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When done, he makes sure the fuel and water tanks are full before signalling the girl to start it up. The girl turns the key and when doing so, it started immediately due to the flow being instant. "Wow! It works! Thank you." Said the girl. "No problem, but keep in mind that since your truck is old, you should keep a eye on it to make sure you don't get trouble again." Said Connor. "Alright, we will...how much do we owe you for the parts?" Asked the girl.

"Huh? You don't owe me anything." Said Connor. "What? But you got us the parts for the truck...and from what I know, the parts are expensive." Said the girl. "They were, but it's fine, I got tons of money, I don't need to be payed back...I love to help as many people as I can as long as it's something I can do." Said Connor. The girl looks down. "Still...I wish to make it up to you." Said the girl. Connor sighs before speaking. "Alright, how about this...let's say owe me one, so if I were it need a favour or something in the future, you can help me than, ok?" Asked Connor. The girl nods. "Alright." Said the girl. "Oh, I should tell you, my name is Connor." Said Connor. "Oh, I'm Dolla...thank you again for the parts." Said Dolla. "Your welcome...well I'll be going now, mind if I come by some other time?" Asked Connor.

"Of course! Come by whenever you want." Said Dolla. Connor nods and walked out of the farm, waking his way home. Later when back in town, Connor is seen walking to Lilly's house, having just went to the store to see it was closed so he figured Lilly was still hurt from the other day so he wanted to check up on her. Getting to the door, Connor set her a message, asking if he could come in and after a moment, he heard a click, giving Connor the idea she unlocked the door. Checking the door, Connor saw that it was indeed unlocked and opens it, entering the house. Connor shuts the door, turning his head to see the lock on the door being the new brand that is controlled remotely.

You see, ever the years, new things have been made, not everything is like the future in the movies yet, but Connor could tell it would probably be like that sooner or later. Anyway, walking up the stairs to Lilly's room, Connor knocks on the door, earning a "come in" from the other side. Connor enters the room and saw Lilly on the bed, wearing a shirt that almost resembled a bra with blue jean shorts and her hair in a ponytail. "Hey Connor...what's up?" Asked Lilly. "I wanted to drop by to see how you are doing and see if you are any better." Said Connor. "Yeah, I feel a little better, but didn't feel well enough to work...I might have to take another day or so off." Said Lilly. "I see...well, while I'm here, I wanted to ask...do you want a massage?" Asked Connor.

"Huh? A massage?" Asked Lilly. "Yep, I've taken classes a couple of times out of boredom and also as a job through the day, so I know a thing or two...maybe I ain't a pro, but I should be able to help relief your back...that is if you want." Said Connor. Lilly looks down and then spoke. "Hurt me and I'll kick you, I'm serious." Said Lilly. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle and only go harder when you want me to." Said Connor. "Alright...let me get ready, turn around." Said Lilly. Connor nods and turns around, waiting for Lilly to do what she needed.

After a few moments of waiting, Lilly spoke. "I'm ready now." Said Lilly. Connor turns around to see Lilly laying in her stomach, her shirt off, also having no bra. Connor approaches her and warms his hands before gently touching Lilly's back, making sure to not use too much force or pressure to not hurt her and only do so when she's ready. As Connor does so, Lilly blushes as she began moaning. Ignoring it, Connor continues massaging her, making sure to go harder when she wished and after a bit, Connor stopped after Lilly said that's enough. "So, how do you feel?" Asked Connor. Lilly sits up, her back facing Connor so he doesn't see her chest. "It's wonderful...the pain is a lot better...still there, but is better...I think I might be able to work tomorrow." Said Lilly. "Good to know...well, I'll leave you be now...I might stop by the store tomorrow...if you want another massage, let me know." Said Connor. "Sure...thanks, Connor." Said Lilly. "No worries." Said Connor. Connor then left her house, letting Lilly rest.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now