feed of the person who pushed you and fled from the scene, so they weren't found, but they're looking for him." Said the doctor. 'Shit...' Connor thought to himself. Connor looks at him and then spoke. "Am I ok to go?" Asked Connor. "It be best to do some more tests on you first...just to be safe." Said the doctor. Connor sighs, knowing he doesn't have a choice if he wanted to leave. From there, Connor stayed another day in the hospital, going through tests to be sure he's ok, also stunned to see Connor's skull was coated with metal. By the time the tests were done, it was night and too late to get home, so they made Connor stay one more night. When it came to the next day, Connor left the hospital, but didn't get far due to the fact someone was in front of him.

Looking on front of him, Connor saw his two lovers, who were in tears. Running to Connor, they hug him as they fall his name. "Connor! Your up!" Yelled Crystal and Zoe, worried for their boyfriend. Connor looks down at his lovers, feeling anger towards himself for leaving his lovers alone. "I'm sorry I worried you girls...I'm so sorry." Said Connor. They hug Connor, crying and not wanting to let Connor go in case he gets taken from them again. After a bit, they calmed down a bit, they all went to Connor's home to spend time together.  

The next day, Connor is seen walking to class, Zoe and Crystal holding his hands. "Are you sure you should be here yet? I mean...you just got out of the hospital yesterday." Said Zoe. "Yep, I'm ok...the doctor said my wounds healed, so I'm ok." Said Connor. "That's something I noticed...you seem to be healed after a week there...how?" Asked Crystal. Connor looks at them and then sighs. "You'd find out eventually...I...I'm Immortal." Said Connor. The two stare at him in confusion and disbelief. 

"I know it's crazy, but it's the truth...when I'm injured or dead, I come back the moment I'm healed...that's why I was in a coma for a week, cause my body needed to be healed before I gain consciousness." Said Connor. They look at Connor, a concerned face, not cause they believe him, but cause he sounds crazy. "Hey, don't believe be if you don't want, just know its the truth...you'd probably see for yourself one day." Said Connor. Connor and the girls got to the classroom, entering and earn everyone's attention, mainly Zack and Duke, due to them bring the only ones in Connor's class who were friends with him. "Connor!" Yelled Duke. Duke rushes to his friend, happy to see him, while Zack stayed by his chair, smirking, as it he's happy but didn't want to show it. From there, the day went by like most others, the only difference is that Duke and the girls were more clingy to him, worried Connor would disappear again and another thing different is Jim wasn't there.

Connor: Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant