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As Connor and the girls ate lunch, Connor could till they wanted to ask him something. "Ok, spit it out...what do you wanna ask?" Asked Connor. They said nothing for a moment before someone spoke. "Connor...about what you said...did you mean it?" Asked Izumi. Connor said nothing for a moment before nodding. "Connor..." Izumi muttered. "Please...don't ask me anything else about it." Said Connor. They nod. Just then, Connor notice someone approaching them. Connor turns to see it was Shuya. "Connor...come with me." Said Shuya. Connor looks at him before getting up. "Fine..." Said Connor. They walked away from the table and towards the back of the school. "So, what do you want?" Asked Connor. "To give you what you deserve." Said Shuya.

He turns to Connor, throwing a punch and Connor didn't bother dodging, falling to the ground as he began to bleed. Connor did nothing as Shuya approached him and began beating him. Connor lays there and take it, not caring what happened to him and let Shuya beat him. Within a few minutes, he stopped satisfied. "Never go near her again." Said Shuya, walkng away.

Later that day, as Connor and the girls walked to the hospital, he thinks of Big bro and how he'd kill him. "Which room are they in?" Asked Connor. "In room 207." Said Megumi. Connor nods and walked towards it but then stop when seeing Shuya there, about to enter the room. "You..." Shuya muttered as he approaches Connor and grabs his collar. "I thought I told you to not come here!" Yelled Shuya. Connor looks at him. "I don't care...I ain't gonna stop seeing them." Said Connor. He growls, lifting a fist but before hitting Connor, he caught it and use his other hand for grab him by the neck.

"I only let you beat me because I deserved it...but there's no way in hell I'd not see them...I love them...and if your gonna be in my way..." Connor spoke as he grip tighter around his neck. "I'll kill you." Said Connor. Connor throws him to the ground before approaching the door of their room. "If you wanna see her, fine...but try anything and your gonna get kicked out." Said Connor. They open the door, entering and the girls follow after, saying hi to everyone and they talked for a while. It's been about a month and everyone was recovered. During the month, Connor has been taking extra caution for everyone and practially don't sleep anymore, staying up so no one can catch him off guard and be always ready to kill anyone who is a threat to his family. Anyway, Connor was currently walking out of the hospital with the girls, when Yukihime noticed how Connor seemed tired and stressed. "Hey Connor...how are you feeling?" Asked Yukihime. "Not gonna lie...I feel like shit." Said Connor. Just then, Connor notice Charlotte walk to him and touch his cheek. "You wanna talk?" Asked Charlotte. Connor took a moment before looking at her with a forced smile. "I'm ok...just thinking." Said Connor.

Just then, Connor notice a familiar figure walking to Connor. Connor looks to see it was Shuya, looking pissed. "Get away from Alicia!" Yelled Shuya. He pushed Connor back and went to grab Alicia's hand but Connor punched him in the gut first and he fell back as Connor went in front of Alicia. "Don't fucking touch her." Said Connor. He growls before lunging at Connor, about to throw a punch but Connor catch it and he fell back as he coughed as he held his chest after losing air. "If your planning to fight me, don't bother getting up." Said Connor. He growls again, getting onto his feet and walked away. "Come on...lets get home." Said Connor. The girls nod and they left the hospital, walking towards the mansion.

Connor awoke the next day next to the girls, sleeping cutely. Connor smiles before getting off the bed and walked to the bathroom. When there and do his business, Connor exit, but stopped when seeing Yukihime. "Hey baby, are you ok?" Asked Yukihime. "I'm fine..." Said Connor. Yujihime looked at him before gently touch his face. "Connor...you're not...and there's nothing wrong with that...you went through so much and have a reason to be sad and we want to help you...please let us like how we let you." Said Yukihime. Connor looks at her before grabbing her, hugging her tight. "I'm...so tired of this...I lost to much and I'm so weak go protect them...I...I..." Connor cried as he held Yukihime tighter. "I just want this to end...even if the only way to end this is to die...I'd do it...a thousand times over and over, even if their fast or the slowest and most painful." Said Connor. Yukihime stayed silent, hugging Connor back and crying herself from what she just heard.

Connor: Part 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora