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Later that day, Sam's light snoring echoed the med bay as she slept in the bed. Connor look over her with a smile, wanting to make sure she was alright. "I'm so happy your safe Sam." Connor muttered. Connor then noticed Sam open her eyes. "Sam!" Yelled Connor as he jump from his chair and hug her, making her blush. "I'm so glad your ok Sam! Me and Johnny was so worried...I'm so sorry wasn't there for you." Said Connor. She smiles, hugging back. "No worries...I'm just glad your here now...and O'Neil..." Sam muttered. "Don't worry, I dealt with him...he won't hurt you anymore...you or anyone else." Said Connor. She smiles, wiping a tear from her eye. "Thanks." Said Sam.

Just then, the door open as someone entered. "Ah, Sam, your awake." Said the nurse. Sam smiles. "Yeah." Said Sam. She nods. "You can go to your cell if you are ready." Said the nurse. Sam nods and went to get up when she felt pain and was about to fall when Connor catch her. "Need someone to help you get dressed?" Asked Connor. "Um...c-could you help me?" Asked Sam. Connor was a bit red but nod and helped her to the bathroom with her suit in hand and once inside, Connor looks at Sam to see she was red faced and looked as if she was having trouble standing. Connor walked to her and held her to him. "If you stay like this and I close my eyes, I shouldn't see anything just help me put them where it needs to be." Said Connor. She nods and Connor close his eyes as he remove her gown, making her body visible and with her help, Connor could get her legs into the suit and move up till he got to her arms and once the suit was zipped up, Connor open his eyes and smile. "There you go." Said Connor. She smiles too. "T-Thanks." Said Sam. Connor nods. They left the bathroom and also med bay and walked towards their cells. Once they got to Sam's, she went in and lays down. Connor left and went to his before falling asleep too.

It was the next day and Connor was currently looking for Sam and Johnny, when he notice Johnny and Sam walking into a small shed, out of the view of guards. Connor heads over to talk to him, wanting to see what their doing and of they'd like to hang out. Connor looks inside to see Sam and Johnny talking. "Sam, why didn't you tell me? I mean don't you trust me?" Asked Johnny. "No, I do...I just didn't want to tell you yet...I was scared...I mean O'Neil knew I was a girl cause he heard me talk about to with Connor and I was scared someone might find out and do it again...I'm sorry." Said Sam. He looked at her before smiling. "Ok, I understand...by the way." Said Johnny. Sam looked up at him. "Now that I know...I wanted to say you look very beautiful and I like you...so...could you go out with me?" Asked Johnny. Sam looks at him before closing her eyes with a sigh before looking at Johnny. "I'm sorry...but I don't feel the same...I like someone else...but please don't let this stop you from being my friend...we can be friends still." Said Sam. "What? No...you can be serious right? I was there for you...I protected you long before meeting Connor and he even failed to protect you!" Said Johnny.

"I know but I don't feel the same...I'm sorry." Said Sam. He growls, lunging at Sam and grip her shoulders. Sam falls as Johnny lets go of her. "What the hell?!" Yelled Sam. "I did everything for you...you lied to me so the least you can do is this!" Yelled Johnny. He began unzipping his jumpsuit and took it off, revealing his dick. Sam blushed but also tears up, scared that she was gonna be raped again. Just then, Connor runs into the room and throw a punch, making him fall and look up at him, Sam doing the same. "Connor..." Sam muttered. "You motherfucker! You were Sam's friend! Why did you try this?!" Yelled Connor. Johnny looked at Connor before sighing.

"I've been lied to and been treated badly by people no matter what I do...I even came here cause I had no choice but to rob a bank cause someone I cared for was sick...their still in hospital...they went after me and I shot someone by accident...I really didn't want to...I really didn't." Said Johnny. Connor looks at him before smiling. "Johnny, you don't have to do this cause I'm your friend...I wanna be there for you and help you...I got a friend who has tons of money and if I have a chat with them they might let me use some money for your friend who's sick...I can talk to them while here too and if they say yes, you give them information on your friend and they'll send the money needed to save them." Said Connor. He tears up before getting off the floor and run to Connor, hugging him. "Thank you...thank you..." Said Johnny.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now