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The recording shows Leo in his bed, machines around and hooked to him, as if he was relaying on them to keep him alive. "Connor...if your reading this...I'm gone...and before you go on thinking I was killed, no...I got diagnosed with cancer not too long ago...but I didn't want to tell you, because of what has been happening lately...anyway, I leave you this message because I wish to give you one last helping hand...inside the box is a phone that I had made for you...it allows you hack anything in the world, allowing you to hunt and find people or things easier and also has a bank that puts money into it for each person you kill, assuming it is bad people...you can do amazing things kid...and I'm sure everyone who you know or meet from here on out would think the same...so please don't give up...fight for this world and make it better...at least as much as you can...people need you...even if they deny it, or say they don't...I know they do...and I'm sure sooner or later, the world will be a better place...because of you...and one more thing...thank you for everything...and I'm happy I had met you." Said Leo, the recording ending.

The moment the video ends, Connor looks down, tears in his eyes. Connor cries for a moment before wiping his tears, standing up and grabs the small box, walking out of the room as he said one last goodbye to Leo, even if he doesn't hear. Exiting the room, Connor walked his way to the living room, seeing Leo's maid looking sad before turning to him.

"Thank you for this...I'll be going now...take care." Said Connor. Leo's maid nods, smiling sadly at Connor. Connor left the house and walked his way home, opening the box and puts the new phone and card in his pocket, putting the box, in the trash as be walked and when home, he connected his old phone to the new one, putting his contacts and such inside.

After it was connected, Connor puts the old phone away, not tossing it out since be might need it and when he searches up criminals, he got to work, wanting to make the world a better place and do what Leo said, cause he was right...Connor is immortal now so he had a chance to change the world or at least try, first order of business, taking care of criminals.

Many years have past since then and Connor doesn't know why...but big bro disappeared, not showing himself since the fight at the resort. Due to Connor's body being how it is, he didn't age, but the others did. Niko and Utai were currently 18 to 19 due to the one to two year age difference. The others however were in their 30s or 40s. During the years, Connor has been killing bad guys and saving people, even if they don't think he's good for what he does, Connor still does it. Over time, people also forget about big bros cast of what Connor has done, due to Connor and his friends have been in hiding or so long and since they also change their hair styles and hair colour, wear coloured contacts or even just from how they age, they haven't been found out and Connor and his friends were able to love normal lives as long as their careful.

Anyway, Connor is seen walking down the hall of his new house, to only stop when seeing Utai's bedroom door open, the light shining though. Connor smiles and approach it, wanting to check in on her. Connor opened the door and saw Utai by her desk, doing her homework. Connor smiles and went to speak, but stop, remembering something and reach for the wall nearby, flipping a switch causing a object on her desk to vibrate.

Seeing this, Utai turns to Connor, making him see her beautiful face and smile, but she doesn't talk. Connor smiles before approaching the her, sitting on her bed and lifting his hands, moving them as to speak in sigh langrage.

"You ok pumpkin? How was school?" Asked Connor. Utai looked at Connor and makes a pout for calling her pumpkin and sign back. "Stop calling me that! I'm not a kid anymore!" Said Utai. Connor laughed. "Well your my pumpkin so I ain't stopping." Said Connor. Utai pouts before getting up and jump at Connor, tackling him down. As Connor looked up at her, Connor smirked before signing. "Hey, take me to dinner first." Connor teased. Utai blushes as she got off Connor, sitting beside him on the bed. Connor laughed.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now