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Moments after Connor and Chi embraced each other, Chi spoke. "I...I've always been like this...for as long as I can remember I was bullied and abused by classmates...and strangers...till I got to this point...now I take pills to feel better and they work...and since I met you there were times where I left the pills alone and smile for real and felt safe and happy like...you would protect me...then Zero was put in that coma and knowing I lost my friend and I'm going to lose you too one day." Said Chi. Connor froze before asking. "Hey...I want to ask something...if you don't want to answer I completely understand and won't push you to tell me but...when you said you were abused by classmates or strangers...does it involve...sexually?" Asked Connor.

"I...I don't want to talk about it." Said Chi. Connor jolts. "H-Hey it's ok...like I said...I will not force you to do what you don't want to do." Said Connor. She looked up at him. "But my you answer me this...was any of them in our school or in your class?" Asked Connor. Connor expected her to not answer but at this point, he was to heartbroken and angry to care, just wad gonna not force her for the answer.

"A boy named Scott...since I've been nice to everyone and everything, a lot of people were finally nice to me...all but one...a boy who sits next to me." Said Chi. At that point, Connor was boiling with anger but try to calm down, he'll worry about him later, now this is about Chi. "Is there anything else you feel safe talking about?" Asked Connor.

She moved her head side to side and wipe her tears off with his shirt. "Chi...I...I will never leave your side...and I will protect you and make you happy no matter what...and I promise to deal with Scott tomorrow." Said Connor. She slowly nods but wasn't excited about the whole thing in case Connor get hurt or something but he didn't care. Suddenly Connor feels chi pull him to the bed and he land on top of her and managed to not put too much weight on her and hurt her.

"Just stay like this for a bit...I feel save this way." Said Chi. Connor blushed but did nothing. After a bit, Chi fell asleep and Connor decided to stay with her, so he went to one side and wrap a arm around her and gently rub her head. With that, Connor fell asleep with Chi in his arms.

The next day, Connor woke up to a sleeping Chi next to him. Connor smile and got up and wake Chi up. "Come on Chi...time to get up~." Said Connor. She opened her eyes and smiles as she got up.

"I'm gonna go to my house and get ready, I'll meet you at school, ok?" Asked Connor. She nods and the two get ready. After that were ready and also ate a quick breakfast, they walked to Chi's class and she points to Scott. "Hey...you Scott?" Asked Connor. He turned to Connor.

"What do you want?" Asked Scott. "There's a girl on the roof who wants to lose her virginity to you." Said Connor. He made a evil smile as he got up. "Alright!" Yelled Scott. He walked out and Connor walk after him while trying to make sure him or anyone else sees him. "Chi, go through your day and just know by the afternoon he won't hurt you anymore." Said Connor.

She nodded with a red face and Connor follows Scott. They get to the roof and enter. Suddenly before he turned him around, Connor grabs his arm and yank it back while hitting his elbow, making it bend and break. "AAAAAHHH!!" Yelled Scott as he kneed to the ground. "W-What the hell?!" Yelled Scott. Connor smirks. "This...this is for Chi! You fucking scumbag!" Yelled Connor.

Connor runs to him before breaking his another arm, his legs and probably a few ribs as he began to hit him again in the head, breaking and cracking parts of his skull and split some of his skin. After a couple of minutes, Connor was covered in blood and Scott was unconscious. Connor get off him and walk away. Once off the roof, Connor went to the closest bathroom and get undressed and let water go on it and get the blood off before washing his hands from the blood on them.

After a bit the blood was gone and Connor put his clothes back on once dried. Once Connor left, he saw police and a ambulance take him from the roof and to the hospital. Once school is over, Connor get to the front exit and was met by a scared and angry Chi at the gate waiting for him. "Hello." Said Connor. Suddenly, he feel a small weak punch on his large round stomach. "You stupid son of a-" Chi was cut off by Connor hugging her. "Its alright...even if I get arrested, I would be happy knowing that bastard won't hurt you again." Said Connor. Connor pulls back. "I don't care if it was stupid your safety matters more to me then my own...now come on...lets have some relaxation time." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now